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1、中级语法中级语法1:我住在纽约七八年。汉语中一般相邻的两个数字连在一起表示一个大概的数目,如:七八年、三四次、二三十块等。 这里“七八年”表示“住”持续的时间,是时量补语。 时量补语一般用来说明一个动作或一种状态持续多长时间。只有表示时间段的词才可以充当时量补语。 In Chinese two adjacent numbers are combined to express an approximate number. For example: q-b nin,(over seven years), sn-s c,(over three times),r -snsh kui(over twen

2、ty yuan),etc. Here q-b nin is a complement of duration, indicating the length of time that zh lasts. The complement of duration is usually used to express the length of time that an action or a state lasts. Only those words expressing a period of time can be used as a complement of duration.例:1)他病了三

3、四天,没有来上课。2:上海和我以前住过的城市差不多。 “和/跟差不多/一样”表示比较,“和/跟”后引出用来比较的对象。h/n chbdu/yyn is an expression for comparison. The item in comparison follow h/n.例:1)我的爱好跟你的差不多。3:只是对的食物还不怎么习惯。 程度副词“不怎么”表示“不太”,指程度或频率不高,其结构形式一般为“不怎么+形容词/动词”。b znme means b ti, indicating the degree or frequency is not high, and the structur

4、e is b znme +adj./v.例:1)我不怎么喜欢这不电影。4:我已经在现在的公司工作了四年了。 在有时量补语的句子中,句尾有“了”时,一般表示一个动作过去持续到目前所用的时间,动作还将持续下去;句尾没有“了”时,一般表示动作在过去一段时间内持续的时间。In a sentence with a complement of duration, the le that ends the sentence indicates the action has lasted from before until now and is continuing. But if there is no l

5、e at the end, the sentence means that the action lasted for a period of time and stopped.例:1)大卫在上海住了两年了。5:对我们来说,搬家和换工作是很普通的事。 “对来说”表示从某人或某事物的角度看某事物也可以说成“对于来说”。Duli shu means to consider something from ones point of view, and also appears as du yli shu 例:1)对他来说上海的夏天太热了。6:我一点儿汉语都不会说。 “一点儿+名词+都不/没”也可以说

6、成“一点儿+名词+也不/没”,在句子中加强否定语气。而“一点儿都不+动词/形容词”,表示“完全不”,用在句子中加强否定语气。 ydinr+n.+du b/mi, also appearing as ydinr+ n.+ y b/ mi, emphasizes negative meaning. And ydin du b+ v./adj means not at all, used in a sentence to stress the negative meaning.例:1)王慧病了一点东西都不想吃。 2)你连一点儿时间也没有吗? 3)我一点都不累。7:我妈做的菜可好吃了. 句中的“可”表

7、示强调,可用于感叹句,句末用语气助词。k in this sentence is used to stress and can be used in an exclamatory sentence with a modal particle at the end of the sentence.例:1)四川菜可辣了。8:那怎么好意思。 “那怎么”表示反问语气,用在句中表达与字面相反的意思。 “那怎么好意思”意为“不好意思”。n znme makes the sentence a rhetorical question, expressing an opposite meaning. The m

8、eaning of n znme ho ysi is b ho ysi.例:1)你工作我睡觉,那怎么好意思呢。9:客气什么呀! “客气什么”表示“不用客气”。“动词/形容词+什么”,表达否定或不满的意思。kqi shnme means b yn kqi. The structure v./adj.+ shnme expresses negative or unsatisfactory meanings.例:1)跑什么,慢一点儿。10:喜欢就多吃一点。 句中的“就”是“如果.就.”的省略形式,表示一种假设。“如果”的后面提出一种假设,则说明在这种情况下会出现一种结果。“如果”可以在主语前,也可以

9、在主语后。In the sentence pattern ruji,ru can be omitted. It is used to make a supposition. A supposition is raised in the first part of the sentence with ru, and then the second part withji tells the result that might happen accordingly. ru can be used either before or after the subject.例:1)不想去就别去。11:都十

10、二点了,我得走了。 句中的“都”是“已经”的意思,用于加强语气,句末常用“了”。du in this sentence means already. It is used to stress. Ale is usually used at the end of the sentence.例:1)饭都凉了,快吃吧。12:吃了月饼再走吧! “动词+了+再+动词”表示一件事情结束以后再做另外一件事情。“再”表示“然后”。The structurev.+ le + zi +v. is used to express doing one thing after another thing has bee

11、n done.zi means rn hu.例:1)谁都知道应该洗了手再吃饭。13:我从没有在中国过过春节。 请注意“从没“和”“从不”的区别。“从不”强调主观不想,不能,不愿意或不喜欢,“从没”则表示没有做过某事或没有某种经历,常常和“过”一起用。 Please notice that there are differences between cn mi and cn b. cn bmeans that one subjectively does not want , is not willing, does not like or cannot do something, while c

12、n mi expresses that one has never done something or never have the experience, and is usually used with u例:1)我从不吃苹果。14:您看还要收拾什么地方. 句中的“看”表示“觉得”,用于表达观点。kn here means jude, used to express ones opinion.例:1)我看真本书挺有意思的。15:刚才还在桌子上的。 “刚才” 表示动作发生在不久之前,是表示时间的名词,一般放在句子之前,也可以放在主语之后。“刚”也表示动作发生在不久之前,是副词,一般放在动词或

13、形容词之前。nci indicates that the action happened a moment ago. As a time word, it is usually used either at the beginning of a sentence or after the subject. n also indicates that the action just happened a moment ago, but it is an adverb, and is usually used before a verb or an adjective.例:1)刚才他来过。16:我

14、刚把它放在抽屉里了。 在汉语里,如果要表达通过动作是某个确定的人或物发生在位置移动、关系转移和形态变化的意思是必须用“把”字句。这里“把+动词+介词短语”表示对事物进行处置而改变事物的位置。In Chinese, if we want to express the change of something in position, relation or state through an action, we must use a b sentence. Here b+n.+v.+preposition phrase indicates the position of something to

15、be changed as the result of an action.例:1)我把手机放在车里。17:我要用的时候找不到。 “找不到”是找而没有结果。“动词+不到”一般表示动作达不到目的或没有结果;“动作+到”一般表示动作达到目的或有结果zho b do meansto look for something but cannot find it. The structure v.+ b do expresses that the action being tried does not possibly succeed or achieve the result. The structur

16、ev.+ do expresses that the action being tried succeeds or achieves the result.例:1)你找到张先生了吗?18:这些差不多够吃两个星期了。程度副词“够”表示充分、足够,其结构形式一般为“够+动词”。The adverb u means enough, indicating the degree. The structure is u +v.例:1)这些书够看几天了。19:哎呀,差一点忘了。 “差一点忘了”是几乎忘了而没有忘记的意思。这里“差点儿”表示不希望的事情几乎实现而没有实现,有庆幸的意思。chdinr wnlem

17、eansnearly forget but actually not. Here chdinr indicates that the thing, which is not expected, nearly has happened but has not happened, which is fortunate.例:1)今天淮海路的路堵得厉害我吃一点迟到了。20: 唉,别提了,最近天气不好,上班的时候老是叫不到车。 “别提了”用于表示对于不满意的情况不想多说,含有夸张的语气。bi tle is used to express that one does not want to talk ab

18、out something unsatisfactory with a tone of exaggeration. 例:1)A:你找什么呢? B:别提了,刚订好的机票找不到了21:就拿今天来说吧,我很早就出来了,可是等了四十分钟才叫到出租车。 “拿来说”是举例说明的意思,也可以用“比如说”通常支持前文出现的某个事实。nlishumeans to take something for example,same as brshu. it is usually used to support a fact mentioned in former part.例:1)最近天气不太好。就拿这个星期来说,已

19、经下了三次雨了。22:虽然天气不好,你也不应该迟到啊。 “ 虽然但是/可是”表示转折关系。“虽然”用在上半句表示承认某个事实,“但是/可是”用在下半句,表示后面的事情并不因为前面的事情而成立。surndnsh/ksh means althoughor but例:1)虽然外面的雨下的很大,我们还是要出门。23:哦,我想起来了。 “想起来”是指记忆恢复,是记忆中的事物又集中到脑海中的意思。否定形式是“想不起来”或“没有想起来”xin qli means to recollect, to gather something formerly known together and back to one

20、s mind. The negative form is xin b qli or mi xin qli例:1)想起来了,我把书放在桌子上了。24:您想改到什么时候呢? “动词+到+时间/地点”表示由于某个动作而使时间或地点发生了改变。The structurev.+ do+ time/place is used to express that the time or place changes as a result of the action.例:1)你把花放到桌子上吧。25:本来今天还要跟公司的重要客户见面,因为要赶一份报告,不得不改到下周。“本来”表示“以前”“原来”,含有现在情况已经

21、发生变化的意思。bnli means originally, indicating things now have changed.例:1)我本来想去西安,现在没有时间了。26:那我的秘书来说,不但工作认真,而且常常帮助我解决生活中的问题。 “不但而且”表示递进关系。bdnrqi means not only.but also例:1)那个地方我不而且去过两次。但去过, 27:又要到“五一”长假了。 “又”表示可预料到的重复,暗指以前也过这样的事并照例还应该有这样的事。“又”的后面常跟“可以”“要”等词,结尾常常有“了”。The word yu is used to indicate repet

22、ition as expected. It implies something has occurred in the past and is expected to occur again in the future. In this case, ky, yo etc. are used afteryu, and le is usually used at the end of the sentence. 例:1)明天是星期天我们又可以逛街了。28:他们不是带你赶很多景点就是带你去买东西。“不是就是”表示两项之中必有一项事实。b shji sh means either.or.例:1)每天晚

23、上他不是看书就是看电视,从不出去。29:我这就去订。 “这就”强调某事很快就要发生。zhji emphasizes something will happen very soon.例:1)冰箱空了,我这就去买菜。30:我早就发现“桂林山水甲天下”。 “早就”表示很早以前。zo ji means long ago or for a long time.例:1)我们早就认识了,是老朋友。31:旅行社把我的名字写错了。 “把+名词+动词+补语”这一结构强调某个事物的状态因某个动作而发生变化。The structure b+n.+v.+complement is used to emphasize t

24、hat the state of something is changed by an action.例:1)谁把照相机弄坏了。32:原来你也很粗心啊! “原来”表示发现了原来不知道的事实,有恍然大悟的意思。yunli is used to express that one suddenly finds the fact that he had not been aware of before.例:1)这里这么安静,原来人都走完了。33:还好,我回去找的时候,饭店的经理把摄像机还给了我。“还好”表示在不好的情况下还算幸运,事情还有挽回的余地。hi ho means fortunately, u

25、sed to express that there is still something lucky to retrieve something from a bad situation. 例:1)出门的时候我们忘了带钥匙,还好阿姨那里还有。34:我回去找的时候,饭店的经理把摄像机还给了我。“v+来”表示动作朝着说话人所在的地方,“v+去”表示随动作离开说话人原来的方向。v.+li indicates motion towards the speaker, and v.+ qu suggests movement away from the speaker in the middle of a

26、n action.例:1)A:你什么时候回来?我等你吃饭。 B:大概七点能回去。你饿就先吃吧。35:真是烦死我了。 “烦死我了”的意思“我感到非常烦恼”。“形容词+死+宾语+了”强调程度非常高。fn s w le means I feel extremely annoyed. adj.+ s+ object+ le is used to stress that the degree is very high.例:1)又丢了一辆自行车,真是气死我了。36:长假以后总是有好几天不习惯。 “好几+量词”强调数量多。ho j+ measure word means quite a few. 例:1)下

27、午真忙,我见了好几个客户。37:不会是病毒吧? “不会吧”是一个反问句,否定的语气表示肯定的意思,多用于猜测某种情况。bhu.b is a rhetorical question, expressing a positive meaning with negative one, and is usually used for inference.例:1)你看起来精神不好,不会是病了吧?38:你真帮了我的大忙了。 “帮忙”是离合词,可以说“帮+某人+的忙”。但“帮助”并以此不能分开,可以说“帮助+某人”。The verb bnmn has a verb-object

28、someone+ de mn means do somebodys favor. But the verb bnzh cannot be separated. bnzh+ someone means help someone例:1)大卫,帮助他的同事做了不少工作。39:这种问题小意思。 “小意思”之微不足道,算不了什么。xioysi meansnot worth mentioning例:1)包饺子对北方人来说是小意思。40:现在我做事比以前细心,认真多了。 “A比B+形容词+多了”表示比较的结果差异很大。A b B+ adj.+du le is used to express A is dif

29、ferent from B by a great degree.例:1)我哥哥比我高多了。41:本来我们打算晚上出去看电影的,可没有想到李强突然要处理一件紧急的事情。“没有想到”表示出乎意料。mi xindo means out of expectation, unexpectedly例:1)没有想到我的新同事是你哥哥。42:难道有约会吗? “难道”用于加强反问的语气。 nndo is used to reiterate a rhetorical question.例:1)天这么黑,难道要下雨吗?43:怪不得你今天穿的那么帅呢! “怪不得”表示明白了原因,对某种情况就不觉得奇怪。uibude

30、means no wonder, so thats why, that explains why例:1)怪不得身体那么好,原来你天天运动。44:你真不够朋友。 “不够朋友”表示没有尽朋友应尽的义务或没有帮朋友该帮的忙,多用于口语中,含有责怪的意思,反之则为“够朋友”。b u pnyou is used to complain that one has not done something or helped as a friend should have done. The opposite expression is u pnyou. These two expressions are commonly used in spoken Chinese.例:1)他,太不够朋友,竟然不通知我。45:大大的眼睛,长长的头发,高高的个子,笑得甜甜的,很漂亮的女

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