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2、abet的排序方式 (从A-Z)。二:关于小学英语学习的建议及分析:在中国,小学生很早就开始学习英语;实际上在非英语国家,他们的小学生和我国一样。在学习一门外语时,自己的母语对外语学习的最大障碍,在中国尤其严重,因为东方文化和东西文化基本是冲突的。但英语,我们却一定要学,而且要花的时间少,效率高,学的好。为了这个简单的目标,以下是在小学生学习英语的基本建议(仅仅是作者给出的建议,如认可,可以参考):A、相对于字母,小学习对图片的兴趣会更大。小时候读小人书,有时可能不认识字,但能够看的懂图画,也读的津津有味。 对于单词学习也是一样,如果一个单词一幅图片,直接将单词和图片关联,减少母语的影响,对快

3、速形成英语思维,提高兴趣有非常大的帮助; B、关于单词的发音。即使学会了英文音标,也可能不能够正确的读出某个单词的发音,更有可能连英文教师的读音也不一定准确。所以在开始时,尽可以听原版的英文单词发音。关于以两项,由于其它方面的原因,不能在本文档中提供。同时,我们还有一份关于小学生如何学习英语的建议,以上 如有需要,请与我联系。希望本文作者分享对你或者你的孩子在小学英语的学习过程中有一定的帮助!Wordpronunciationpropertyexplanationa/ strong e/indefinite articleused to show that you are talking ab

4、out someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know aboutaccident/ksdnt/nounsomething which happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, and which often damages something or injures someoneaccident/ksdnt/nounsomething that happens without anyone planning or

5、intending itadd/d/verbput something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the wholeadvice/dvas/nounan opinion you give someone about what they should doafraid/fred/adjfeeling fear, or feeling anxiety about the possible results of a particular situationafraid/fred/adjworr

6、ied about what might happen, or that something bad will happenafternoon/,ftnun US ,ftr-/nounthe part of the day after the morning and before the eveningagain/gen, gen US gen/advback to the same state or situation that you were in beforeagain/gen, gen US gen/advone more time - used when something has

7、 happened or been done beforeagree/gri/verbhave the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea or somethingagree/gri/verbtwo or more statements, ideas, they are the same or very similarair/e/ US /er/nounthe mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breatheall/l US l/advcompletelyall/l US l/det

8、erminer, predeterminer, pronthe whole of an amount, thing or every one of a numberall rightexclamationnot ill, hurt, or upset or not having any problemsall rightexclamationsafe, well or not harmedall rightexclamationsatisfactory, but not excellentaltogether/,ltge US ,ltger/advcompletely or in totala

9、lways/lwz, -wez US l-/advfor everalways/lwz, -wez US l-/advall the time, at all times, or every time,for everalways/lwz, -wez US l-/advfor a very long timeam/m, m strong m/verbthe first person singular of the present tense of the verb beambulance/mbjlns/ nouna special vehicle that is used to take pe

10、ople who are ill or injured to hospitalAmerica/merk/nounThe United Statesamusement/mjuzmnt/nounthe feeling you have when you think something is funnyan/n strong n/indefinite articleindefinite article,used when the following word begins with a vowel soundangry/gri/adjfeeling strong emotions which mak

11、e you want to shout at or hurt someone animal/nml/ nnoun,adja living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insectankle/kl/nounthe joint between your foot and your legant/nt/nouna small insect that lives in large groupsany/eni/determiner, pronsome, or even the smallest amount or number of or

12、one of or each apple/pl/nouna hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white insideApril/eprl/ nounthe fourth month of the year, between March and Mayare/ strong $ r strong r/verbthe present tense and plural of bearm/m US rm/nounone of the two long parts of your body between

13、 your shoulders and your handsarm/m US rm/verb,nounprovide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in order to prepare for a fight or a warart/t US rt/nounthe use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent things or express ideasart/t US rt/nounpaintings, drawings and or relating to objec

14、t or skill art/t US rt/noune skill of drawing or paintingask/sk US sk/verbexpect or demand somethingask/sk US sk/verbrequest or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to come to your homeask/sk US sk/verbput a question to someone, or to request an answer from someoneastronaut/strnt US -nt, -nt/n

15、ounsomeone who travels and works in a spacecraftAugust/gst US -/nounthe eighth month of the year, between July and Septemberaunt/nt US nt/noune sister of someones father or mother, or the wife of someones uncleautumn/tm US -/nounthe season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the

16、 weather becomes coolerawful/fl US -/advextremely bad or unpleasantawful/fl US -/advemphasize very great or how good, bad etc something isback/bk/nounthe part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottomback/bk/nounthe inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, b

17、uilding, etc. that is furthest from the frontback/bk/advin, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier timebackpack/bkpk/ nounespecially BrE a bag used for carrying things on your back, especially by people on long walks(=rucksack)bad/bd/adjharmful to eat because of being decayedba

18、d/bd/adj(of people or actions) evil or morally unacceptablebad/bd/adjlow quality; not acceptablebad/bd/adjcausing or experiencing painbad/bd/adjunpleasant; causing difficulties or harmbadly/bdli/adva great or serious degreebadly/bdli/advin an unsatisfactory or unsuccessful waybadminton/bdmntn/nouna

19、game like tennis played by two or four people, usually indoorsbag/bg/noun,verba container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the topbake/bek/verbcook something using dry heat, in an ovenball/bl US bl/nouna large formal occasion where people danceball/bl US bl/nounany object in the shape of

20、a sphere,such as tennis and footballballoon/blun/noun,verba small, very thin rubber bag that you blow air into or fill with a light gas until it is round in shape, used for decoration at parties or as a childrens toybanana/bnn US -n-/ nouna long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skinbank/bk/verb,n

21、ouna business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial servicesbank/bk/verb,nounland along the side of a river or lakebaseball/besbl US -bl/nounan outdoor game in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four basesbathroom/brum, -rum US b-/nouna room where

22、there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toiletbean/bin/ nouna seed or a pod (=case containing seeds) , that comes from a climbing plant and is cooked as foodbear/be US ber/verbaccept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasantbear/be US ber/nouna large, strong wild mammal with a

23、thick furry coat that livesbear/be US ber/verbformal to give birth to a babybear/be US ber/verbto carry and move something to a placebecause/bkz, bkz US bkz, bkz/conjused when you are giving the reason for somethingbed/bed/noun,verba large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, which

24、is used for sleeping onbedroom/bedrum, -rum/nouna room for sleeping inbehind/bhand/adv,prepat the back of or responsible for or the cause ofbelieve/bliv/verbthink that something is true, correct or realbelt/belt/ nouna strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for deco

25、rationbelt/belt/ nouna large area of land that has particular features or where particular people liveberry/beri/nouna small soft fruit with small seedsbetter/bet US -r/verb,nounimprove a situation,to a higher standard or qualitybetter/bet US -r/adj,advof a higher standard, or more suitable or more

26、suitablebetween/btwin/perpamong two or more people or thingsbetween/btwin/perp,advin or into the space which separates two places, people or objectsbig/bg/adjlarge in size or amount,older or more like an adultbike/bak/noun,verba bicycle or ride a bicyclebird/bd US brd/nouna creature with wings and f

27、eathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. birthday/bde US br-/ nounthe day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was bornblack/blk/adj,noun,verbthe darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black substance on somethi

28、ng blue/blu/adj,nounhaving the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine dayblue/blu/adjfeeling or showing sadnessboat/but US bout/ nouna small vehicle for travelling on water,a shipbone/bun US boun/ nounone of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, animalbook/buk/nounset of printed pa

29、ges that are held together in a cover so that you can read thembook/buk/verbarrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a particular time in the futurebored /bd US brd/adjtired and impatient because you do not think something is interesting, or because you have nothing to doboring/br/adjnot interesting in any waybottle/btl US btl/noun,verba container for

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