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1、中考英语专项练习语法填空2018 中考英语专项练习 -语法填空2018 中考专项练习系列将覆盖中考各个科目,陆续上线。英语语法填空练习精选于 2017 年中考卷、模拟 卷,好题精炼,提分好方式。1 、短文填词。阅读下面短文,根据以下提示: 1)汉语提示, 2)首字母提示, 3)语境提示, 4 )音标提示,在每个空格填入一个 适当的单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is famous for its festivals. There are twelve festivals around the year. H

2、alf of them are 1. ( 庆祝 ) during the months of July and August. Thousands of people visit it. Hereare some of the events ( 公开活动 ) you can 2. e in Edinburgh.Edinburgh International FestivalThe first Edinburgh International Festival was planned during World War II for artists to find hope and3.k ?mju:

3、nikeit with each other. Later, actors, musicians, dancers and singers 4. allover world came over to give performances.Edinburgh Festival FringeThis is one of the largest art festival in the world. There are 5. t of shows across the city. It wasfirst held as a supplement ( 补充 ) to the Edinburgh Inter

4、national Festival. Then it 6. ( 发展 ) very well.Anyone can perform in the festival and many artists take 7. in it. During the festival, you can goto the Royal Mile to watch performances for free.Edinburgh International Book FestivalIt 8. in 1983. It is the largest book festival in the world. It is he

5、ld every year in Charlotte SquareGardens in the 9. sent ? of Edinburgh. There are over 700 event for kids and adults who lovebooks. You can meet many 10. 作家)writers, talk to them or ask them to sign a book. Kids alsolike it because they can listen to stories and watch artists draw pictures of the st

6、ories.2、短文填空 (go) back home.two large bags of cotton.They carried it on their back and 3.When they 4. walk ing home, one of the woodsme n saw a large bun dle( 捆)of cloth.He decided to give upthe cott on and take the cloth in stead.The other woodsma n said, “ We have carried the cott on for such alon

7、g way.That s not worth. ” But he insisted( 坚持)on carrying the cloth.After walking for a while,they sawseveral jars( 罐)of gold on the ground.The woodsman who carried the cloth felt excited, “ If I 5. (have) thegold,I will be a wealthy man. ” So he gave up the cloth and carried the gold,while his part

8、ner still 6. (not agree) with him.He doubted whether the gold was real or not.Sudde nl y,it bega n to rain .Un luckily,the woodsma n who carried the cott on found that his cott on was filled7. water.It had become so heavy that he 8. carry it.He had to give it up and went back homeempty-ha nded with

9、his part ner carry ing gold.Here 9. some ideas from this story .It tells us that we should 10. (use) our wisdom carefully to makethe right choice.We should learn to watch a certain issue from different aspects and avoid beingstubborn( 固执的).Sometimes,if we can change our mind,we will get a smoother w

10、ay to success.Remember that all roads lead to Rome.3、从方框中选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空able,alien , circle,express,mightmystery , outdoors , purpose , see, valuableCrop circles( 麦田怪圈)are patter ns in fields that appear overni ght.At first they were just some simple1. , now the patter ns have become very complicat

11、ed( 复杂的).From a pla ne crop circles can look like awork of art 2. Si nee the first crop circles were found in Britain in 1978 , it has become a great 3. . How these crop circlesare made ? Who makes them ? What is the 4. of making them?Some scie ntists thi nk that some of the crop circles 5. be manm

12、ade.They believe that tha nks to moder ntech no logy , it is possible to create such complicated patter ns in a short time.However , others think that crop circles might be the work of some 6. . Because they often apper in areasshortly after there have been UFOs to be 7. . They also think that the c

13、ircles are so complicated thatn obody on earth is 8. to make a true crop circle.Although different opinions about these crop circles have been 9. , one thing everybody agreeson.That is these crop circles are 10. to the local economy( 经济).Thousands of visitors come here to seecrop circles every year.

14、4、短文填空。根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Frie ndship is very importa nt in our life.Every one should at least have one 1 two good frie nds.But whatare good frie nds?Good frie nds should 2 to you whe n you compla in ( 抱怨)and take care of you _ youare sick.Friendship can make us happier .How can we fi

15、nd a good friend and get well on with each other?Here 4 some advice:A good friend should be easy-going and patient with you.A good frie nd should be a pers on whom you can lear n someth ing _ .A good frie nd should give you a hand whe n you n eed .Frie nds should always be _ to help each other.Afrie

16、 nd in n eed is a frie nd in deed.A good frie nd should always be hon est .This plays an importa nt 7 in frie ndship.Even good friends may have an argument sometimes. Arguments between friends can help you thinksomething more deeply.Maybe it s a good chanee to make a better understanding of real fri

17、endship.Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life .It is 8 a bottle of wine .The longer it is kept ,the better it willbe .5、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求, 在空白处填入适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。每空不超过两词。As we all know, Christmas Day is one of the _1 (important) festivals in wester n cou ntries. And it is _2

18、_(celebrate) on the 25 th of December. No one knows the real birthday of Jesus. No date is given in the Bible, but people bega n to spe nd Christmas on December 25 th in the 3 (four) cen tury. No matter how far apers on is from his home, he will try his best _4_ (go) home to spe nd the festival with

19、 his family. Childre n love Christmas _5 _ Father Christmas brings them a lot of gifts. Small children believe on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas _6 (come) and br ing them good luck if they do well the whole year. Father Christmas is7_ fat old man long with white beard( 胡须)and in red clothes. Father

20、 Christmas flies through the sky withbags full of nice gifts. _8_ children go to bed at night, they put stockings at the end of their bed. Theybelieve that Father Christmas will fill the stockings with gifts and other good things that they want. _9_fact, their pare nts put the gifts into the stock i

21、n gs. The true spirit of Christmas is to give love and joy topeople arou nd us. _10 a great festival it is!6、综合填空:根据上下文及首字母提示在空缺处填入一个适当的单词,使短文完整、正确。Sorry ” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.One day while I was 1. on the street ,a you ng man ran by hurriedly , brushi ng(

22、轻擦)aga inst myhan dbag.He con ti nued his way ,but tur ned 2. and said “ sorry ” to me.Eve n in a rush ,he did nt 3. tosay “ sorry ”. One day , after I bought some bananas , the shopkeeper was passing me the change ,butI was nt ready for it and a coin dropped onto the grou nd. “ Sorry,Madam. ” he sa

23、id 4. bending( 弯腰)topick it up.I was 5. why he said “sorry ” to me.Another time , I stepped on a mans 6. at the entrance to a cinema.At the same time , we7.said “ sorry see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain.7、缺词填空Ask people to name a safe place and most wil l say “ H 1 . ” But every

24、year the British Government ssurvey shows that home can be a d 2 place. Last year 7 British citizens died while putting up theirChristmas decorations( 装饰).Over 1,600 needed medical help after f 3 off their chairs. And 70 peoplehad fatal( 致命的)accidents while lying in bed. It is safe to say that n 4ac

25、tivity is without dan ger.Some of these accidents are just the risks of modern living. We prefer to risk having a washing machinethat might hurt us r 5 tha n be safe spe nding hours clea ning our clothes by h 6 . But most fatalaccide nts are n ot the r 7 of mecha ni cal failure. The two most com mon

26、 are falli ng dow n the stairs andgoing to s 8 in the bath. This s 9 that we are in a more dangerous situation when we feel s 108、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Paul Lucas can ofte n be see n walk ing arou nd the city of San Fran cisco. Sometimes people are surprised to(start)barefoot(

27、赤脚),and so do 640 other members of Dirty Sole Society, the club that LucasAccord ing to Lucas, the barefoot life has many adva ntages. _6 most importa nt is simply that it feelsgood. He also says 7 walk ing barefoot allows you to experie nee the world directly by touch ing itwith your feet. I n addi

28、ti on, the feet do not smell so much 8 they stay dry, 9 (make) it hardfor bacteria ( 纟田菌)to grow. And, of course, walking barefoot keeps your feet in good shape, so itsactually _1 (healthy) tha n weari ng shoes.9、根据短文内容及首字母提示,People may easily ignore that we are living in a world full of differentc

29、_1_, such as red, blue, gree n, black, v 2 and so on. We can n ever tell how many kinds of themthere are. But we all know that colors are very important in peoples e 3 life.The sky is blue and white. The trees are gree n and yellow. We can eve n say that s_4 is fresh ing gree n,summer is hot blue, a

30、utum n is golde n yellow and wi nter is c 5_ white. I_6 _ one day all the colorsd 7 , what will it be to live in this world. We feel bored. We cant eve n tell the d 8 betwee n thesky and land, betwee n trees and houses.The world is c 9_. And we cant live w 10 colors.10、根据首字母的提示完成短文,每空一词People all kn

31、ow that “ time is mon ey. ” However, a you ng man n amed Cao Yin glia ng from Shenyang has(1 a slow delivery( 由E递)compa ny. This special delivery compa ny offers the same service (2 a theusual delivery companies. The biggest differenee is that customers( 顾客)can decide (3w the letters are sent: It ma

32、y be ten days later; it may be five years later.The company is in a small house. Outside the (4h , there is a board. On the board, there is a snail( 蜗牛)with lots of letters walking to a green mailbox. The road the snail passes is marked to show different(5y , such as 2012, 2020 or 2046. When people see the board, they will at once un dersta nd the servicethis company (6o . Th

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