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Dates months and seasons Lesson 41.docx

1、Dates months and seasons Lesson 41Dates, months and seasons Lesson 41Lesson 41 教学目标学会12个月份、四季和顺数词的说法。学会表达日期。教学用具投影仪、录影机以及挂历和媒体设备等。教学步骤Step 1 Revision老师可先做Duty Report, 除规定的内容外,必须让值日生回答以下几个问题: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the da

2、te yesterday? 然后将答案(完全形式和缩略形式)写在黑板上,并让学生视听,初步了解英文日期的表达与中文顺序的不同。然后全班问学生几个问题:What day is our National Day? October 1st. / Oct.1st. Which month is the Spring Festival in? Usually in February. Who / Whose mother / Whose father was born in February / April / May / September / October? 最好先找几个学生是在已学过的这几个月份

3、出生的,或他们的父母是在这几个月份出生的,这样可先复习学过的几个月份。按季节做以下表格。先填出学过的季节和月份。学完生词后填满表格。Step 2 PresentationLearn and practiseToday well study the first month, the third month, the sixth month, the seventh month, the eighth month, and the eleventh month of the year. 以下单词符合发音规律,请同学们自己拼读, 应该不会有太大的困难。March June July 以下单词可迁移

4、autumn August February January September November, December past last sing spring sea season 先让学生根据旧单词读出划线部分,然后再读整个单词。这些单词大多数拼读较复杂,可让学生把这些单词先在本上抄一遍。然后让学生练习自己的生日,每个人说出自己的生日。可两人互相问答,练习说自己的生日,父母的生日,朋友的生日等。最后教师问学生:T: How many months are there in a year? Students: There are twelve months in a year.T: Wha

5、t are they? Can you say them in English?Ss: They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.让学生填满表格。Ask and answerT: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, slimmer, autumn and winter. Do you know when spring/summer/autumn/winte

6、r is in China? 让学生根据上面填写的表格进行对话练习:S1: When is spring in China? S2: Its from March to May.S1: When is summer in China?S2: Its form June to August.Notes:1. We say “autumn” in Britain, and say “fall” in American English.2. When we say four seasons, we should use preposition “in”in spring, in summer, in

7、 autumn/fall, in winter.3. Preposition “on”On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday, On Thursday, On Friday, On Saturday, On Sunday4. Preposition “at”at 6 o clock, at 120 clock, at this time of year.5. Preposition “in”in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.然后让学生自己完成课本上第2部分的练习。Learn and practise

8、T: Do you remember the cardinal numbers that we have learnt before?Lets count them from one to thirty - one. OK! Could you please write them down in your note - books? Who wants to write the cardinal numbers on due blackboard?要一个学生来写下以前所学的数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

9、 eleven, twelve twenty-one thirty thirty-one 然后问这个学生是否能把这些数词变成序数词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, twenty-first thirtieth, thirty-first让学生注意黑体字显示的特殊变化。Step 3 Practice T: Which is the first month of the year?Ss: January is the first month o

10、f the year.T: Show them the answers1. Januaryisthefirstmonthoftheyear.2. Februaryisthesecondmonthoftheyear.3. Marchisthethirdmonthoftheyear.4. Aprilisthefourthmonthoftheyear.5. Mayisthefifthmonthoftheyear.6. Juneisthesixthmonthoftheyear.7 .Julyistheseventhmonthoftheyear.8. Augustistheeighthmonthofth

11、eyear.9. Septemberistheninthmonthoftheyear.10. Octoberisthetenthmonthoftheyear.11. Novemberistheeleventhmonthoftheyear.12. Decemberisthetwelfthmonthoftheyear.用投影片练习以下日期:两千零三年一月一日 New Years Day日期January the first, two thousand and three / Jan. 1st, 2003,星期 Wednesday二月Spring Festival日期星期三月八日Womens Day

12、日期星期五月一日Labour Day日期星期六月一日Childrens Day日期星期七月一日Birthday of the Party日期星期 八月一日建军节日期星期九月十日Teachers Day日期星期十二月二十五日 Christmas Day日期星期然后让学生练习关于询问最近几天的日期 (pair work), S1: What day is it today?S2: Its November the third, two thousand and two.S1: What day was it yesterday? 运用下面句型进行练习:What day is it today /

13、tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? When is your birthday?When is your fathers birthday / your mothers birthday / your friends birthday? 让学生统计本组的,生日,看看那一个月份过生日的最多。Step 4 Consolidation编一段小短文,假定我们班一月份有五个同学过生日,说出这五个同学的生日,我们准备给他们集体过生日,要开一个生日Pa

14、rty, 定一个日期。并向全班宣布时间、地点。Step 5 Exercises in classFilling in the blanks: 1. New Year is on January, _(the first)2 .May the first is _(Labor Day)3. We love our teachers, we say Happy Teachers day on _ (September, the tenth)4. Flowers come out in_(spring)5. Our second school - term lasts from _ to _. (F

15、ebruary to July).6. June the first is _. (Childrens Day).7. _ is our National Day. (October, the first)8. We can make a snow man in _(winter)9. September is the _ month of year. (ninth)10. _, the twenty - fifth is Christmas Day. (December).Step 6 Homework1. Recite the numbers, seasons and months.2.

16、Make five English sentences according to this lesson.3. Do workbook.Step 7 The design of the blackboard Lesson 93教学设计示例(一)一、教学内容1语音和词汇(略)。2句型:1)where are you from? 2)they are from. 3) whats about you/he/her ? 3日常交际用语:1)一where are you from? I am from.2)are you/ they from.?3)do you / they come from.?4

17、)what about you /he/her?二、教具录音机;磁带;一张世界地图;几件学习用具。三、课堂教学设计1值日生报告。2教师让学生齐读第23单元的对话。3教师拿出中国地图世界,并提出问题:where is Taiyuan? 学生回答。然后让学生相互之间根据地图中各个城市的地理位置进行句型操练。4.教师拿出世界地图,指着地图上的国家和城市说:This is Paris.并问学生:Where is Pair?同时教师板书France该词,学生反复跟读。教师继续教授新单词USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America。当确信大家已初步掌握之后,教师再次

18、拿起地图与学生进行如下问答练习:T:where is ?Ss:ItsT: How do you spell it? Ss:(拼写这个单词)。5. 教师拿出课文图片,放课文第一部分对话录音,教师给出听前提问(Prelisterning question)Where is he (David) from? Where are Tom and Ann from?放一至两遍录音,学生回答问题。打开书,再放录音,学生跟读两至三遍。两人一组进行练习,数分钟后,请两组学生到前面表演。教师问A学生Where are you from?要求学生用新学习的英语国家名字来回答问题并反复操练。然后教师又问B学生:Wh

19、ere is he/ she from? What about him/ her? 这种问答要,使学生通过不断重复的手段,达到记住、记牢的目的。7教师引导并帮助学生相互之间使用新学习的句型Where are you from? What about you?来介绍自己的家乡地理位置。教师放课文第二部分对话录音。学生跟读两至三遍,之后学生四人一小组的形式再进行对话操练,目的是使学生在对话操练过程中掌握好英文对话的语音语调6指导学生用笔头形式做练习册习题。7布置作业1)抄写生词;练习朗读本课对话;2)完成练习册习题。四、日常交际用语1)Where are you from? Be from = c

20、ome from 意思是“从来”,常用来询问某人来自何地方或籍贯。如:I am from Shanghai and he is from Beijing.They are from Australia.2) Are you from the USA? No, I come from England.Come from 是“从来”,come是行为动词,在否定局,疑问句和肯定句中,其随主语的变化而变化。如He comes from Nanjing.Lesson 93教学设计示例(二)Teaching ObjectivesThe expressions of place.Main Points1.

21、New words: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, a little2. Sentence Patterns:(1)Where are you from?(2)Where do you com fromDifficult PointsHow to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.Teaching Aidsa tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, pictures, mapTeaching ProcedureStep 1 Revision1. A d

22、uty report.2. Revise the days of the week and their spellings with the help of cards.3. Revise the dialogues in SB lesson92,Exx.3 Step 2 Presentation1.Teach Wheres Taiyuan? Its in Shanxi.etc Divide the class into two halves and have a competition. Get the students to ask each other where the places

23、are.2.SB Page 36, Part 1. Point to the countries and cities on the map of the world and say: This is Pairs. Then ask Where is Pairs? The students may answer in Chinese. Teach France and get the students to repeat after you . This part aims at giving students exposure to more English names of countri

24、es and cities in the world.Step 3 Ask and answer1.Book closed! Teacher ask: Wheres David from? Where are Tom and Ann from? And play the tape. Check the answers .(David, USA; Tom and Ann, UK)2.Practise saying the names of countries by asking some students Where are you from? Tell them to use the name

25、 of a foreign country in their answer. Then ask the class Wheres he/ she from? What about him / her ? Step 4 PresentationTell the students about yourself. Say Im from Beijing.(etc.) Ask students Where are you from? What about you ? Help them to answer, using the name of their own hometown.Step 5 Lis

26、ten, read and sayTeacher play the tape, and students listen and repeat. Then students practise the dialogue in pairs. They talk about themselves in groups.Step 6 workbook1. Do Ex. 1 with a student to demonstrate how to make the dialogue. Then get the students to work in pairs. Encourage them to use

27、their own imagination and create different dialogues.2. For Ex.2, let the students read through the three short passages before they fulfill the task.Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Lesson 67一、教学内容1词汇(略)。2句型: 1)复习祈使句; 2)This bag is too big/heavy/full. 3日常交际用语:继续学习

28、有关请求及提供帮助的用语。二、教具录音机等。三、课堂教学设计1复习前两课所学的词汇及句型。教师可为学生设计几种情景,要求学生给出正确恰当的英语。T:如果你看到别人需要帮助时,说什么?你需要帮助时,如何请求帮助?如何表示谢意等。也可利用一些书包等实物,让同学到前面做类似上一课的小表演。2打开书,学生看图。教师介绍本课词汇(利用图片或动作演示)。3放课文录音。分段放,学生跟读两至三遍。4教师在前面布置几个小场景,分别请学生表演。场景1) 请一位小个子同学搬动大纸箱,让一个大个子同学从他身边路过,引出以下对话:S1:This box is too heavy. I cant carry it. co

29、uld you help me, please? S2:OK. Let me help you carry it. S1:Thanks. S2:Youre welcome. 场景2) 用一个书包,装满了书。让一个小个子同学再拿一本书往里装,引出以下对话:S1:This bag is too full. I cant put the book into the bag.S2:OK, put the book over there. 5指导学生做练习册习题。6布置作业1)抄写生词、练习朗读本课对话;2)完成练习册习题。四、交际用语The box is too heavy. 这个箱子太重了。句中too是副词,表示:太,通常放在形容词前。例如:The sweater is too small. 这件毛衣太小了。需要注意的是,too还表示“也”的意思,经常放在句末,应该加以区别。例如:A:How are you? 你好吗?B:Fine,

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