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人教版高中英语必修三教学案Unit 2 Section 1含答案.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修三教学案Unit 2 Section 1含答案Sometimes people want to know what type of food is healthy, and what kind of food may hurt our health. The United States Department of Agriculture has prepared a small book to help people learn about which types of foods are the healthiest to eat. The book describes s

2、ix basic food groups: meat, dairy productsthings made from milk, grains, fruits and vegetables. The last group is fat, oil and sweets.Asa result ofyears of research, we know that too much fat is bad for our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount ofgrains, fruits and

3、 vegetables. Because of this, they often get cancer and heart disease. In Japan, on the other hand, people eat large amounts of grains and very little meat. They also have a very low rate of cancer and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than people in any other country. Unfortunately,

4、when Japanese people move to the United States, the rate of heart disease and cancer increases as their diet changes. Whats more, as hamburgers and other highfat foods become common in Japan, the rate of heart disease and cancer is increasing there as well.People are also eating more meat and dairy

5、products in other countries such as Cuba and Hungary. Its no surprise that the disease rate in these countries is increasing along with the change in diet. Therefore, doctors everywhere advise people to eat more grains, fruits and vegetables, and eat less meat and dairy products.2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三

6、教学案:Unit 2 Section 1(含答案)COME AND EAT HERE (1)Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecuedmutton kebabs, roast pork, stirfried vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all

7、be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened? He thought of his mutton, beef and baconcooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be

8、better,” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.“Hello, Lao Li,” he called. “Your usual?” But Li Chang seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.Wang Peng followed Li Chang

9、into a small new restaurant. He saw a sign at the door.Tiredofallthatfat?Wanttoloseweight?ComeinsideYongHuisslimmingrestaurant.Onlyslimmingfoodsservedhere.Makeyourselfthinagain!现在分词短语feeling very frustrated作伴随状语。frustrated adj.沮丧的;懊恼的frustrate vt.使懊恼;使沮丧frustration n懊恼;沮丧barbecue/bbIkju/vt.&n.烧烤;烤肉m

10、utton/mtn/n.羊肉kebab/kIbb/n.(kabob/kbb/)(印度)烤腌羊肉串roast/rst/adj.烤制的vt.&vi.烤;烘;烘烤stirfry vt.用旺火炒(或煎、煸)fried rice炒米饭by lunchtime到午饭时间by表示“不迟于;到时”。ought to应当;应该,相当于should。ought/t/v.aux.应当;应该can/could have done用在疑问句中,表示对过去事情的推测,意为“可能做过(某事)”。think of想起bacon/beIkn/n.熏咸肉;腊肉过去分词短语cooked in .作后置定语,修饰mutton, be

11、ef and bacon。sugary/rI/adj.含糖的;甜的be made of由制成(能看出原材料)be made from由制成(看不出原材料)否定词与比较级连用表示最高级的含义。see sb. doing sth.结构。Your usual?补全后应为:Do you want your usual food?must have done表示对过去已经发生的事情作肯定性推测,意思是“一定做过(某事)”。sign/saIn/n.牌示;标记;符号give sb. a sign示意某人这是省略的句子,完整的形式是:Are you tired of all that fat? Do you

12、want to lose weight?be tired of对厌烦be tired from因而疲倦lose weight体重减轻;减肥slim/slIm/vi.变细;减肥 adj.苗条的;纤细的到这里来用餐吧(1)以上部分译文王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。这个上午真的很奇怪。通常他很早就起床,准备他的菜单烤羊肉串、烤猪肉、炒菜和炒米饭。然后到午饭时分,这些饭菜都会卖完。到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的,但今天却不是!为什么会这样?发生了什么事?他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉、牛肉和腊肉。他的可乐又甜又凉,冰淇淋是用牛奶、奶油和美味的水果制成的。他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的

13、了。”突然间,他看到自己的朋友李昌匆匆走过。他喊道:“喂,老李。你还是吃老一套吧?”可是李昌似乎没有听到。怎么回事呢?如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。王鹏跟着李昌来到一家新开张的小餐馆,他看见门口有一块招牌。肥腻的东西吃厌了吧?想变瘦吗?请到雍慧减肥餐馆来吧。此处只供应减肥食品。让你恢复苗条!Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full of people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yon

14、g Hui. Ill help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more

15、 than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw down the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find out. He could not have Yong Hui getting away withtellingpeople lies! He

16、had better do some research!At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Huis far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Huis food, they were not eating enough energygiving food to keep them fit. They would become

17、 tired very quickly. Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. So he wrote:Wanttofeelfitandenergetic?Comeandeathere!Discountstoday!Ourfoodgivesyouenergyallday!The competition between the two restaurants was on!curiosity

18、/kjrIstI/n.好奇心out of curiosity出于好奇drive在本句中意为“驱使”hostess/hstIs/n.女主人;女主持人be fit健康强壮raw/r/adj.生的;未加工的raw materials原材料raw vegetables生蔬菜vinegar/vInI/n.醋be amazed at因/对感到惊奇/吃惊throw down扔下;甩下think about考虑;想起have sb. doing sth.容忍某人做某事,一般用于否定句,doing为宾语补足语。get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚tell a lie说谎lie/laI/n.

19、谎话;谎言vi.说谎lie说谎liedliedlyinglie躺;位于laylainlyinglay放置laidlaidlayingdo some research做一些调查even thougheven if “即使”,引导让步状语从句。customer/kstm/n.顾客;消费者keep sb. fit是“keep宾语宾补”结构,意为“使某人保持健康”。discount/dIskant/n.折扣with a discount通过打折win .back赢回;重新获得all dayall the daythe whole day一整天the competition between A and

20、BA和B之间的竞争be on开始了以上部分译文王鹏在好奇心的驱使下,走了进去。里面坐满了人。店老板是一个清瘦的女人,走上前来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫雍慧。你如果每天来这儿用餐,我可以在两周内帮您减肥并让您的身体健康起来。”然后,她递给王鹏一份菜谱,菜谱上有很少的几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、蘸醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。这价格比在他的餐馆里吃一顿好饭还要贵!他不能相信他的眼睛。他扔下菜谱就急着往外走。在回家的路上,他想起了自己的菜谱。那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看。他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!他最好做一番调查!在图书馆,王鹏惊奇地发现:他的餐馆提供的食

21、物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太低。即使顾客吃雍慧的餐馆里的食物会变瘦,但他们摄取不到足够的能量来保持健康。他们很快就会感到疲乏。开车回家时,王鹏觉得又有了希望。也许打点折、写个新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。于是他写道:想保持健康又精力旺盛吗?到这里来用餐吧!今天打折!我们的食物能够给您提供一整天所需的能量!这两家餐馆之间的竞争开始了!PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings. 1diet A好奇心2fry B折扣3slim C生的;未加工的4balance D缺点;虚弱;弱点5curiosity E日常

22、饮食;节食6hostess F强项;长处;力量7raw G变细;减肥;苗条的;纤细的8lie H顾客;消费者9customer I油煎;油炸10discount J平衡;权衡;天平11weakness K说谎;谎话;谎言12strength L女主人;女主持人15_610_1112_答案:15EIGJA610LCKHB1112DFLeadinLook at the following pictures, do you know in what ways the food helps you grow? They are energygiving_food,_ which provide ene

23、rgy.They are bodybuilding_food,_which help grow bones and muscles.They are protective_food,_which help the body fight diseases.WhilereadingFastreadingWhat is the main idea of the text?The text is mainly about the_competition_between_Wang_Pengs_and_Yong_Huis_restaurants. They served different_foods_i

24、n_their_restaurants. The foods in Wang Pengs served far_too_much_fat while Yong Huis far_too_little.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully again and choose the best answers.1What did Wang Peng think of the food in his restaurant?AVery bad. BPopular.CUnpopular. DJust soso.2What did Wang Peng do after

25、he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by?AHe just sat in his restaurant feeling frustrated.BHe did some research.CHe followed Li Chang to see why he didnt eat with him.DHe began to advertise his food.3What can we learn from Wang Pengs research in the library?AWang Pengs restaurant offered a balanced d

26、iet.BYong Huis restaurant offered a balanced diet.CBoth of the restaurants offered a balanced diet.DNeither of the restaurants offered a healthy diet.4To win his customers back, Wang Peng didnt _.Aimprove his foodBadvertise his foodCdo some researchDfind the shortcomings of Yong Huis food5According

27、to the text, we can infer that a balanced diet should contain _.Amuch fat that can give energy Bno fat but rich fibers to keep fitConly raw vegetables, fruits and water to keep slimDenough energygiving food, fibered food as well答案:15BCDADStudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the t

28、ext.1Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.句式分析尝试翻译如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。2Ill help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.句式分析尝试翻译你如果每天来这儿用餐,我可以在两周内帮您减肥并让您的身体健康起来。3At the library Wang Peng was su

29、rprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Huis far too little.句式分析尝试翻译在图书馆,王鹏惊奇地发现:他的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太低。4Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Huis food, they were not eating enough energygiving food to keep them fit.句式分析尝试翻译即使顾客吃雍慧餐馆里的食物会

30、变瘦,但他们摄取不到足够的能量来保持健康。.阅读理解AThat most Americans are falling short of the recommended eight hours of sleep per night is nothing new. Over time, staying awake in the night can come with a high cost. You should stop your night owl (夜猫子) habit.Compared with people who turn in early, those who go to bed very late are more likely to suffer from repeated negative thoughts. The findings suggest that sleep disruption (扰乱) could actually be linked to the development of negative thoughts. Psychologists suggest that focusing on good sleep habits can help.Have you been getting into a lot of argu

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