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the lexical approach 在农村高中词汇教学中的应用研究课题结题报告.docx

1、the lexical approach 在农村高中词汇教学中的应用研究课题结题报告课题类别课题编号0113034河南省中小学骨干教师省级课题立项申请书课 题 名 称:The Lexical Approach在农村高中英语词汇教学的应用研究负 责 人 姓 名: 李伟力 负责人所在单位: 夏邑一高 通 讯 地 址:河南省商丘地区夏邑县第一高级中学(本部)填 表 日 期: 2013年9月 课 题 指 导 人: 王合忠 河 南 省 教 育 厅AbstractFor a long term, research on vocabulary teaching and learning is focusin

2、g on the list approachdirect learning of vocabulary through vocabulary list. And some methods, for example, learning new words by word root, association and category were emphasized. The insufficiencies of the list approach are very obvious, especially in long-term memory and appropriate use of voca

3、bulary. However, another approach, the contextual approach, learning of vocabulary from contexts, has advantages in improvement of teaching efficiency and communicative competence. In the 1990s, Michael Lewis described an approachthe Lexical Approachto language teaching. And four kinds of lexis: wor

4、d and polyword, collocation, institutionalized utterance and sentence frame or head, were emphasized as basic language units instead of individual word. These four kinds of lexis have evidently advantages for communicative competence, for long-term memory, for effective teaching language.In China, r

5、esearch on language teaching is generally about advanced areas especially big cities, while the rural areas, where are backwoods, dont get enough attention. Currently, it is very necessary to focus on rural senior high schools for improving the quality of English teaching and for ultimate goal to re

6、-invigorating the nation. Lexis has many advantages in language teaching and teaching, which has been proved. So learning vocabulary by lexis especially by collocations is a new method, which belongs to the contextual approach. But so far, no special and systemic researches on how to apply the Lexic

7、al Approach for vocabulary teaching are carried out, especially for rural senior high schools. This project will introduce and discuss the Lexical Approach for vocabulary teaching in rural senior high schools. It encourages an appropriate balance between direct and indirect teaching of vocabulary in

8、 foreign language classrooms. On the other hand, the basic rules emphasized by Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) are believed by most researchers, so eclectic application the Lexical Approach and CLT according to the realistic situations of rural senior high schools is the basic idea of

9、 this project. This will give new thoughts for vocabulary teaching in rural senior high schools. There is also an experiment in this project to compare the results of the list approach and the Lexical Approach in application in rural senior high schools. And some evidences are sought from semantic f

10、ield, neurolinguistics and corpora. Key Words: lexis, vocabulary teaching, rural senior high schools 论文摘要长期以来, 对词汇教学的研究过多地停留在词汇表教学法(the List Approach)方面, 如通过单词的分类、词根、联想记忆生词。这些教授单词的方法存在着明显的缺点,如记忆时间短,学习效率低等,特别是这种孤立地学习个体词的方法使学习者不能在具体的情景(context)中合适地使用所学词汇。也就是在提高交际能力方面存在严重不足。 上世纪90年代,Michael Lewis在前人的基础

11、上提出the Lexical Approach进行语言教学。他的两本书the Lexical Approach和Implementing the Lexical Approach系统地描述了the Lexical Approach理论和具体的应用。The Lexical Approach强调四类词汇单位(lexis)作为语言学习和记忆的基本单位,他们是个体词(word)和固定习语(polyword)、搭配(collocation)、固定表达(institutionalized utterance)、句子结构(sentence frame and head)。它们的显著长处在于:lexis是语法

12、和句子的结合体,教授和学习lexis,比单独把语法和句子分开教学效率高的多;以lexis为记忆单位比以个体单词为记忆单位有更少的记忆冗余,更有利于长期记忆;lexis有一定的具体情景,能提高交际能力是使用它最大的长处。任何一个单词本质上都是形式和意义的结合体。特定的形式和对应的意义是有机统一、相依相存的;同时,语法是其形式顺序的规范,所有单词之间也是相互作用的。 这就决定了词汇的主要存在形式是lexis。事实也说明在语言运用中lexis出现的频率是极高的。本质上,lexis还是由多个单词所形成的语义场。根据特里尔的观点,单词是作为一个成员存在于语义场之中,且归属于同一语义场的一组词在意义上是相


14、使用着-一个调查问卷将证明这一点,所造成的结果是学生的交际能力非常有限。随着中国加入WTO和改革开放的进一步深入,适应农村教学实际和提高语言教学效率为出发点,研究和革新语言教学法是必要和必须的。词汇是语言的重要组成部分,单词量决定着学习者的交际能力。探讨适用农村高中语言教学的词汇教学法是非常有现实意义的。根据lexis具有的种种优点,本课题提出通过学习和使用lexis,特别是搭配来学习生词;另一方面,基于提高交际能力这一目的,本文主张折中的使用the Lexical Approach和交际教学法,即在交际事务中记忆lexis,这种一改传统教学中单纯记忆个体单词的观点是本文的基本点,并对这一观点

15、从理论和在农村中学的实际应用方面提出具体的措施。到目前为止,如何应用the Lexical Approach方法在豫东广大农村高中进行词汇教学,还没有人进行系统具体的研究。本课题立足于豫东农村实际,根据the Lexical Approach的理论,具体深入的研究了the lexical approach在农村高中词汇教学的应用。本课题首先回顾了各个主流教学法对词汇教学的要求和特点,研究了当前农村高中词汇教学存在的问题,介绍了the lexical approach 的理论,提出了使用the lexical approach 进行词汇教学的具体方法和策略。 另外,本课题从语义场、神经语言学、语

16、料库分析等方面以及对农村高中生记忆搭配和记忆个体单词的实际差异来支持the Lexical Approach在农村中学的应用。关键词:词汇教学法(the lexical approach), 搭配(allocation),农村中学AcknowledgementsGratitude and sincere appreciation is expressed to the members and staff in the training class of Henan backbone teachers for the encouragement and help they have given

17、toward the completion this thesis. A special thanks to our mentors Yao Lianrong and Yu Haijun for allowing us the freedom to think, work, plan, and execute ideas, and for consistently helping and directions when we could have difficulties in working on this project. The encouragement as well as the

18、technical help given by our classmates was gratefully received. Appreciation is given to Yu Haijun for his informative consultation sessions.We appreciate the leaders, colleagues and students at Xiayi First Senior High School and other teachers and students in some senior high schools who give us fr

19、iendly help for our research, for their support and help in the development our research for this project. We are deeply grateful to our families for their support, love, and consistent encouragement, and for understanding our need to search for truth and knowledge. A special tribute is given to eve

20、ry member in the group of this project for their significant contributions in this endeavor. ContentChapter 1 IntroductionRapid developments in science and technology, and the arrival of the knowledge- based economy, have greatly increased the relative importance of education in determining a countr

21、ys comprehensive national strength. Because geniuses cultivated through education are crucial in determining the development of science and technology. Education is therefore the key to success in what many say will be the fierce international competition in the 21st century.China has paid a lot of

22、attention to re-invigorating the nation through science and education. But some problems concerning traditional pedagogy have blocked the rapid development of national education quality. Quality-oriented education focuses on improving students comprehensive quality, especially creativity and adaptab

23、ility, and it is thought fit for Chinas current need of economy and science. So the proposal that China should carry out quality-oriented education has been accepted by more and more people. Now it has become common sense to experiment new methods for improving the quality of compulsory education by

24、 relieving the examination burden of students. Whats more, the programme of carrying out quality-oriented education has been passed at the Third National Conference on Education, held on June 18th in 2002, which was put forward by the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.As we know, education should ad

25、apt to and serve economic development and political demand. Pedagogy is the reflection of social, economic, political and educational circumstances. Language teaching approach is a clear evidence. For example, the Grammar-Translation Approach has effected schooling in the nineteenth century; the Dir

26、ect Approach initiated in a period of European political and of commercial expansion and of increasing trade and travel through the development of railways; likewise the Audiolingual Approach was developed in the period of rising nation states in the Third World and in a time of new international aw

27、areness in the western world that followed World War . Also European rapid economic development and frequent staff exchange initiated Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT) in the 1970s, but Chinas isolation for several decades made Grammar-Translation Approach used for a long term.Chinas fo

28、reign language teaching started from the end of Qing Dynasty. Several teaching approaches have also been adopted coinciding with different political and economic situations. Since China opened door to the whole world especially after entry into WTO, foreign language teaching is gradually believed mo

29、re important than ever before. Now language teachers are confronting more severe challenge for improving language teaching quality to adapt to the new situations. And many of them have realized the best way to meet this challenge is to carry out quality-oriented education.Now, CLT has become popular

30、 in the world, and communicative competence has become important quality for language learners. Vocabulary teaching is a very important aspect in language teaching, which has played important roles in improving communicative competence. And also it has become an increasingly interesting topic for re

31、searchers, teachers, curriculum designers, theorists and other people involved in foreign language teaching.Rural areas are traditionally poor areas, where foreign language teaching is also behind urban areas, and has its own characteristics. Vocabulary teaching in rural senior high schools, as impo

32、rtant part of language teaching, also has unique characteristics, so the teaching methods and approaches can not imitate mechanically other advanced areas. Nowadays, the importance of collocation has been described by some linguists especially function linguists; some works of collocation e.g. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (Courtney, R. 1989) have published. Also, some researchers proposed learning vocabulary by collocation. In the early 1990s, Michael Lewis gave collocations an important position by describing an approach to language teaching, the Lexical Approach, wh

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