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本文(朝阳市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目及答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

朝阳市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目及答案.docx

1、朝阳市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目及答案朝阳市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解训练经典题目(及答案)一、英语任务型阅读1请从下列五个选项中选择适当的句子还原到短文中,使短文完整与正确。 Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007. It calls on families and buildings to turn off the lights from 20: 30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday night of March. _A year later, on March 29, Earth Hou

2、r 2008 became a global activity and was supported by 50 million people from thirty-five countries. On March 28, 2010 over 100 cities in another eight countries took part in it. _In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in this activity, especially some large cities, such as Beijing, Shan

3、ghai Many citizens consciously( 有意识的) turned off lights in the hour. _In colleges some students held some activities to make all the students leave their dormitories. It was 20:30, Beijing time. _In Shanghai some people were taking a walk with their families or friends. And in Ningbo some young peop

4、le were holding a party in a park, singing and dancing. _ Earth Hour has a variety of activities, but the final goal is the same, that is focusing on(聚集) climate change and protecting the environment for individuals.A. The people from the three cities felt very relaxed.B. In 2007 more than 2.2 milli

5、on homes and businesses turned off their lights.C. And without lights, they could also enjoy themselves.D. Some people in Beijing were having a nice talk with their friends.E. Earth Hour came to China on that day, too.【答案】 B;E;C;D;A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:这篇短文讲述的是地球一小时熄灯活动。这个活动是在2007年的悉尼开始的,后来越来越多的国家加入了这个活动。这

6、个活动号召人们在每年3月份的最后一个星期六的晚上8点半到9点半关灯一小时。这个活动的目标是使人们关注气候变化,保护环境。 A. 来自三个城市的人们感到非常放松。 B. 在2007年超过220万家和企业关掉他们的灯。 C. 没有灯,他们也能够玩得开心。 D. 在北京的人们和他们的朋友进行了非常好的谈话。 E. 地球一小时在那天也来到了中国。 (1)根据前句句意:地球一小时是在2007年3月31日悉尼开始的。它号召人们在三月份的最后一个星期六的晚上8点半到9点半关灯一小时。可知此句的句意是在2007年,2百20多万家庭和企业关掉了他们的灯。故选B。 (2)根据前句句意:在2010年3月28日,又有

7、8个国家的超过2,100个城市加入了进来。可知,越来越多的国家加入了地球一小时活动,也包括中国。因此此句是地球一小时也在那一天来到了中国。故选E。 (3)根据前句句意:很多市民有意识地关灯一小时。以及下文句意:在一些大学里,一些学生举行一些活动让学生们离开宿舍。可知,在关灯一小时的这个时间里,人们可以通过其他活动,也可以玩得开心,故选C。 (4)根据前句句意:这是北京时间晚上8点半,以及这一段的内容可知,这里作者给我们介绍了在地球一小时的时间里,不同地方的人们都做了些什么。可知这句是,北京的一些人和他们的朋友进行了友好的谈话,故选D。 (5)根据前句句意:在宁波,一些人在公园里举行了聚会,唱歌

8、和跳舞。可知,这一段中提到了三个城市,北京、上海和宁波,他们在地球一小时的时间里用不同的方式,都得到了放松,故选A。 【点评】考查任务型阅读。首先读懂五个选项,然后通读全文,根据上下文信息,选出合适的选型,确保文章通顺、完整。2阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。 In 2011, when British photographer David J. Slater was visiting a park in Indonesia, his camera was taken away by a group of black monkeys. The re

9、sult was hundreds of monkey selfies(自拍照). The best ones show a monkey smiling toothily for the camera. _ Nobody knew they would create a copyright (版权) battle three years later. Last month, a website put the monkey selfies online under a collection d free photos without Slaters permission (允许). _ Ho

10、wever, the website refused to do so. They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. _ They said, US copyright law says that works that come from a non-human source cant ask for copyright. That means monkeys dont own copyright. _

11、He said he bought the cameras; he spent a lot of money traveling to Indonesia, and it was his carelessness that allowed the monkeys to take his cameras away. All these have made him own the pictures, no matter who pushed the button. In a sense, the monkeys helped him take the photos, Slater said. _W

12、ho do you think will win this interesting battle?A. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button.B. As of now, there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie case.C. Slater then sold the photos and they became popular on the Internet.D. Slater asked the website to take them down since he

13、owns the copyright.E. Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera.【答案】 C;D;A;E;B 【解析】【分析】选项意思: A. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button.是猴子而不是Slater按了按钮。B. As of now, there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie case.眼下,猴子自拍事件还没有结果。C. Slater t

14、hen sold the photos and they became popular on the Internet.Slater之后卖了照片,他们在网络上变得流行起来。D. Slater asked the website to take them down since he owns the copyright.Slater要求网站把他们撤下来,因为他拥有版权。E. Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera.Slater争论说这些照片属于他,因为他们是用他的照相机拍的。

15、 (1)根据下文 Nobody knew they would create a copyright (版权) battle three years later. 没有人知道三年之后他们三年后会导致一场版权之战,可知相机的主人 David J. Slater 把照片放到了网上。故选C。 (2)根据上文 Last month, a website put the monkey selfies online under a collection d free photos without Slaters permission (允许). 上个月,一个网站没有经过Slater的同意,把猴子的自拍照放

16、到了免费图片的收集里;和下文 However, the website refused to do so. 然而,网站拒绝这么做,可知Slater要求网站撤下图片。故选 D。 (3)根据上文 They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. 他们说,谁拍的照片谁就拥有版权,可知网站认为是猴子拍的照片,版权属于猴子,而不是Slater。故选A。 (4)根据下文 He said he bought the cam

17、eras .他说是他买的照相机,可知此处Slater争论照片是属于他的。故选E。 (5)根据下文 Who do you think will win this interesting battle? 你认为谁会赢得这场有趣的战争,可知这场版权之战还没有结果。故选B。【点评】考查任务型阅读。首先理解选项意思,其次在阅读文章时注意圈出选项出现过的关键词或者同义词,对无关的选项进行排除,最终选出正确答案。3阅读短文,根据短文内容,在短文后的空格里填入最恰当的单词(每空限填一词)。 On March 31, 2019, a wildfire in Liangshan Yi autonomous pre

18、fecture(凉山彝族自治州)led to 31 deaths, including 27 firefighters. And on May 1st, 2016, in Alberta, Canada, a wildfire destroyed an area of nearly 700 square miles. More than 88, 000 people had to leave their homes and thousands of homes were destroyed. Wildfires are unexpected, unplanned. And the cause

19、of most wildfires is unsure. To bum, wildfires require the right conditionsfuel, oxygen and heat. And global warring is one of the most important reasons. The high temperatures and dry conditions make the fire spread quickly. In many parts of the world, wildfires happen naturally. They are started b

20、y lighting(闪电)or some other special weather conditions. In recent years, there have been more wildfires because of dry, hot weather, and changeable weather patterns because of global warning. However, many fires are started by people. Sometimes, people clear land for farming. Besides, there are smok

21、ers who accidentally set fires.Wildfires can cause a lot of smoke, which will pollute the air. Lots of lives, property(财产)and valuable forests will soon disappear in wildfires. When trees are burnt down, and heavy rain follows, more disasters such as terrible floods will happen.WildfiresEvents31 liv

22、es lost in the wildfire in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture.The wildfire in Canada _thousands of homes._By nature:Lighting or some other special weather conditions.Global warming _to high temperatures and dry conditions.By people:People clear the land for farting.Smoke set fires by _.InfluenceWild

23、fires can cause a lot of air _.Lives, property and valuable forests disappear.More disasters will happen.【答案】 destroyed/ruined/damaged;Causes/Reasons;leads;accident/chance;pollution/problems 4阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。 Friends are an important part of our lives. We spend time with them, have fun together, a

24、nd share our opinions, feelings and even secrets. Life would be boring without friends. Friends influence who we are. help us learn, support(支持)us in good and bad times, and care for us even when we are not happy. Often. We have many happy moments with our friends. We need someone to share things wi

25、th to make them more enjoyable. Being lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling. That is why it is important to spend time making friends and nurturing (维持), a close group of friends. It is important to have a friend to talk to,whether(不论) it is about a sad or happy subject. In good tim

26、es, it is wonderful to be able to celebrate with someone. It is also important to have someone support you if you have just had an unpleasant experience. Friends arc important pillars(中心人物)of support. Friends teach us important lessons. No one person is the same. As time goes by, we learn to respect

27、 one anothers differences. This acceptance of others differences is important as we meet more and more people in our lives, such as new family members, neighbours and new friends. (1)Life_without friends. (2)Being lonely for long periods of time_. (3)It is important to have a friend to talk to, whet

28、her_. (4)You need someone to support you if_. (5)No one person is the same, so we should_. 【答案】 (1)would be boring(2)is not a great feeling(3)it is about a sad and happy subject(4)you have had an unpleasant experience(5)(learn to) respect one anothers differences 5下面短文中有四处需要添加小标题。阅读短文,然后从方框中所给的A、B、C

29、、D四个选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并完成最后一题。 (1)从方框中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题 A. Bad influencesB. Sleeping hoursC. The most tiring momentsD. Good sleeping habits Sleep plays an important role in our life. A lack of sleep can influence our ability to work and study. _ Normal people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every

30、 night. But for teenagers, a healthy amount (数量) is about 8 to 10 hours. Sadly, only 1/3 of people manage that. _ Tiredness usually reaches its highest twice a day, at 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. That explains why students easily fall asleep in afternoon classes. So sleeping at noon for a while helps us work

31、better in the rest of the day _ People can make mistakes if they dont get enough sleep. Students cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Drivers who have fallen asleep while driving have caused 1%-10% of the traffic accidents in our life. And we can imagine what will happen if a doctor feels sleepy at the operating-table! _ There are several ways that can help us sleep better, such as avoiding drinks that make us excited late in the day, going to sleep at the sam

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