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1、必修三unit3能力达标训练.单项填空1In that country,the production of raw materials _for a large part of the national economy.AtakesBadvancesCaccounts Dcompetes解析句意:那个国家的原材料生产占有国家经济的大部分。account for是固定搭配,意为“占有;占据”。答案C2(2011攀枝花市第四次统考)I was about to turn off my computer _ I received an email from my boss.Aunless Bunti

2、lCwhen Dwhile解析根据题干中的was about to可知,此处要用when表示“正在这时”。答案C3(2011唐山一中期中)It is the hotel _is located in the downtown _he applied to for a job.Athat;that Bwhere;thatCthat;where D/;that解析句意:正是在位于商贸区的旅馆他申请的这份职业。第一个空要用关系代词which或that引导定语从句,同时在从句中作主语;第二个空是it强调句中的that。答案A4From her _,I knew that she must be bro

3、ught up in an educated family.Amethods BwaysCmanners Dmeans 解析句意:从她的举止上看,我知道她一定是在一家有文化的家庭中长大的。此句指一个人的举止礼节方面, 要用manners。答案C5Jim,would you like to take tomorrows driving test?_.AYes,with pleasure BYes,I would CNo,I cant come DSure,its my pleasure解析句意:“吉姆,你愿意参加明天的驾考吗?”“愿意。”此句要用with pleasure回答对方的建议。答案A6

4、It was a really_experience.Afterwards everybody was very_.Aterrifying;shocking Bterrified;shocking Cterrifying;shocked Dterrified;shocked解析句意:这真是一个令人恐惧的经历。后来,每个人都惊呆了。第一个空用现在分词形式terrifying表示“令人可怕的”,多叙述事或物;第二个空用过去分词形式表示“惊呆的”,多叙述人。答案C7What about going to the cinema this evening?Oh,I dont know.Ive got a

5、 bit of a headache.And _,Johns coming to see me,so I ought to stay in.Ahowever Beven soCanyway Dthough解析句意:“今天晚上去看电影怎么样?”“噢,我有点头疼。不管怎么样,约翰要来看我,所以我应该在家等着。”答案C8The host family treated me as though I _ a member of the family while I studied in France.Aam BwereCwould Dshould be 解析句意:当我在法国读书的时候,招待我住的那一家人

6、对待我就好像我是他们家庭的一员。as though引导方式状语从句,要用虚拟语气,从句动作与主句动作同时进行,所以从句的动词要用were。答案B9Shall we meet right now?Sorry,_Im too busy for the moment.Aand BbutCso Dbecause解析句意:“我们现在见面吗?”“对不起,我现在很忙。”。but作并列连词用,常跟在Im sorry和Excuse me后面,引出真正想表达的内容。答案B10In order to make his students understand the text,he explained it to _

7、wanted to listen.Awhoever BwhoCwhichever Dwhomever解析句意:为了让学生理解课文,他向愿意听的同学们解释了一遍。“_wanted to listen.”介词to的宾语。explained it to后面的宾语一定是人,所以空格处应是whoever,因为它可拆解成anyone who.。答案A11Its kind _to have helped me out of the trouble._.Aof you;With pleasure Bfor you;My pleasureCof you;Its a pleasure Dfor you;It do

8、esnt matter解析当动词不定式的复合结构前是描述人的特征的形容词时,复合结构用of sb. to do不用for sb. to do;回答别人的道谢时,用Its a pleasure或Its my pleasure.With pleasure回答别人的请求。答案C12 Have Max and Tina sold out all of the English dictionaries?Yes,completely._is left.ANone BNothingCNo one DNeither解析句意:“迈克斯和汤纳把英语字典都卖了没有?”“都卖了,一本也没有剩。”此句要用None表示数

9、量概念,表示“一本也没有了”。Nothing强调“没有什么东西”;No one强调“没有人”。答案A13Earth Day is a celebration of life and our planet.It is a reminder that we need to _the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.Acare about Bthink ofCtake possession of Drefer to 解析地球节庆祝生命和我们星球。它给出警示,我们需要关爱我们赖以生存的地球 ,我们

10、应当学会尊重生命和自然界。care about“关心;关爱”;think of“想到”;take possession of“拥有”;refer to“指的是;参考”。答案A14Why didnt you go fishing with your friend yesterday?Well,fishing is a hobby which calls for a great deal of_,which I dont have.Astrength BmoneyCwisdom Dpatience解析句意:“为什么你昨天不与你的朋友钓鱼?”“唉,钓鱼是一项需要耐心的爱好,这我正好没有。”stren

11、gth “力量”;wisdom“智慧”;patience“耐心”。答案D15His wife is constantly finding _with him,which makes him very angry.Ablame BshortcomingsCfault Dmistake解析句意:他妻子不断地对他百般挑剔,这使得他非常生气。find fault with sb.是固定短语,意为“对挑剔”。答案C.完形填空The winter skies are grey and its cold outside.The nights come early and we spend a lot mor

12、e time _1_ and alone.Many people _2_ winter:so cold,so dark,so boring.But I like winter because I have more time to read.For many students reading means school;it means _3_.Reading is something your teacher assigns and its something youre _4_.Reading is something you have to do,not something you wan

13、t to do.But for me and many other people,reading is the most _5_ thing we can imagine.Getting lost in a good book can _6_ a cold winter evening disappear.Dull grey skies are no _7_ for the fantastic adventures of Frodo in The Lord of the Rings指环王,or for romantic troublemaking of Jane Austens Emma爱玛,

14、or for the youthful problems of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye麦田守望者All of those books are studied in North American high schools.They are interesting and well written books that _8_ young people._9_,even there,many high school students dont enjoy reading the books because they are _10_ t

15、heir school work:“Oh,my God!Two hundred pages!Ill never be able to read _11_ much.” But sometimes a funny thing happens.They begin to read and they begin to follow the _12_.Suddenly,the world inside the book becomes more exciting and more wonderful than the world they _13_.At the moment the thought

16、_14_ reading is work disappears and reading becomes _15_.Reading anything is _16_ but reading good books is a terrific way to improve your English.Good writers write English very well and _17_ you with good examples to follow.And good books will tell you more about English _18_:what people think,how

17、 they talk,how they interact with each other.But dont let me _19_ it by telling you that reading is good for you.Just think of it as a good way to _20_ on a cold winter evening.1A.indoorsBinsideCoutdoors BpreferChate Dlove3A.job BworryCtry Dwork4A.tested Btested onCexamined Dexamined

18、 on 5A.enjoyable BreasonableCcomfortable Dconsiderable6A.want BcauseCmake Dforce 7A.contest BchallengeCcompetition Dmatch8A.appeal to Brespond toCreact to Dreply to 9A.Fortunately BLuckilyCUnfortunately from Bpart ofCin place of Dfar from11A.not BveryCthis Dthat12A.story Bsubje

19、ctCplot Dtheme 13A.leave for Bcare aboutCflee from Dlive in14A.what BthatCthis Dwhich 15A.a comfort Ba failureCa success Da pleasure16A.bad BmeanCgreat Dgrand 17A.provide BofferCgive Daward 18A.custom BlanguageCculture Dart 19A.break BspoilCmake Ddevelop20A.keep warm Bstand stillCstay calm Dstay coo

20、l 1A文章的开头就交待了时间,在那么寒冷的冬天,人们大部分时间是在室内度过。2C由于寒冷等诸多不便,许多人讨厌冬天。3D下文有暗示,work意为“努力/ 劳动”。4B读书是测验你在某方面的知识或能力。test sb. on sth.测验某人在某方面的知识或能力。5A由句中but可知,下文与上文意义相反。对我和许多其他的人来说,读书是最愉快的事。6C下面紧接着讲述读书的好处。沉浸在某本书中能将寒冷驱走。7D那灰蒙蒙的天空岂能与小说指环王中Frodo的诱人的冒险故事,或Jane Austen所著的小说Emma爱玛中那浪漫的肇事者的故事以及The Catcher in the Rye 麦田守望者中

21、的年轻的Holden Caulfield的烦恼相比。match 是名词,意为:匹配,相称。8A这些书有趣并写得很好,投合年轻人的兴趣。appeal to 投合兴趣或心愿。9C由下文many high school students dont enjoy reading the books可知此处用unfortunately表示“遗憾地,不幸地”。10B不喜欢读书是因为读书是学校作业的一部分。11D看到一本厚厚的书就没兴趣了,我不会读得那么多。12A发现有趣的事时,他们开始读并开始随着故事的发展去读。follow跟随,随着。13D此处定语从句,意为:他们生活的地方。the world指“地方”。

22、14B此处是同位语从句,说明thought的具体内容。thought意为“想法”。15D读书是一件快乐的事。a pleasure一件快乐的事。16C由上文可知,作者接下来来谈论读书的其他的好处。开卷有益。great意为good。17Aprovide sb.with sth.是固定搭配。18C由句后的冒号可知,下文是对此词的具体解析。读好书可以更多地了解英国文化。19B不要因为我说读书如何好而破坏了你的兴致。这是作者诙谐的说法。20A只是把读书当成是度过寒冷的冬夜的好方法吧。.阅读理解Teacher of MusicSydney,NSWEither parttime Mon.,Tues. Wed

23、.music teachingor fulltime with Thurs. Fri.casual teaching Very supportive staff Small public school in the Liverpool area with 600 pupils.There are 60 teachers on staff,with a new management team in place within the last few years.The staff are supportive of casual and temporary teachers.The school

24、 is wellregarded for its development of practicum(实习课)and beginner teachers.Staff are offered lots of opportunities for continued professional development,and there is a good scheme in place for experienced teachers to work with those less experienced.The music vacancy(空缺) is Mon.,Tues.and Wed.for t

25、he rest of the academic year.If an applicant wished to work each Thurs.and Fri.,the school would offer them casual teaching on these days each week.GUYS & GIRLS NEEDED!IMMEDIATE START!FUN ENVIRONMENTCONTINUOUS PRODUCT TRAININGTEAM ENVIRONMENTOur outgoing Perth Marketing & Advertising looking f

26、or 18 fun excited individuals.This entry level opening is just the start of your career with Payce!Room for advancement for the more ambitious.We require enthusiastic people with:The ability to start nowProfessional & Positive attitudeDesire to be part of a fun loving energetic team!We are flexible(

27、灵活的) to both long and short term openings in customer service,sales & marketing!APPLY TODAY:START TOMORROWEntry level on target earnings $600 pw plus incentives.1A teacher of music is wanted by a school located _.Ain the country of EnglandBin the city of LiverpoolCin the capital of AustraliaDin the

28、city of Sydney2If an applicant is hired to teach at the school,he _.Awill have to work part timeBwill have to work there full timeCwill teach three days a weekDwill be arranged suitable work time3The salary of the second job is _.Aat least $600 each monthBat least $600 each weekCmore than $600 each monthDat most $600 each week1D细节理解题。根据广告标题中的“Sydney,NSW”可知这所公司学校位于悉尼。2D细节理解题。广告中已提供出专职和兼职教学的两种职位,这要根据应聘者的实际情况而定。3B细节理解题。根据“Entry level on target earnings $600 pw plus incentives.”一开始的工资是每周600美元加奖金。

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