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1、托福听力原文Conversation 1:Passage 1Man: Hi. Are you Paula?$ Woman: Jim?$ Man: Hi. Nice to meet you.$ Woman: Glad to meet you.$ Man: So, you need some tutoring in English?$ Woman: Yeah. Im taking English composition, and Im not doing very well on my essays.$ Man: Right. Um, well, first lets see if we can

2、figure out a time to meet . . . that were both free.$ Woman: Okay.$ Man: How about Mondays? Maybe in the morning? I dont have any classes until eleven on Mondays.$ Woman: That would work, but I was hoping we could, you know, meet more than once a week.$ Man: Oh. Well, Tuesdays are out. Ive got class

3、es and, uh, I work at the library part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But I could get together on Wednesdays. $ Woman: In the morning?$ Man: Probably nine-thirty would be best. That way wed have an hour to work before Id have to get ready for my eleven oclock.$ Woman: So that would be two hours a w

4、eek then?$ Man: I could do that.$ Woman: Oh, but, would that be extra? You know, 2. would I need to pay you for the extra session连续授课时间?$ Man: No. Um, just so you meet me here at the Learning Center, and we both sign in, then Ill get paid. Tutoring is free, to you, I mean. The school pays me. But we

5、 both have to show up. 3 If you dont show up and sign in for a session, then I dont get paid. So . . .$ Woman: Oh, dont worry about that. I really need the help. I wont miss any sessions unless Im sick or something.$ Man: Okay then. So you want me to help you with your essays?$ Woman: Right. I could

6、 bring you some that have, you know, comments on them. Im getting Cs and . . .$ Man: Well, thats not too bad. Once I see some of your writing, we should be able to pull that up (名次提前) to a B.$ Woman: You think so?$ Man: Sure. But I need to explain something. Some of my students in the past . . . the

7、y expected me to write their essays for them. But thats not what a tutor is supposed to do. 4. My job is to help you be a better writer.$ Woman: Oh, I understand that. But youll read my essays, right?$ Man: Oh yeah. No problem. Well read them together, and Ill make suggestions.$ Woman: Great. I thin

8、k part of the problem is I just dont understand the teachers comments. $ Maybe you can help me figure them out.$ Man: Sure. Whos the teacher?$ Woman: Simpson.$ Man: 5. No problem. Ive tutored a couple of her students, so I know more or less where shes coming from. Okay, then. I guess well meet here

9、on Monday.$ Woman: Ill be here. Nine-thirty you said.$ Man: Just sign in when you get here.Passage 2Professor:6. Okay, today were going to discuss the four major types of drainage patterns(排水系统). 7. I trust youve already read the chapter so youll recall that a drainage pattern is the arrangement of

10、channels that carry water in an area. And these patterns can be very distinctive since theyre determined by the climate, the topography(地形学,地形测量学), and the composition of the rock that underlies the formations. So, consequently, we can see that a drainage pattern is really a good visual summary of t

11、he characteristics of a particular region, both geologically and climactically. In other words, when we look at drainage patterns, we can draw conclusions about the structural formation and relief of the land as well as the climate. Now all drainage systems are composed of an interconnected network

12、of streams, and, when we view them together, they form distinctive patterns. Although there are at least seven identifiable kinds of drainage patterns, for our purposes, were going to limit our study to the four major types. Probably the most familiar pattern is the dendritic (树枝状的) drainage pattern

13、.8. This is a stream that looks like the branches of a tree. Heres an example of a dendritic pattern. As you can see, its similar to many systems in nature. In addition to the structure of a tree, it also resembles the human circulation system. This is a very efficient drainage system because the ov

14、erall length of any one branch is fairly short, and there are many branches, so that allows the water to flow quickly and efficiently from the source or sources.$ Okay, lets look at the next example.$ This drainage pattern is referred to as a radial(辐射状的) pattern. Notice how the streams flow from a

15、central point. This is usually a high mountain, or a volcano. 9. It kind of looks like the spokes(辐条;) that radiate out from the hub(中心) of a wheel. When we see a radial pattern, we know that the area has experienced uplift and that the direction of the drainage is down the slopes of a relatively is

16、olated central point. $ Going back to the dendritic for a moment. The pattern is determined by the direction of the slope of the land, but it, uh, the streams flow in more or less the same direction, and . . . so its unlike the radial that had multiple directions of flow from the highest point.$ Now

17、 this pattern is very different from either the dendritic or the radial.$ This is called a rectangular (长方形的; 矩形的) pattern, and I think you can see why. Just look at all of those right-angle (直角) turns. The rectangle pattern is typical of a landscape thats been formed by fractured joints and faults.

18、 And because this broken rock is eroded more easily than unbroken rock, stream beds are carved along the jointed bedrock.10 Finally we have the trellis (格架) pattern. And here in this example, you can see quite clearly how the tributaries (支流的) of an almost parallel structure drain into valleys and .

19、 . . and form the appearance of a garden trellis. This pattern forms in areas where there are alternating bands of variable resistance, and by that I mean that the bands of rock that are very strong and resistant to erosion alternate with bands of rock that are weak and easily eroded. This often hap

20、pens when a horizontal(水平的), plain folds and outcroppings (出露地表) appear.$ So, as I said, as a whole, these patterns are dictated by the structure and relief of the land.$ The kinds of rocks on which the streams are developed, the structural pattern of the folds(褶层), uh, faults, and . . . uplift will

21、 usually determine a drainage system. However, I should also mention that drainage patterns can occasionally appear to be, well, out of sync with the landscape. And this can happen when a stream flows over older structures that have been uncovered by erosion or . . . or when a stream keeps its origi

22、nal drainage system when rocks are uplifted. So when that happens, the pattern appears to be contrary to the expected course of the stream. 11. But Im interested in your understanding the basic drainage systems. So I dont plan to trick you with test questions about exceptional patterns, but I expect

23、 you to know that exceptions to the patterns can occur when geological events influence them.Passage 3Professor:$ Drawing is a very basic art form. Its appealing because it can be used to make a very quick record of the ideas that an artist may be envisioning(imaginative), so, a drawing can serve as

24、 a visual aid for the artist to remember a certain moment of inspiration and maybe use it for a more detailed work later on. Okay, usually such sketches allow the artist to visualize the proportions and the shapes without much attention to details so these images can be used by painters, architects,

25、 sculptorsany artist really. And large renderings, sketches of parts of the whole . . . these can be helpful in the creative process when a . . . a huge image might be more difficult to conceive of in its entirety. Or, a sketch of just one face in a crowd can allow the artist to . . . focus on creat

26、ing just that part of the image. So, in many artists studios, countless drawings are strewn about as the final painting or sculpture takes form. And this gives us insight into the creative process, as well the opportunity to see changes from the images at the beginning in the images of the finished

27、work. Its rare, in fact, for an artist to use permanent materials to begin a piece of art. And some painters, for example, even sketch onto the surface of the canvas before applying the pigments. 13. 14. Now, architects are especially prone to(be likely to) sketches because, of course, their buildin

28、gs are so large that an image in smaller scale is necessary to the imagination and implementation of such projects. So, uh, these studies become the basis for future works. And again, this is very interesting as a record of the creative process. Okay so far? 1412. Okay, drawing has several other fun

29、ctions besides as a temporary reference. For centuries, artists have used drawing as a traditional method of education. By copying the great works, especially of the Old Masters, aspiring artists could learn a lot about proportion, how to capture light and shadow and . . . and so forth. In fact, som

30、e artists who later achieve recognition, still continue to use this practice to hone their skills or . . . or simply to pay homage to another artist, as is often the case when a work of art originally created in another medium like a sculpture . . . when its recreated in the form of a drawing. Many

31、examples of drawings of Michelangelos sculptures were re-created by well-known artists. One that comes to mind is the Study of Michelangelos Bound Slave by Edgar Degas. The original by Michelangelo was a marble sculpture that was, oh, about seven feet in height, but the small drawing was made in a s

32、ketchpad. In any case, the study is also considered a masterpiece, on a small scale, of course.12. So . . . what additional purposes might be served by the medium of drawing? Well, lets remember that photography is a relatively new art form, so prior to the use of photographs to record historical events, a quick drawing by an artist was about the only way to preserve a real-time visual account of an important moment. Although a more permanent visual impression might be rendered later, it would be based on memory and not on the artists act

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