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本文(精校解析打印word版山东省师范大学附属中学高三最后一模打靶题英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、精校解析打印word版山东省师范大学附属中学高三最后一模打靶题英语试题山东师大附中高三打靶题英语试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What will the man do this winter?A. Get a job in a supermarket.B.

2、 Work in the garden.C. Do building work abroad.2.What is the time now?A. 9:50. B. 10:10. C. 10:30 3.What is the man going to do?A. Take a flight B. See a friend off.4.Where is the woman?A. At a restaurant B. At a cinema C. One motorway5. What do the speakers talk about in general ?A. Photos B. Anima

3、ls C. Snow第二节(共1 5小题;每小题15分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的桶应位置。昕每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间2每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 。6.Where does this conversation take place ?A. In the womans houseB. In a furniture shop C. In a coffee bar7.What did the womans

4、brother give her ?A. A table B. A sofa C. Two chiairs8. What did Jay often do in the hotel?A. He played tennis.B. He swam C. He played golf9. What does the man think of the hotel ?A. Noisy B. ExpensiveC. Fine听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What does the woman say about the band ?A. They played impressive musicB

5、. They had a great singerC. They didnt perform very well11.What does the man dislike about the park ?A. Crowded people B. RubbishC. Ticket price12. What will the woman do on Sunday?A. Go to parkB. Make a call to JimC. Play with some children听第9段材料,回答13至16题。13. How long will the course run this year?

6、A. Six weeks B. Seven weeksC. Eight weeks14. What was the woman surprised at A. The lack of assistantsB. The condition of weatherC. The number of children interested15. What new activities can the children have this year?A. Adventure sports B. Fun programsC. Creative classes16. What is expected abou

7、t the course this year?A. It will start earlier B. It will last longerC. It will run better听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. Where was Jean Dunant from?A. Italy B. AustraliaC. Switzerland18. Why was the Red Cross started at first?A. To help the wounded in the warB. To provide food for the poorC. To fight against

8、 the war19. What do we know about the red cross?A. It can be used to represent the first aid stationsB. It can only refer to the international organizationC. It is an official symbol of hospital and medical treatment20. What will Mr. John Francis talk about next?A. Something about First AidB. The la

9、w about the Red CrossC. The Red Cross organization in AustraliaAA man thirsts for adventure. Often the journey is the destination itself, and you can team a lot from a brief adventure into the wild. Here are four types of outdoor adventures that every man should attempt to take.1. The Ascent(登高)Moun

10、tain climbing and backpacking is one way to truly test your limits. Its a test of mental and physical strength. Besides, it often requires months Of preparation. There are plentiful famous mountains notable for being extremely challenging for even the most dedicated climbers. The one thing they all

11、have in common is that they attract a certain type of a person: one with a desire to defeat nature.2.The Solo(单独的) TripGoing out into the wild, alone, is one of the scariest things a lot of people could ever imagine. If you take proper precautions, a solo trip can be a very freeing and rewarding exp

12、erience. Particularly if you have some heavy things going on in your life perhaps a failing relationship, switching careers, or financial conflict getting away from everyone and everything can put you in tune with nature, and with yourself.3.The Open OceanWhether you find yourself in a kayak(皮船), sa

13、ilboat, or any other kind of water boat, getting out on the water arouses some very special feelings. Nothing quite compares to having a gentle wind in your face, as you stare out at the vast and glassy expanse of the open water.4.Endurance(耐力) ChallengeThis is when youre serious about putting your

14、life on hold, and getting away from it all .Endurance ,in this case, can mean a number of things.Trips like this can last months, and include thousands of miles. But they will test every fiber of your being psychologically, youll be in constant battle. Physically, youll be tired and hungry almost al

15、l the time. And all of those things make these types Of adventures the extreme test of will. You can climb mountains, deserts, rivers and lakes.21.What is the common point of the well-known challenging mountains?A. They appeal to people who are eager to overcome nature.B. They are beautiful enough t

16、o attract visitors.C. They are suitable for those who are experienced.D. They draw the attention of people who are well-prepared.22. A person is likely to choose a solo trip when he .A. Has a stable job.B. makes a big fortune.C. succeeds in finishing a difficult task.D. has trouble in dealing with t

17、he relationship.23. What can be regarded as an endurance challenge?A. A bike ride across the United States.B. A short trip to the Countryside.C. A relaxing walk around a park.D. A pleasant return to nature.BFar out in the lake was a large wooden platform on Which Stood an improbably high diving boar

18、d- a kind of wooden Eiffel Tower. It was Sure,Im the countys tallest wooden structure and no one had ever been known jump from it.So it was quite a shock when our teacher, Mr. Milton, announced that he would dive Off the high board that very afternoon.Word of his questionable plan was already spread

19、ing through town as Mr. Milton swam out to the platform. He was just a tiny, stick figure when he got there but even from such a distance the high board seemed almost to touch the clouds. Once at the top, he paced the enormously long board, then took some deep breaths and finally stood at edge. He w

20、as going to do it.Several hundred people had gathered at the shore to watch. Mr. Milton stood for quite a long time, then he raised his arms, took one massive bounce and launched himself into a perfect dive. It was beautiful. He fell with perfect style for what seemed minutes. The crowd fell silent.

21、 The only sound to be heard was the faint whistle of his body tearing through the air toward the water far, far below.But about three quarter of the way down he seemed to have second thoughts and began suddenly to panic.waving his arms and legs like someone having a bad dream. When he was perhaps th

22、irty feet above the water, he gave up on waving and spread his arms and legs wide, apparently hoping that it would somehow slow his fall.It didnt.He hit the water at over six hundred miles an hour. The impact was so loud that it made buds fly out of their trees the miles away. I dont think he entere

23、d the water at all. He just bounced off it, about fifteen feet back into the air. After that, he lay still on the surface, spinning like an autumn leaf.He was brought to shore by two passing fishermen in a rowboat and placed on an old blanket where he spent the rest of the afternoon. Occasionally he

24、 accepted small sips of water, but otherwise was too shocked to speak. From head to toe, he was covered with deep ted bruises. It was the best day of my life.24.What did the writer think of Mr. Miltons plan to jump from the diving board?A. Crazy. B. Disappointing C. Heroic D. Confused25.In Paragraph

25、 3, Mr. Milton is described as “a tiny, Stick figure ” because he was A. tired after swimmingB. very small and thinC. very far awayD. sure to be broken26. why did Mr. Milton suddenly start swinging his arms and legs during the dive?A. He thought it was the best way to slow his fall.B. He lost his co

26、nfidence and started to panicC. He was signalling the crowd for help.D. He wanted to show his courage.27.Which of the following sentences from the passage is an example of a fact?A. He hit the water at over six hundred miles an hour.B. The impact was so loud that it tirade birds fly ma of trees up t

27、o three miles away.C. He just bounced off it, about fifteen feet back into the air.D. He was brought to shore by two passing fishermen in a rowboat.CLike people, plants experience stress. And also, like people, the response to that stress can determine success.Bad environmental conditions, such as d

28、rought, flood, heat and other stresses, affect yields(产量) mom than crop pests and diseases. We are trying to find a way to equip plants with the ability to tolerate environmental stress and maintain high yields, said Stephen Howell, a professor of genetics and cell biology.Plant cells produce protei

29、ns (蛋白质) and ship them to different parts of the cell. Under normal conditions, these proteins are folded into their normal, healthy structures as they are produced. When a plant is under stress, its cells produce poorly folded or unfolded proteins. Then a built-in system senses this and “sets off a

30、n alarm in the cell,” said response to the alarm, another protein (IREI) starts working and creates a different process which activates (激活) the stress response genes whose products bring about defensive measures that help the plant survive.“As it turns out, responses that are activated un

31、der stress conditions actually inhibit the growth of plants,” said Howell. “This allows them to preserve their energy to survive the stress conditions.”For plants in the wild, this response is a help for survival, he said. In production of agriculture crops, however,this response reduces yields.“you

32、 dont went crop plants to stop growing,” Howell said. “You want them to continue to grow and Produce even though they are under stress.”With the new understanding of this stress response, the next step may be to silence the alarm system, said Howell. What may be important is to disable some of these stress responses. Thai may make the plant more productive under tress

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