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1、吸血鬼日记第一季15英文剧本台词吸血鬼日记第一季15Previously on The Vampire Diaries.吸血鬼日记 前景提要.For over a century, I have lived in secret.一个世纪以来 我一直秘密地生活着.Until now. I know the risk,直到现在 我知道这很冒险but I have to know her.但我必须要认识她Elena, shes a dead ringer for Katherine.Elena 她简直就是Katherine的翻版Why do I look like her?为什么我跟她会像?You

2、were adopted.你是收养的This girl showed up.这个女孩儿出现了She was and about to give birth.她岁 马上要生了What else do you know about her?你还知道她什么?- Just her name, Isobel. - My wife isobel spent her life- 只知道名字 叫Isobel - 我妻子Isobel毕生致力于researching paranormal activity in this area.调查这一地区的奇异事件- Wheres your wife? - Damon ki

3、lled her.- 你妻子呢? - Damon杀了她Theres a tomb underneath the church.教堂下方有个墓穴The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her.咒语将Katherine封在里面 保护着她Im gonna bring her back.我要把她找回来Shes not here!她不在这儿!You knew Katherine wasnt in there.你知道Katherine不在里面She knew where you were, and she didnt care.她知道你在哪儿

4、 她根本就不在乎Jeez!天哪!You scared me.你吓到我了Do you know what day it is?今天星期几?Its saturday.周六And what year?现在是哪一年?Its .年Are you ok?你没事吧?Thank you.谢谢Wait, whats your name?等下 你叫什么?Its Harper, sir.先生 我叫HarperHow did you get out here?你怎么到这儿来的?And why are you dressed like that?怎么会穿成这样呢?You seem like a very nice pe

5、rson.你看起来人很好Im sorry.我很抱歉Sorry for what?抱歉什么?Hey, Bonnie, its me just checking in,嘿 Bonnie 我就是打电话seeing how youre doing.看看你怎么样了We miss you here.我们很想你Dont let your aunt drive you too crazy.别被你阿姨逼疯了Come home soon.快点回家Love you.爱你What are you doin out here?你在外面做什么?Its cold.这么冷Thinking, writing.思考问题 随便写写

6、The, uh, funeral for Bonnies grandma,呃 Bonnie祖母的葬礼it brought back a lot about mom and dad.让我想起了关于父母的事情I was wondering. You said that you would do some digging about them,我很好奇 你说帮我查一查The adoption.收养的事Right.对So did you?那么你?Dig?查了吗?Come on inside.进来说Your dad kept everything from his medical practice. 你

7、爸爸把所有医疗上的事情都写在了.Records, logs,记录本 日志old appointment books.还有旧预约簿上I found an entry from the night you were born.我找到你出生那夜的记录Patient and a birth date.病人和出生日期Isobel Peterson.病人是Isobel PetersonDo you think thats her real name?你觉得那是真名吗?Pregnant teenage runaway?离家出走的早孕少女?Probably not. First name, maybe.可能是

8、假名 姓氏可能是假的But whered she get Peterson? Classmate? Best friend?但是她从哪弄来Peterson这个名字的呢? 同学? 好朋友?So I binged it.所以我Bing了一下(微软公司推出的用以取代Live Search的搜索引擎)I searched for all the Petersons in this area我搜到这个地区和Isobel同年出生的born the same year as Isobel, found . 所有姓Peterson的人 发现个. men and a woman, Trudie,两个男人和一个女

9、人 叫Trudiewho lived in Grove Hill, Virginia.住在维吉尼亚州的Grove HillThats not far from here.那离这儿不远Well, watch this.看这个Isobel.是IsobelShe was a cheerleader.她是拉拉队队长Trudie still lives there.Trudie还住在那儿This is her address.这是她的地址What about Isobel?那Isobel呢?I couldnt find anything about her.我找不到关于她的任何记录Listen. The

10、res something else.还有其他事Mr. Saltzman, Rick,Saltzman先生 也就是Rick(Alaric的昵称)his wife was from around here,他妻子就是这附近的人and her name was also Isobel.曾经也叫IsobelWait. was, as in.等下 曾经是指.She died.她死了Alarics wife might have been your mother?Alaric的妻子可能是你妈妈?It cannt be true, right?不可能的 对吧?I mean, the coincidence

11、 alone is just crazy.我是说 这也太巧了I have the address for her friend Trudie.我有她好朋友Trudie的地址You wanna talk to her?你想和她谈谈?I dont know. I.我不知道 我.I. I dont know.我. 不知道If its true and they are the same person,如果他们是同一个人的话that means that my birth mother is dead.就意味着我的亲生妈妈死了And I dont know if I could handle that

12、.我不知道自己能不能接受Elena, did Jenna tell you anything about Alarics wife?Elena Jenna告诉你关于Alaric妻子的事情了吗?How she died?她是怎么死的?Just that she was killed and the case was never solved.就是死了 案子一直悬而未决You knew that already?你已经知道了?The night at the school when he attacked me,他在学校袭击我的那晚he told me some things about her

13、death.他告诉了我关于他妻子死因的一些事- Well. - No, no.- 哦. - 不 不Its not possible.这不可能The coincidence is. its too much.这只是. 正好凑巧Now, listen, if you do decide to go听着 如果你想和talk to Isobels friend, Ill go with you. Ok?Isobel的朋友谈谈 我和你一起去 好吗?I just dont know what Im gonna do yet.我也不知道自己该怎么办I should get goin.我该走了I gotta

14、go deal with Damon.我要去看看DamonHows he doing?他怎么样了?Hes dealing in his own way.他在用自己的方式发泄How do I taste?我尝起来怎么样?Oh, so much better than your friends.哦 比你朋友美味多了But shh. Dont tell them.但是嘘 别告诉他们They might get jealous.他们会嫉妒的No. Buzzkill bob.不 太刺眼了Greetings.欢迎回来Can we talk?能谈谈么?Yeah.当然可以Without the tri-del

15、ts.我指没有第三者Anything you have to say to me,你想跟我说什么you can say in front of them.都能当她们的面说Theyre really good at keeping secrets.她们最擅长保守秘密了Youre worried about me.你在担心我Thats nice. Dont be.真友好 不过别这样Theres no need. Im fine. Why wouldnt I be?没有必要 我很好 我为什么会不好?Spent the last years with one goal,年了 我一直坚守一个目标get

16、in that tomb.打开墓穴I succeeded.我成功了Granted, Katherine wasnt in there to be rescued,但是 Katherine却不在里面等着我救她But why dwell?为什么?No, its so liberating not having a master plan,没有目标更自由because I can do whatever the hell I want.因为我想干什么就干什么Thats kind of what Im afraid of.那正是我担心的Relax. I havent killed anyone in.

17、 too long.放心 我很久. 没杀人了Those girls?那些女孩儿呢?Will end up in their dorm with headaches,会头疼地从宿舍醒来think they blacked out.以为只是昏过去了Business as usual.又是老把戏Predictable you didnt pull me over here for a pep talk.如我所料 你并不是想来鼓励我振作起来So drink up. Spill it, brother.所以 干了它 兄弟There was a woman you may have known a few

18、 years back几年前 你好像认识了在北卡罗来纳州的Duke大学named Isobel in North Carolina at Duke.上学的IsobelYou wanna discuss the women in my past right now? Seriously?你现在要跟我讨论我过去的女人? 开玩笑吧?You killed her.你杀了她Whats your point?你想说什么?I just. just wanna know if you remember anything about her.我只是. 想知道你是不是还记得她的事Oh, its like a ne

19、edle in a haystack, Stefan.哦 Stefan 这就像大海捞针Well, think hard. Its important.那就好好想想 这很重要Nothing is important, not anymore.没有什么事是重要的 再也没了Great chat.聊天很愉快I have to go and exploit some women in the name of grief,我要去安抚那些悲伤中的女人了which Im sure you understand.你明白的TTFN said the tri-delt. 替那些第三者说 回头见What? 怎么了?T

20、his is boring. Im bored.真无聊 太无聊了Wow.喔But we have this entire house to ourselves.但是现在整座房子里只有我们俩I mean, its practically a bachelor pad.我是说 这真是一座名副其实的单身公寓And.还有.So shouldnt we do something我们难道不该做些a little bit more bachelor-paddy?孤男寡女应该做的事吗?What? Something like this?什么事? 这样吗?Something like that.就是那样的事I

21、dont know.我不懂This is a pretty good show.这节目真不错Seriously?你开玩笑的吧?Oh, god.哦 天哪Not on my couch.别在我的沙发上做Mom.妈妈Hey.嘿I dont know. Its just weird, you know,我不知道 这很奇怪 你明白吗me being raffled off like a disney cruise.我就跟迪士尼巡游里的抽奖礼品一样In this town,在这个镇子里fundraising is like indentured servitude.筹集资金就像是契约奴役一样You don

22、t have a choice.你没得选Besides, youre a bachelor,另外 你是单身and youre eligible, so there you go.而且很够格 所以你得去参加Here. Let me help you with this.这里 我来帮你Oh, god. I cant believe Im gonna do this.哦 天哪 真不敢相信我要这样做What?怎么了?I am totally gonna ruin this moment,我简直要毁了这美好的时刻but I. I have to tell you.但是我. 我还是要告诉你Elena re

23、cently found out she was adopted,Elena最近知道她是被收养的and shes been looking for her birth mother.而且在找她的亲生妈妈.whose name was Isobel.叫IsobelIsobel? Like my wife?Isobel? 和我妻子同名?Isobel never had a baby.Isobel没生过孩子Are you sure?你确定?Not before you were together?你们在一起之前也没有?Nope. No way.没有 绝对没有This is Elenas birth

24、mother.这是Elena亲生妈妈的照片Ah, she, uh. 啊 她 呃.She never told me.她没告诉过我I, uh. 我 呃.Im gonna go.我要走了Yeah, Im gonna. gonna go.是的 我要. 要走了Trudie?你是Trudie?Tru. Trudie Peterson?是Tru. Trudie Peterson?Yes.是的Uh, my name is Elena Gilbert.呃 我叫Elena GilbertI wanted to talk to you about Isobel Flemming.我想和你谈谈有关Isobel Fl

25、emming的事情Well, I havent heard that name in years.哦 我已经很多年没听人说起这个名字了How do you know her?你是怎么认识她的?I think that, um, well.我想 嗯 那个.Do you know if she had a baby that she gave up for adoption?你知道她曾经有个孩子 送给别人了吗?My god.天啊Youre her daughter.你是她的女儿I was just gonna make some tea. Would you like some?我去泡点茶 你要来

26、点吗?Sure.好啊Uh, the kitchens this way.呃 厨房在这边I wasnt gonna come, I didnt think I was,我没打算来 至少没意识到我要来but I was driving, and I hit this stoplight,但是我开着车 红灯前突然刹车and it made me think about when I was learning让我想起了我在学车时how to drive and then my mom would always warn me妈妈总是叮嘱我要about this blind turn on the le

27、ft-hand side,注意左向的拐弯and then I was thinking about my mom, and. 然后我就想到了我妈妈 正好.I had your address. Im sorry for barging in.我有你的地址 很抱歉贸然来访Its no problem.没关系Um, just a surprise, though.嗯 的确很意外I havent thought about Isobel in years.我已经有很多年没想起Isobel了When was the last time you saw her?你最后见到她是什么时候?About yea

28、rs ago,大概年前when she left to go have you.在她准备生下你的时候We kept in touch for a while,我们联系过一段时间but, well, you know, people drift apart.但是 后来我们就各奔东西了And you dont know where she ended up?那你不知道她最后的落脚地吗?She was in Florida for a while.她曾经在佛罗里达待过一段时间She was on her own. I know it wasnt easy.独自生活 我知道那很艰辛Do you hav

29、e any idea who my father is?你知道我父亲是谁吗?I could never get her to fess up.她一直不肯跟我坦白Anyway, she finally pulled it together,不管怎样 她最后还是振作起来了got into college on a scholarship.依靠奖学金上了大学Where did she go?她去哪所大学?Somewhere in north Carolina.北卡罗来纳州的某个学校Duke, I think.可能是杜克大学Smart girl, smart school.好学生 好学校Let me just grab that.水开了 我去看看她来了So its been a few months. Where you been?这好几个月 你都在哪儿?Ah, you know, here and there,啊 满世界乱跑never one place too long.每个地方都不会待太久You know Pete你认识Pet

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