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七年级英语导学案Unit 6.docx

1、七年级英语导学案Unit 6Unit 6 Im watching TV (第1课时)Section A 1a1c组别: 姓名: 学号: 学习目标:1、掌握以下词汇newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup, wash2、学习现在进行时 3、学会句型: -What are you doing? - Im watching TV -重难点: 1、学习现在进行时 2、学会谈论人们正在做什么。知识链接:小组复习学习过的一般现在时预习达标:重点剖析1.- _ are you _? 你正在做什么?- Im _ (watch)TV . 我正在看电视。-

2、_ is he_? 他正在做什么? -He is_(use) the computer. 他正在用电脑。总结:询问某人正在做什么疑问词用_,动词用_。我们可以回答:主语+be动词+_。2. 现在进行时:现在进行时表示此刻或现阶段正在发生或进行的动作。句子结构:主语+be动词+v-ingeg: Im reading. He is playing basketball. They are having English class.合作学习:一、掌握以下词汇 newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup, w ash1.个人自读,记忆本课单词及短

3、语2.小组互相检查读写情况3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示报纸_ 看报纸_使用_汤_ 做汤_打电话_ 听CD_洗餐具_ 用电脑_ 4.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查.5.小组成员竞赛,看谁记得多而快. 二、通过使用句型以及回答学会询问他人的生日1.听录音,给1b对话编号2.练习1b的对话,用进行式编新对话3.小组竞赛,展示对话交际合作探究:小组讨论并归纳:What +_+主语+_?(某人正在做什么?)主语+_+_.(某人正在.)课堂练习:一、 根据句意或汉语提示补全单词1.My father is teaching me how to u_the computer.2. We can get

4、 news by reading n_.3. Most girls like to _(洗)their clothes after school.4. I like to drink vegetable_(汤)归纳总结:句型: - What are you doing? - Im_TV.拓展练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Look! They _ (eat) dinner.2. -Whats your brother doing? -He _ (play) computer games. 3 -_ you _ (watch) TV? -No, I_ (read) a magazine.4

5、. -Where is Toms sister? -She _(talk) to her friends on the phone. 5. Listen! Andrew_(sing) in his room.二、句型转换1.She is playing the piano in the room. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she_ in the room? 2.They are eating lunch. (变为否定句)They_ _lunch.3.The boy is playing soccer.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ _ soccer?课后反思:本节课我学会了:_ 本节课存在的问题:

6、_Unit 6 Im watching TV (第2课时)Section A (2a2d)学习目标:1、掌握词汇movie, go to the movie, just, eat out 2、学习并掌握动词的现在分词的构成规则 3、学习句型-What is Jack doing? -He is listening to a CD 重难点:学习并掌握动词的现在分词的构成规则知识链接:回顾学习过的动词预习达标:重点剖析1.动词的现在分词的构成一般直接在动词后加-ing eg: read一reading watch一watching.以不发音e结尾的动词词,去e再加-ing eg:write一 wr

7、iting come-coming.以重读闭音节结尾的单词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing eg: run-running swim-swimming2. movie 可数名词,意为“电影”,复数形式movies 看电影:go to the movies = go to a movie See a movie = watch a movie3. eat out 出去吃饭,下馆子4.That sounds good.那听起来不错。 sound是系动词,意为“听起来”后接形容词作表语。接形容词做表语够成主系表结构的系动词还有look,tast, feel, smell等。Eg: The swea

8、ter looks very nice. The paper feels very soft. The soup tastes quite delicious合作学习:一、会读写movie, go to the movie, just, eat out(1)个人自读并记忆单词(2)小组成员相互检查单词记忆情况(3)根据汉语写出下列英语单词及短语并展示电影_ 去看电影_只是_ 出去吃饭_二、 听录音,练习对话 过程:(1)听录音并跟读,完成2a (2)再听一遍录音,完成2b ()分角色扮演2b对话。 组内交流,表演2对话:课堂练习:一、写出下列动词的现在分词1. sit_ 2. take _ 3

9、. go _ 4. play _5. swim _ 6. read _ 7. listen _ 8. come _9. write _ 10. clean _ 11. talk, _ 12.make _ 13. sing _ 14. put _ 15.turn _ 16. get _17. dance _ 18. cook _ 19watch _ 20. eat_ 拓展练习:一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Lets go to the _ (movie).2. Look!My mother is _ (clean) the house.3. The girl is _ (write) a le

10、tter to her mother.4. My friends and I often _(eat) out.5. Lets go and see who_(run) over there.二、选择.( )1._are they _now?A.What,does B. Where,doing C.What,doing D. When,doing( )2.Listen,the girl_an English song.A. sings B. singing C. is sing D. is singing( )3. My parents _ now.A. exercises B. are ex

11、ercising exercising D. exercise( )4.Are the boy s playing basketball over there? No,They_A. are playing basketball B.arent playing soccerC .is playing soccer D. are playing soccer ( )5. -What about _?A. listen to a CD B. to listening to a CD C. listening to D D. listens to a CD三、根据汉语提示完成句子1.Mar

12、y _(正在看电视)。2. My friends_(不在家)3. We meet_(六点半)4. Lets _(出去吃饭)课后反思:本节课我学会了:_ 本节课存在的问题:_Unit 6 Im watching TV (第3课时)Section A Grammar FocusSection B 1d学习目标:1.掌握单词house,drink, tea, drink tea, tommorrow, pool, shop,supermarket, man 2.学习现在进行时的一般疑问句 3.现在进行时和一般现在时的区别重难点: 1、现在进行时的一般疑问句. 2、现在进行时和一般现在时的区别知识链接

13、:复习一般现在时预习达标:重点剖析1、 现在进行时的一般疑问句 :将现在进行时陈述句中的be动词提到句首,句末变为问号即可。即:Be+主语+doing+其他?-Im doing my homework now. -The girl is singing in the classroom.-Are you doing your homework now? - Is the girl singing in the classroom?2. 现在进行时和一般现在时的区别(1)现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般现在时表示经常性、习惯性的动作。 Eg: He is playing basketb

14、all now.He plays basketball every day.(2)现在进行时中谓语动词的构成是:am/is/are+动词的-ing形式(现在分词),be动词的一般现在时形式:am,is,are,其他行为动词的一般现在时形式有动词原形或第三人称单数形式.Eg: The girl is washing the dishes.The girl often washes the dishes.(3)现在进行时的时间状语主要有:now,these days,this week,at the moment等,有时句首有“Look!”、“Listen!”或“Its+时刻”等词、句存在。一般现

15、在时的时间状语主要有:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every day,on Sundays,in the morning/afternoon/evening等。3、短语clean the house 打扫房间 drink tea喝茶make dinner 做晚饭 after dinner晚饭后talk on the phone 打电话 read a book看书合作学习:一、 1、个人自读,记忆P33-P34单词2、小组互相检查单词读写情况 3、朗读并总结Grammar Focus内容,之后完成P33课本练习并对答案。 二、 运用Are you?练

16、习对话1. 小组练习下列对话A. Are you clean? B.No,Im not.A. Is she making soup? B. Yes,she is.2、小组竞赛,展示对话.4.根据图片完成1a表格.5听录音,完成1b,1c和1d 。6用1c表格中的信息编对话,小组展示竞赛。课堂练习: 翻译下列短语1read books 2.在游泳池里 3.drink tea 4做晚饭_ 5.去看电影_ on the phone 拓展练习:一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. My father _ (water ) the flower now.2 . Jim often _ (pl

17、ay) basketball after school.3. Its half past six. I _ (read) Chinese.4. Look!Uncle Wang _ (not watch) TV now. He _ (mend) a bike.5.The girls _ (sing) in the room every day.6. Can she _ (draw) the picture well?二、翻译下列句子1.你在看电视吗? 不,我在看书。_?No,_2.在周末你们经常打球吗? 是的,我们经常踢足球。_on weekends?Yes,_3. 我爷爷每天都要喝茶。My g

18、rangfather _ _ every day.4.我爸爸正在和他的朋友打电话。My father _ _ _ _ _ with his friend.5.现在12点,我在吃午餐。 Its _ _ .I _ _ _.课后反思:本节课我学会了:_ 本节课存在的问题:_Unit 6 Im watching TV (第4课时)Section B 2a-2c 学习目标:1、掌握单词host, study, the United States, American, dragon, Dragon Boat Festival, any, other, young, child, miss, wish, d

19、elicious, still 2、了解时差的不同,同一时刻世界各地人们的行为也有所不同。 3、用英语了解中国的传统文化。重难点:1、能用现在进行时描述图片。 2、正确灵活使用现在进行时与一般现在时写作文。知识链接:复习时刻的表达预习达标:重点剖析1、study用作动词,意为“学习,研究”。study for“为.学习”Eg: He is studying English.study作名词意为“学习,研究,书房”。Eg: She is doing homework in the study.2. live with “与住在一起” live in 住在 Eg: I live with my g

20、randmather.3.wish动词, “希望”, 后可接名词,动词不定式或that从句。wish to do sh “希望做某事” eg:I wish to have a computer.wish sb todo sh “希望某人做某事” eg:He wished us to stay here.wish +that 从句 表难以实现的愿望 e:I wish (that) I were young again.合作学习:一、 熟练掌握本课时单词.1、记忆本课时单词 2、小组互相检查单词读写情况二、运用What time is it -? Its-询问时间1. 两人一组练习下列对话A. W

21、hat time is it in Beijing? B. Its eight oclock in the morning.2.组内同学合作,根据2a表格编写句子3.阅读2b,并回答所提问题。课堂练习:一、翻译下列短语1.美国_ 2.和住在一起_3.端午节_ family _ 5.on the phone_合作探究:小组讨论用现在进行时写一篇小短文。 拓展练习:一、选择 ( )1.Lucy and I _ TV in the room. A. is watching B. am watching C.are watching D. watches ( )2.They are ta

22、lking _ the phone. A. on B. in C. at D.with ( )3. We wish our country _ stronger. A. be B. are C. to be D. is ( )4.Where are Jeff and Mike? They_ in the pool. A. are swiming B. are swimming swimming D. swimming 二、句型转换。3、Lucy is swimming in a pool. (就划线部分提问) _ _Lucy _?4、The boy is playing with h

23、is dog. (变为一般疑问句,并否定回答) _ the boy _ with his dog?_, he _.5、He reads a book every day.(改为现在进行时) He _ _ a book now.课后反思:e 本节课我学会了:_ 本节课存在的问题:_Unit 6 Im watching TV(第5课时)Section B 3aSelf-check学习目标:1、复习掌握本单元的单词 living复习本单元单词 2、熟练掌握句型What are you doing? Im .What is he doing? He isAre you ? Yes,Im./No,Im

24、not.3、学会用现在进行时写短文。重难点:1、学会用现在进行时写短文2、总结现在进行时的用法。知识链接:复习本单元的单词、句型和知识点。预习达标:连词成句1.your, mather, doing, is, what_2. father, reading, the, his, newspaper, is_3. is, soup, aunt, my, not, making_4. are, the listening, teacher, students, now, the, to_合作学习:一、读、记本单元的单词和短语。二、 完成3a的填空题。三、根据3b的要求写句子。四、完成self-check的1,2小题。合作探究:小组讨论用现在进行时写句子。拓展练习:一、 翻译下列短语1. 打电话_ 2. 看报纸_3. 看书_ 4. 听CD_5.用电脑_ 6.煲汤_7.洗餐具_ 8.美国_9.端午节_ 10.客厅_二、选择( )1.Look,Mr Smith _ your father.A. talks to B. is talking to C. talking to D. talk to ( )2. Who _

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