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1、课后复习题怎样复习语言学导论课?答:重要术语的含义和英语解释 重要理论的概要 重要概念之间的比较分析建议:通读熟悉课后的词汇表做每章练习中的所有选择性、判断性的题目期末考试题型:1)选择填空 (40分) 2)术语英汉互译(40分) 3)专题讨论 (20分)Chapter 1I. Translate the following quotations into Chinese: Language touches every part of our lives; it gives words to our thoughts, voice to our ideas, and expression to

2、 our feelings. It is a rich and varied human ability one that we can use without even a thought, that children seem to acquire automatically, and that linguists have found to be complex yet describable. (from G. Tserdanelis & W.Wong: Language files)Linguistics is the study of the nature, structure,

3、and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.II. Fill in the blanks with the names of linguists: 1) Plato held that there was a universally correct and acceptable logic of language for man to follow in expressing his ideas.2) Aristotle argu

4、ed that knowledge of language was arrived at by convention and agreement of the speakers of a given language. 3) In ancient China, a famous philosopher named Xunzi reasoned that a name was accepted through public agreement, and the appropriateness of naming a thing lay in convention. 4) According to

5、 Chomsky, knowledge of language is the result of the interaction of UG and later experience. 5) Saussure advocated the diversion of the focus of linguistic study from diachronic to synchronic. Chapter 2I. Translate the following quotations into Chinese: Linguistic knowledge as represented in the spe

6、akers mind is called a grammar. Linguistic theory is concerned with revealing the nature of the mental grammar which represents speakers knowledge of their language. Grammar as viewed here is different from the usual notion of grammar. (from V. Fromkin: Linguistics)Grammar is the ability to use stru

7、ctures accurately, meaningfully, and appropriately. (from D. Larsen-Freeman: A Lecture on SLA)II. Fill in the blanks with the names of linguists or organizations: 1) _ asserted that there was a “legislator” who gave the correct, natural name to everything, and languages belonged to states but not to

8、 individuals.2) _ pointed out that babies cry is a sort of natural sounds, which could never develop into a language.3) A cornerstone of science is _s intuition that nature is perfect.4) _ first proposed that a language in South Asia be a relative of many European languages.5) The origin of language

9、 as a topic was banned by _ founded in 1866. Chapter 3I. Translate the following quotation into Chinese: Phonetics provides the means for describing speech sounds; phonology studies the ways in which speech sounds form systems and patterns in human language. The phonology of a language is then the s

10、ystem and pattern of the speech sounds. We see that the word phonology is thus used in two ways, either as the study of sound patterns in language or as the sound pattern of a language. (from V. Fromkin & R. Roman: An Introduction to Language)II. Match each of the speech organs on the left with its

11、proper description on the right. (Refer to Fig. 3.1 on p 31 if you find the task difficult) Larynx PharynxVocal cordsSoft palate Hard palate Alveolar ridgeTrachea III. Give the IPA symbol for each of the consonants described below.1) voiced bilabial plosive2) voiceless alveolar plosive3) voiceless d

12、ental fricative4) voiced bilabial nasal5) voiceless labio-dental fricative6) voiced alveolar (lateral) liquid7) voiced palato-alveolar affricate8) voiced palatal glide9) voiced velar nasal10) voiceless alveolar fricativeIV. Which one of the four choices below each vowel is not a phonetic feature of

13、that sound? 1) :a) semi-close b) front c) mid d) unrounded 2) a) semi-open b) front c) low d) unrounded3) u: a) close b) back c) low d) rounded4) a) semi-open b) central c) high d) always unstressed5) i a) close b) front c) high d) roundedChapter 4I. Translate the following quotations into Chinese:

14、Morphology is the study of word-making and word-marking. On the one hand, morphology examines meaning relationships between words and the ways in which these connections are indicated. On the other, morphology looks at how grammatical relationships between words are marked. Different languages focus

15、 on different word relationships, and they make use of different patterns of marking. (from G. Tserdanelis & W.Wong: Language files) The study of the internal structure of words, and of the rules by which words are formed, is called morphology. (from V. Fromkin & R. Roman: An Introduction to Languag

16、e)II. Fill in the blanks with the linguistic terms you have learned.1) Words are not the most elemental sound-meaning units. The most elemental grammatical units in a language are _.2) _ morphemes like “a-”, “pre-”, “-ly”, “-ness”, which have only grammatical meanings, are limited in number, about 1

17、00 in English.3) _ are different from phrases in that they symbolize an integrated concept. Phonologically, they have primary stress on the first word only, while individual words in phrases have independent primary stress. 4) Modern linguistic research suggests that language is intrinsically less l

18、iteral than we have always assumed. It is abundant in _ expressions.5) Languages of the world can be classified morphologically into three types: isolating, inflecting, and _.III. In the following sentences, indicate whether each morpheme is (a) a free morpheme, (b) a derivational bound morpheme, or

19、 (c) an inflectional bound morpheme:1) The older gentleman voted wisely.2) The Children skipped rope and played games joyfully.3) 他们赛跑拿了第一。Chapter 5I. Translate the following statement into Chinese: Syntax is the subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the relati

20、onship among their component parts. II. Fill in the blanks with the linguistic terms you have learned.1) In the VP draw a tree, draw is the _ of the phrase while a tree is the_.2) A phrase is the _ of the head. XP can be defined as the _ projection headed by X, X, as the _ projection, and X itself,

21、i.e. the head, as the _ projection.3) According to X-bar theory, head X can either be a _category, such as nouns and verbs, or a _ category. 4) In the skeleton of XP, SPEC stands for _ and COMP stands for complement. SPEC and X are _. So are X and COMP. 5) IP refers to _. I, a functional category, i

22、ncludes not only _ _ but also finite auxiliaries, and the _ _ to.6) CP refers to _ _ and can be found in the analysis of complex sentences as well as _ and topicalization. Chapter 6I. Translate the following quotations into Chinese: More interest is the fact that languages differ in inflectional sys

23、tems: case systems, for example. We find that these are fairly rich in Latin, even more so in Sanskrit or Finnish, but minimal in English and invisible in Chinese.Chinese and English, for example, may have the same case system as Latin, but the phonetic realization is different. Furthermore, it seem

24、s that much of the variety of language can be reduced to properties of inflectional systems.(from N. Chomsky: New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind)II. Fill in the blanks with the linguistic terms you have learned.1) Logicians have long been concerned with formulating representations for th

25、e semantic structure of sentences, or more correctly _. NPs required by a verb are called its_. A proposition comprises a predicate V and a set of arguments. In addition to its arguments, a verb very often permits some optional phrases which are called _.2) The _ argument of a verb has to be realize

26、d inside the maximal projection of that verb. The _ argument of a verb is not contained in the maximal projection of that verb. For example, in John VP buys books, John is the external argument and books is the internal argument of the verb buy.3) Each verb may have _ external argument(s). Each verb

27、 may have _ internal argument(s).4) Each argument is assigned one and only one _ role. Each theta/thematic role is assigned to one and only one _.Chapter 7I. Translate the following quotations into Chinese: Normally human beings do not produce utterances for the sake of the phonetic, phonological an

28、d grammatical features. Utterances are produced because they convey meaning. (from J. Simpson: A First Course in Linguistics) Semantics as a subfield of linguistics is the study of meaning in language. Semantics deals with the meanings of words, and how the meanings of sentences are derived from the

29、m. (from G. Tserdanelis & W.Wong: Language files)II. Fill in the blanks with the linguistic terms you have learnt.1) Words or expressions that have identical meanings are called _.2) Words or phrases that have opposite meanings are called _.3) When a word has two or more meanings that are at least v

30、aguely related to each other, it is called a _. For example, “leaf” can refer to “a part of a tree” and also “a sheet of paper”.4) When words have a single phonetic form but two or more entirely different meanings, they are called _. For example, “bank” can mean “a commercial lending institution” an

31、d “a small cliff at the edge of a river”.5) Words have two kinds of meanings: denotative and connotative. _ meaning is precise, literal, and objective. One way to think of a words _ meaning is as its dictionary definition. 6) _ meaning is more variable, figurative, and subjective. It is whatever the word suggests or implies. _ meaning includes all the feelings, associations, and emotions that a word touc

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