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1、届高考模拟题英语综合能力测试5综合能力测试五第一部分听力(120题略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2017贵州省铜仁市第一中学测试)I wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but thats impossible. For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easygoing and optimistic. They are curi

2、ous and unusually patient and they are also the hardestworking people I have ever met.In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few hours with their

3、 families and parents. Many times the subjects in the classes center on families and friends. I teach many students a year, talking to them freely.The cost of living here is very low compared with that of the US. The city of Xiang Fan I live in isnt large and I live better. Nonimported(非进口的)foods ar

4、e very cheap, so are clothing and articles of everyday use. The cost of public transportation is very low, too. Chinese value education. However, it is reported that many children cant afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school in some poor areas in China. But they organized Pro

5、ject Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. In my opinion, Project Hope is of great importance to the development of the rural education.When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes Chi

6、na has gone through. While it is true that economic miracles have not reached many areas of China, but we also have the same problems.When I am asked which country I consider better, China or the US, my answer has always been the same, “We are not worse or better than each other; we are only differe

7、nt.”21What is the author doing in China?AHe is teaching English in a school.BHe is visiting the places of interest. CHe is studying in a college.DHe is on business.22What are NOT cheap in China in the authors opinion?AClothes and shoes made in China. BLocal foods.CImported foods.DPublic transportati

8、on tickets. 23We can infer from the passage that the author thinks _.Athe westerners have got to know China wellBthe progress of China is seldom reported in the USCChinas economic miracles have appeared everywhereDthe education in rural areas is never cared about in China答案与解析文章讲述了“我”一个美国人对中国文化的认识。2

9、1A细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的I teach many students a year, talking to them freely.可知,他在一所学校教英语。故选A。22C细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的Nonimported foods are cheap.可知,非进口的食品便宜,这就意味着进口的食品不便宜。故选C。23B推理判断题。根据文章第四段的When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes China ha

10、s gone through.可知,在西方很少看到对中国进步的报道。故选B。B(2017永安、连城、华安、漳平、泉港、龙海联考)“Your homework is to collect sounds and take them down,” Mrs. Olson said before class was over. She handed out sheets of paper shaped like giant ears.On his way home, Colin glared out the schoolbus window. Not fair, he thought. How coul

11、d he collect enough sounds on his familys farm? If only he lived in the town.He got off the bus when it stopped at his mailbox. But he wasnt in the mood to wave as it drove away.“Im home!”Colin called when he pushed open the gate. He threw his schoolbag down on a kitchen chair.“How was school?” His

12、mother asked, walking in with his baby brother on her shoulder.“Ive got homework,” Colin complained.“Eat something before doing_your_chores.” His mother gave him the animal biscuits. Colin ate two tigers, three lions, and a seal, then drank some milk.Astrid, Colins dog, woofed as Colin walked toward

13、 the barn(谷仓)Her young dogs were yipping. Colin placed dog food into their pan. In the chicken house, Colin hurried two hens from their nests.He put their warm eggs into his jacket. The black cow napped in the sun. Colin woke her when he poured corn into her pan. “Moo, thank you!”she seemed to say.C

14、olin put the eggs in the kitchen, then climbed to his tree house as usual. He could see Dads beehives(蜂箱)by the field. Six hives usually meant plenty of humming noise. But today he couldnt hear it over the chattering sound of the sparrows. How could a person think?“QUIET!”Colin shouted.Suddenly, he

15、sat up straight. Cows mooed and young dogs yipped. Chickens crackled in their yard. When Astrid began woofing below, Colin smiled broadly. “I hear you!”he called. He hurried down from the tree.24What does the underlined part in Paragraph 7 refer to?ADoing his homework. BHelping with farm work.CPlayi

16、ng with animals. DBabysitting his brother.25How many animal sounds are mentioned in the text?A4. B5.C6. D7.26What will Colin most probably do next?AWalk Astrid. BGather honey.CDraw a giant ear.DRecord the sounds.答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。记叙了Colin为了完成老师布置的作业,放学后在家里听见的各种声音。24B句意理解题。根据后文“Astrid, Colins dog, woofed

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