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1、268个高考熟词生义高频词汇268个高考熟词生义高频词汇1absent(熟义:adj.缺席的)He looked at me in an absent way.(adj.茫然的,恍惚的)2about(熟义:prep.大约,关于)高考原文:For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about withou

2、t having to rely on others. (adv.四处,到处) 3abuse(熟义:v.虐待)She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.(v.滥用;谩骂)4accompany(熟义:v.陪伴;伴奏)Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain.(v.伴随)5account(熟义:v.认为是n账目,账户)This book also gives an account of the lives of lesserknown individuals.(n.描述

3、)6ache(熟义:v.& n疼痛)He was aching for home.(v.渴望)7acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认;道谢)He looked straight at me but did not acknowledge me,which made me annoyed.(vt.向打招呼)8across(熟义:prep.从的一边到另一边)The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46,000 square miles of Californi

4、a forests(adv.宽)9act(熟义:v.& n行动)It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(v.起作用)10adapt(熟义:v.适应)These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.(v.使某物适合于新的用途、情况)This novel has been adapted for television.(v.改编,改写)11add(熟义:v.增加,加起来)He added that the theaters location was also a reason.(

5、v.接着说,补充说)12address(熟义:n.& v地址;写地址)The president should be addressed as “Mr President”(v.被称为)He is going to address the meeting in a minute.(v.向发表演说)13admit(熟义:v.承认)The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house.(v.允许进入)The theater only admits 1,000 persons.(v.容纳)14adopt(熟义:v.收养;过继)We ad

6、opt their teaching method.(v.采纳,采取,采用)15against(熟义:prep.反对,违背)The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬,衬着)16air(熟义:n.空气)Dont air your troubles too often.(v.抒发,倾诉)There was a comfortable air in her room.(n.气氛)17allow(熟义:v.允许)This seatbelt allows the driver greater freedom of movement.(v

7、.给予)18amount(熟义:n.量)The cost amounted to $200.(v.共计,达到)What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.(v.相当于)19anchor(熟义:v.下锚;抛锚)My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.(v.使固定,系牢)20announce(熟义:v.宣布)The warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.(v.显示,预告)21appeal(熟义:v.恳求,呼吁)The

8、idea of camping has never appealed to me.(v.对有吸引力,使感兴趣)22apply(熟义:v.申请)What I have said applies only to some of you.(v.应用,运用;适用)23approach(熟义:v.靠近,接近)I approached him about filling the managers job.(v.建议,要求)Its fascinating to see how people approach the problem.(v.处理;对付)24area(熟义:n.地区,区域)I am smart

9、enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown, hard, but interesting.(n.领域)25arm(熟义:n.手臂)Lay down your arms, or well fire!(n.武器)The police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous.(v.武装)26attend(熟义:vt.出席;参加)The nurse attended to him day and night.(v.看护;治疗)Success attended her efforts.

10、(v.伴随发生)27available(熟义:adj.可得到的,可找到的)The professor is now available.adj.(人)有空的28average(熟义:adj.平均的n平均数)高考原文:Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. (本句中的两处average均意为“usual or normal, neither very good nor very bad普通的,不好不差的”)。29back(熟义:n.背)Many of his friends backed his plan.(v.支持)3

11、0badly(熟义:adv.坏)English teachers are badly needed in our school.(adv.迫切,很)31bare(熟义:adj.裸露的)He likes to bare his heart/soul to his close friends.(v.向某人袒露心声)32bear(熟义:v.忍受,容忍)He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the pain.(v.显示,带有)33behavior(熟义:n.举止,行为)The behavior of this new computer is g

12、ood.(n.性能,特点)34better(熟义:adj.& adv.较好的;较好地)a key first step in bettering your evaluation ability. (v.改善)35blank(熟义:adj.空白的n空白)The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. (adj.没表情的)I cant remember where Ive left my umbrella; my minds a complete blank!(n.记忆中的空白,遗忘)36blanket(熟义:n.毛毯)with the b

13、rilliant sunshine blanketing the earth (v.覆盖;笼罩)37block(熟义:n.街区)Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland.(v.阻碍,堵塞)38blow(熟义:v.吹,刮)His wifes death was a great blow to him.(n.打击)39blue(熟义:adj.蓝色的n蓝色)The singers songs always make me feel blue.(adj.忧伤的)40book(熟义:n.书)I would like to book three seat

14、s for tonights concert.(v.预订,预购)41bound(熟义:adj.一定会)I dont like being deskbound all day.(adj.受约束的)42bridge(熟义:n.桥)I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you.(v.消除隔阂)43build(熟义:vt.建筑,建造)It builds up their strength.(v.增强)44buy(熟义:v.购买)No one will buy that excuse.(v.相信)45cal

15、m(熟义:adj.冷静的,镇静的)The sea is calm.(adj.无浪的,风平浪静的)46can(熟义:n.罐头modal v能够)Mother cans the fruit.v.把(食品)装罐保存47capital(熟义:n.首都)Write your name in capitals, please.(n.大写字母)Jack set up a business with a starting capital of $100,000.(n.资金)48carrier(熟义:n.运输工具,运送者)高考原文:When I arrived, I saw a 2 to 3weekold ow

16、l. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.(n.临时庇护处或简易的窝)49carry(熟义:v.搬运;携带;持有)Todays newspapers carry full reports of the mayors visit.(v.刊登)50casual(熟义:adj.偶然的,随意的)Andrew was employed as a casual laborer.(adj.临时的)51catch(熟义:v.抓)Sorry, I didnt quite catch what you said.(v.明白,领会)52cater(熟

17、义:v.为社交活动提供饮食,承办酒席)TV must cater for many different tastes.(v.满足需要,迎合)53cause(熟义:n.起因v引起)The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace.(n.事业)54celebrate(熟义:v.庆祝)He celebrated her for her courage.(v.称颂,赞扬)55challenge(熟义:v.挑战)I challenged him to a game of chess.(v.强烈建议某人做某事)56charge(熟义:v.索价,收费;指控

18、,控告)Mother charged Alice with taking good care of the baby.(v.赋予责任或义务)57chew(熟义:v.咀嚼;嚼碎)He chewed the problem over in his mind.(v.深思熟虑)58clean(熟义:adj.干净的v打扫)I clean forgot about it.(adv.彻底地,完全地)59climate(熟义:n.气候)The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting.(n.风气,思潮)60cloudy(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的)

19、Who did it still remains cloudy.(adj.不明朗的,不清晰的)61coach(熟义:n.教练) She coached me in playing football.(v.辅导,指导)62color(熟义:n.颜色v为着色)Dont let your judgment be colored by personal feelings.(v.影响)63complex(熟义:adj.复杂的)高考原文:Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build

20、 a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located. (n.综合大楼)64concern(熟义:n.关心,担心v使担忧)More than two students have been concerned in this affair, so they have to give explanations.(v.涉及,牵扯)65condition(熟义:n.条件,状况)The rats had been conditioned to ring a bell when they wanted food.(vt.训练)66cons

21、tant(熟义:adj.经常的;连续不断的)The average speed of the winds remained constant.(adj.恒久不变的;稳定的)67consume(熟义:v.消耗,消费)The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.(v.烧毁,毁灭)68contribute(熟义:v.捐助;捐献)He contributed an article to our magazine,which was published last month.(v.投稿)69cost(熟义:v.花

22、费;值)The patients dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night.(v.使付出努力;使做不愉快的事)70count(熟义:v.数数)Every minute counts.(v.有价值,重要)On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife.(v.以为;视为)71couple(熟义:n.一对,一双;一对夫妇或情侣)The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.(v.联合,连接)72cour

23、se(熟义:n.课程,过程)The main course was a vegetable stew.(n.一道菜)73cover(熟义:v.覆盖n封面)the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours (v.行走)To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time.(v.足以支付)He is carrying out a research that covers a wild field.(v.涉及)He was sent to cove

24、r the event.(v.报道)74cross(熟义:v.跨越,横穿n十字)Dont be cross with himafter all, he meant to help.(adj.生气的,恼怒的)75damage(熟义:v.& n损坏)He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company.(n.赔偿金)76date(熟义:n.日期)They have been dating for a long time.(v.约会)77dawn(熟义:n.拂晓v破晓,天亮)The truth began to dawn on him.(v.变得明朗,开始清

25、楚)78deal(熟义:vi.处理,解决) Having been cheated in a business deal, he was reduced to nothing. (n.交易)79dear(熟义:adj.亲爱的) Clothes are getting dearer. (adj.昂贵的)80deliver(熟义: vt.递送)She delivered a talk on history to the students.(vt.发言,陈述,发表)81desert(熟义:n.沙漠)He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.(

26、v.抛弃,离弃)82develop(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制)Did you have the film developed?(v.冲洗)develop a habit (v.逐渐形成)Most of the plants developed the disease.v.患(病)83design(熟义:v.& n设计)高考原文:They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers. (v.意图)84difficult(熟义:adj.困难的)He

27、 is a difficult customer.(adj.难以取悦的;不易满足的)85dig(熟义:v.挖掘;戳入)高考原文:We were respectful of craft(技艺)and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. (v.刻苦钻研)86dismiss(熟义:v.解雇,开除)He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.(v.不予考虑)87divorce(熟义:v.与某人离婚n离婚)You cant divorce sc

28、ience from ethical questions.(v.使分离,使脱离)88do(熟义:v.做,制作)Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?Either will do.It makes no difference to me.(v.行;适合)89draw(熟义:v.画;拖,拉)What moral will we draw from the story?(v.获得,取得,推断出)90drive(熟义:v.驾驶)She also organized a fundraising(募捐) drive in “Ladybug Jars”(n.运动)It is

29、the same instinct that drives people to dress one way at home and another way at work.(v.迫使)91drop熟义:v.落下,(使)下降I dropped(stopped studying) German when I was 14.(v.停止;终止;放弃)92duck(熟义:n.鸭子)高考原文:I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel challenged

30、.(v.低下,弯下)93duty(熟义:n.职责,责任,义务)高考原文:But others do double duty. (n.作用,用途)94easy(熟义:adj.容易的)Now we are leading an easy life.(adj.舒适的,轻松的)95edge(熟义:n.边;边缘)The numbers might sound small, but they are the leading edge of a dangerous trend.(n.微弱的优势)96employ(熟义:v.雇用)You could employ your spare time better.

31、(v.利用,使用)97encourage(熟义:v.鼓励,激励)Good health encourages clear thinking.(v.促进,助长,刺激)98engage(熟义:v.从事)A personal computer engages his interest.(v.吸引)99escape(熟义:v.逃走)If he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong.(v.被忽视;被忘掉)100excuse(熟义:n.借口v原谅)He was excused from the piano practice.(v.免除某人的职责)101explode(熟义:v.爆炸,爆裂)

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