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1、湖北省博士研究生入学考试英语联考试题 笔记2005年湖北省博士研究生入学考试英语联考试题 笔记 Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part . Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the

2、ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Today, a high-level finance manager is just as likely to be a casual-looking 21-year-old as a balding executive. They have all either started their own companies or head a divisi

3、on within an existing firm. Most are under 30. 如今,高级财务主管可能是神情悠闲21岁光景的年轻人,执行主管可能是个秃顶。他们都有自己的公司,或者在他人的公司主管一个部门。他们大多不到30岁。high-level hailevl adj. 高级的;高阶层的;在高空的finance manager 财务经理;财政经理casual-looking 轻松悠闲的样子(?)executive izekjutiv n. 经理;执行者 adj. 行政的;经营的;执行的,经营管理的division divin n. 除法;部门;分割;师(军队);体赛区Many o

4、f them share a tendency to think, speak and act fast. A detailed psychological study carried out recently on young business start-uppers aged over 25 revealed some common characteristics.他们中的很多人思考、说话、行动很敏捷。最近,一项细致的心理学研究表明,处于起步阶段的公司里25以上的员工表现出一些共同的特点。revealed rivi:ld v. (pt.&pp.)透露;显示|披露|报道start-up(p

5、er) st:tp n. 启动 adj. 起动阶段的;开始阶段的The head psychologist at the University of Northumbria, Dr. Martyn Dyer-Smith, says “We found that they are opportunists. They have that entrepreneurial ability to take whatever is in front of them and turn it to their advantage. Any fool can make U. S. $2 if they are

6、 in the right place at the right time; what is much harder is to actually plan their business. Originally I had a hypothesis that they planned a long time ahead, but I was wrong. What came across was a surprisingly short planning time. They took the opportunities as and when they came up.”诺森布里亚大学的首席

7、心理学教授马丁戴尔史密斯博士说:“我们发现他们是投机取巧的人。他们有企业家的才能,他们能抓住眼前的任何机会,把它们转变为利益。如果他们在恰当的时候处于其当的位置,傻子也能赚2美元。更难的问题是他们如何规划自己的企业。起初,我以为他们事先用很长时间来做计划,但是我我错了,后来我才发现,他们用来做计划的时间是很短的。一有机会就不放过。”Northumbria n:mbri n. 诺森布里亚(中世纪在英国北方的王国)opportunist ,ptju:nist n. 机会主义者;投机取巧者(贬义)entrepreneurial ,ntrprn:riladj. 企业家的,创业者的;中间商的origin

8、ally ridnli adv. 最初,起初;本来hypothesis haipisis n. 假设ahead adv. 向前的;领先的 adj. 向前;在前的;领先come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人印象as and when 无论是以什么方式和在什么时候What cannot be underestimated, though, is self-confidence. There is an amazing, almost abnormal, belief in themselves and (they) go very much on intuition,

9、says Dyer-Smith. 可是,不能看轻的,是自信。戴尔史密斯博士说,令人惊奇的,或者说几乎是违反常理的,他们十分相信自己的直觉amazing meizi n.惊诧|惊愕 adj.令人惊异的 v.使吃惊(amaze的ing形式)intuition ,intju:in n. 直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识While there is no typical pattern to what puts someone in the fast lane, there are some common threads: living up to the expectations of parents, c

10、hanneling excessive amounts of energy into business, or finding a way to overcome personal barriers such as dyslexia (a reading disability) or learning difficulties, for example. 虽然,一个总是马图停蹄的人没有典型的模式可套,但是他们有一些共同的思路:不辜负父母的期望,在事业上投入很多精力,找到方法克服个人障碍,比如阅读困难和学习困难。while hwail n. 一会儿;一段时间conj. 虽然;然而;当的时候vt.

11、 消磨;轻松地度过in the fast lane 在工作或娱乐中总是马不停蹄common thread 相同的思路;共同主线;生命共同体live up to 不辜负;做到;实践|遵守channel tnl n. 通道;频道;海峡vt. 引导,开导;形成河道;输送dyslexia disleksi n. 难语症;医 诵读困难;阅读障碍reading disability 阅读障碍;阅读无能|阅读困难learning difficulty 学习困难The biggest surprise was the lack of young women. This was particularly une

12、xpected, given the recent publicity about how girls are performing better than boys at school and becoming more confident and ambitious. 最令人惊异的是年轻女性的缺乏。想想吧,最近正在宣扬学校里女生比男生表现好,女生充满自信,很有抱负,这使得年轻女性的稀少特别出乎意料。unexpected ,nikspektidadj. 意外的,想不到的|出乎意料 | 意料之外 publicity pblisiti n. 宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;注意But young wom

13、en are opting for more secure careers rather than gambling with their future. With only a handful of female role models, some girls are not even considering being their own boss, let alone working on a concept fresh out of school, (?) according to Dr. Susan Vinnicombe, director of the center for the

14、 Development of Women Business Leader. “Women are going more into the corporate structure and doing well there. But perhaps the reason that they are not doing business for themselves at an earlier age is because womens attitudes are different. They perceive risk in a different way to men, who are no

15、t worried about borrowing huge amounts of money if its going to help their business in the long term. Women are more cautious and more hesitant,” she says. 但是,年轻女性多选择安全安稳的职业,不拿自己的未来冒险。按照苏珊维克姆女性商业领袖发展中心主任苏珊维克姆博士的观点,只有少数女性成为模范,有些女孩甚至认为她们并不能主宰自己,更不用说仅仅凭借刚从学校学的那点东西了。她说:“越来越多的女性进入了公司,而且干的很好。她们年纪尚轻时不自己开公司

16、,是因为女性的态度不一样。男性不为对将来长远发展有利的举债忧心忡忡,而女性对风险的理解与男性有差别。女性更谨慎,更踌躇。”opt for 选择|选中|挑选gambling mbli n. 赌博;投机v. ing形式)赌博;打赌gamble with sth. 把sth.拿来赌a handful of 一把;少量的;一小部分let alone 更不必说;听任;不打扰work on 影响,对起作用;继续工作;从事于;设法说服fresh out of 刚用完;刚卖掉Susan Vinnicombe 苏珊维克姆perceive psi:v vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知 vi. 感到,感知;认识到Vi

17、nnicombe sees the lack of female entrepreneurs as part of a larger problem about women and the IT industry. Given that the computer world is one of the key areas for growth, where youth is an asset, it is remarkable that so many women are missing out on it. 威林坎比认为女性企业家的缺乏是女性与信息技术产业问题的一部分。在计算机这个快速增长的

18、行业,年轻是有利的条件,这样来看,女性错失良机是值得关注的。asset set n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件remarkable rim:kbl adj. 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的“The number of women in IT has actually dropped in the past 10 years. There is a real problem with attracting them to the IT industry, as girls dont seem to want to do it at university. Its become such a

19、worrying issue that I know the government is looking into ways to attract them.”实际上,过去十来年来,信息技术业中的女性一直在减少。吸引她们加入信息技术业存在的问题是,女士在大学就不想学信息技术。这是一个如此叫人着急的问题,政府正在寻求某种办法俩吸引她们。looking into 调查1. What is the passage mainly about? B A. Lack of young managers all over the world. FB. Features of high-level finan

20、ce managers. F/TC. Origins of the decline in female-dominated industry. FD. Aims of a young woman fresh out of school. F2. Which of the following does not account for the success of the young businessmen? C A. They never hesitate to take full advantage of the approaching opportunities. TB. They have

21、 a strong confidence in their own abilities. TC. They often base their work on long-term planning. FD. They deal well with their personal advantages. T3. What is suggested as a reason for the shortage of business women? D A. Girls do not perform so well as boys at school . FB. Most companies are rel

22、uctant to employ women. FC. Banks often refuse to give women large loans. FD. Women are very worried about the risk-taking in their careers. T4. From the text we can learn that C .A. some managers are very young but already have their own business T(次要)B. some managers are as casual and irresponsibl

23、e as energetic young people FC. the government is concerned about the lack of women in such a field as IT TD. IT remains a minor area for growth Fminor main adj. 未成年的;次要的;较小的;小调的;二流的n. 未成年人;小调;副修科目 vi. 副修5. The passage shows that the author is B the present situation.A. critical of B. amazed at C. d

24、isappointed at D. puzzled byQuestions 6 to 10 ar e based on the following passage: Once upon a time, innovation at Procter & Gamble flowed (Q6A)one way: from the United States outward. While the large Cincinnati-based corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold them products that

25、 were already familiar to most Americans. Many Japanese families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers, and lots of Venezuelans brush their teeth with Crest. And of course (company executive assumed) American at home wanted these same familiar, red-white and blue brands. We might bu

26、y foreign-made cars, or chocolates, or cameras but household cleaners and detergents? 以往,保洁公司创新时兴一个方法:从美国外围入手。保洁公式总部位于辛辛那提,美国人对保洁公司的产品相当熟悉了,国外市场对保洁公司也并不陌生,他们常常销售保洁公司的产品。例如,很多日本家庭给他们的孩子用帮宝适纸尿片/裤,很多委内瑞拉人用佳洁士刷牙。当然,(保洁公司执行官假设)身居国内的美国人喜欢这些熟知的美国品牌,我们应该购买国外生产的汽车、巧克力或者摄像机,而购买国内生产的清洁器和洗涤剂吗?once upon a time 从

27、前,很久以前,往事innovation ,inuvein n. 创新,革新;新方法 flow flu n. 流动;流量;涨潮,泛滥 vt. 淹没,溢过 vi. 流动,涌流;川流不息;飘扬Cincinnati ,sinsinti n. 辛辛那提(美国俄亥俄州西南部城市)the Cincinnati-based corporation 总部位于辛辛那提的公司be no stranger to sb. 对sb.不陌生,熟知sb. swaddle swdl n. 襁褓 vt. 用襁褓包;束缚 Pampers diapers 帮宝适纸尿片diaper daipn. 尿布vt. 给孩子换尿布 Venezu

28、elan n. 委内瑞拉人 adj. 委内瑞拉的;委内瑞拉人的crest krest n. 佳洁士|物 波峰;冠;山顶;顶饰vi. 到达绝顶;形成浪峰at home 在国内;在家;熟悉| 熟悉 | 舒适familiar fmiljn. 常客;密友 adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的red-white and blue brands 美国品牌(美国国旗是红白蓝三色)household haushuld adj. 家庭的;日常的;王室的n. 家庭;一家人;住户;人家cleaner kli:nn. 化工 清洁剂;清洁工;干洗店;干洗商;洗洁器cleaners kli:nz n. 洗衣店| 清洁剂 |

29、清洁工detergent dit:dnt n. 清洁剂;去垢剂;洗衣粉;洗涤剂Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. (Q7B)Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent,(Q7C) was born overseas, and is(Q7D) a familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America. Now bilingual packages of Ariel Ultra, a super-concentrated c

30、leaner, are appearing on supermarket shelves in Los Angeles. 然而,最近保洁公司不再用这种曾长期存在的传统的创新方法了。保洁公司的服装洗涤产品碧浪,是在国外诞生的(译者注:碧浪1967年创立于德国),如今常见诸于欧洲和拉丁美洲商铺的货架上。现在,双语包装的美国碧浪超浓缩洗涤剂已在洛杉矶超级市场上架。break with v. 和断绝关系;结束;与绝交,和决裂long-standing lstdi adj. 长期存在的;存在已久的Ariel 碧浪(保洁公司生产的洗涤剂产品) Ultra 美国奥卓公司ariel ril n. 羚羊类;瞪羚

31、(主要产于阿拉伯等地的一种大眼羚羊)美人鱼,艾莉尔,碧浪ultra ltr n. 极端主义者;过激论者;急进论者adj. 极端的;过分的;超be a familiar sight 在某地 在某地很常见super-concentrated cleaner 超浓缩的洗涤剂Ariels appearance in the United States reflects demographic changes making Hispanics the nations fastest-growing ethnic group. Ariel is a hit with this population. In fact, many Mexican immigrants living in Southern California have been importing Ariel from Tijuana, Mexico. Hispanics knew this product and wanted it, says P&G spokeswoman Marie Salvado. We realized that we couldnt convince them to buy (

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