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1、Severance离职第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本docx赫莉下班了Helly leave?是Yeah.也许你该回家了Maybe you should get out of here.我知道正在做收尾工作I know. Just wrapping up.抱歉我喜爱这份工作Sorry, I love the work.天啊Jesus.救人啊Help!救人啊Help!该死的Goddamn it!天啊Oh, my God.她还好吗Is she okay?赫莉Helly?马克到电梯里去赫莉-Mark, get in the elevator. - Helly? Helly!到电梯里去Get in t

2、he elevator!她还好吗Is she okay?贾德斯科特先生祝你晚安-Judd. - Mr. Scout, you have a good evening.我会的你也是Will do. Same to you.她还活着吗Is she alive?坐下马克Have a seat, Mark.她在医院Shes in the hospital.她瘀伤很严重但谢天谢地没有永久性损伤 沉重的感情包袱big, feely baggage.好Yes.我弄到咖啡了I got coffee. 请交过路费Toll, please.我和婴儿营地里最富的女士交了朋友I made friends with t

3、he richest lady in baby camp. 她She was.话不多但人很好 quiet, but she was nice. 非常漂亮我应该派你去的Very cute. I should send you up there.我想她应该名花有主了Id imagine shes spoken for.我打赌艾丽莎会再给你一次机会的I bet Alexa would give you another shot. 我打赌她不会I bet she wouldnt.我打赌你可以去问她好-1 bet you could ask her. - Okay.你还好吗要我去叫她吗You okay?

4、 Do you want me to go get her? 不等等我能握住你的手吗No, no, no. Hold on, can I squeeze your hand? 好来Yeah. There we go.好All right.-要我说个秘密吗好说吧-Need me to tell a secret? - Yeah, go ahead. 让我听听你阴暗的秘密Give me your dark shit.那么Well, so.我觉得卢蒙可能在做不正当的事I kinda think Lumon might be up to something. 什么意思给你的工资有问题What do y

5、ou mean? Like, with your paychecks?不我听到了些流言蜚语No, Ive just been hearing stuff. Just around.你听谁说的Whove you been talking to? 是这样So.怎么了What?你记得那个商务人士吗Do you remember the businessman?见了鬼了Holy fucking pit of hell!好吧亲爱的你还好吗Okay. Darling, you okay?人为什么要生孩子我去叫艾丽莎-Why do people do this? Ill go get Alexa.好别碰我宝

6、贝-Great. - Dont touch me, baby.好Okay.再好好用力一次天啊-One more big push. - Oh, my God.她快出来了你太棒了Shes right here. Shes right here. Youre doing so great.好痛我知道很痛但她马上就出来了 It hurts. -1 know it hurts but shes right here.-我能看到她头露出来了好吗天啊-1 can see her. Shes crowning. Okay? - Oh, my God. 好了我能看到她她出来了All right, now. Y

7、ou know, I can see her. Here she comes.(已阻止来电)-天啊她出来了-Oh, my God. - Shes coming.天啊Oh, my God.天啊Oh, my God.谢谢你她真棒我要晕倒了Thank you. She did great. Tm gonna pass out.她醒来时是外面的自己She was in outie form at the time she woke up.所以今天是公♥司&hearts浬的赫莉自缢后第一次清醒的体验So this will be innie Hellys first conscious e

8、xperience since the hanging. 她看到你时重要的是你的目光要和善When she sees you, its important your eyes be kind.你知道如何让自己的目光和善吗Do you know how to make your eyes kind?你没事Youre okay.你没事没关系的Youre okay. It*s all right.他们把延长线和其他危险物品锁起来了所以So they locked away the extension cords and other dangerous items so, you know, 你应该会

9、很安全you should be safe.如果你想暂时专注于寻找令人开心的数字And if you wanna focus on looking for happy numbers for a while, thats fine. 好吧Yeah.你想谈谈吗Do you wanna talk about it?我们应该把鼓舞人心的手册语录We should hide inspirational handbook quotes藏在办公室各处等她无意间发现around the office for her to stumble upon.她只是需要开始赢得员工奖励哥们She just needs

10、to start earning perks, dude.如果我还没有指套玩具我也会自杀的Id end my life if I didnt have any finger traps yet.我们中应该有个人把自己的指套玩具借给她You know, what one of us should do is lend her our trap 直到她有自己的为止until she has one of her own.对但不是我借因为我已经贡献了这个点子Yeah, but not me though cause I already contributed the idea. 这样才公平Its o

11、nly fair.凯西女士Ms. Casey.我是来这里观察赫莉R的Im here to observe Helly R.没人告诉我啊No one told me.这是科贝尔女士的命令我要观察她是否有悲伤的迹象Ms. Cobefs orders. I am to watch her for signs of sadness, 并用语言鼓励她放弃未来自杀的念头and verbally encourage her to forgo further suicide attempts.如果有要求我还可以给予一个拥抱Upon request, I can also perform a hug.我一直有表

12、现出悲伤的迹象能给我一个拥抱吗You know Ive been exhibiting signs of sadness. Could I get one of those? 不行No.你都记下来了吗Did you get all that?你不开心吗Are you upset?不我很开心No. Im peachy.如果你不开心你可以要求If youre upset, you can request a-要个拥抱我知道不用了A hug. I know. Im good.欧文Irv.朋友你又走神了We lose you again there, buddy?欧文Irv?我必须去一趟光学与设计部I

13、 have to go to O&D.出事了Somethings come up.我想咨♥询♥一下伯特And Id like to seek Burts counsel.那Well.好吧你复印一份那张地图以防我们需要去找你Okay, fine. Just make a copy of that map in case we have to come find you. (卢蒙光学与设计部)天啊Oh, God.不抱歉欧文Oh, no. Tm sorry, Irving.我们发送这份打印任务时肯定出错了你不应该看到这个的We must have sent this pr

14、int job here by mistake. You werent supposed to see this. 这些是什么What are these?没什么和科贝尔女士开玩笑用的Nothing. A joke for Ms. CobeL是光学与设计部的政♥变♥是不是 迪伦总谈起的那次对吗Its the O&D coup, isnft it? The one that Dylan talks about, huh?米尔奇克先生真的发生过政♥变♥吗Did that actually happen, Mr. Milchick?当然没有那样

15、的事不可能在这里发生Of course not. Nothing like that could happen here.这是证据是铁证Its proof. It is ironclad proof.米尔奇克说没发生过Milchick says it didnt happen.一个部门为什么要在身体上攻击另一个And why would one department physically attack another?卢蒙又不会因此把其他部门的资源给他们Lumon wouldnt just then give them all the other departments resources.光学与设计部知道这一点吗我们能确定吗Does O&D know that? Are we even sure about it?因为有七个人的话他们可以对我们做出很多事来Because with seven people, there is a lot that they could do to us.我可以去问你的新朋友 I could ask - Your new friend,

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