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1、九年纪英语unit2导学案屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第二课时Section A (3a - 3c) 课型:预习展示预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1能记住本课时的单词及短语:steal,lay,dessert,garden,admire,tie、goddess、whoever、 tradition、 lay out 、refuse to do sth.、 try to do sth. 、. fly up to、. full moon 、share with2、能记住本课时重

2、点句式: 1) Change refused to give it to him and drank it all. 2) Most people think that the story of Change is the most touching. 3) He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 4) How he wished that Change could come back!二、自主学习(5分钟)预习教材,学生通读短文3a.,回答下列问题:1. What do we eat on Mid

3、-Autumn Festival?2. Whats mooncakes look like?3. Why we eat them on Mid-Autumn Festival?3、合作交流1、3b. Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order.2.、3c.要求学生不看短文,用正确的单词填空来完成句子。3、Read 3a and find What they have done.(连线)Pang Meng because light and flew up to the sky.Change tried to steal

4、 the medicine shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earthGoddess planned to drink the medicine with his wifeHou Yi thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine refused to give Feng Meng the medicine and drank it all四、展示点评(20分钟)1、展示3b、 3c、及连线部分的答案。2、朗读3a的短文。知识链接:1.I think that they are f

5、un to watch. 如直接引语是陈述句,用that 引导变间接引语,构成含宾语从句的主从复合句。如:直 He said :“I am going home.” 间 He said that he was going home.如直接引语是一般疑问句,用whether或if引导、陈述句语序变间接引语,构成含宾语从句的主从复合句。如: 直 He asked me :“Are you going home?” 间 He asked me if/weather I was going home.小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_6、达标测试(

6、分钟)单项选择。 ( )1 .I wonder_ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. A. that B. what C. when D. whether( )2. _ a result,he _ a bird in the sky. A. As;shoot down B. At;shot off C. As;shot down D. At;shot down( )3. He was _ angry _ say anything. A. so;that B. such;that C. too;that D. too;to( )4. _ you are

7、,I will help you. A. Whatever B. Whoever C. Whichever D. Wherever( )5 .The story of Change is one of many traditional folk_ . A. story B. storyes C. stories D. storying 屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第四课时Section A (4a - 4c) 课型:复习提升预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1、能记住本课时的句

8、子详见P12 Grammar Focus2、会运用that, ifwhether,what/where/when/how等引导的宾语从句。3、会运用what、how引导的感叹句。二、自主学习(5分钟)1、熟读Grammar Focus:归纳Section A所学的语法内容:2、完成4a部分。三、合作交流1、讨论4a部分答案2、读4b.短文,找出宾语从句,并运用宾语从句写出关于父亲节和母亲节句子。3、小组活动4c,谈论你最喜欢哪个节日。四、展示点评(20分钟)1、展示4a、4c的答案。知识链接:一、由 what,how引导的感叹句。1、what+冠词+形容词+名词+(主+谓) What a be

9、autiful girl (she is)!2、what+形容词+名词复数+(主+谓) What beautiful girls (they are)!3、what+形容词+不可数名词+主+谓 What a cold weather(it is)!4、how+形容词/副词+主+谓 How fast Liuxiang is running!二、由that, ifwhether等引导的宾语从句。宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。三大考点:引导词、时态和语序。 由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成 常由下面的一些词引导: 由that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略 He says (that) he

10、is at home. 他说他在家里。 由if , whether 引导 表示 一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等) I dont know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish.我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。 由 连接代词、连接副词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊疑问意义小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_六、 达标测试(分钟)一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 .As a result,Change became light and _ (fly) up to the sky.2. Hou Yi got a magic

11、medicine for_ (shoot)down the nine suns.3. How he_ (wish) that Change could come back!4. After this,people started the tradition of _ (admire)the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.5. I invited him to have a meeting but he refused_ (come).二、按要求改写句子。1. April is the hottest month in Thaila

12、nd, I believe.(合为一句) I believe _ April is the hottest month in Thailand.2.Does he look after himself?I dont know.(合为一句) I dont know_he _ after himself.3.我们是多么幸福的孩子啊!(译成汉语,两种译法) _ _ we _! _ _ _ we_!4. He goes to school very quickly.(改为感叹句) _ _he goes to school!5. It is an interesting city.(改为感叹句) _ _

13、interesting city it is! 屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第五课时Section B(1a 1d) 课型:预习展示预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1能记住本课时的单词及短语: treat,Christmas,lie、dress up 、 play a trick on sb、.trick or treat、 learn about2、能记住本课时重点句式:1 、I know its a popular festival in North America an

14、d its on October 31st. 2、 I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters. 3 、Little kids and even parents dress up as ghosts or black cats. 4.、“Trick or treat means kids will play a trick on you if you dont give them a treat二、自主学习(5分钟)1. la.看图片,了解万圣节。把这些生词重新归类时间: 地点: 事物: 做什么: 结果:三、合作交流1、lb听录音,回答问

15、题:1、Where is Halloween popular? 2、When do people celebrate Halloween?3、 What does Wu Yu think of this festival?2、根据所听内容完成lc.四、展示点评(20分钟)1d.学生开展小组活动:谈论万圣节中最让人感兴趣的活动,然后跟同伴一起进行小对话并展示。A:What have you learned about Halloween? B:Oh,I know its a popular festival in North America and its on October 31st. A:

16、What do you like most about this festival? B:I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters. A:How do little kids and even parents dress up? B:They dress up as ghosts or black cats知识链接:小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_六、 达标测试(分钟)单项选择: ( )1._ is impossible_ a language well in a day. A.

17、It;to learn B. It;learning C. That;to learn D. That;learning( )2. Home With Kids_ many people greatly. A. has interest in B. interested in C.interests D. interesting( )3. _ does Anna_ Halloween? A. How;think of B. How;think C. What;think of D. What;like( ) 4. On Christmas Eve,my father often_ Father

18、 Christmas and gives us gifts. A. dresses up B. dresses in C. dresses up as D. dress like( )5.Children dressed up as ghosts going to peoples houses_ the evening of October 31st. A. at B. in C. of D. on屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第六课时Section B (2a 2e) 课型

19、:预习展示预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1能记住本课时的单词及短语:novel,Christams,dead,、business,punish,warn,present, warmth,spread 、end up 、 remind of 、promise to do sth、spread around 、 between .and. 、 in need 、think of、wake up.2、能记住本课时重点句式:1、Many would agree that when we think of Christmas,we probably think of gifts,Christmas tr

20、ees and Santa Claus.2He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person.3 He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.4He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is the next morning on Christmas Day!二、自主学习(5分钟)一、译一译1、cares

21、 about_ 2、probably 同义词_3、告诚某人做某事_ 4、used to_二、阅读2b完成句子。1.他与亲戚快乐地庆祝圣诞,把爱和快乐传播到他去的每一个地方。 He happily _ _ with his_ , _ love and _ everywhere he goes.2.他只关心他是否能挣更多的钱。 He just_ _ _ he can make more _3.他决定改变自己的生活并且保证做一个更好的人。 He _ to change his life and _ _ a better person.4.他很吝音并且总是关心自己。He_mean and always

22、_about_.三、合作交流1、 小组阅读2b.课文,并回答2b问题。2、阅读2b.课文完成2c 、2d。3、小组导论文中的难句及短语。四、展示点评(20分钟)1、展示2b、2c、2d、的答案。2、全组朗读2b课文。知识链接:lay laid laid laying 放;摆;下蛋 The hen doesnt lay eggs now lie lay lain lying 躺;存在 Please lie down for a rest. lie lied lied lying 说谎 The boy never tells a lie.was punished意为“被惩罚”,此结构为一 般过去时

23、的被动语态。一般过去时的被动 语态的结构为“was/were+及物动词的过去分词”。 The house was built in 1969. 这座房子建于1969年。小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_六、 达标测试(分钟)单项选择。( )1 .He is_ he wakes up in his bed. A. too scary to B. too scared to C. so scary that D. so scared that.( )2. He warns Scrooge_ his ways if he doesnt want

24、to end up _ him.A. change;as B. changing;like C. to change;like D. to change;as( )3. He asked me_ I could_ a game. A. that;end B. if;end up C. what;end of D. how much;end up( )4. He came into the room,_ Merry Christmas. A. say B. to say C. saying D. said( )5. Tea House is a famous play_ by Lao She.

25、A. write B. writing C. was written D. written屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第二课时Section A (3a - 3c) 课型:预习展示预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1能记住本课时的单词及短语:2、能记住本课时重点句式:二、自主学习(5分钟)三、合作交流四、展示点评(20分钟)知识链接:小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_七、 达标测试(分钟)屏中九上英语导学案 主备:温艳细 审

26、核:韦沁汝 班级_姓名:_Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!第二课时Section A (3a - 3c) 课型:预习展示预习独学一、学习目标:(分钟)1能记住本课时的单词及短语:2、能记住本课时重点句式:二、自主学习(5分钟)三、合作交流四、展示点评(20分钟)知识链接:lay laid laid laying 放;摆;下蛋 The hen doesnt lay eggs now lie lay lain lying 躺;存在 Please lie down for a rest. lie lied lied lying 说谎 The boy never tells a lie.小结检测五、小结提升(3分钟)谈一谈,你本节课学会了什么:单词及短语:_句型:_语法:_

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