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人教版七年级英语上册教案unit 6 do you like bananas section a 1a1c.docx

1、人教版七年级英语上册教案unit 6 do you like bananas section a 1a1cUnit 6Do you like bananas?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about likes and dislikes重点单词1.banana (n.) 香蕉2.hamburger (n.) 汉堡包3.tomato (n.) 西红柿4.icecream (n.) 冰激凌5.salad (n.) 沙拉6.strawberry (n.) 草莓7.pear (n.) 梨8.milk (n.) 牛奶9.bread (n.) 面包10.birthday (n.) 生日11.

2、dinner (n.) (中午或晚上吃的)正餐12.week (n.) 周;星期 (n.) 食物14.sure (adv.) 当然;肯定;一定15.burger (n.) (hamburger)汉堡包16.vegetable (n.) 蔬菜17.fruit (n.) 水果18.right (adj.) 正确的;适当的 (n.) 苹果20.then (adv.) 那么21.egg (n.) 蛋;鸡蛋22.carrot (n.) 胡萝卜23.rice (n.) 大米;米饭24.chicken (n.) 鸡肉 (conj.) (引出评论或问题)那么26.bre

3、akfast (n.) 早餐;早饭27.lunch (n.) 午餐 (n.) 明星;星星 (v.) 吃30.well (adv.) 好;令人满意地31.habit (n.) 习惯32.healthy (adj.) 健康的33.really (adv.) 真正地34.question (n.) 问题35.want (v.) 需要;想要 (v.) 变成37.fat (adj.) 肥的;肥胖的重点词组1.think about 思考;思索2.How about? (提出建议)怎么样?3.ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事 least 至少

4、 5.eating habits饮食习惯6.healthy food健康食品重点句式1.Do you like salad?你喜欢沙拉吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.是,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。2.Do they like pears?他们喜欢梨吗?Yes,they do./No,they dont.是,他们喜欢。/不,他们不喜欢。3.Does she like tomatoes?她喜欢西红柿吗?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.是,她喜欢。/不,她不喜欢。4.I like oranges.I dont like bananas.我喜欢橘子。我不喜欢香蕉。5.

5、We like rice.We dont like hamburgers.我们喜欢米饭,我们不喜欢汉堡。6.He likes icecream.He doesnt like vegetables.他喜欢冰激凌。他不喜欢蔬菜。单元语法1.Present tense to like2.Yes/No question and short answers3.Affirmative and negative statements 4.Countable/uncountable nouns学情分析部分学生不能理解以Be和Do开头的一般疑问句,所以本单元,教师仍需多讲解,多辅导,争取让每位学生都能理解并学会

6、应用。第一课时Section A (1a1c) 类别课时要点重点单词1.banana (n.) 香蕉2.hamburger (n.) 汉堡包3.tomato (n.) 西红柿4.icecream (n.) 冰激凌 5.salad (n.) 沙拉 6.strawberry (n.) 草莓7.pear (n.) 梨 8.milk (n.) 牛奶 9.bread (n.) 面包重点句式Do you like salad?你喜欢沙拉吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.是,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 自主学习案新词自查根据句意和图片提示写单词。1Do you like bananas?2I don

7、t like tomatoes .3David doesnt likes strawberries ,but he likes pears .4I like hamburgers and milk .5My brother likes icecream .课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) 1Greet the whole class as usual.2Revision.(1)Show some pictures of fruit,such as an apple.Ask questions:T:Whats this in English?S1:Its an app

8、le.T:Is it a banana?S2:No,it isnt.T:Where is the apple?S3:Its on the desk.T:I have an apple.Do you have an apple?S4:No,I dont.(2)Write down the drill “Do you have an apple?” and its answer“Yes,I do./No,I dont.” on the blackboard.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Teaching the new words1Show a picture of many

9、 bananas on the screen.T:Look! What are these?Ss:Bananas!T:Right.Do you like bananas?Help students to answer. Then teach tile word,bananas,bananabanana,bananas.Go on showing some other pictures of food on the screen one by one.Teach the following new words: hamburger,hamburgers;tomato,tomatoes;straw

10、berry,strawberries;pear,pears;orange,oranges;icecream2Lead students to read the new words in this period one by one.3Act out eating something delicious to explain “like”Write “like” on the blackboard.Act out eating something I dont like to explain “dont like”Write “dont like” on the board.Explain th

11、e use of “like”Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) T:Now,lets have a look at the picture in 1a.What can you see in it?Ss:There are many people and food.T:Right.Look carefully and match the words with the things in the picture.Then check the answers.T:Now,well hear three conversations.You need to listen carefully

12、 and number them.No.1 has been given.Before listening,please have a quick look at the three conversations so that you can know their main ideas.Then Ill play the tape twice.Do it individually.Finally,Ill check your answers.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Put students into pairs to practice reading the conv

13、ersations in 1b. Leave them two minutes to do it.Then invite some pairs to roleplay them.Later,ask students to make conversations using the words in 1a.Do it in pairs.Finally,ask some volunteers to present their conversations to the whole class.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Do you like salad? 你喜欢沙拉吗?“like名词/代词”表示“喜欢某人或某物”。“like”后面常跟动词的ing形式,表示经常喜欢做某事。表示不喜欢某人或某物时常用:I dont like【针对训练】我喜欢汉堡包。I_like_hamburgers.他喜欢打篮球。He_likes_playing_basketball.Step 6家庭作业(Homework)1Read the words in 1a and remember them.2Read the conversations in picture 1a and try to recite them.3Preview the next period.4完成学生用书本课时练习。

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