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1、上海高考英语一模冲刺讲义完型填空精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:高三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课类型C专题-完型填空之高频词C专题-完型填空之解题技巧 T能力-完型填空之能力提高授课日期及时段教学内容1、 专题知识梳理知识点1:2014一模完型填空选项高频词汇动词convince; guarantee; ensure; transfer; exist; strike; claim; demonstrate; charge; assemble; reveal; skip; vary; monitor; assess; isolate; classify;

2、 distract; embarrass; stretch; believe; threat; make; consume; dipped;shut;replace,reduce,increase,destroy;expand;narrow;strengthen; weaken; charge; protect; punish; warn; contribute; devote; decorate; drain; maintain; preserve; exhaust; exploit; impose; inspire; prepare; prefer; pioneer; charge; ov

3、ercome; resist; shift; switch; plunge; account for; postpone; access; remind; inform; amuse; assume; obtain; distribute; anticipate; cultivate; recognize; discomfort; distribute; threaten; demand; indicate.名词instinct; ingredient; evidence; miracle; tendency; exposure; principle; efficiency; contribu

4、tion; contact; infection; opposition; pronunciation; transformation; principle; standards; measure; solution; crisis; innovation; material; resource; improvement; appearance; stability; smoke; cost; bargain; miracle; existence; trend; delivery; mood; spirit; appetite; stomach; strength; muscle;purpo

5、se; concept; means; access; contribution; variety; alternative; combination; achievement; option; interaction; affirmation; expectation; communication; combination, ecotourism, background, prevention形容词considerate; aggressive; qualified; reluctant; delicate; positive; negative; ignorant; informative

6、; casual; curious; incurable; demanding; reasonable; social; psychological; evident; vital; long; constant; terrible; wasteful; wonderful; useful; fashionable; beautiful; historic; worthless; ordinary; meaningless; sensitive;agreeable;graceful;financial;appropriate;defensive;fateful; fruitful; sensi

7、tive; multiple; resistant; accessible; critical; reasonable; inevitable; essential; dramatic; fulfilling; efficient; ideal; employable; available; respectful; critical; negative; accessible; frequent; unskilled; compulsory副词agreeably; slightly; accidentally; occasionally; physically; psychologically

8、; thoroughly; vaguely; orally; repeatedly; dramatically; subconsciously; carelessly, regularly; while; recently ;nearly; hardly; rarely; mostly; least; oppositely; unfortunately; frankly; In addition, In short; otherwise; eventually necessarily flexibly naturally; actually, nevertheless, fortunately

9、, definitely, narrowly, widely, practically注:在选项中积累词汇是快速积累完型高频词汇的重要方法,尤其是模考卷中的词汇更是需要引导学生熟练掌握的重要内容。背爽了它,你的完形填空牛了.1.with the help of 在帮助下 under the leadership/ care of 在领导/关心下 strict with sb. 对人要求严格 be strict i知识点2:完形填空长难句及易错题分析1.Its also important to make sure that you really listen to what is be

10、ing asked. In your preparation you will have rehearsed answers to a number of imaginary questions; but you must 62 your response to suit the questions.62. A. give B. shift C. find D. tailor解析:根据语境,段落主句要求确保自己听清被问的问题。在准备阶段,针对各种问题提前回答彩排,但是必须要做到你的回答要适合问题。混淆选项是shift 及tailor的区别,tailor.to表示调整,所以选D.2. The d

11、epartment for Education and Skills wants to 60 teaching of modem foreign languages (MFT) at an earlier stage in the future. Primary school children will get greater 61 to foreign language learning. 60. A. permit B. encourage C. demand D. offer61. A. admission B. access C. chance D. approach 解析:教育与技术

12、部门将来打算在教育更早阶段提供外语教学,所以60选C。61题考查固定搭配access to的用法,学生需要总结相关access的搭配,have access to 或者offer access to,to是介词。3. In many countries, the language of education is not the same as the language of the home for_53_ children . Furthermore, in many countries, young language learners comprise the most rapidly g

13、rowing segment of the elementary (primary) school population. _54_ in some schools there is no extra support to help young language learners acquire the language of instruction, in most countries where there are large numbers of young learners, there is a _55_ awareness of their special needs.55. A.

14、 reducing B. watching C. growing D. slipping解析: 55题根据前文可以推断出选C. growing 表示提高的意识。可以对这个长句子进行长难句分析:首先是while 引导的让步状语从句。 在while 从句中运用了help sb do sth 的结构。 在主句中,where 引导的定语从句,先行词是countries. 4. If you study medicine at university, chances are youll become a doctor. For music students, its less _51_ what job

15、 youll end up with but it could be really fulfilling. The idea that options are _52_ and jobs are few for music graduates needs to _53_.51. A. important B. urgent C. obvious D. satisfactory答案:C语法上:注意到 less 可得空格形容词有一个比较对象长难句分析:51空的句子是what 引导的主语从句。这里51所填的形容词应该要修饰后面的整个句子。52 所在的句子中有从句,可以先找出句子的主谓。主语是the

16、idea, 谓语是needs. that 引导同位语从句。5. In todays American society, high school dropout has day by day grown into a big problem threatening social and economic stability, as many cases of family _51_ or even tragedies, caused by youth dropout are grabbing headlines in media. 51.A. objections B. conflicts C.

17、 establishments D. happiness答案: B。 长难句分析, 第一层是as 引导的原因状语从句,主句是school dropout has grown into a big problem. 后面紧跟 动名词做定语。 As 从句中 caused 过去分词作后置定语。在进行句子分析时,一定注意把定语等找出来。6.Others including President Obama, focus their dropout prevention efforts on a program to _62_ class size, replacing large high school

18、s with smaller learning communities where poor students can get _63_ instruction from experienced teachers. 解析:长难句分析: 找出句子主谓:others focus .on sth, replacing 修饰名词。 在名词短语中又嵌入了where 引导的定语从句。Combined with frequent home visits by teachers, which definitely _64_ families to participate in prevention effor

19、ts, the program is reported to take effect and the nationwide school attendance is _65_. 解析:长难句分析: 开头的combined with 是一个非谓语,在非谓语中插入了一个非限制性定语从句。真正的主句是后面and 引导的并列句。7.When we read books we seem to enter a new world. This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very_50_. Some s

20、tories are toldas ifthey were true. Real people who live in a _51_world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do. Other stories, such as the Harry Potter books, are not_52_. They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do thi

21、ngs that would beimpossiblefor us.51. A. common B. usual C. normal D. certain 解析:此题容易错选A,B。此题考得是近义词词义辨析。8. A new research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than once thought. If animals do have intelligence, how do scientists measure it? Before defining animals intelligenc

22、e, scientists defined what is not intelligence. Instinct is not intelligence. It is a skill _50_ into an animals brain by its genetic heritage (基因遗传). 50. A. developed B. admitted C. programmed D. injected 解析:文章讲的是动物基因遗传内容。基础不好的学生可能通篇看不懂。第一题乍一看似乎每个选项都可以选,还是要根据句意理解来选择。C意味着编程动词。9. These are some of th

23、e aims of a liberal college education as I see them. I cannot resist concluding with a few private thoughts about our new careers at Harvard.To begin with, I hope that we will think _61_ about what we want to accomplish here. It would be _62_ for you to set your sights on some limited goal, such as

24、getting good grades or merely getting into one or another graduate school.61. A. broadly B. honestly C. freely D. continually62. A. fantastic B. magic C. tragic D. basic解析:这篇文章是哈佛大学校长在开学典礼上的演讲,本段是在演讲最后给学生提出的建议。由于前文提到学生在大学首先是学习,这里很容易让学生产生习惯性思维而选错。注意这里用了limited、such as和merely等表示不赞同这样的词,那么第61题承接前文应选A,意

25、为“思路开阔些”;第62题应选C,仅设定学习这样有限的目标是“悲剧的”。10.This all sounds conceited (自负的) and I guess it is - but a surgeon needs conceit. He needs it to encourage him in trying moments when hes bothered by the _doubts_ and uncertainties that are part of the practice of medicine. He has to feel that hes as good as and

26、 probably better than any other surgeon in the world. Call it conceit - call it self-confidence; whatever it was, I had it. And it is, I am sure, what a person has to make a(n) _64_ in life. 64. A. effort B. success C. chance D. promise解析:本文大意是一位新外科医生悟到成为合格的医生的标准是自信。在末段,作者自己做了归纳总结,并给“自信”下了定义,即“一个人必须

27、要取得成功”,所以第64题选B。注:要在易错题中引导学生思考上下文的逻辑关系,并且探索核心词对解题的提示作用。2、专题精讲(选自2012年宝山一模)Success often depends on your performance at an interview. For those who are well prepared, it can be a 50 experience but for others it can be a 51 time. Love them or hate them, though, your job prospects are largely dependent

28、 on your interview 52 . Its not unusual for a company to have fifty or sixty applicants, for a job, so if you are asked to attend a(n) 53 , you are a serious competitor being seriously 54 for the post.Usually companies give you at least a days notice of an interview, so use that time to 55 yourself

29、well. Read through the job description and any information sent to you, and prepare answers to as many questions as you can 56 .At an interview, try to present a “ 57 ” version of yourself. You need to 58 the employer that you can do the job, 59 you mustnt appear over-confident. Being pleasant, howe

30、ver, doesnt mean that you should 60 with everything that the interviewer says. Most companies want to elect someone with his or her own 61 .Its also important to make sure that you really listen to what is being asked. In your preparation you will have rehearsed answers to a number of imaginary ques

31、tions; but you must 62 your response to suit the questions.Its worthwhile spending a few moments after the interview 63 your performance. You can do this best before you know the 64 . What aspects of the interview went well? What do you need to improve? What would you do differently next time?50. A.

32、 common B. positive C. first-hand D. discouraging51. A. terrifying B. agreeable C. appointed D. convenient52. A. skills B. craft C. efficiency D. qualifications53. A. occasion B. situation C. interview D. ceremony54. A. trained B. wanted C. applied D. considered55. A. decorate B. shape C. dress D. prepare56. A.

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