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1、英语写作手册第九章 词语应用 WORD POWER DEVELOPMENT1. acceptPlease confirm by return that you can accept this order.请立即回函确认贵方能够接受此订单。We cannot accept these goods as they are not the size and colour we ordered.我们不能接受这些货物,因为其尺寸颜色均与我们所订要求不符。Please accept our apologies for this unexpected and inconvenient change of p

2、lan.对于这次计划的突然变更以及由此引发的不便,请接受我们的歉意。You are therefore to accept this letter formal notice of our intention to proceed to court.因此,请将本函视为我方意欲起诉的正式通知。acceptanceThe delivery time was clearly stated in our order and your acceptance.在我们的订单和你们接受订单的回信中都写明了交货时间。acceptableWe hope this arrangement will be accep

3、table to you and wish you a speedy recovery from your difficulties.我们希望你们能接受这样的安排,并希望你们早日度过难关。unacceptableWe are sorry to inform you that we find your offer unacceptable for your competitors are quoting much lower prices.很遗憾的通知您,贵方报盘我们不能接受,因为你们竞争对手的报价低得多。2. confirmWe were very pleased to receive you

4、r order and confirm supply of the goods at the prices and on the terms stated.很高兴收到你们的订单,我们确认能按照订单所属价格和条款供货。We are pleased to confirm that the 120KXR193 electronic typewriters which you ordered on 15 October are now ready for dispatch.我们很高兴确认你们10月15日订购的120台KXR193型电子打字机已备妥待运。This is to confirm that w

5、e have reached the following agreement.兹确认我们达成了如下协议。We are now writing to ask you to confirm when we would receiving the replacement.我们写信是想要求你们确认我们何时可以收到调换的货物。confirmationAs soon as we receive your confirmation and pro forma invoice, we will arrange for settlement by bankers transfer.只要收到你方确认书和形式发票,

6、我们会马上安排银行汇款结算。 On 30 November we sent you a fax to get confirmation of delivery.我们于11月30日发了传真,要求你们确认交货事宜。3. considera) We are considering a further overall increase of 10 per cent at mid-year.我们正在考虑在年终的时候进一步全面提高10个百分点。I am writing to confirm that we would price the order you were considering forat C

7、an.$.allowing, as you observe, a special discount.兹写信确认,对于你方考虑订购的,我们将把价格定在加拿大元,你会注意到,我们还提供一个特别折扣。We wonder if it is possible for you to consider granting us sole agency rights.我们想知道你们是否可以考虑给我们独家代理权。b) However, we consider that your price is on the high side.但是,我们认为你们的价格偏高。Could you consider this ord

8、er (to be) part of our previous order No.SD-215, which has not been delivered yet, and allow us a quantity discount?你们能否将这个订单看作是前面还没发货的SD-215号订单的一部分,从而给我们一个数量折扣?considerationFollowing my letter of February 12,in which possible terms of agreement were outlined, I have now incorporated these terms in

9、a draft contract, which I enclose for your consideration.根据我在2月12日信函中大致提出的协议可能包含的各项条款,现已将该些条款纳入合同草案中,随函附上供你们考虑。We hope that you will take the excellent quality of our products into consideration.希望你们能考虑到我们产品质量卓越。In consideration of the small amount of this transaction, we agree to make delivery on D

10、/P basis.考虑到这笔交易金额不大,我们同意在付款交单的条件下发货。considering prep. or conj.Considering the rise in the cost of raw materials, our price is quite reasonable.考虑到原材料成本上涨,我们的价格还是很合理的。Considering (that) your product is new on our market, initial sales may well be moderate.考虑到你们的产品刚进入我们市场,初期的销售很可能业绩平平。considerable /

11、considerablyThe considerable growth in the volume of our business has made it necessary for us to find new suppliers.业务量的可观增长要求我们必须寻找新的供应商。Compared with quotations from other suppliers, your price is considerably higher. 跟其他供应商的报价相比,你们的价格要高的多。 4. receivea) No doubt it is through an oversight on your

12、 part that settlement is now 3 weeks overdue and we look forward to receiving your remittance in a few days.结算延误3周无疑是你方一时失察,因此我们期盼日内即能收到你们的汇款。On comparing the received goods with the sample, we were surprised to find that the color is not the same.将受到的货物与样品对比,我们惊讶地发现二者颜色不同。b) Our products have alway

13、s received a warm welcome on African market.我们的产品在非洲市场一向很受欢迎。We can assure you that these articles will be well received in your market.我们可以保证这些产品在你们的市场将受到欢迎。receipta) The transport quoted is airfreight and you should receive the goods within one week of our receipt of your order.所报的运输方式空运,因此自我们接到订单

14、起1周内你们即可以收到货物。On receipt of your letter of 10 June, we wrote to confirm that Mr. J. Wells, our Overseas Buyer, will arrive in Milan on Thursday 20 July at 11:30 Flight BE475.一收到你方6月10日的来信,我们就写信确认我们的海外采购主管J. Well先生将乘坐BE475号航班于7月20日星期四11:30分抵达米兰。b) We thank you for your letter of 10 October sending us

15、 your cheque for 8600. Our official receipt is enclosed.你方10月10日来函附寄面额为8600欧元的支票已收到,谢谢。兹随函附上我方正式收据。receptionAs the model you required is no longer in production, we wish to recommend GC513 as a substitute, which will surely havegetfindenjoymeet with a favorablewarmready reception in your country.由于你

16、方要求的型号已经停产,我们建议你们采用GC513代替,该型号一定能在贵国大受欢迎。5. subject n.I have some suggestions to make on the subject of packing.关于包装,我有几点建议要提。Since we are now on the subject of sole agency, I hope the territory will cover the whole of this country.鉴于我们在讨论独家代理的问题,我希望代理区域包括我国所有地区。Regarding the subject contract, we wi

17、sh to remind you that the covering L/Chas not reached us to this day. 关于标题所述合同,我希望提醒你们注意,有关信用证至今尚未开到。 adj. This line is still available, but subject to one months delivery from the date your L/C is received. 这类产品还有货可供,但是交货时间只能是收到你方信用证后一个月。 Since the above price is subject to alteration, we urge you

18、to place your order promptly. 由于上述价格很可能要作调整,我们希望你们尽快订货。 This offer is made subject to the goods being still available when your order is received. 此报盘以收到你方订单时仍有货可供为准。 We are now making you the following firm offer, subject to your acceptance reaching us on or before July 19. 现报如下实盘,以你方接受此报盘的通知最晚于7月1

19、9日到达我方为准。 vt. The unexpected hurricane subjected the cargo to great damage. 突如其来的飓风使货物受到严重损毁。 As the goods will probably be subjected to a thorough customs examination, it is required that after being opened the cases be easily made fast again. 由于该批货物可能受到海关的严格检查,因此要求木箱在打开后能方便地再次封严。 6. supply v.When

20、you are ready to buy new machines, we will supply the improved model at 25% discount.如果你们准备购买新机器,我们将以75折向你们提供改进过的型号。We look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.希望下一年能按照新价格向你们供货。We are told that you may be able to supply us at very short notice with the articles supply to us at

21、 very short notice the articles specified on the enclosed list.据说只要稍提前告知,你们就可以提供所附清单中列明的货物。We are able to supply your order from stock as we did years ago.我们能够像几年前那样像你们提供现货。I should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins in which the gloves are supplied.如果你们还能够提供制

22、作手套的各种毛皮样品,那将有很大帮助。We should be grateful if you would supply us with any information about the firms general standing.如果你们能提供有关该公司大致的情况,我们将不胜感激。 n.Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed inquiry form, giving your prices C.I.F. Melbourne.请对随函附上的询价单中所列的货物向我们报CIF墨尔本价格。We feel

23、 you may be interested in some of our other products and are sending you separately by airmail some descriptive booklets and a supply of sales literature for your reference.我们认为你们对我们其他产品可能也会有兴趣,因为另行航邮一些产品说明书以及促销资料,供你们参考。As the articles you require are now in short supply, the earliest shipment time

24、would be in May/June.由于你们需求的货物现在缺货,最早的装运时间是5/6月份。As soon as our supplies are replenished, we will make you a firm offer.一旦再获进货,我们会马上给你们报实盘。supplierThe fact that we are the largest suppliers of woolen underwear in this country is in itself evidence of the good value of our products.我公司是我国最大的羊毛内衣供应商,这

25、一事实本身就能证明我们的产品性价比很高。 句型菜单 SENTENCE MENUTerms of payment 付款条件1. You will be pleased to hear that we have accepted your bill and now have the shipping documents. We shall collect the consignment as soon as it arrives in Bonn and honor your draft at maturity.兹告知我们已经承兑了你方汇票,并已收到装运单据。一旦货物抵达波恩我们立即提货并按时兑换汇

26、票。2. to our rules of your caseWe will make an exception and accept D/A at 30 d/s, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.对我方的规定就你方的情况我们将 破例一次,接受30天承兑交单的付款方式,但是下不为例。3. We would advise you that Order No. 6529 for motor spares, dated 23 June, is now ready for shipment. On receipt of your remitt

27、ance of 2550 per the attached invoice we shall be pleased to arrange dispatch.现通知贵方6月23日第6529号订定单项下的发动机配件已备妥待运。一收到你方按所附发票汇附的2550英镑,我们即安排发货。 Request for payment 催帐1. We are writing concerningshould have been cleared last month.we think you may have overlooked.we expected to be made three weeks

28、e outstanding June account for 2540,payment for our June transaction, which 我们写信想提请注意本来应该上个月就结清的。想来贵方疏忽了。本来以为贵方会在三周前付清的。贵方尚拖欠的6月份账款2540英镑,我们6月份交易的货款, which2. Please either let us have your cheque, or an explanation of wwhy the invoice is still outstanding. If, however, you have already sent a remitt

29、ance, then please disregard this letter.请你方或寄来支票,或解释一下发票款项未付的原因。但是,如果你方已寄出汇款,请不必理会本函。 Asking for more time to pay 要求延长付款期 We were not able to settle the accountthe bankruptcy of one of our main customers.the dock strike which made it impossible to ship our products.a warehouse flood which destroyed

30、the majority of our spring stock. because of 我们一位主要客户破产了。码头罢工导致货物无法运输。仓库水灾损毁了我们大部分的春季库存。 我方无法付款是因为 You may be able to pay some money. Offering some money towards settlements shows a willingness to clear the debt, and will gain your creditors confidence.你可能有能力支付部分贷款,那就主动提出,以显示清偿债务的诚意,并获取债主的信任。1. We w

31、ill try to clear your invoice within the next few weeks. Meanwhile the enclosed cheque for USD1,200.00 is part payment on account.我们会努力在数周内结清发票金额,同时随函附1200美金支票支付部分的赊账。2. We suggest making a part payment of USD2,000.00 now, and paying the balance by August 31.我们建议现在支付部分款项2,000美元,其余的款项将在8月31日前支付。If you cannot offer a part payment , give as precise a date of payment as you can. 如果你无力部分支付,告诉对方一个尽可能精确的付款日期。Once we get over the financial difficulties,Once the strike has been settled,Once the insurance company sends us compensation, we

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