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1、专题01语言学习备考高考英语主题阅读专练解析版备战2021年高考英语主题阅读专练专题01 语言学习 话题:完形填空作者在50岁学习法语的经历阅读理解A篇 为什么孩子比大人更容易学会一门新的语言B篇 作者让女儿学习外语的原因以及学习过程中出现的一些问题。C篇 英语成语及其文化背景七选五介绍英语词汇有限突破的方法改错作者在父亲的英语老师那里学习英语的经历一、完形填空 阅读短文, 掌握其大意, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Very few of us become fluent in another language by learning it in high school. I

2、went to university and then moved across the country to seek a 1 job, married and raised children. I made an effort to 2 the little bit of French I learned in school, but eventually I realized that this was really 3 . I was quite aware that new languages are best learned when young, and that our abi

3、lities in that regard decline with 4 .However, just before my 50th birthday, I 5 French classes. After I was tested to see which group I belonged to, I was placed at almost the introductory 6 . When I looked around at my first class, I was 7 that many of the students were learning French as a third,

4、 fourth or even fifth language.Contrary to my 8 that learning a new language was impossibly difficult, there were people who learned new languages as a matter of course.While I had always thought of myself as a 9 learner, that was no longer the case. I 10 new vocabulary rather slowly.What I learned

5、one week seemed to 11 as soon as I learned the next skill. I had to look up the 12 words and language structures over and over. Now, after several years of learning, I can listen to the news in French and 13 90% of it on the first try, read a novel if the language isnt too 14 and hold up my end of a

6、 conversation if it doesnt go loo fast. Ive learned so much beyond grammar and vocabulary. Ive met people from around the world and all walks of life who have the 15 to make fools of themselves in order to learn something new. Ive been taught by 16 and inspirational teachers from many comers of the

7、world. Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France, I have a renewed understanding of how something can look 18 different from another viewpoint. Ive learned that a language is not just a set of words, but a way of 19 . But most of all, Ive learned that it is never too 20 to learn some

8、thing new.1Ademanding Btemporary Cmeaningful Dpopular2Aunderstand Breview Ckeep Dmaster3Ahelpful Bpointless Cworthwhile Dnecessary4Ahealth Bconcern Cinterest Dage5Agot ready for Bgot on with Csigned up for Dfell in love with6Alevel Bposition Cattempt Dtest7Adisappointed Bamazed Cannoyed Dexcited8Aag

9、reement Bresearch Cassumption Dconclusion9Aclumsy Bconfident Cserious Dquick10Aabsorbed Bconsulted Ccreated Drecognized11Ago down Bpay off Cslip away Dbuild up12Akey Bsame Cfresh Dcomplex13Acatch Brecite Cguess Dhear14Achangeable Binternational Cdifficult Dnative15Achance Btrick Ccourage Ddesire16Ae

10、nergetic Bpatient Cpolite Dsimple17Aannounced Bsent Creturned Dpresented18Acompletely Bequally Croughly Dslightly19Achallenging Bthinking Cliving Dlearning20Aslow Bimpossible Clate Dinconvenient【答案】1A 2C 3B 4D 5C 6A 7B 8C 9D 10A11C 12B 13A 14C 15C 16B 17D 18A 19B 20C【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。文章介绍了作者在50岁学习法语,

11、历经几年的努力,终于大概掌握这门语言的过程。同时,作者还介绍了自己一些感想和体会。1考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我上了大学,然后到全国各地寻找一份要求很高的工作,结婚,养育孩子。A. demanding要求高的;B. temporary暂时的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. popular流行的,受欢迎的。根据前面“moved across the country”可知,作者大学毕业之后,到全国各地去找工作,由此推知,作者应该是想找一份好工作,根据常识可知,好工作往往“要求比较高”。故选A。2考查动词词义辨析。A. understand理解;B. review复习;C. keep保持;

12、D. master精通,掌握。根据常识可知,一个人在结婚有了孩子之后,如果日常生活中不再接触使用在学校里学的某种语言,那么这门语言就会被慢慢遗忘。由此可知,该句想表达的意思是:作者在结婚之后想努力“保持”在学校学到的那点法语,但最后失败了。故选C。3考查形容词词义辨析。 A. helpful有帮助的;B. pointless无意义的;C. worthwhile值得的;D. necessary必要的。根据but转折可知,作者想保持在学校学的那一点法语,但最终失败了。所以他意识到自己的努力是“没有意义的”。故选B。4考查名词词义辨析。A. health健康;B. concern关心;C. inte

13、rest兴趣;D. age年龄。根据前一句“new languages are best learned when young(学习新语言最好是在年轻的时候)”可以推知,语言学习能力会随着年龄的增长而衰退。故选D。5考查动词短语辨析。A. got ready for为做好准备;B. got on with和相处;C. signed up for报名参加; D. fell in love with爱上。根据下一句“After I was tested to see which group I belonged to, I was placed at almost the introductory

14、 _6_”可知,作者经过测试被放到了入门级别。故选C。6考查名词词义辨析。A. level水平,级别;B. position职位,位置;C. attempt企图;D. test检测,测试。测试结果表明作者属于入门级别。故选A。7考查形容词词义辨析。A. disappointed失望的;B. amazed惊奇的;C. annoyed恼怒的,生气的;D. excited兴奋的。许多学生都在把法语作为第三、第四甚至第五种语言来学习,这是出乎作者意料的,因此作者非常“惊讶”。故选B。8考查名词词义辨析。A. agreement协议,一致;B. research研究;C. assumption假定,设想

15、;D. conclusion结论。学习一门新语言是非常困难的,这是作者初学这门语言时的“设想”。故选C。9考查形容词词义辨析A. clumsy笨拙的;B. confident有信心的;C. serious严肃的;D. quick快速的。根据下文中的“that was no longer the case ”和“rather slowly”可知,作者学习新词汇相当地慢。由此推知,他原本认为自己是个学东西很快的人,实际情况并非如此。故选D。10考查动词词义辨析。A. absorbed吸收;B. consulted咨询;C. created创造;D. recognized认出。作者学习新词汇的速度相

16、当慢,即:作者“吸收”新词汇的速度慢。故选A。11考查动词短语辨析。A. go down下降;B. pay off还清;C. slip away逃走,悄悄溜走;D. build up建造。根据前一句作者吸收新词汇速度慢可知,作者学会下一个技能,前一周刚学的东西就会被忘记,即:前一周学的东西“溜走”了。故选C。12考查形容词词义辨析。A. key关键的;B. same同样的;C. fresh新鲜的;D. complex复杂的。前一句提到,作者很快就会忘记一周内学习的东西,所以他不得不反复的查找之前学过的“相同的”的单词和语言结构。故选B。13考查动词词义辨析A. catch理解,抓住;B. re

17、cite背诵;C. guess猜测;D. hear听见。该句展示的作者数年的学习结果。因此,该处指作者听法语新闻时,一次可以“理解,听懂”90%的内容。故选A。14考查形容词词义辨析。A. changeable可改变的; B. international国际的;C. difficult困难的;D. native本地的,本国的。该句表达作者经过数年的学习,已经初步掌握了法语。也就是说,作者能够看懂一般的法语。故选C。15考查名词词义辨析。A. chance机会;B. trick诡计,恶作剧;C. courage勇气;D. desire欲望,要求。人们为了学习新东西,有敢于出丑的“勇气”,不怕在别

18、人面前丢脸。故选C。16考查形容词词义辨析A. energetic精力充沛的;B. patient有耐心的;C. polite有礼貌的;D. simple简单的。该空和inspirational并列,修饰teachers,应用褒义词,且表示老师教学生,那么,“有耐心”更符合。故选B。17考查动词词义辨析。 A. announced 宣布;B. sent派;C. returned返回;D. presented播出。根据listening可知,当新闻被播出时,作者听这些新闻。故选D。18考查副词词义辨析。A. completely完全地;B. equally平等地;C. roughly粗略地;D.

19、 slightly稍微地。根据前面的“renewed understanding”可知,从另一个角度,我们对事物会有“完全”不同的新的理解。故选A。19考查动词词义辨析。A. challenging挑战;B. thinking思考,认为,想;C. living生活,居住;D. learning学习。根据常识可知,语言不仅仅是一套单词,而且是一种思维方式。故选B。20考查形容词词义辨析。A. slow慢的;B. impossible不可能的;C. late晚的,迟到的;D. inconvenient不方便的。作者认为:学习新东西什么时候都不“晚”。故选C。二、阅读理解阅读下列短文,然后从每小题选

20、项中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。 ALearning a second language is tricky at any age and it only gets tougher the longer you wait to open that dusty French book. Now, in a new study, scientists have pinpointed the exact age at which your chances of reaching fluency in a second language seem to plummet: 10.The study,

21、published in the journal Cognition, found that its “nearly impossible” for language learners to reach native-level fluency if they start learning a second tongue after 10. But that doesnt seem to be because language skills go downhill. “It turns out youre still learning fast. Its just that you run o

22、ut of time, because your ability to learn starts dropping at around 17 or 18 years old,” says study co-author Joshua Hartshorne, an assistant professor of psychology at Boston College.Kids may be better than adults at learning new languages for many reasons. Childrens brains are more plastic than th

23、ose of adults, meaning theyre better able to adapt and respond to new information. “All learning involves the brain changing,” Hartshorne says, “and childrens brains seem to be a lot more skilled at changing.”Kids may also be more willing to try new things (and to potentially look foolish in the pro

24、cess) than adults are. Their comparatively new grasp on their native tongue may also be advantageous. Unlike adults, who tend to default (默认) to the rules and patterns of their first language, kids may be able to approach a new one with a blank slate (石板).These findings may seem discouraging, but it

25、 was heartening for scientists to learn that the critical period for fluent language acquisition might be longer than they previously thought. Some scientists believed that the brief window closes shortly after birth, while others stretched it only to early adolescence. Compared to those estimates,

26、17 or 18 when language learning ability starts to drop off seems relatively old.“People fared better when they learned by immersion (沉浸), rather than simply in a classroom. And moving to a place where your desired language is spoken is the best way to learn as an adult. If thats not an option, you c

27、an mimic an immersive environment by finding ways to have conversations with native speakers in their own communities,” Hartshorne says. By doing so, its possible to become conversationally proficient even without the advantage of a childs brain.1. The underlined word “plummet” in Paragraph 1 is clo

28、sest in meaning to “_”.Adecrease Brise Cend Dvary2. What can be inferred from Joshua Hartshornes words?AChildren are too young to grasp a second language.BAge 10-18 is the best time to learn a second language.CAdults go beyond the critical period for learning a second language.DCommunicating with na

29、tive speakers enables you to master all the language skills.3. Why adults cant reach native-level fluency in a second language?AAdults are less influenced by their mother tongues.BAdults spend more time responding to new information.CAdults are only too willing to experience something awkward in the

30、 process.DAdults prefer an immersive environment to a classroom in learning a second language.4. The passage is mainly about _.Athe best age to learn a second languageBthe approaches to learning a second languageCwhy kids learn a second language more easily than adultsDwhether adults can learn a sec

31、ond language like their younger selves【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章通过研究发现,介绍了为什么孩子比大人更容易学会一门新的语言。1. 词义猜测题。根据第一段划线词所在句“Now, in a new study, scientists have pinpointed the exact age at which your chances of reaching fluency in a second language seem to plummet: 10. ” 再根据第二段中“The study, published in the journal Cognition, found that its “nearly impossible” for language learners to reach native-level fluency if they start learning a second tongue after 10.” 可知,此处表示的是10岁以后才学习第二语言想达到流利水平的机会就会下降,因此猜测划线词plumm

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