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1、中国石油大学华东毕业设计论文宋体,小二,加粗,居中中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文)黑体,小一,居中,注意:汉语标题中副标题用“”诗歌翻译刍议认知语境与翻译策略仿宋,三号,左侧起五个tab键学生姓名:常文静英语06-1英双06-1 注意:不加“班”学 号:06062127专业班级:英语06-1正确写法为:2010年6月15日不可写作:2010年06月15日指导教师:XXX2010年6月15日Times New Roman, 小一, 加粗,居中,实词首字母大写,注意:英语标题中副标题用“:”,标题中不应出现如“&”、“C-E/E-C”、“EFL”、“SLA”等符号或缩略语A Tentative

2、 Study on Poetry Translation: Cognitive Context and Translation Strategy byXx XxxUnder the Supervision ofXx XxxSubmittedto School of Foreign Studiesin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement forthe Bachelors Degree of Arts in EnglishChina University of Petroleum Times New Roman, 三号, 加粗,居中,实词首字母大写Dong

3、yingJune 15th, 2010AcknowledgementsTimes New Roman, 三号, 加粗,居中,与其后内容空一行First and foremost, I would like to expressTimes New Roman, 四号,两端对齐;注意:本句只作为格式示例,不可照抄照搬黑体, 二号,居中诗歌翻译刍议认知语境与翻译策略黑体,三号,居中;上下空行摘 要在这篇论文中,我们介绍了D.Sperber 和D.Wilson的关联理论及由之衍生出来的关联翻译理论,着重阐明了译文读者的认知语境及最佳关联问题。强语境文化与弱语境文化间的文化缺省导致了译文读者与原文作者间

4、的语境差异,并由此致使作者意图不能有效传递,即未达到最佳关联。为了解决诗歌翻译中的此类问题,在尽量不损害原诗语境效果的前提下,我们认为译者应试图采用加注、意译等策略,以期弥补文化图式的缺省,达到译文读者与译文间的最佳关联,即译文读者与原语意图间的最佳关联。关键词:语境;文化缺省;最佳关联;诗歌翻译宋体,小四号,“关键词”一词与其后内容之间用冒号“:”,关键词之间用分号“;”,末尾关键词之后不用标点,两端对齐A Tentative Study on Poetry Translation: Cognitive Context and Translation Strategy AbstractTim

5、es New Roman, 四号,两端对齐We introduced the relevance theory proposed by D. Sperber and D. Wilson and the relevance translation theory deriving from it in this paper, and we focus on the cognitive context of version reader and optimal relevance. The cultural default between high context culture and low c

6、ontext culture causes the differences between version reader and original writer, and then impedes the translation of writers intention空一行Key Words: context; cultural default; optimal relevance; poetry translationKey Words两词首字母大写, Times New Roman四号, 不加粗,与其后内容之间用冒号“:” 末尾关键词之后不用标点,两端对齐,关键词3-5个,如需换行,则新

7、行与第一个关键词首字母对齐(如上)Table of ContentsIntroduction.1Chapter One The First Step of the Journey: A Panoramic Survey of Relevance Theory.31.1 Brief Introduction.31.2 Relevance.41.3 Principles in Relevance Theory.5Chapter Two Context.62.1 Contextual Effects.62.1.1 Essence and Application of Mutual Knowledge

8、 and Mutual Manifestness.6 标题最多共可包括三级,如Chapter Two、2.1、 Cultural Model.标题的右侧要注明页码,标题和页码之间加圆点,并用格式制表位对齐右侧页码2.2.2.8Conclusion.32Bibliography.34Appendices(可缺)38Times New Roman, 四号,左对齐,实词首字母大写Times New Roman,二号加粗,居中;下空一行A Tentative Study of Poetry Translation: Cognitive Context an

9、d Translation StrategyTimes New Roman,使用自动生成标题,三号加粗,居中;下空一行Introduction限于毕业论文篇幅,Introduction和Conclusion部分不再分出如0.1 Topic of the Study、0.2 Status Quo at Home & Abroad、0.3 Theoretical Rationales之类的小节The relevance theory proposed by D.Sperber and D.Wilson in their book Relevance: Communication and Cogni

10、tion contributed greatly to the cognitive pragmatic study. It is not a translation theory but it can effectively explain and direct translation activity. Wilsons student E.A.Gutt published his Dr. Paper Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context in 1991, in which he proposed the relevance tran

11、slation theory, which has become the most important new theory in translation practice.Times New Roman,四号,两端对齐,双倍行距,注意:Introduction和Conclusion正文部分字数要求约200词左右 Chapter One The First Step of the Journey: A Panoramic Survey of Relevance Theory二级标题,Times New Roman,小三加粗,实词首字母大写,使用自动生成标题,跟其上下内容之间不再空行,左边顶格书

12、写1.1 Brief Introduction Times New Roman,四号,两端对齐In 1986, D. Sperber and D. Wilson developed a cognitive approach to the interpretation of human communication. In their book Relevance: Communication and Cognition, they studied three aspects of the traditional objects in pragmatic research: (a) how the

13、 process of human interpretation is achieved. (b) the importance of context in comprehension. And (c) the rejection of the notion of mutual knowledge and the proposal of an alterative concept of mutually manifest assumptions (Sperber and Wilson 89).二级标题,Times New Roman,小三加粗,实词首字母大写,使用自动生成标题,跟其上下内容之间

14、不再空行,左边顶格书写1.2 Relevance In this section, we will introduce the basic cognitive notions of relevance and the Cognitive Principle of Relevance. 三级标题,Times New Roman,四号加粗,实词首字母大写,使用自动生成标题,跟其上下内容之间不再空行,左边顶格书写1.3 Principles in Relevance Theory 1.3.1 Cognitive Principle 一级标题,Times New Roman,三号加粗,使用自动生成标题

15、,自动换行居中,下空一行Chapter Two Context2.1 Context Different from the commonly accepted assumption that the context for the comprehension of an utterance is given before hand, Sperber and Wilson (92) propose a much more dynamic view of context. A context is a construct that has to be established and develop

16、ed in the course of interaction in order to select the correct interpretation. The determination of context is seen as a matter of choice and as part of the interpretation process itself. A context is a psychological construct, a subset of the hearers assumptions about the world.二级标题和三级标题之间应有相应文字论述,

17、不可标题下直接嵌套标题2.2 Contextual Effects Contextual effects, in essence, are各级标题换行后,新行应与前一行第一个单词对齐2.2.1 Essence and Application of Mutual Knowledge and Mutual ManifestnessTimes New Roman,三号加粗,实词首字母大写,使用自动生成标题,自动换行居中,下空一行Chapter Four Concrete Strategy in Poetry TranslationPeople reflect their life and expre

18、ss their emotions by rhythmic poetry. Chinese and English poetry both have their own rhythms. However, sometimes it is very difficult for translators to present the same rhythm and form for version readers again. So we have to focus on the whole poem and try to present the inner spirit of it again.

19、4.1 Faithfulness and Overt Translation汉语实例和语料等,字体选用五号宋体 For the sake of analysis and interpretation, we will cite the following poem as an instance:幸因腐草出,敢近太阳飞?(杜甫:萤火)By chance youre born from grasses of decay,Dare you fly near where shines the light of day?4.2 Hypotaxis 4.3 Semantic Translation and

20、 AnnotationTimes New Roman,使用自动生成标题,三号加粗,居中;下空一行ConclusionThe purpose of this thesis has been to examine some of the basic assumptions and to apply the theory to an interpretation of poetry. The essential purpose of this thesis is an attempt to find the optimal relevance in poetry. In poetry, the in

21、tention to produce specific contextual effects in version readers cognitive environment turns out to be a significant factor in the creation of the whole poem. Thus a writer lacking an accurate estimate of the contextual environment of a typical member of the target readers will have problems in att

22、aining effective communication of desired message. Times New Roman,四号,两端对齐,双倍行距,注意:Introduction和Conclusion正文部分字数要求约200词左右Relevance theory is such a type of economics of communication theory and defines a possible point of equilibrium between efforts and effect. Optimal relevance is said to be achiev

23、ed at the point where maximum yield of information is attained with minimum effort. A type of dynamic equilibrium can be attained at the point of optimal relevance in poetic language, where maximum yield of contextual implication is achieved with an acceptable amount of effortBibliographyTimes New R

24、oman,四号;换行后,新行应与前一行第一个单词对齐1 Gutt, Ernst-August. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context M. Beijing: China Translation Publishing Company, 1991: 52-54.(专著:包含“编著”)2 Halliday, Michael. Linguistic Function and Literary Style: An Inquiry into the Language of William Goldings The Inheritors A. S.

25、 Chatman, ed. Literary Style: A Symposium C. Oxford: Oxford University. Press, 1971: 45-47. (专著、论文集内文章;注意:若只有一名编者,编者的名和姓后用逗号,加“ed.”(表示editor)。两名或以上编者,在最后一名编者的姓名后加“eds.”。集体编著,在第一位编者的名和姓后+逗号+“et al.”+逗号+“eds.”。)3 Freed, Barbara F., ed. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom C. Proc. o

26、f Consortium for Lang. Teaching and Learning Conf., Oct. 1989, U of Pennsylvania. Lexinton: Health, 1991. (会议论文集)4 Miller, Hillis J. and Jin Huimin. The Permanent Rhetorical Reading J. Foreign Literature Review 12. 1 (2001): 141-143.(期刊文章)5 Barthelme, Frederick. Architecture J. Kansas Quarterly 13.

27、3-4 (1981): 77-80.(13. 3-4是指13卷3、4期合刊)5 Welker, Kant. Plans in the Common Ground: Toward a Generative Account of Implicature D. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1994: 22-25.(博士论文)6 Anthonissen, C. On the Effectiveness of Media Censorship:Linguistic, Paralinguistic and Other Communicative Devices of

28、Media Regulation. MA. Oxford: Oxford University, 2001: 40-42. (硕士论文)7 Intraub, Anna Jinagwang. How I Learned to Read N. New York Times. 13 January 2002, Section 4, Column 6, Page 16. (报纸文章)8 Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents M. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, 1961: 60-62. (翻译

29、著作)9 Frye, Northrop, ed. Romanticism Reconsidered C. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963: 89-92. (编辑出版)10 Iwanska, Long. Toward a Formal Account of Context Dependency and Underspecificity of Natural Language P. Paper given at AAAI Symposium on Computational Implicature. Berkeley Linguistics So

30、c., 19-21 Jan. 1996.(尚未出版的会议论文)11 Plato. Laws M. 2 vols. Trans. R. G. Bury. Leob Classical Libery. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1926: 11-15.(多卷或多册著作。书名后注明第几册或第几卷,格式为:姓, 名. 书名. 卷目 vols. (其他信息). 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代: 页码范围. )12 Barsky, Robert F. Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent EB/OL. Cambridge: MIT P, 1997. 8 May 1998 .(网络著作:注意有两个时间,前者是作品发表时间,后者是参考者登陆时间;下同)13 Fischer, Michael F. Worthless Words for the Day EB/OL. 21 November 2005. 8 May 2007 . (网络文章;注意:网上资源慎用)14 Browning, Tonya. Embedde

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