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1、酒店培训总机工作程序Operation Hours 24 hours营业时间 工 24小时Senior Telephone Operator 9:00am to 6:00pm 高级接线员 9:00am 至 6:00pmOperators接线员 Morning shift早班 7:00am to 4:00pm 7:00am至4:00pmRelief Shift替补班 11:00 am to 8:00pm 11:00am至8:00pmAfternoon shift下午班 4:00pm to 12:00midnight 4:00am至12:00pmNight shift 夜班 12midnight

2、to 8:00am 12:00am至8:00pm System SIEMENS - PABX系统 FIDELIO - PMSOperators Greeting 总机问候语External Call外线电话 “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, 早上/中午/晚上好 Hotel Sofitel .Speaking, 索菲特饭店我是。 May I help you.我可以帮你吗?Internal Call内线电话 “Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening 早上/中午/晚上好 Operator.Speaking, 这里是总机 我是。 May

3、I help you?” 我可以帮你吗?Response time应答时间 3 rings三声Confidentiality of At all timesGuest Information 所有时间有把握地提供客人信息Message Taking留言 If guest is not in the room, to offer assistance. 如果客人不在房间,要向打电话的人提供帮助.Paging 呼叫 Page board system. To inform caller paging will take about 5 minutes and courteously ask cal

4、ler to hold on. 呼叫系统。五分钟之内通知呼叫者并且礼貌的告诉呼叫者稍等To get back to caller immediately when guest responded. If not, to inform caller of the outcome. 当客人应答后立即通知呼叫者。如果不是,通知呼叫者结果。Wake Up Calls 叫早电话 Standard expression:标准表达 “Good morning, Mr. Brown, this is your wake up call at 7am. “早上好,布朗先生,这是你的7点钟的叫早电话 “Have

5、a nice day.” “祝你今天愉快。“ 1st call at the exact time.第一次打电话的时间为准确时间。2nd call is a reminder call given 5 minutes later 在五分钟之后打第二次电话以提醒客人。If no answer, to get bellman to go up to room to check. 如果没有应答,需要行李员到房间进行检查。 If still no answer, to page for Assistant Manager. 如果仍没有回答要通知大堂经理。Callers Experience呼叫者的感受

6、 Impressed with the efficient and courteous services given. 得到高效礼貌的服务。电话和你 Reception and telephone procedures play a very important part in creating the image of our organisation. The right image of the Company is created only by the highest standards of courtesy and efficiency. These will be achiev

7、ed by adherence to the procedures in the same way, this will ensure the creation of an image which reflects the style and efficiency of our organisation.接待和电话程序正成为树立企业形象的重要部分。只有在高标准的礼貌和效率下才能建立好的公司形象.Three key points to enhance image:树立形象的三个要点 The reception point / switchboard must be manned at all t

8、imes. Relief staff should be properly trained before they are scheduled. 接待/总机始终保持专业表现。替班员工上岗前必须要经过培训。 The reception point should be attractive. It may be simply furnished and must be clean. Floral arrangement will make an enormous improvement. 接待处要有吸引力。它可以有简单的设备并且干净。摆放鲜花会有很大的改观。 Lastly, the best im

9、age created by pleasant, friendly and efficient action on the staff. 最后,建立最好的形象的方法是靠员工的热情,友好和高效的工作行为。 电话技巧Good techniques pave the way for effective communication between our callers and between ourselves and those who receive our calls.电话技巧是我们同打电话人之间以及我们自己同接听我们电话的人之间有效沟通的铺垫。Techniques save time and

10、 bother, and help us to achieve the aim behind the telephone call.电话技巧可以节省时间和免受干扰并且可以帮助我们达到目标。Bad techniques cause irritation, lose business and make for a poor show.没有技巧会引起麻烦,失去生意和造成坏印象。Research has proved that frequent use of the telephone is no guarantee that courtesies and techniques improve wit

11、h practice! Bad users of the telephone are among those who frequently use the telephone. What can lead to improvement is a critical look at how we go about our business on the telephone.研究证实用实践提高礼貌和技巧是熟练运用电话的关键。没有电话技巧的人常在经常使用电话的人之中。提高技巧的关键是看我们怎样在电话中商谈事务。Essentials of Telephone Courtesies必要的电话礼节The t

12、elephone brings out the BEST, sometimes the WORST in people. This includes YOU! 电话可以给人们造成好的,有时是坏的印象。这也包括你。When you speak on the telephone, you are the voice of your company. Put a “smile” into your voice.当你接电话时,你的声音代表你的公司。将微笑带入你的声音。The company is judged by its courteous and efficient service, qualit

13、y of its products. It boils down to good relations between callers and receivers i.e. between people. And thats what counts.对公司的评判是通过他的礼貌周到的服务和产品的质量。归结于打电话人和接听者之间的良好关系。It is far easier to be courteous for few minutes on the telephone by any single employee of the company at any level and thus win a

14、good image for the Company, than it is for less personalized campaign to win a good image through advertising and PR ventures.对任何一个公司的员工来讲在电话中保持几分钟的礼节非常容易,这样做为公司赢得的良好形象,胜过通过广告和公关活动赢得的公司形象。The telephone call is really similar to a personal visit. Give each telephone call you receive, the same attenti

15、on that you would face when receiving a visitor. Never believe that you can get away with bad manners just because you cannot be seen.电话拜访同个人拜访相近。当你接听每一个电话时给他们同样的关注就象你同拜访者面对面一样。永远不要相信因为看不见你,你就可以没有礼貌。 电话礼貌Example:例如 Try to answer promptly:尽可能快地回答问题:Within about two rings 在二声内应答。 If longer, say 如果等候的时

16、间长要说 “Sorry to have kept you waiting”对不起让你久等. Or或者“Thank you for waiting”多谢你久等. Speak clearly in a normal voice 用正常清晰的声音说话.You do not have to shout.不要大声叫嚷. Speak with a pleasant tone Put a “smile” in your voice 用让人愉快的语调-将微笑带入你的声音.No matter how annoyed, irritated, harassed or interrupted you are DONT

17、 DISCLOSE IT 无论你多生气,恼怒,被打扰,你都不能表现出来.Greet the caller with a cheerful愉快地问候客人“Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening” ”早上好/下午好/晚上好“ Then immediately identify yourself, your organization or your section/department 然后表明你的身份,你的机构,部门或者你的岗位。E.g. “Good Morning, Hotel Sofitel”例如 “早上好,这里是索菲特饭店” Or或者 “Go

18、od Morning, Reception, Susan speaking” “早上好,这里是接待处,我是苏珊” Or或者 “Good Morning, Mr. Tans office, Jane speaking” “早上好,这里是谭先生的办公室,我是琼” 沟通技巧REMEMBER! Everyone who answers the telephone IS a Sales person.牢记!每一个接听电话的人都是销售人员。Voice:声音Your voice not only tells the caller who you are BUT also your company SO:你的

19、声音不仅是告诉打电话的人你是谁而且表明你的公司是这样的。 Put a SMILE in your voice 让你的声音带有微笑。 Make sure it is not too loud 不要用太大的声音。 You voice should be CLEAR and ETHUSIASTIC 你的声音必须清晰和热情。 Dont speak too fast 不要说的太快。Answer Promptly 应答迅速On the third ring is acceptable. Too soon and the caller will be startled.三声铃响要接听电话。时间太短会使打电话

20、的人吃惊。“Good Morning/Afternoon, Hotel Sofitel.speaking. How may I help you?” This makes the caller feel good about the hotel. Most important you will start RESPECTING yourself.早上/中午好,索菲特酒店,我是。,我可以邦你吗?这样会让打电话的人对酒店有好的感觉。最重要的是你要先尊重你自己。LISTEN and dont interrupt. Concentrate on what the caller is saying. I

21、f you are working on something else, turn the papers over so you will not be distracted. 聆听但是不要打断。对打电话的人所说的要全神贯注。如果你还想做别的工作,把纸张反过来以免你受干扰。Become a Positive Stroke Giver 成为积极的参与者。This is like giving the caller a verbal reward:这就象给打电话的人一个语言奖励e.g 例如 Thank you (and mean it!) 谢谢你 Its good to hear that 很高兴

22、听到 Fine 很好Thats good 那太好了 Most definitely 很精确Let the caller know what you are going to do.让打电话的人知道你将要作什么。Control The Call控制电话 Use open questions.运用公开问题的方法。If you HAVE to interrogate a caller give a reason for doing do. 如果你不得不询问打电话的人给他你这样做的理由。Be prepared to help.准备好去帮助别人。 应答电话 Procedures:程序 When the

23、phone rings, CONCENTRATE! You are the Sofitel in the callers mind. 当电话响时,注意!在打电话人来讲你是索菲特。 Have stationery ready to take notes. 要随时准备记录。 When the phone rings SMILE to your face. 当接听电话时要面带微笑。 Hold the pen in a professional manner. 职业性的将笔拿在手中。 Answer the phone within 2 rings. 在铃响二声内接听电话。 Use the Sofite

24、ls telephone greetings:使用索菲特的电话礼节“Good Morning, reception, Susan speaking How may I help you?” “早上好,这里是接待处,我是苏珊.请问有什么需要帮忙吗?” Ask for the guest name. 询问客人的姓名。 Make sure we spell out guest name correctly. 确认我们所拼的客人姓名是正确的。 Communicate cheerfulness and enthusiasm. 交谈热情愉快。 Write down complete message tha

25、t the guest passes on. 完整的记录客人所作的留言。 Offer alternative to help our guest. 有选择的帮助客人。 Make sure to ask all necessary questions (i.e. address, telephone number etc). 确认询问了所有必要的问题。(例如:地址,电话号码等)Take personal responsibility to solve guest enquiries or complaints. 有义务解决客人的问题或投诉。 Verify all significant info

26、rmation, by repeating guests conversation. 通过重复客人的谈话证实所有的信息被确认、 When you find out the callers name, use it during conversation. 当知道打电话人的姓名后,在交谈中使用客人的姓名。 At the end of conversation, say Thank you在结束谈话时,要说“谢谢” 接听电话中的一般错误Allowing the phone to ring too long. Should be answered on the third ring. 电话铃响的时间

27、太久。应该不超过三声应答。Answering UNINTELLIGIBLY. 回答晦涩难懂。Holding two conversations at once. 同时接听两个电话。Leaving the caller in the dark. 把打电话人放在一边,置之不理。 Making the caller wait unnecessarily. 让打电话人没必要的等候。Putting your hand over the mouthpiece to let off steam. The caller will hear. 将手放在嘴上阻挡呼气。打电话人会听见。Using company j

28、argon.使用公司的专业用语。 NOT LISTENING 不仔细聆听。Eating or drinking while talking. 在接听电话时吃喝。Speaking too quickly. 说话太快。Taking complaints as personal criticism. 象个人评论式的抱怨。Disturbing background noise. 扰乱周围的声音。Not giving the caller a chance to talk while holding on. 接电话时不给打电话人机会说话。Implying that the caller is not i

29、mportant enough to speak to the person he wants 以为打电话人对受话人不重要。Putting the phone down first. 先挂电话。 代表其他人接听电话Standards 标准A Receptionist or a secretary who answers a call on anothers behalf (perhaps her boss) may wish to find out who is calling.接待员或者秘书替其他人(可能是她的老板)接听电话时应当知道是谁打的电话.Procedures:程序In which

30、case例如: Be discreet and polite 周到礼貌 Ask “May I say whos calling, please?”“可以告诉我你的姓名吗?”Not不要说 “Whos calling, please?” “你是谁?”Sometimes you want to know why a persons calling有时你想知道打电话人打电话的原因 Say “May I know what is it regarding?” 可以说”我可以知道你打电话的原因吗”Or或者 “May I know what the call is in connection with?”“我能知道你想和那位通话吗”Perhaps the caller wishes to remain anonymous也许打电话人不想留下姓名 Then, asking what is it about or you could try那么就说请问你有什么事吗或你需要什么帮助吗 “Just one moment, Mr . Sorry your name is .

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