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1、高中英语牛津模块58重点短语讲解与练习模块5-8重点短语讲解与练习Book 5 1. keep ones word守信用,履行诺言原句I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word. (p2)拓展:break ones word食言,失信get word / have word 获得消息,听说,得知 give/pass ones word 保证,承担;答应,允诺leave word

2、留言 word by word逐字地 have a word with sb.跟某人说话 have words with sb.同某人吵架 get in a word 插话 in a word总之 Word comes / has come that 消息传来基础提升He left _ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon and he did keep his _.A. words; words B. word; word C. word; words D. the word; words2. lie with

3、(做出决定等)得靠;应由(承担责任)原句If so, the problem lies with you, not her. (p5)例如:It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal.拓展:lie in在于;lie 后用介词to(即lie to the east/west of)表示方位或朝向,意即“在之东/之西”,并不强调是否接壤;强调二者交界则用介词on(lie on the east/west of),还可用来表示“在河畔”;lie in表示“在境内”。基础提升请用相关介词填空:1). Ireland lies _ the west

4、 of Britain.2). Canada lies _ the north of the United States.3). Japan lies _ the east of China.4). Shanghai lies _ east of China.5). The decision on whether to do it lies _ the Minister.6). Carefulness leads to success while failure may lie _ carelessness.3. cut back on减少Mr Lin suggested we should

5、cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment.(p23)拓展:cut off切断 cut up 切碎 cut down 砍倒,削减 cut out 切掉 cut short 剪断;打断 cutinto pieces 把切成碎片 cut open 切开 cut across / through 穿过 cut in 插嘴;(突然)插入基础提升用cut的正确短语填空:1. If we dont sell more goods, well have to cut _ production.2.

6、The village was cut _ from the outside world by heavy snow for a month3. During the debate my opponent kept cutting _.4. He sits in his apartment cutting _ magazines and then collected the pieces.5. For every tree cut _, three or four new ones are planted.4. run out(of) 用完What if we run out space?(p

7、25)run out(= be used up)为不及物动词短语,主语一般为物,以主动形式表示被动意义,而run out of(= use up)后应接宾语。My car has run out of petrol.范例 - Im still working on my project. -Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _.(答案:A 08江苏卷) A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing out拓展:run across 偶然碰到 run into 偶然碰到;撞到 run after追赶

8、run over撞倒;碾过(压死) run through/ over 浏览 run for 竞选 基础提升1. I hadnt seen him for years and I accidentally ran _ him in the street this morning. A. into B. to C. through D. down2. Mr. Smith didnt want run _ President in that year. A. in B. for C. off D. over3. He ran _ the main points in the notebook ju

9、st before the examination.A. down B. across C. over D. into 5. under way在进行中,在前进中Two special government projects are also under way to protect the river.(P38)拓展:under repair/ construction/discussion 均表示正在进行,意为:在修理中/建设中/讨论中in a/one way在某种程度上 all the way一路上,从远道 by the way顺便说 by way of 经由 in no way 一点也

10、不 in the way 挡道,碍事 no way不可能,决不 a way of doing/to do sth. 做某事的方法 make ones way一路前进;艰难前进 fight ones way推挤着前进 feel ones way摸索着前进 lose ones way迷路基础提升用way有关的短语填空:1. I cannot get the door open; that chair is _ the way. 2. All the preparations are well _ way.3. He went from Chicago to New York _ way of Wa

11、shington.4. _ no way can teaching in school be separated from practice.5. _ a way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well.6. work out产生某种结果;锻炼;设计出,制订出;算出Experts have assessed the river and are now trying to work out possible solutions to the many problems.(p38)We had wanted to f

12、inish our task by noon, but it didnt quite _ as planned. (答案:D 2007陕西) A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. work out 扩展:work sb/oneself up (into sth)使某人自己激动起来 work up 鼓起,激起 work on 致力于,从事于; 制定 work at 从事 work off发泄 基础提升用work有关的短语填空:1. The expert has worked _ that the money spent would be enough to

13、 build 400 hospitals.2. They find it difficult to work _ enthusiasm(热情) for production.3. Let the child run about. He has so much energy that he has to work it _ somehow.4. There was trouble at first but eventually everything worked _ according to plan.7. end up结束;最后(成了);最后(某种结局)We could produce a m

14、onster, or even a superhuman race that could one day end up replacing us.(p43)拓展:1. end up with 用来结尾 end up in以(状况)而告终 end up doing/n.最后结束如:We talked so long, therefore I ended up missing class. He started as employee and ended up as the head of the company. The party ended up with a song. If you co

15、ntinue to drive so carelessly, youll end up in hospital2. 有关end短语:put an end to结束;制止 come to end结束 in the end 最后 make ends meet量入为出 bring to and end使终止基础提升1. The police have said that this situation _ as soon as possible.A. must put an end B. should be put an end C. must be put an end to D. should p

16、ut end to2. We started our supper _ soup and had fruit to _.A. from; put an end B. with; end up C. in; end D. with; end up with能力提升1.利用方框里短语的正确形式填空:show respect for, in trouble, put into practice, make sense, be concerned about, as long as, deal with, yell at, end up, in favor of, get along with, ca

17、nt stand., for sale, with the intention of, according to1. Hes a bit quick-tempered, but not difficult to _.2. There were 16 votes _ my suggestion, and 15 against.3. Children should _ old people.4. Theory will be of no use unless _.5. She _ being kept waiting in that cold wind.6. It doesnt _ to buy

18、that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.7. The whole society should _ the health and sound growth of children.8. He returned _spending New Year with his family.9. _we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome.10. These operations have been carried out _ the plan.11.

19、The Browns are leaving the town, so their house is _.12. I think we should work out a solution to _ this situation.13. It is very rude of you to _ an old man like that.14. They always turn to us for help when theyre _.15. If you continue to steal youll _ in prison.2. 根据括弧里的提示翻译下列句子:1. 昨天我给你打了几次电话, 可

20、是都没和你接通. (get through to)_2. 既然你讲完了你的报告,现在是我们自由讨论的时间了。(open the floor)_3. 父母应该劝子女不要吸烟.(discouragefrom doing sth.)_4. 大体上讲, 人们都不喜欢被捉弄。(in general)_5. 让我们吃惊的是,晚会结果开得很成功。(turn out)_6. 为了满足农民的需求,我们必须生产更多的拖拉机。(meet ones needs)_7. 不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。(point out)_8. 很容易从人群中辨认出他,因为他个子很高。(pick out) _9.此外,老师还向我们

21、介绍了其它的方法。(in addition)_10. 他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。(without hesitation)_11. 毫无疑问,这两个事件相互有联系。(be related to)_12. 汤姆因从大火里救出那个小孩而受到表扬。(be praised for)_13. 他经常因为向他人撒谎而受到责备。(be blamed for)_14. 我简直迫不及待想告诉他我赢了比赛。(cant wait to)_15. 嫉妒她的成功是没有用的。(feel jealous of)_3.介词填空:1. He felt he needed to focus more _ his career.2.

22、She was _ a dilemma over staying here or moving immediately.3. The key _ the whole affair was his jealousy.4. Dont interfere _ him while hes working.5. I hope you can succeed _ the field of your own.6. _ my part, I dont support this plan.7. Can you figure _ what he is talking about in the next room?

23、8. As soon as I get _ with the work, Ill join you.9. So many people are suffering, and we are to do something to wipe _ poverty.10. He was so desperate _ a good university that he would work until far into the night.11. The government is pushing ahead _ the economic reforms to improve the peoples li

24、fe.12. Changes are being made here which go _ my principles and I cannot agree with them.13. My teacher will be stricter _ me from now on.14. He refused to comment _ the decision.15. This film will have a misleading effect _ some young persons.4.单选:1. What do you think of the book?- Excellent. Its w

25、orth _ a second time. A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read2. Do you feel like _ there or shall we take a bus? - Id like to walk. But since there isnt much time left, Id rather we _ a taxi. A. walking; hire B. to walk; hire C. to walk; hired D. walking; hired3. He ate some bad fish. _, h

26、e felt ill. A. After all B. As a result of C. Above all D. At last4. Why did the plan fail again? What _ was the problem? A. on the earth B. in the earth C. in the world D. on top of the world5. The undersea cable was broken. I couldnt _ to Paris. A. get through B. go over C. get together D. break t

27、hrough6. They knew it was too expensive, but they went ahead and bought it _ its price. A. because of B. regardless of C. owing to D. thanks to7. Many people feel nervous about speaking in _, especially making a formal speech to _. A. public; public B. the public; public C. public; the public D. the public; the public8. There are still many people suffering a lot, and we are to do something to _ poverty. A. keep out B. wipe out C. give out D. run out9. The s

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