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九Unit 4导学案.docx

1、九Unit 4导学案凤州初级中学九年级英语导学案 备课组成员:杨雪 何鸿强 易巧玲 主备人: 杨雪 审核: 班级 组名 姓名 【课题】Unit 4 What would you do? 第一课时Section A(1a2c)P26P27【学习目标】成长中的人常常怀着梦想,成熟的人应该学会了换位思考:“如果我是你,我会;”如果换了我,我会。”本单元语言目标是学会谈论想象的情景和提建议。语法上学习表达假设、愿望、建议甚至空想的虚拟语气。【教学重、难点】 1. What would you do if you had a lot of money? I d give it to medical re

2、search.2. If I were you, Id buy a big house for my parents.【学习过程】【预习指导】预习导学及自测 1)写出下列单词、词组及短语(读课本P26-P27;自主翻译,小组内口头交流后请4名同学在各组黑板上予以板书。限时6mins)百万_ 医学的_ 研究_ 领带_ 烦恼_ 2)在课本中就能找到列短语并翻译。医学研究_ 迟到_ 把捐给慈善机构_ 存入银行_ 带一件礼物_在聚会上_ 穿衬衣打领带_担心_3)重点句子我来译1)What would you do if you found a million dollars?_2)Id give it

3、 to the police. _ 3.) If I were you, Id buy some new clothes._【合作探究】 1)新课导入 Do you have money? Do you want to have lots of money? If I had lots of money, I would do a lot of things.2)听力练习 1 b 听录音将图画标上正确的顺序。2 a 听录音圈画出Larry紧张的理由。 2 b 听录音挑选出Larry的姐姐对她说的四件事情。3)派对练习:1)Role play1c. Here is an example: A:W

4、hat would you do if you had a million dollars? B: Id give it to medical research.2) Pairwork 根据提供的短语(buy some beautiful clothes, buy a computer, buy a car, help the disabled people, give it to the zoo, set up a school for poor children)仿照例子两人先口头编对话,然后再将句子写下来。4)假如你彩票获奖而得到五百万元,你准备用它来做些什么,和同伴谈谈你的设想。 要求

5、:使用虚拟语气表达你的想法,采用以下句型: I wouldif I had 或者If I had ,I would._【知识点拨】A. 虚拟语气1)定义:表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事。2)结构:if引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时。 主句用“should/ would/ could/ might动词原形”。3)例句赏读(朗读并尝试翻译)If I had time, I would go for a walk. (事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步。)If I had a million dollars, Id put it in the bank.(事实上我现在

6、没有100万,不能将它们存入银行。)If I were you, I would go with them. (事实上我不是你,我也不能与他们一起去。)If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.(事实上我不是鸟,不能飞。) B. What if ? 如果将会怎么办?这是一个固定搭配,引导待条件从句的疑问句。相当于What would happen if ? What if you have a walk with me?【反馈拓展】A用所给动词的适当形式填空1.) If I _ (find) a purse, I _(give) it to the po

7、lice.2.) If I _(be) a bird, I _(fly) in the blue sky.3.) If you _ (have) something important, you _( can go) now.4.) If I _(be) you, I _(choose) this one.B根据汉语补全句子1).如果我有一百万美元,我就会买一栋大房子。 If I _, I _.2.) 如果我是你, 我就会去那里。If I _, I _.3.) 如果我有一架飞机,我就会环游世界。If I _, I _.【课堂小结】1) Key words and useful phrases.

8、 2)虚拟条件句的基本结构 【板书设计】 If+主语+谓语动词的过去式(be动词用were),主语+would/should/could+动词原形. 【总结反思】 Self evaluation:_ Group evaluation:_ Teacher evaluation:_凤州初级中学九年级英语导学案 备课组成员:杨雪 何鸿强 易巧玲 主备人: 杨雪 审核: 班级 组名 姓名 【课题】Unit 4 What would you do? 第二课时Section A(3a4)P28【学习目标】学会换位思考,准确运用核心句式If I were you, Id V原,巧妙给出建议。【教学重、难点】

9、 1. How to talk about personal problems in English.2. How to give advice by using target language. ( If I were you, Id take a long walk before going to walk.)【学习过程】【预习指导】预习导学及自测 1)翻译下列单词、词组及短语(读课本P28;自主翻译,小组内口头交流后请4名同学在各组黑板上予以板书。限时6mins)what to say_ get nervous _ get pimples _ look terrible_ a big e

10、xam _ too tired to do well _ take a long walk_ before an exam_ let sb V原_ get a pet_2)重点句子我来译(自主翻译,小组内口头交流后请6名同学口头翻译。限时5mins)a.I dont know what to say or do._b. If I were you, Id like to talk to someone who looks friendly. _c. I cant sleep the night before I take a big exam._d. If I were you, Id tak

11、e a long walk before going to bed. _e. The foods you eat could help with this problem. _f. Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble._【合作探究】 1)新课导入 Are you good at giving advice? Please read the information in 3a on P28, try to match each problem with the correct advice.(1min)2)任务型阅读(Scanning/Skimming the

12、passage then finish the following tasks)(组内口头交流后请6名同学口头汇报答案。限时6mins)a. Match each problem with the correct advice.b. Read aloud and try to get the pronunciation right.c. Reread and underline the useful phrases and memorize them. d. Think of other ways of dealing with theses problems, then give your

13、ideas by using “You should”; “If I were you, Id V.原”.3) Talent Show.(才艺秀) Encourage students to report their answers and then improve each of them by adding something and sharing them. Write down some creative ideas below. (组内口头交流后请3名同学上黑板板书。限时5mins)Solution1:_ Solution2_ Solution3_4) Pairwork(完成两人合

14、作,再班内口头展示,限时6mins)1)Role play3b,try to use the target language correctly and confidently. 2) What problems do you have at home? What problems do you have at school? Make a list, Then ask your partner for advice.(Do 4 on P28)Fill in the chart below the conversation in 4.【知识点拨】1) help with 是个常见的搭配,意为“

15、对有用处/帮助”,with 表示适应的范围,指“对;关于;就说来。”另外,help with 还可作“帮助做”理解。help常见见于以下结构:cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事;help oneself to sth 请某人随便吃/取用2) trouble 既可以做不可数名词,“烦恼、忧虑、负担、麻烦”如:Whats your trouble?也可用作动词,意为“使麻烦,打扰” 如:Im sorry to trouble you.对不起,打扰你了。相关词组be in trouble在困境中;make trouble 捣乱;be out of trouble 摆脱困境【反馈拓展

16、】(自主完成,限时12mins)A.用所给词的适当形式填空1)_(million)of trees should be planted each year.2) If I _(have)time, I will go with you tomorrow.3) What _you _(do) if you had a million dollars?4) Help _(you) to some fish, Tom and Jim.5)He always get _(pimple)before a test.B.单选()1.-I dont know what to wear.-Youd bette

17、r_ a shirt and tie.A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wore()2.Dont worry. Hell come and help you.- _ he doesnt come?A. What B.How C.What if D.How()3.What _ you do if you are late for class? A. do B. will C. would D. shallC.改错1. I dont know how to say or do. _2. You should eat lots of fruits and drink

18、lots of waters. _3. If I was you, Id drink some milk before going to bed. _4. Listening to music can help you relaxing. _【课堂小结】 1) Key words and useful phrases 2)虚拟条件句的基本结构 If+主语+谓语动词的过去式(be动词用were),主语+would/should/could+动词原形. 【板书设计】 Problems - Solutions(If I were you, Id V原.)【总结反思】Self evaluation:_

19、 Group evaluation:_ Teacher evaluation:_凤州初级中学九年级英语导学案 备课组成员:杨雪 何鸿强 易巧玲 主备人:杨雪 审核: 班级 组名 姓名 【课题】 Unit 4 What would you do? 第三课时Section B 1a-2c(P29)【学习目标】1知识目标:能运用以下句型(1).What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie? Id say. (2). What are you like ? 2.能力目标:灵活运用虚拟语气表达句式。3.情感目标:培养学生积极向上,从容自信

20、的性格。【教学重、难点】虚拟语气的应用【学习过程】【预习指导】1翻译下列单词及词语:(读课本P29;自主翻译,小组内口头交流后请4名同学在各组黑板上予以板书。限时6mins)1)energetic _ 2)confident _3)creative _ 4) pemission _ 5)introduce_6)变得紧张_ 7) 做一个演讲_ 8) 整个学校_9)未经允许_10)在.前面_ 11)介绍给_12)invite sb to V原_13)be in a movie_2. Read and try to explain new words in English. Do 1a by you

21、rself .Then read 1b with your partner and get ready for discussion.【 合作探讨1】 (组内口头交流后请3名同学口头汇报答案。限时3mins) 1)- 你是什么样的人?_- 我认为我有创造力而且外向._2) 问一个人的品质、个性常用句型: What + _ + sb. + _ ?还可用来问及事物的性质,形状及天气情况: What + _ + sth. + _?3)问一个人外表长什么样,则用句型: What + _ + sb.+ _?【跟踪练习】A.1)- What _?- Im pretty confident and ener

22、getic.2).- What _? - She is tall with long hair.3).- What _ the table _? - Its round.4).- _ the weather _? - Its cloudy.B.Listening:2a ,2b【合作探讨2】:如果老师让你在全校师生面前发言,你会怎么做? (请2名同学口头汇报答案。限时2mins)1) _ “发言,讲话”, 相当于 _ 2) _”全校师生 “ , 类似的还有: 全班学生_ 全家人_【知识点拔】 all和whole都有”全部的, 完全的,整个的” 之意,但whole强调完整性,修饰名词的单数形式,前

23、面要加定冠词the ,或者指示代词this, 或者物主代词my, his等等,如: the whole world ; the whole day ; the whole book ;all强调总量, 修饰复数或不可数名词,但名词的前面要有定冠词,物主代词或指示代词,如: all my friends ; all the time ; all my life (= my whole life)【跟踪练习】(先独立完成,再请4名同学口头汇报答案。限时4mins)1) He used the _ time to do this work. 2) _ the students are having

24、class now. 3) I cant give you _ my money. 4) Please tell me the _ story.C. Finish 2c,pairwork【反馈拓展】(先独立完成,后请4名同学口头汇报答案。限时4mins)1) I dont know what I should do.(改为同义句)I dont know_ _ _.2) He left here just now. He didnt say anything.(合并为一句)He left here_ _ anything just now.3)Tomorrow will be fine. We

25、will go shopping.(用if合为一句)We_ go shopping if it_ fine tomorrow.4) This question is very difficult. I cant answer it.(合并为一句)This question is_ difficult _me _ answer.5) He will help you. He is here now. (改为虚拟语气) He_ help you if he_ here now.【课堂小结】 1) Key words and useful phrases 2)虚拟条件句的基本结构 What would you do if? Id V原.【板书设计】1)What are you like ? Im outgoing/ energetic.2) What would you do if? Id V原.【总结反思】Self evaluation:_ Group evaluation:_ Teacher evaluatio

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