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1、中考英语总复习专题练习单项填空2019年中考英语总复习专题练习-单项填空答题:技巧 单项填空是中考英语的基本题型。它可以用来考查语法、句法、习惯用法、交际用语、词语辨析等各种内容是一种设题灵活、覆盖面广的多功能题型。 做这类题时要注意以下五个方面: 1通读题干全面理解语境。 做题时一定要抓住上下文语境,领会句子的言外之意然后对各个选项进行比较筛选,从中确定最佳答案。 2找信息词,求最佳答案。 许多题本身带有解题信息,一旦抓住了这些信息,就能正确判断出该题的考查内容,得出最佳答案。 3积累语言习惯和文化,正确进行语境交流。 日常交际用语是中考的必考项目之一。同学们应注意在什么场合说什么样的话才符

2、合英美国家的交际习惯,切忌用汉语思维去解答英语题。例如:根据英美人的语言习惯,对于别人的道歉往往用Thats a1l rightThats nothing,It doesnt matter,Not at all,等应答。4正确分析句子类型,掌握核心结构。如题目是对时态、语态、复合句等进行考查的话,用语法分析法会使很多难题迎刃而解。 5.综合分析,灵活应变。 在解答一些试题过程中有时需综合运用解题方法,比如逻辑推理法、句子结构分析法、语义分析法、转换句式法、排除法等。上述各法绝不是唯一的,各种方法之间是互补的,注意灵活运用多种解题方法。此外,考生还可以使用语感法解题,而语感法的形成和培养是建立在

3、大量的阅读基础上的。任何方法也都是以扎实的语言知识为前提,没有稳固丰实的基础知识,再好的方法也不会奏效。因此基础知识是保证,解题方法才是升华,只有将二者有机地统一起来,才能取得最佳的解题效果。1. Im thirsty. Would you like to bring me some ? A. fruits B. meat C. tomatoes D. water2. Amy always wins high from both her teachers and classmates because of her creative thinking. A. price B. prize. C.

4、 praise D. pride3. Simon, my American friend in Xuzhou, has learned to use well and can eat beef noodles the way most local people do. A. chopsticks B. forks C. knives D. spoons4. -It is my first time to visit Beijing. I am afraid I will be lost. -Dont worry! The can help you. A. camera B. dictionar

5、y C. map D. ruler5.-Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do? -Im afraid we have no but to take a taxi. A. choice B. decision C. reason D. idea6. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel-she has a pretty good of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense7. If you wan

6、t to learn or hear more about something, it means you have an in it. A. experience B. interest C. opportunity D. ability8. He was born in Germany, but he has made China his_. A. family B. address C. house D. home9. If someone comes to see me, ask him or her to leave a A. letter B. message C. note D.

7、 notice10. -Lin Tao has great in finishing the task by himself. Could you help him? -No problem. A. difficulty B. success C. advice D. fun11. This piece of music made me think of the of a running stream. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. shout12. Im not sure about the meaning of the word. Youd better lo

8、ok it up in a _ . A. notice B. postcard C. dictionary D. letter13. In winter, we can wear to keep our hands warm. A. shoes B. socks C. gloves D. scarfs14. -Tom, where is Kate? - She be in the garden. She sometimes plays with her dog there. A. must B. need C. shall D. may15. -Must I park my car behin

9、d the building? -No, you dont have to. You park it here. A. must B. should C. may D. have to16. -I dont care how other people feel. -Well, in fact you_. A. might B. could C. would D. should17. Im afraid you enter the museum. Look at the sign Closed. A. mustnt B. mightnt C. neednt D. cant18. Nancy be

10、 here today. She is on the way to Beijing. A. cant B. may C. can D. mustnt19. Those streams are so small that they be shown in the maps. A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. may20. -Shall we take a bus to the library? -The library is very near here. I think we take a bus. Lets walk there. A. mustnt B. co

11、uldnt C. cant D. neednt21. I have to learn to control myself. It be easy, but it be done.A. may; can B. may; cant C. may not; cant D. may not; can22. Pollution is a serious problem now. Something be done to stop it. A. can B. may C. must D. might23. -What will the weather be like tomorrow? -It be su

12、nny, cloudy or rainy. Who knows? A. might B. should C. must D. cant24. You tell others about this-its a secret. A. can B. mustnt C. could D. neednt25. -Mum, could you come home earlier? - OK. I before 9 oclock. A. come B. was coming C. will come D. have come26. - I borrow your ruler? - Of course, yo

13、u can. Here you are. A. Can B. Will C. Should D. Must27. you make a kite for me, Dad? I want to fly a kite tomorrow. A. Can B. May C. Need D. Must28. -Mum, must I get up at once? I didnt go to bed until midnight last night. - Oh, my darling, you You dont want to miss the wonderful concert, right? A.

14、 mustnt B. may C. neednt D. have to29. -Jack said he would have to stay up late to prepare for his geography project tonight. -But he Mr Wu said we could hand it in next week. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. couldnt30. Drivers wear seat belts (安全带) while they are driving. A. need B. can C. may D.

15、 must31. - you leave now? - Sorry, but I have to. Mum told me to be back home before ten. A. Can B. May C. Need D. Must32. - Excuse me, how do you say this in French? -Sorry, but I speak French. A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. neednt33. -Our team won the school football match last week. -Congratula

16、tions! You be very proud of them. A. must B. need C. would D. can34.-Can I wear my jeans to school? -No, you wear school uniforms. Thats the school rule. A. must B. may C. can D. need35.-Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation? -Not yet. We go to Qingdao. It is a good place for vacatio

17、n. A. need B. should C. may D. must36. You will soon fall behind you work hard from now. A. unless B. though C. because D. so that37. Its going to rain. Youd better take an umbrella, you may get wet. A. but B. and C. or D. so38. This is an exciting game, but its dangerous. One cant do it he or she h

18、as got some training. A. if B. after C. when D. unless39. -Mike, what were your parents doing at 8.00 last night? - My mother was reading my father was playing computer games. A. while B. when C. unless D. as long as40. I know nothing about it my friends told me. A. since B. if C. until D. because41

19、.-Lets go swimming, Linda. -It sounds good, Im too busy. A. so B. for C. or D. but42. The students were all reading in the classroom quietly _ a boy suddenly laughed out. A. while B. after C. since D. when43. I was watching my favorite TV program someone knocked at the door. A. unless B. while C. wh

20、en D. since44. We didnt enjoy the tour the weather was terrible. A. if B. though C. because D. when45. How time flies! Its almost three years we met last time. A. since B. before C. while D. when46. You are not allowed to enter the theater you have a ticket. A. because B. When C. if D. unless47. Mor

21、e than two million people have visited the science museum it opened ten years ago. A. after B. before C. since D. until48. My hobby is swimming skating. Its climbing mountains. A. either; or B. both; and C. not only; but also D. neither; nor49. The football player hurt his leg badly, the coach asked

22、 someone to take his place. A. so B. but C. either D. nor50. -Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park this weekend? -Yes, it rains heavily. A. if B. unless C. because D. when51. I am sure you will make it in the end you have worked so hard. A. so B. although C. but D. because52. -You have to tur

23、n off your mobile phone. This is the class rule. - _ . A. OK. Thank you for letting me know B. Yes, Ill take your advice C. Sure, here you are D. Sorry, I didnt hear that53.-I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike. -_. A. Thats right B. Of course not C. You

24、re welcome D. The same to you54.-I failed the Maths exam again. Im going to give it up. - It was just a test. I am sure you can do better next time. A. Thats right. B. Cheer up! C. My pleasure. D. You are welcome.55. -The charity show is a big success. We have raised a great deal of money. -Great !_

25、 . A. The grass is greener on the other side B. Many hands make light work C. Every dog has its day D. The early bird catches the worm56. -Thank you for showing me the way, Benny. - _ . A. Bad luck B. What a pity C. My pleasure D. Thats right57. We cant afford to make any mistakes. To us, _ . A. a m

26、iss is as good as a mile B. east or west, home is best C. it never rains but it pours D. when in Rome, do as the Romans do58. -Have you seen the film Zoopotia? -Yes. I have never seen film before. A. a greater B. the greater C. a greatest D. the greatest59.-What do you think of Jacks songs? -Great!

27、I have never heard a voice.A. better B. best C. worse D. worst60. -The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. -What? I have never heard of idea before. A. a crazier B. the crazier C. a craziest D. the craziest61.- How can you be excused for such a reason? -I dont care whether y

28、ou accept it or not. A. special B. silly C. serious D. shy62.-Dad, I was the first to win the first prize in the math competition. -Good job, Mary. Im of you. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. successful63. -How was your job interview last week? -Oh, I couldnt feel I could hardly answer most of the que

29、stions they asked. A. worse B. easier C. happier D. better64.-How do you feel about the hat? -Perfect! I dont think I can find a one. A. good B. best C. better D. well65. When you talk with a foreigner, remember to be one thing: Dont talk too much about yourself. A. interested in B. frightened of C. careful about D. pleased with66. After a weeks rest, I.isa felt much and went back to school. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse67.-I traveled to Africa last summer and I saw a lot of wild animals. - unforgettable experience you had! A. What

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