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1、ERPflagship Education for Rural People ERP Flagship, a broad picture of partnersContentsIntroduction Pag. 21. The purpose of this this study Pag. 3 2. The characteristic of the analysis tool (the questionnaire) Pag. 43. The analysis of the data - The characteristics of the partners Pag. 5 3.1 Analys

2、is of the open answers (Other useful information - Pag. 5 Describe here the type of experiences you wish to share with others ). The main finding (The opinions and the requests of the partners) 3.2 Geographical distribution of the partners (by headquarter). Pag. 8 3.3 Geographical distribution of th

3、e partners (by areas of activities) Pag. 10 3.4 Distribution of the partners by continent and by type of organization Pag. 10 3.5 Distribution of the partners by kind of technology used for ERP Pag. 11 3.6 Distribution of the partners by type of ERP activities carried out Pag. 11 3.6 Section of the

4、web site Pag. 15 3.7 Number of people reached by ERP activities of the partners Pag. 16 Annexe n. 1 The questionnaire Pag. 18Annexe n. 2 List of the partners - (1 March 2005) Pag. 21 Introduction.FAO and UNESCO lead a flagship to promote a worldwide initiative called Education for Rural People. This

5、 initiative, launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg on 3 September 2002, seeks to contribute to the achievement of food security, sustainable development, Education For All (EFA, Jomtien, 1990 and Dakar, 2000) as well as the Millennium Development Goals (New Y

6、ork, 2000).The World Food Summit (FAO, Rome, 1996) also focused on the need to ensure and enable an environment conducive to poverty and hunger eradication, durable peace and food security and engaged governments in collaboration with civil society to support investments in human resources, such as

7、education, literacy, and other skills training, which are essential to sustainable development. The Summit stressed the need for promoting access for all, especially the poor and members of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, to basic education. FAO believes that the key for achieving these goals i

8、s the promotion of an appropriate education for the worlds biggest neglected majority: rural people. In fact the worlds poorest majority, illiterates and children not attending school live in these areas.FAO has accepted to be the Educational for Rural People (ERP) lead agency since it is convinced

9、that education is a key to sustainable development, food security and poverty reduction.“Education is a powerful instrument of economic, social and cultural change” and rural development can allow to achieve both poverty reduction and Education for All. “This can be achieve through new multisectoral

10、 and interdisciplinary alliances and partnerships among aid specialists working in education and those working in agriculture and rural development”. “Sustained poverty reduction also requires pro-poor institutions and the building of partnership between the rural poor and the other stakeholders”; t

11、he poor can help themselves to escape from poverty.Therefore this flagship is a step in this direction and it has the following goals: To assure a better access to basic education to rural people To reduce the difference in the area of education between rural and urban areas To improve the quality o

12、f education in rural areas to contribute to the eradication of hunger and poverty and to a sustainable development to increase coordinate and collaborative efforts with and for rural populations and exchange information on activities and good practices in the area of Education for Rural People devel

13、oped by partners.Besides, in this context, FAO coordinates and increases technical support to countries willing to address the basic education for rural people.“The flagship should be a light mechanism of advocacy and coordination, shake itself free from bureaucratic constraints and dare to behave a

14、s a pioneering, activist, lobbying mechanism”.1. The purpose of this studyWithin two years of the launch of the flagship (from september 2002 to February 2005) 114 organizations (see annex n 2), governmental, non-governmental and international, had pledged themselves to work with FAO and UNESCO in p

15、ushing forward the programmes of the flagship. A strong network is currently being built among the partners of the flagship that are NGOs, Fondations, Universities, private and public education training institutions.Many activities were undertaken by FAO: At international level: Organizations of wor

16、kshops and seminars on this topic, At national level: Studies and pilot projects in Bosnia, Croatia, Egypt, Kosovo and Serbia.Communication instruments were created for supporting the exchange of information and good practices: The informal new letter, The web site The questionnaire filled by the pa

17、rtners.This publication aims at drawing a broad picture of the ERP flagship partners after its first two years of activities through the analysis of the data retrieved from the questionnaires.It also aims at helping the partners of the flagship to know better themselves and it could be an instrument

18、 of communication between all the ERP partners.2. The characteristic of the analysis tool (the questionnaire)The questionnaire, the purpose of which is to analyse the partners characteristics is made of 7 closed questions and 2 open questions (“experiences that you would like to share” and “Any othe

19、r information on your activity”). The latter two questions allow the respondents to express their opinions even if in a limited way.The answers obtained emphasized the aspects and problems of particular importance for the partners about ERP.The data collected allowed for a more focussed and precise

20、analysis. The questionnaire has been sent to the partners by e-mail following their subscription to the partnership and their replies were not solicited. The filled questionnaires were also returned by the partners by e-mail.The number of questionnaires (60) answered represent 43% of the total subsc

21、ribers (142) (NGOs, foundations, Universities and others). (total of partners, NGOs, Fondations, Universities )ContinentNumber of partnersPerc.Africa3121.83Asia2819.72Australia21.41Central America53.52Europe5740.14North America74.93South America128.45Total142100.00 (sample, partners that filled in t

22、he questionnaire)ContinentNumber of partnersPerc.Africa1423.33Asia1525.00Central America23.33Europe2541.67North America11.67South America35.00Total60100.00This sample is sufficiently representative of the whole of the partners. The material collected was quite sufficient to meet the requirements of

23、the research: i.e. to draw a clear picture of the situation; but proved also very useful and rich to allow for the design of a 2nd questionnaire more extended and more targeted.The integral text of the questionnaire is attached in annex n 1.3. The analysis of the data - The characteristics of the pa

24、rtners3. 1. Analysis of the open answers (Other useful information - Describe here the type of experiences you wish to share with others ) The main finding. The opinion and the requests of the partners From the analysis of the 60 questionnaires filled in by the partners it resulted a lot of interest

25、ing points and a very positive picture of the initiative, both emphasized by the number of the partners who subscribed to the partnership (187) and by the characteristic and diversity of the partners. As a matter of fact nearly 40,64 of the partners are national NGOs .From the table we can see that

26、national non-governmental organizations constitute the most important actors of the flagship.NGOs have demonstrated large capacity and dynamism to carry-out important programmes in the education area.Partners by type of organizationType of OrganizationNumber of partnersPerc.International Organizatio

27、n158.02Governmental entity3418.18National NGO7640.64International NGO73.74Public education/training institution126.42Private education/training institution2111.23Fondation42.14Other189.63Total187100.00NGOs have their headquarter in low-income countries. Partners by headquarterContinentNumber of part

28、nersPerc.Africa3518.72Asia3719.79Australia21.07Central America158.02Europe6836.36North America94.81South America2111.23Total 187100.00This shows that the initiative has elicited the interest from the organizations which work in the countries where there is a need for developing and improving educati

29、on for rural people.These national NGOs are organizations which better know the need and the problems of rural people and are better suited to propose bottom-up action as well as innovative educational programmes tailored to the needs of rural communities, truly participatory and nor preconceived pa

30、ckage. This programs are more sensitive to the needs of rural learners, dedicated to outreach activities and more community focused.“There is an awareness of the need to harmonize modern knowledge and local wisdom”.The activities registered in the questionnaire differ from community to community dep

31、ending on their situation and specific needs because rural areas are not homogeneous. The partners involve the community in the identification and managing of programs based on the social and cultural environment. They underline the need for respectful dialogue with parents, others adults in communities and local authorities. The educational programs proposed respond to the expressed wishes of the community.The school curricula are meaningful regarding the life situation of rural people and include skills related to local customs and livelihoods and d

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