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Chris Taylor 游戏策划文档doc.docx

1、Chris Taylor 游戏策划文档doc你的公司名称或图标(Your Company Name or Logo)策划设计文档:(Design Document for:)游 戏 名 称(Name of Game)一行说明,例如:终极赛车游戏(One Liner, i.e. The Ultimate Racing Game)“这里该有一些有趣的东东”(补充:比如宣传画面什么的)(“Something funny here!”)All work Copyright 2001 by 你的公司名称(All work Copyright 1999 by Your Company Name)作者: C

2、hris Taylor译者: Count D /陈 忾(wizard_kai)版本 # 2.00(Version # 2.00)Thursday, September 20, 2018注:1、作者简介:气体动力游戏(游戏小组的名称)的奠基人和横扫千军的制造者。(the founder of Gas Powered Games and creator of Total Annihilation.引自GameD的词典。)2、文章简介:本文是一篇含盖性很强的设计文档模版。主要向设计新手说明要如何书写设计文挡,以及要考虑到的主要问题。3、译者声明:翻译这篇文章,全凭个人对游戏制作的执着。其中不免有错误

3、的地方,请谅解。我保留了英语原文,希望可以帮助你阅读。_4、补充声明:补充基于Adams 和 Rollings 的游戏设计技术,这本书的最后推荐了这个模版。该书同时建议在每页的页眉和页脚上写上版权声明。目录Table of Contents游戏名称(NEMA OF GAME) 1设计历程(Design History) 5版本 1.10 (Version 1.10) 5版本 2.00 (Version 2.00) 5版本 2.10 (Version 2.10) 5游戏概述(Game Overview) 7哲学(Philosophy) 7哲学观点 #1 (Philosophical point

4、#1) 7哲学观点 #2 (Philosophical point #2) 7哲学观点 #3 (Philosophical point #3) 7基本问题(Common Questions) 7这个游戏是什么?(What is the game?) 7为什么做这个游戏?(Why create this game?) 7这个游戏在哪里发生?(Where does the game take place?) 7我要操作什么?(What do I control?) 8我有几个角色可以选择?(How many characters do I control?) 8要点是什么?(What is the

5、 main focus?) 8与同类游戏有什么不同?(Whats different?) 8特色设置(Feature Set) 9特色概述(General Features) 9联网特色(Multi-player Features) 9编辑器(Editor) 9玩游戏(Game play) 9游戏世界(The Game World) 10概述(Overview) 10世界特色 #1(World Feature #1) 10世界特色 #2(World Feature #2) 10物质世界(The Physical World) 10概述(Overview) 10关键场所(Key Location

6、s) 10游历(Travel) 10比例(Scale) 10对象(Objects) 11气候(Weather) 11白天和黑夜(Day and Night) 11时间(Time) 11渲染系统(Rendering System) 11概述(Overview) 112D/3D 渲染(2D/3D Rendering) 11视角(Camera) 11概述(Overview) 11视角描述 #1(Camera Detail #1) 11视角描述 #2(Camera Detail #2) 12游戏引擎(Game Engine) 12概述(Overview) 12游戏引擎描述 #1(Game Engine

7、 Detail #1) 12水(Water) 12碰撞检测(Collision Detection) 12照明模式(Lighting Models) 12概述(Overview) 12照明模式描述 #1(Lighting Model Detail #1) 12照明模式描述 #2(Lighting Model Detail #2) 12世界规划(The World Layout) 14概述(Overview) 14世界规划描述 #1(World Layout Detail #1) 14世界规划描述 #2(World Layout Detail #2) 14游戏角色(Game Characters

8、) 15概述(Overview) 15创建角色(Creating a Character) 15敌人和怪物(Enemies and Monsters) 15用户界面(User Interface) 16概述(Overview) 16用户界面描述 #1(User Interface Detail #1) 16用户界面描述 #2(User Interface Detail #2) 16武器(Weapons) 17概述(Overview) 17武器描述 #1(Weapons Details #1) 17武器描述 #2(Weapons Details #2) 17音乐总谱和声音效果(Musical S

9、cores and Sound Effects) 18概述(Overview) 18CD音轨(Red Book Audio) 183D 音效(3D Sound) 18音效设计(Sound Design) 18单人游戏模式(Single Player Game) 19概述(Overview) 19单人游戏模式描述 #1(Single Player Game Detail #1) 19单人游戏模式描述 #2(Single Player Game Detail #2) 19故事(Story) 19游戏时间(Hours of Game-play) 19胜利条件(Victory Conditions)

10、19多人游戏模式(Multi-player Game) 20概述(Overview) 20最大玩家数(Max Players) 20服务器(Servers) 20定制(Customization) 20互联网(Internet) 20游戏站点(Gaming Sites) 20持续(Persistence) 20存档 和 读档(Saving and Loading) 20角色描述(Character Rendering) 21概述(Overview) 21角色渲染描述 #1(Character Rendering Detail #1) 21角色渲染描述 #2(Character Renderin

11、g Detail #2) 21世界编辑(World Editing) 22概述(Overview) 22世界编辑描述 #1(World Editing Detail #1) 22世界编辑描述 #2(World Editing Detail #2) 22额外的、混杂的资源(Extra Miscellaneous Stuff) 23概述(Overview) 23我继续疯狂 (Junk I am working on) 23“XYZ 附录”(“XYZ Appendix”) 24“对象附录”(“Objects Appendix”) 24“用户界面附录”(“User Interface Appendix

12、”) 24“联网技术附录”(“Networking Appendix”) 24“角色描述和动画附录”(“Character Rendering and Animation Appendix”) 24“故事附录”(“Story Appendix”) 24设计历程(Design History) 这里放一个用来解释这个文档设计历程的摘要。(This is a brief explanation of the history of this document.) 这个段落,向读者解释,在进行策划的改进升级时,你想要达到什么效果。他们有可能不明白你的目的,而你需要向他们说明。(In this para

13、graph describe to the reader what you are trying to achieve with the design history. It is possible that they dont know what this is for and you need to explain it to them.)版本 1.10(Version 1.10) 1.10版本包括了最初设计后所做的一些调整。下面是我做的修整。(Version 1.10 includes some tuning and tweaking that I did after making my

14、 initial pass at the design. Here is what I changed.) 1、我改写了游戏的系统要求。 (1. I rewrote the section about what systems the game runs on.)2、我整合了团队成员的反馈意见,并对整个策划进行了修正,但是没有做出太大的改动。(2. I incorporated feedback from the team into all parts of the design however no major changes were made.)3、象这样继续列出你所做出的修改。(3.

15、Just keep listing your changes like this.)版本 2.00(Version 2.00) 2.00版本是第一个在非常了解游戏的情况下完成了大量修改的版本。在很长时间的设计之后,确定了很多结果。在这个文档中现在有了更多大型的设计决策。(Version 2.00 is the first version of the design where a major revision has been made now that much more is known about the game. After many hours of design, many de

16、cisions have been made. Most of these large design decisions are now reflected in this document.) 列出所包含的改变: (Included in the changes are:) 1、留出设计余地。(留空,而不是添加设计内容)(1. Pairing down of the design scope. (Scope, not design))2、在很多区域有更多详细的描述,特别是A、B和C。(2. More detailed descriptions in many areas, specifica

17、lly A, B and C.)3、故事细节。(3. Story details.)4、世界规划和设计。(4. World layout and design.)版本 2.10(Version 2.10) 2.10版本在2.00版本的基础上作出几个小的调整。关键的变化是在众多的附录中。 (Version 2.10 has several small changes over that of version 2.00. The key areas are in many of the appendixes.) 列出所包含的改变: (Included in the changes are:) 1、

18、遍及整个文档的次要的修改。(1. Minor revisions throughout entire document.)2、加入“用户界面附录”。(2. Added “User Interface Appendix”.)3、加入“游戏中的对象附录”。(3. Added “Game Object Properties Appendix”.)4、加入对游戏世界的基本思想梗概。(4. Added concept sketch for world.)游戏概述(Game Overview)哲学(Philosophy)哲学观点 #1(Philosophical point #1) 这个游戏试着去做这些或

19、那些。根本上我试着去完成一些以前所没有实现过的东西。或者,这个游戏不去试着改变世界。我们几乎无法相信,我们如此成功地赢得了竞争。仅仅使用现有引擎,通过新的游戏设计艺术,我们将使世界震惊。 (This game is trying to do this and that. Fundamentally I am trying to achieve something that has never been achieved before. Or. This game will not try and change the world. We are ripping off the competit

20、ion so exactly that I cant believe it. The world will be shocked at how we are using an existing engine with new art.)哲学观点 #2(Philosophical point #2) 我们的游戏仅在康柏电脑上运行。为了某某理由。(反正世界迟早要灭亡,这些理由有啥关系?)(补充:这里,可怜的模版作者似乎正在想办法码点东西出来占位) (Our game only runs on Compaq computers. The reason for this is such and suc

21、h. We believe the world is coming to an end anyhow so what difference does it make?)哲学观点 #3(Philosophical point #3) 当你提出了一些能概括这个游戏设计的哲学观点,自由的说出一切你想说的话吧。当然,你可以把“哲学观点”这个词,换成“我的游戏设计目标”,或者别的什么。 (When you create some of these overarching philosophical points about your design, say whatever you want. Also

22、, feel free to change it to “My game design goals” or whatever you like to call it.)基本问题(Common Questions)这个游戏是什么?(What is the game?) 用一个段落来介绍这个游戏。回答那些你们将被询问的大多数基本问题。你们在设计怎样的一个游戏?(Describe the game is a paragraph. This is the answer to the most common question that you will be asked. What are you wo

23、rking on?)为什么做这个游戏?(Why create this game?) 你们为什么要做这样一个游戏?是因为你喜欢3D射击吗?还是你觉得目前XX游戏拥有潜在市场? (Why are you creating this game? Do you love 3D shooters? Do you think there is a hole in the market for Jell-O tossing midgets?)这个游戏在哪里发生?(Where does the game take place?) 描述你的游戏所发生的地点。如此简单而已。用几句话给读者一个对游戏的基本印象。详

24、细的东西下面再说。记住,策划文档的这部分必须简洁易读。 (Describe the world that your game takes place in. Simple as that. Help frame it in the readers mind by spending a few sentences on it here. You can go into lengthy detail later in a section solely dedicated to describing the world. Remember that we want to keep this part

25、 of the design light and readable.)我要操作什么?(What do I control?) 说明一下玩家要操作些什么。你要对一群狂暴的、变异的、无聊的玩家负责。如果你愿意,你可以把话题转向AI,或者如何模拟一个鱼缸之类的。 (Describe what the player will control. You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players. If you want you can switch on the AI and turn it into a fish bowl s

26、imulation.)我有几个角色可以选择?(How many characters do I control?) 如果可以选择角色,说明一下吧。记得回答一些读者可能会问的问题。这些可是全都依赖你的设计呢。 (If this applies talk a little more about the control choices. Remember to add answers to questions that you think the reader will ask. This is totally dependent on your design.)主要目的是什么?(What is t

27、he main focus?) 我们已经知道了游戏的发生场景和玩家需要控制什么。接下来就是,在这个世界里,玩家的最终目是什么?(补充:比如,拯救世界)这些暴躁,无所事事的玩家们掌握着主动权。你要小心你的用词,别把策划弄得像是在推销。你的策划必须简单明确。 (Now that we know where the game takes place and what the player controls. What are they supposed to achieve in this world? Angry fiddle players take over the U.N. building

28、. Be careful not to add a bunch of salesmanship here. Your design wants to stay light and informative.)与同类游戏有什么不同?(Whats different?) 告诉他们这个游戏与同类游戏有什么不同。这个问题总是会被提出很多次。(Tell them what is different from the games that are attempting this in the market right now. This question comes up a lot.)特色设置(Featu

29、re Set)特色概述(General Features)巨大的世界(Huge world)异常无聊的玩家(Mutant fiddle players)三维图形(3D graphics)32位色彩(32-bit color)联网特色(Multiplayer Features)超过一千万玩家(Up to 10 million players)非常容易找到乐趣(Easy to find a game)非常容易在巨大的世界中找到志同道合的伙伴(Easy to find your pal in huge world)可以进行语音聊天(Can chat over voice link)编辑器(Edito

30、r)从世界(构架)开始编辑(Comes with world editor)从互联网上下载关卡(Get levels from internet)编辑器是非常容易使用的(Editor is super easy to use)游戏性(Gameplay)列出游戏体验的关键资源(List stuff here that is key to the gameplay experience)列出非常多的资源(List a lot of stuff here)嘿,如果你在这里没什么可展示的,那你的游戏值得玩什么呢?(Hey, if you got nothing here, is this game w

31、orth doing?)游戏世界(The Game World)概述(Overview) 描述一下游戏中的世界概况。 (Provide an overview to the game world.)世界特色 #1(World Feature #1) 实际上这部分不应该叫做“世界特色 #1”,而是应该在这段的开头先列出这世界的一些主要组成。接着,在这一部分里,你把庞大的世界拆分为多个部分,然后一一进行描述。 (This section is not supposed to be called world feature #1 but is supposed to be titled with some major thing about the world. This is where you break down what is so great about the game world into component pieces and describe each one.)世界特色 #2(Wo

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