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九年级英语I used to be afraid of the dark教案.docx

1、九年级英语I used to be afraid of the dark教案九年级英语I used to be afraid of the dark教案九年级英语I used to be afraid of the dark教案 第1课时 Unit 2 Section A 1a2c (总第6课时 ) 【Learning objectives】 1. Knowing: used to 2. Habit-forming: used to sentence pattern 3. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like 【Important

2、 learning points】 1. Habit-forming: used to sentence pattern 2. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like 【Learning process】 一、 自主学习 Task 1 : 运用used to询问某人过去的特征 1、 回忆有关描述人的外貌特征及个性的词语,完成部分1a表格 2、运用表中词汇对自己过去的外貌特征及个性汇报给同学们。 Task 2: 听力练习 1、听录音完成1b 2、 听录音完成2a 3、 听录音完成2b Task 3: 理解应用 1、口头描述Mario,

3、 Amy,Tina, Paula, Steve等人的过去 2、读听力材料并归纳掌握如下短语和句子 弹钢琴 _ 踢足球 _ 对更有兴趣_ 在游泳队_ 你不记得我了吗?_ ? 二、 合作共建 学习Grammar Focus中的句子,理解归纳used to的用法 1、used to意为: 2、used to后面加 3、used to的否定式有两种形式 4、used to的反意疑问句 5、 used to的一般疑问式为 三、 系统小结 总结: used to 句型的陈述句、一般疑问句、否定句,举例说明 _ _ _ 四、 诊断评价 (一)根据句意和首字母完成句子 1、Amy used to _ (pla

4、y) soccer. 2、His sister used to be quiet, now she is outgoing. 3、our headteacher is very s_. We often get nervous when we see him. 4、Hes i_ in playing the piano. (二)完成对话 A: Hey, Amy,its _ to see you. B: Hi,Li Lei. How are you? A: _. Wow, you have changed. B: Really? How? A: Well, you _ _ have long h

5、air. B: You remember that? Yes, I did. A: And you _ _ _ really tall! B: Not at all. Youre _ than me now. And I remember you _ _ _ basketball. What about playing basketball now? A: OK. Lets _. (三)句型转换 He used to go to school by bike. 否定句 一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答 1) 2) 反意疑问句 就划线部分提问 【课后反思】第2课时Unit 2 Section A3a-

6、4 (总第7课时 ) 【Lerning objectives】 1、 Knowing:terrify; be terrified of; be afraid of; on 2、 Habit-forming: used to sentence pattern 3 、Communicating:talk about how you have changed 【Important learning points】 1 Habit-forming: used to sentence pattern 2 Communicating: talk about how you have changed 【Le

7、arning process】 一、 自主学习(教师寄语:相信自己,一定能行!) Task 1 : 谈论自己过去和现在的变化 1 利用used to句型谈论Mary过去和现在的变化 past now short tall long black hair short hair quiet more outgoing play the piano play the sportsTask 2: 利用 used to 句型谈论自己及他人过去害怕什么 1、仿照对话两人一组,互相询问对方过去害怕什么 What did you use to be afraid of ? I used to be afrai

8、d of- ( dark; being alone; snakes; flying in an airplane;big dogs; high places;speaking in front of a group) Are you still afraid now? Yes, I am / No, I m not. 2、两人一组,用第三人称进行替换练习 3、仿照3b 对话,对比自己和过去变化 二、 合作共建(教师寄语:合作进步,拼搏成功!) 1. be afraid of 害怕- 后面跟n/ Ving 不要害怕那只狗_ 他害怕一个人呆着_ 2. be afraid to do sth 害怕做

9、某事 他害怕同老师谈话 He is _ _talk to teachers 3. be terrified of 恐惧- 与be afraid of 用法相同 我对蛇怕的要命 _ 4. on 是副词 “ 开通;开着” 指电器在开着的状态中 灯都开着 The lights are all _. 5. go to sleep 入睡 = _ 昨晚你几点睡着的?_? 三、 系统小结(教师寄语:竹子开花节节高,因为一步一总结) 总结: used to 句型的陈述句、一般疑问句、否定句,举例说明 _ _ _ 四、 诊断评价(教师寄语:相信自己是最棒的!) (一)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I used

10、to _(have) long black hair 2. I m afraid of _(go) out at night 3. He is afraid _(go) there. 4. Im _(terrify) of spiders. 5. He _(not use) to be afraid of the dark 6. I am _(interest) to hear your story. (二)翻译句子 1. 她过去常常穿红衣服 _ 2. 你过去常常害怕一个人呆着吗? 不,不是。 _ 3. 我的朋友Tom过去常常害怕在众人面前讲话。 _ 4. 我睡觉时开着卧室的灯 _ 【课后反思

11、】第3课时 Unit 2 Seetion B 1a-2c(总第8课时)【Learning objectives】 1. Knowing :spider in sect chew gum 2. Understand :The meaning of the listening matieral 3. Practicing: used to didnt used to Did you use to ? 4. Communicating: Role-play the listening matieral 【Important learning points】 1. Understand: The me

12、aning of the lislening conversation 2. Practicing: used to didnt used to Did you use to ? 3. Communicating: Role-play the listening conversation 【Learning process】 一、自主学习(教师寄语:相信自己,一定能行!) Task 1: (1a) Check the things you liked when you were a child. Look at the pictures and check the ones you like.

13、 1b 1. Write some things that you used tolike to do when you were a child. e.g Iused to eat candy. 2. Discuss them with a partner. 翻译下列短语: 体育_画画_ 音乐课_ Task2 : (1b,2a) Practise used to I didnt used to 2a 1. Read and understand the four sentences. 2. Listen and check the sentences you hear. 3. Check t

14、he answers. 2b 1. Listen again and fill the from. 2. Check the answers. 翻译下列短语和句子 六岁的弟弟_为担心_一直_ 步行去上学_坐汽车_体育课_ 我过去常常不喜欢考试。_ Task 3 (2c) Practice Did you use to ? Practisec like this: A: I used to eat candy all the time ? Did you ? B: Yes, I dod . And I used to chew gum a lot. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:合作进步,拼搏成功!)

15、 1. six-year-old/six years old This is a _ boy. The boy is _. 2. worry about/be worried about 选择短语完成句子。 别担心他。_ 我们为他担心。_ 3. take the bus/by bus 选择短语完成句子 He goes to school_. He _ to school. 三、系统小结(教师寄语:竹子开花节节高,因为一步一总结。) used to 意为_肯定句式_ 疑问句式_否定句式_ Iused to get up at 5:30 in the morning last term.(变为否定

16、句,疑问句) _ _ 四、诊断评价(教师寄语:相信自己是最棒的!) (一)译出下列短语 画画_体育课_音乐课_ 过去常常_步行去工厂_一直_ 为担心_乘汽车_38岁的妇女_ (二)翻译下列句子。 1. 他过去常常迟到。_ 2. 我过去常常不吃糖果。_ 3. 你过去常常步行去上学吗?_ 4. 他过去常常坐汽车去上学,是吗?_ 【课后反思】第4课时 Unit 2 Section B 3A-4B (总第9课时) Lerning objectives 1. Knowing: right, comic. 2. Understanding:The meaning of the short passage.

17、 3. Practicing: used to, spend some time doing sth., daily life, so much, so many, chat with, hadly ever(almost never), take,be different from. Important leaning points 1. Understanding:The meaning of the short passage. 2. Practicing: used to, spend some time doing sth., daily life, so much, s

18、o many, chat with, hardly ever(almost never), take,be different from. Learning process 一、自主学习(教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣) Task1:Learn 3a 1. Read the story about Rose Tangs problems then complete the chart. 2. Read the short passage again and try to translate(翻译) the following sentences. I used to

19、have so much time._. Then I go right home and eat dinner._. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends._. I hardly ever have time for concerts._. 3. Read aloud and try to retell(复述) the story in your own words. Task2: Learn 3b-4b 1. Complete this letter. Use the information from the

20、 chart in activity2b. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example,I_like tests.Now, I dont mind them.I_.Now its my favorite class.I used to play_.Now,_.I_to school. Now,_. 2. Read this letter again an

21、d try to retell it. 3. Use the information in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school. _. 4. What did your parents use to do when they were children?How is it different from what you do?Talk to your parents and fill in the chart. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我) 根据下列句子,小组讨

22、论划线部分的含义。 1. My mother used to be a doctor._ I used to have so much time._ My good friend is used to living here with us._ Telephone is used to connect(联系) with each other._ 2. I dont have so much time to do my homework._ You have so many friends here,why dont you play with them._ 3. I hardly ever h

23、ave time for concert._ 4. Im sorry,I missed the early bus this morning._ Long time no see. I miss you very much._ 三、系统总结(教师寄语:只有不断总结与归纳,才会更系统更全面) 试根据下列句子的含义总结take,spend,pay,cost的用法 1. It took me two hours to finish doing my homework._ 2. He spent three yuan (in) buying this pen./on this pen._ 3. She

24、 spent two hours getting to Ji nan by bus yesterday._ 4. I paid five yuan for the book.-It cost me five yuan to buy this book._ 四、诊断评价(教师寄语:相信自己,永不放弃) 运用本课知识点翻译下列句子 1.今天他们一直在上英语课。_. 2.他们过去是好朋友,但现在已不再是了。 They_good froends,but they dont like each other_. 3.他几乎不玩电脑游戏。He _ _plays computer games. 4.我迟到了,

25、因为我错过了公共汽车。_. 5.食物太多,我们吃不了.There_ _ _food_we cant eat it at all. 五、课后反思(教师寄语:从不断反思中完善自己,提高自己)第5课时 Unit 2 Self Check (总第10课时) 【Learing objectives】 1. Knowing:The words and phrases of this unit. 2. Understanding:Sentence patterns and grammar. 3. Communicating:Talk about what you used to be like. 【Important learning

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