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1、船舶日志英文填写二汇总船舶日志填写使用英语Fog disappeared. Manoeuvred her at full sea speed (or Fog cleared and full speed ahead).(37) 雾已散,起锚,继续航行Fog cleared off, weighed anchor and got underway.(38) 顶流Current against her.(39) 顺流Current with her.(40) 已观测到花鸟山岛在东北方位15海里Observed Hua-Niao-Shan Island bearing N.E. distance 1

2、5 nm.(41) 我们正顺沿岸的潮流航行Navigated with coastwise tidal stream.(42) 由于受海流影响,以致船舶偏航Deviated her intended voyage owing to current force.(43) 船舶航行在33o58.5N 132o35.6E处突然遭遇强流Sailed at POSN 33o58.5N 132o35.6E and suffered from strong current.(44) 于120oE处从南半球到北半球过赤道Passed equator in long. 120oE from (the) Sout

3、h hemisphere to (the) North hemisphere.(45) 于北纬10o之地通过180o的子午线Crossed the meridian of 180o in lat. 10oN.(46) 在南纬20o23处,从东半球到西半球通过了子午线Passed the meridian in 20o23S from (the) east hemisphere to (the) west hemisphere.(47) 开始测深Commenced sounding.(48) 在30o58.5N 122o35.6E处测深20拓Sounded 20 fathoms at 30o58

4、.5N 132o35.6E.(49) 锤测水深20拓Took a cast of lead 20 fathoms.(50) 再次测深,仍未达底Re-sounded. No bottom (has been) touched down.(51) 用锤测水深不见底Took cast lead. Bottom has not been touched.(52) 用测深仪测得水深为拓,底质未粗沙Cast a lend of echo-sounder 15 fathoms, block sandy bottom.(53) 一艘集装箱船用声号警示从右舷追越,时速22节A container sent si

5、ren to inform of overtaking from starboard with 22 kn.(54) 一艘客滚船用声号警示从左舷追越,时速25节A RO/RO passenger ship transmitted whistle to inform of overtaking from port side with 25 kn.3(1) 要了一艘拖船A tug ordered (for moving operation).(2) “连港15”在我码头不远处等候拖带工作Tug Lian Gang 15 stands by off the pier for towing opera

6、tion.(3) 拖船从右舷船首顶推Tug pushed at her starboard bow.(4) 拖船从左舷船尾顶推Tug pushed at her port quarter.(5) 带拖缆上羊角桩Put tug lines to cleat.(6) 带拖缆上桩Put eyes of towing line on bitts.(7) 拖船正拖我船处港口Tug pulled her outward from the harbor.(8) 我轮主机故障,已经要拖船准备拖带入港M/E OOO. Ordered tug to tow her inward to the harbor.(9)

7、 拖带工作结束,已经签了拖轮付款单据Tug operation finished. Signed towage paper.(10) 用巴拿马导缆轮Panama lead (has been) utilized.(11) 缆绳穿过了“牛鼻孔”Passed through bull nose.4 锚泊(Anchoring)(1) 锚位正常 目录Check anchoring. Found in correct position.(2) 用GPS核对锚位。33o58.5N 132o35.6ECheck ANCH POSN by GPS at 33o58.5N 132o35.6E.(3) 抛左锚,升

8、锚球,锚位距大泓塔真方位291 o,距离2.05海里,水深19米,泥沙底,船首向161 oPort anchor (was) let go. Anchor ball (was) hoisted. Anchoring position at TB 291o, distance 2.05 nm. Depth of 19mwith sandy bottom, HDG 161o from Da Hong lighthouse.(4) 锚备妥,6节甲板,锚位卫道设备测得37o29.0N 122o15.4EAnchor stood by, 6 shackles on deck. SF 37o29.0N 1

9、22o15.4E.(5) 引航员Ha Ji Awbng上船,升H旗Pilot in the name of Ha Ji Awbng embarked, and Flag H hoisted.(6) 引航员下船,降H旗,船长自引航Pilot disembarked. Lowered down Flag H accordingly, and ship is manoeuvred under the command of master.(7) 绞锚Anchor heaving.(8) 起锚Anchor hove up.(9) 锚离底Anchor clear of bottom.(10) 锚已收回An

10、chor home.(11) 锚已绑牢Anchor secured.(12) 抛左锚Port anchor (was) let go.(13) 抛右锚Starboard anchor (was) let go.(14) 抛双锚Both anchors (were) let go.(15) 抛锚相对于凸码头真方位103o, 距离2.5海里,船首向040o,水深13米,沙底Anchored at TB 103o, distance 2.5 nm, HDG 040o, depth water of 13m of sandy bottom form jetty.(16) 抛左锚6节甲板Port anc

11、hor (was) let go and 6 shackles (were) on deck.(17) 备双锚Both anchors (were) stood by.(18) 调整锚链及绞入左锚Adjusted anchor chain and hove in port anchor.(19) 开始绞锚,锚起,慢速前进;至港外,全速前进Commenced to heave up anchor. Anchor weighed. Slow ahead and cleared harbor. Full ahead.(20) 起锚后在引航员的指挥下向港外驶去Hove up anchor and pr

12、oceeded outward in command of pilot.(21) 锚已经绞上,由引航员指挥沿河而上Anchor up and proceeded upstream under command of pilot.(22) 船抵达锚地,抛下左锚并放出3节的锚链,完车完舵,由驾驶员值班Arrived at anchorage and anchored with port anchor with 3 shackles. Finished with engine and wheel. Set officers watch.(23) 于水深7拓处抛下左锚,放出3节锚链Let go port

13、 anchor in 7 fathoms of water with 3 shackles of chain.(24) 起锚向南前进,在水深20米处再次下锚Heaved up anchor and proceeded a little to southward and re-anchored in 20m depth of water.(25) 在港外锚地抛锚等待潮水Anchored at roadsteads to await HW.(26) 左锚已备妥Port anchor ready to let go.(27) 右锚已备妥Starboard anchor ready to let go

14、.(28) 双锚已备妥Both anchors ready to let go.5(1) 开始解缆Commenced to slack on lines.(2) 艏单绑Forward lines single up.(3) 缆绳全部解掉All lines (were) let go.(4) 船长指挥离开码头,驶向锚地 目录Operated outward under the command of Master and proceeded to anchorage.(5) 艏清爽Bow clear.(6) 艉清爽Aft clear.(7) 艉缆解掉Aft lines let go.(8) 离开白

15、石港:燃油74.58吨,柴油17.61吨,压载水1457.54吨,淡水100吨,常数61.3吨,载重1711.3吨,前吃水3.35米,后吃水4.2米,海水比重1.025Departed from White Stone Port. R.O.B. (Remaining on Board) at Departure: F.O. 74.58 t, D.O. 17.61 t, B.W. 1457.45t, F.W. 100 t, C 61.3 t, D.W. 1711.3 t, Draft F 3.35 m/A 4.2 m. s.g. of seawater: 1.025(9) 由码头解缆后,离开横滨往大连Cast off wharf and departed Yokohama for Dalian.(10) 备车慢速前进Her engine stood by and proceeded with slow speed.(11) 减速出防波提Reduced speed outward breakwater.(12) 抵达1号浮并开始系泊Arrived at No

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