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1、电子游戏竞赛规则中英文RULES OF ELECTRONIC GAME COMPETITIOINGame Version: 8.9游戏版本:8.9Operation System: Windows 7运行系统:Windows 7Monitor: 24” wide LED monitor.显示器:24”宽屏LED显示器。WCG recommends players to bring their own mouse, keyboard headphone and any other peripheral to simulate their own best playing environment.

2、组委会推荐选手携带自己的键盘、鼠标、耳麦以及其他外设,营造最好的游戏环境。WCG will provide mice, keyboards and headphones with at least 30 minute notice. No mouse pads will be available, so please bring your own.组委会将会提供鼠标、键盘和耳机,并在比赛前30分钟通知。组委会将不提供鼠标垫,请选手自行携带。WCG will not be responsible for performance issues related to peripherals.组委会将

3、不会对提供外设的性能负责。Players are not allowed to have personal electronic devices (mobile phones, pagers, radios, MP3 players, etc.) in the tournament area or on stage. If the device is not for communication but just a personal electronic device, the player may be allowed to keep the device upon the referees

4、 preliminary confirmation that it is not considered harmful to the tournament. Players found to have unauthorized personal electronic device within the tournament area or on stage may be penalized with warning or forfeiture.选手将不允许携带个人电子设备(手机,寻呼机,收音机,MP3播放器,等等)进入比赛区域或舞台上。如果该装置不是为了交流,只是个人电子设备,经裁判确认不会影

5、响比赛后选手可以自行保管。如果选手被发现携带未被授权的电子设备进入比赛区域或舞台,将会被警告或没收电子设备。Players must set up personal equipment within 10 minutes of the referees notification for set up, except for the delays caused by broadcasting or technical issues. A warning may be given for overtime, and if the player is found to be delaying the

6、 match for non-technical reasons, the referee may declare the match forfeit.选手必须在裁判通知之后10分钟之内调试好个人设备,除非由于直播或技术问题造成延误。超时将被警告,如果玩家被发现由于非技术原因延误比赛,裁判将取消其比赛资格。WCG will not provide personal practice areas at the WCG 2013 Grand Final2013全球总决赛组委会将不会提供私人练习区。Players are allowed to use internet to setup own ga

7、ming gears. However, using internet for other purposes may receive a warning, a forfeit loss or, in extreme cases, be disqualified from the tournament.选手可以使用互联网调试自己的游戏设备。然而选手将互联网用作它途可能会受到警告,罚分,在极端的情况下,会被取消比赛资格。ESRB Rating: Teen (Age 13+)评级标准:青少年(13岁以上)Anyone born after Nov.28th 2000 will not be allo

8、wed entry to the GF.任何晚于2000年11月28日出生的玩家将禁止参与全球总决赛。General通则Competition Method : 7 vs. 7 (Team Play, 7 players per team)竞赛模式:7v7(团队竞技,每队上场7人)Game Length : 10 minutes比赛时长:10分钟Victory Condition : All enemy vehicles are destroyed within the time-limit or The enemy base is captured within the time-limit

9、.胜利条件:在比赛时间内击毁对手所有坦克或者成功占领对手基地。If the match ends draw (no team destroyed or base wasnt captured) the team with at least 8 tier points difference, wins the fight. To gain the 8 points you can kill any tanks and add their tier points together. If no team has 8 tier points more, the match is rated as d

10、raw and must be replayed once again.如果系统判定比赛结果为平局(没有战队全歼对手或成功占领对方基地)而一支战队击毁等级至少领先对手8级(含),则判定其取得本局比赛胜利。击毁总等级由多辆被击毁的坦克等级累加。如果没有战队取得8级(含)以上的击毁总等级优势,则该局比赛将被裁定为平局,并且必须重赛。Draw Rule: If no team has 8 tier points more, the match is rated as draw and must be replayed once again. Both teams must use the same

11、lineup of player, but may change their tank setup in the rematch.平局规则:如果没有战队取得8级(含)以上的击毁总等级优势,则该局比赛将被裁定为平局,并且必须重赛。两支战队必须使用相同的上场人员,但是可以在重新开始的比赛中更换使用的坦克。If match ends in a draw, an additional battle is set, until one team gains victory first (so-called “sudden death” rule). This rule come into effect

12、only in knockout phase.如果比赛在平局中结束,将会进行一场加赛,直到一支战队率先取得胜利(所谓的“突然死亡”规则)。该规则只在淘汰赛阶段生效。Same Players Must play必须上场相同的队员Tanks may be changed使用的坦克可以更换If the game becomes a stalemate and there is no action for an extended period of time during the match and the winner cannot be clearly determined, the match

13、is restarted at the sole discretion of the referee.如果在比赛过程中形成僵持局面而场上没有任何行动的迹象,并且胜负难以判断。裁判员可以酌情裁定本局比赛重赛。Arriving late for a scheduled match may result in a forfeit at the discretion of the Chief Referee.战队在既定的比赛中迟到,裁判长可以判其弃权。At the end of each match the players must remain seated and remain on the vi

14、ctory/defeat screen and await a referee to record the results and save the replay. Closing the victory/defeat screen without the replay being saved by a referee may result in a default loss.在比赛结束后,队员须坐在原位,保持胜利/失败结果比分牌并等待裁判记录比赛结果以及保存比赛录像。在裁判未能储存比赛录像的情况下擅自关闭胜利/失败结果比分牌的行为将被认定为放弃本场比赛胜利。WCG reserves the

15、right to install additional software and/or join as an observer for tournament operations purposes such as gathering match data.组委会享有添加第三方软件以及/或加入裁判视角用于监督比赛进程的权利,例如收集比赛数据。The “World of Tanks” tournament shall consist of two parts:“坦克世界”比赛将由两部分组成:1) Group stage: a round-robin consisting of one match

16、against each group opponent; (Best 2 out of 3 games)小组赛:循环赛,包含每一场和小组内每个战队的比赛。(3局2胜)2) Knockout stage: single elimination (Best 3 out of 5 games)淘汰赛:单败淘汰赛(5局3胜)Game Settings比赛规则Match Mode : Standard game mode比赛模式:标准模式Maps: Himmelsdorf, Ensk, Ruinberg, Cliff, Lakeville.比赛地图:锡默尔斯多夫、安斯克、鲁别克、海岸争霸、拉斯威利Tie

17、r & Point Limits :等级限制:1) Total amount of vehicle tiers in one team must not exceed 42 points(7 players)参赛战队每队总等级不超过42级(7名队员)2) Vehicle tier limit for tanks is 8单辆战车等级上限为8级Tank Selection :坦克选择3) Tier 8 or under are allowed 8级或8级以下坦克允许上场Items : Gold ammo and Gold consumables are allowed.不限制任何金币弹以及金币补

18、给的使用Group Stage小组赛阶段The draw result for the WCG 2013 Grand Final groups will be announced on Nov. 11th, 2013 via the WCG website2013总决赛小组赛的赛程组委会安排将会在2013年11月11日通过WCG官网公布。The Map rotation will be announced on Nov, 11th, 2013 via the WCG website.地图库将会在2013年11月11日通过组委会官网公布Spawning side will be determin

19、ed by a coin toss, winner of coin toss will have priority to decide the spawning side for game 1 and 3. Loser will decide the spawning side for second game.出生点将通过掷硬币决定,掷硬币胜利的一方将有权利决定第1局和第3局比赛的出生点。失败的一方将决定第2局比赛的出生点。The tank picking is always started by the team that picked starting position by pickin

20、g their first 2 tanks. This will be done until both teams picked their complete tank line-up of 7 tanks.总是由选择了出生点的战队先挑选他们的前2辆坦克。轮流选择坦克直到双方都挑选完阵容完整的7辆坦克。The Group Stage is Round Robin. Each team plays one match against each of the other teams in the same group. Winning teams receive three points for

21、a win and losing teams receive zero.小组赛将采用循环赛。每支战队将与同组的其他每一支战队进行一场比赛。取得1场胜利获得3分,失败战队得0分。The group stage. Draw match. If a match ends in a draw, each team receives 1 point.小组赛。平局。如果一局比赛以平局结束,每支战队获得1分。The ranking for Group Stage is decided by the total number of points acquired during group matches.小组

22、赛排名将由每支战队在小组赛中获得的总分决定。In the case of 2 teams having the same number of points, the following rules will be applied in order listed:如果2支战队积分相同,下列规则将生效:1) Head To Head (The winner of the match between the two players advances)胜负关系(两队比赛之间的胜者占先)2) “Win-lose” difference (if an amount of “win-lose” differ

23、ence points is equal between these team, the team with bigger amount of total wins in the group stage receives an advantage)“胜-负”差(如果这些战队中胜负分差相同,那么总获胜分更大的战队将在小组赛中占先)3) Rematch (The map will be drawn.)重赛4) If both of the teams do not qualify to advance to the next phase, they are deemed tied with sam

24、e ranking.如果两支战队都没有资格晋级下一阶段,他们将被认为排名相同。In case of 3 or more teams having the same number of points, the following rules will be applied in order listed:如果3支或更多战队获得同样的积分,下列规则将生效:1) Head To Head (The winner of the matches between the affected teams)胜负关系(彼此比赛之间的胜者占先)2)“Win-lose” difference (if an amoun

25、t of “win-lose” difference points is equal between these teams, the team with bigger amount of total wins in the group stage receives an advantage)“胜-负”差(如果这些战队中胜负分差相同,那么总获胜分更大的战队将在小组赛中占先)3) Number of in-game rounds won during group matches between the affected teams.平分战队在小组赛游戏中获胜的总回合数。4) Rematch, a

26、dditional round-robin matches will be played(The map will be drawn.).重赛,将进行额外的循环赛。5) If all of the teams do not qualify to advance to the next phase, they are deemed tied with same ranking.如果相关战队都没有资格晋级下一阶段,他们将被认为排名相同。The two teams coming first and second in each group qualify for the Knockout Stage

27、小组前两名晋级淘汰赛。Knockout Stage淘汰赛阶段The Knockout Stage of the tournament shall consist of a single elimination tournament. The first team to win three out of five games wins the match.淘汰赛阶段将采用单败淘汰赛。首先在五局中取得三局胜利的战队晋级。The map selection will utilize the Map Veto method:地图选择将采用“地图否决”方法:1) After initiating a c

28、oin toss, the winner will decide between A or B. (In the Quarter Finals, Priority will be given to the player who was 1st in their group to decide between A and B. The coin toss will be initiated from Semi Finals.)掷完硬币后,胜者将决定A队或B队(在四分之一决赛开始前,小组赛中的排名第1的战队将获得权利决定A和B。掷硬币将会在半决赛开始。)2) After choosing A/B,

29、 map will be chosen by the following methods.“A” choose the fifth game map “B” choose the fourth game map “A” choose the third game map “B” choose the second game map first game map will be the map that hasnt been chosen or vetoed.选择完A/B后,地图将由以下方法选出。“A”选择第五局比赛地图“B”选择第四局比赛地图“A”选择第三局比赛地图“B”选择第二局比赛地图最后

30、剩下的地图为第一局比赛地图Team A will choose spawning side for game 1, 3 and 5. A队将挑选1,3,5局的出生点Team B will choose spawning side for game 2 and 4 B队将挑选2,4局的出生点Players must inform name of the tank before picking and notify to referee and players.选手必须在挑选坦克之前告知裁判和选手坦克的名称。Tank picking is based on rules below以下为挑选坦克的规

31、则A: Coin toss winner / B: A teams opponent掷硬币胜者/B:A队对手If disconnection occurs during a match当比赛中出现掉线的情况Disconnection: any connection loss between opponents due to system, network, PC, and/or power problems/issues.掉线的情况是指:比赛中由于系统,网络,机器或电力原因造成无法正常连接。Intentional disconnection: any connection loss between opponents due to a players actions. Upon the referees discretion the offending player may be given a yellow card or immediately charged with a default loss.故意造成掉线:任何由于选手原因造成掉线的情况,由裁判判定选手弃权比赛。When the game is disconnected, the player must info

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