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九年级英语上学期unit 4教案.docx

1、九年级英语上学期unit 4教案九年级英语上学期Unit 4教案Topic 3Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master the new word:research2. Help the students to learn the usage of modal verb+passive voice.3. Talk about flying to Mars and the outer space and something about the

2、aliens.4. Help students to learn expressing possibility and impossibility. Teaching aids 教具录音机/一个破损的MP3(或别的其他东西。). Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) (复习一般过去时的被动语态。)T: Good morning, boys and girls! (突然面色由晴转阴。)What happened to my MP3? (可替换为其他的物品。)It was broken. (把破损的一面给大家看,

3、面露心痛之色。)Who was my MP3 broken by? (转向全体同学。)Was it broken by you, S1? (对前排的一个同学提问。)(全班笑,然后开始猜测,教师引导学生用英语表述。)S2: Was it broken by yourself, Miss/Mr. ?T: No, but it is a good try.S3: Was it broken by your daughter?S4: Was it broken by?T: Exactly. It was broken by my dog.(板书)was/were + P.P.(教师板书划线部分,复习一

4、般过去时被动语态结构。)(教师事先在教室里观察,并利用一些破损的部件问学生一些问题。)T:Was the desk broken by you, S5?S5: No, it wasnt.T: When was it broken? Was it broken yesterday?S5: No, it wasnt.T: Who was it broken by?S6: Sorry, I dont know.T: OK, no one knows who it was broken by.(指出其他破损的物品,如学生作业本、铅笔盒、钢笔等,要求学生仿照上面对话问答。) S7:Are these y

5、our books?S8:Yes, they are.S7:When were they broken?S8:They were broken yesterday.S7:Who were they broken by?S8:They were broken by .S7:Oh, pity.S8:Yeah. But I have them repaired already.T: OK. Good job. Boys and girls. English is spoken very well by you. Im proud of you.(因为场景明确,句型单一,大多学生能仿照句子,反应慢的学

6、生靠单纯模仿来感悟,所以要及时鼓励,肯定他的进步,再推动他们进一步反思归纳语言结构。)(板书划线部分,引导学生记忆、比较、归纳。)(板书)am / is / are + P.P.(为新课做铺垫。)T:Computers are used widely in every field. People search for information on the Internet. Scientists research on it too.(板书)research(用彩笔强调一下构词。重读句子,对比句子,让学生自己体会和猜测词意。)T: Scientists do experiment to res

7、earch. So scientific research should be done carefully.(板书)scientificscientists(用彩笔强调一下构词,解释词性和词义变化的通常规律,领读生词。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1.(呈现重点词,为降低难度,先玩一个编故事的游戏。)T: Boys and girls. Lets have a game. Ill give you four words on the blackboard. You work in groups. Each group makes a sentence

8、 with one of the words. Lets see if we can form a story with five sentences.(板书)alien, planet, spaceship, humans culture(调动学生的思维也为中下层面的学生提供一个记忆单词的机会,成绩较好的学生也有机会充分发挥。)2.(呈现对话,让学生带着问题听录音。)T: Boys and girls. Well listen to the dialog and answer the questions:(板书)(1)What are they going to do this Saturd

9、ay evening?(2)Is it a movie about alien?(3)What can people do on Mars in that movie?T: Boys and girls, can you answer the questions now?(学生回答完问题,再次阅读1a,并注意关键信息。)(教师与学生核对答案,及时给予学生帮助并处理文中重难点。)(板书)We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.(定语从句)T: Pay attention to the sentence patter

10、n and the words order.3.(情态动词的被动语态。)T:Look at the blackboard, here, this sentence. This part is modal verb passive voice. What can you find? How can we write modal verb passive voice? Compare with present passive and past simple passive.(让学生在对比中感悟语法规则,然后教师再指正归纳。)(板书)modal verb + be + P.P.T:Boys and

11、girls, look at your books 1b. Find modal verb passive voice sentence.(指导学生独立完成1b,核对答案。)T:Now lets read the dialog 1a aloud together.Ss: Yes.T: Lets go through the dialog again. This time you should find out the key words with me.wonderful movie, life in space, excitingplanets like Mars, in space, wh

12、at funStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1.(让学生用以上列出的关键词复述对话并表演。)T: Boys and girls, can you act out the dialog?Ss: Yes. Lets try.T: Good job.2.(学生独立完成2c。)T: Here are some words. Can you make sentences with modal passive voice?(板书)do, see, send, clone, visitFor example: Humans may be cloned by scient

13、ists some day.T: S1, can you make a sentence with any words in the box?S1: Sure. Ships can be seen in the sea.S2: Spaceships can be sent into space.S3: Mars can be visited one day.(教师提醒学生注意过去分词的变化。)T: Boys and girls, look at 2c. Match the two columns to make sentences. Can you finish it by yourselve

14、s?Ss: Yes, we can.T: OK, one minute.(核对答案,指出学生错误,表扬做得好的。)Check the answers with the students.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1.(学习2a对话。)T:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(板书)(1)How many people are there in the dialog?(2)What are they talking about?(3)What does the American scientist thin

15、k about aliens?T: Can anybody answer them now?Ss: Yes.T: S1, please!S1: (核对答案)(板书)He thinks they are reading on the Internet in order to learn about humans culture.(领读生词,解释词形变化。)T: Boys and girls, read after me.T: Can you make sentences with “in order to”?Ss: Yes.T: S2, please!S2: We study hard in o

16、rder to work for our country.T: Good! Anyone else? S3, please!S3: OK, aliens surf the Net in order to learn about humans culture.S4: (解释对话中的难点。)(板书)I dont think aliens can be found in space.(当think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后接的宾语从句为含有not的否定句时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语主语。如果主句的主语是第二、三人称,否定式一般不转移。)(

17、学生跟读。)T:Please read after the tape.(分组练习。)T:Practice in pairs, please.(请若干组学生到前面示范表演。)T:Lets welcome Pair A and B.(给予及时评价,鼓励。)(完成2b。)T: Ask and answer the following questions according to 2a in pairs.Students discuss and check the answers.(与学生核对答案,学生互评。)T: Now there are two places for you to visit.

18、One is the moon, the other is Saturn(/)(土星). Which do you want to choose? Why? What kind of transportation do you want? Please discuss in groups of four and then give the answers and reasons.G1: We are going to Saturn, because the moon has been already visited by man. We want to explore a new planet

19、.G2: We are going to the moon, because it looks so beautiful.G3: (表扬学生的丰富想像和积极思考。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (听歌闯关。)T:Boys and girls. Do you like songs? Ill play a song. Girl Singing in the Wreckage(废墟中歌唱的姑娘).T: Do you like it?Ss: Yes, we do.T: But we are going to write down the lyrics. If

20、you can write, you should say, “This sentence can be written.” OK?Ss: OK.(老师放一句歌,就问学生。)T: Can these lyrics be written?Ss: Yes, they can be.(再放另一句并问学生。)T: Can these lyrics be written?Ss: Sorry, they cant be written. They are too long.T: OK, listen again. Can they be written now?Ss: Yes, they can be h

21、eard clearly now and they can be written now.(教师选择一些容易听清,曲调较慢或中速的歌曲,方便学生记忆和书写。)2.(写出下列动词的变化形式:)For example: see-sees-saw-seen-seeingwatch-watches-watched-watched-watchingdo show fly find sendvisit live talk describe cloneSection BThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3a. 本课活动重点是1a, 2和3a。. Teaching aims

22、and demands 教学目标1.Master some new words:basic, water, proper, risk2. Consolidate the usage of modal verb + P.P. :(1) The pet pig should be taken to the hospital.(2) The girl will be well cared for.(3) These trees should be watered soon.3. Talk about flying to Mars and the outer space. Teaching aids

23、教具录音机/磁带. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) (检查家庭作业,提问关于太空和人类对太空的研究的一些问题。复习,加深对情态动词被动语态的结构、变化及用法巩固,导入一部分新单词。)T: What movie did Michael and Jane see yesterday?Ss: They saw a movie about the life in space.T: Does Michael believe there are aliens?Ss: No, he doesnt believe it

24、.T: And you? Do you believe there are aliens?Ss: No, I dont believe it. Because they cannot be seen.(很有可能出现不同意见,那样更有利于下一步的复习提问。)T: Do you believe there are aliens?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Can they be seen by people?Ss: .T: So more scientific research should be done carefully. What can be done to find out if

25、 there are aliens in the space?S1: Satellites and spaceships should be sent up.S2: Other planets may be visited.S3: .T: Good idea. If people do more scientific research, I believe more and more unknown things will be discovered in the future.Now were at school to learn the basic knowledge. Work hard

26、, and then we can discover the world in the future.(板书新单词。)basic the simplest kind or at the simplest levelT: Were you excited about the news of Shenzhou VI?Ss: Yes, of course.T: What did they do during the flight?S4: They took photos.S5: They recorded their activities with a DV.S6: .T: Do you want

27、to fly in the spaceship one day?Ss: Yeah.T: Now, man has a plan to fly to the Mars. The astronauts from China, the United States and Russia will finish the task together. Would you like to be an astronaut when you grow up? So you need to learn a lot of knowledge and master some basic skills. What ar

28、e you going to be in the future?S7: I want to be an astronaut.S8: I want to be a scientist.S9: .T: Very good. Im glad to hear that you all want to have a good future. I hope your dream will come true. Now, lets see what Maria and Kangkang want to be when they grow up.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10

29、分钟) (播放录音,让学生听一遍1a的对话。)T: Listen carefully and find out:1. What is Kangkang going to be when he grows up?2. Whats Maria going to do?(第一个问题较简单,全班一齐回答,不存在问题;但第二个问题需要确认:Maria wants to be a scientist.)T:Read the conversation again and find out the answers to the questions in 1b. Then Id like you to ask

30、and answer in pairs.(给学生三分钟时间准备。)S1: Has Maria heard the news about the space flight to Mars?S2: No, she hasnt.S3: Who will take part in it?S4: The astronauts from China, the United States and Russia.S5: Why will the astronauts travel to space?S6: They want to discover something new about Mars.S7: W

31、hat is Kangkang going to be when he grows up?S8: He wants to be an astronaut.S9: Which subject does Maria prefer?S10: She prefers science to dancing.T: So what is Marias dream?Ss: She wants to be a scientist in the future.(学生回答问题的时候,老师记录下对话中的关键词并板书。)news, flight, take part in, astronauts, admiretravel, discover, grow, cool, basic, dance scientist, perform, stage, prefer,favorite believeStep 3 Consoli

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