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高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 24 Section 2 Word版含答案.docx

1、高中英语北师大版选修八教学案Unit 24 Section 2 Word版含答案.选词填空virtue, leisure, merciful, elect, sow1What do you do in your leisure time?2Patience is one of her virtues.3We elected him monitor.4He is considered to be a merciful man.5When is the best time to sow wheat?.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1frameworkn构架,结构2feastn. 盛宴,宴会3weedn

2、. 杂草,野草4ministryn. 部5skipvt. 跳过6castvt. 投下7undertakevt. 着手做,从事8spoonfuln. 一匙之量9collisionn相撞collidev相撞10editionn版本editv编辑editorn编辑11preservationn维护,保存preservevt.维护,保护;保持,维持12thirstn口渴thirsty adj.口渴的13relayvt.转达,传送relayn接力赛.补全短语1show off炫耀,夸耀2knock into sb. 撞上某人3take up开始从事;占据4pick up 捡起;搭车;好转;无意中学会5r

3、efer to指的是,提到;参考;涉及6keep an eye on监视7date back追溯到8by nature 天性的,生性的9no doubt 无疑,很可能10after all 终究;毕竟1What if some married people have affairs?如果有些已婚的人有婚外情怎么办呢?句式分析What if .?要是怎么样?what引导的主句为省略形式。佳句赏析要是他不来怎么办?What if he doesnt come?2Nowadays, the word “hutong” has come to mean more than just the alley

4、s that connect the courtyards.现在,“胡同”这个词不仅仅指连接四合院的小巷子。句式分析come to do sth.表示“开始做某事,逐渐做某事”。佳句赏析总有一天,你会认识到你的错误的。Someday, youll come to know your mistakes.3By connecting peoples homes, the hutongs in fact connected peoples lives, whether the lives of the rich or the lives of the ordinary citizens.胡同不仅使家

5、家户户相通,实际上不论是富人还是穷人,他们的生活都被胡同联系起来了。句式分析whether . or .连接两个并列部分,表示“是还是;不论还”。佳句赏析不管她是赢还是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。Whether she wins or loses , this is her last tournament.As we all know, Beijing is famous for its hutongs and the Great Wall. If you visit Beijing, which one do you want to visit best and why?I_want_to_



8、swer the following questions according to the text.1What do foreigners want to see in Beijing?The_grand_sights_of_the_Great_Wall,_the_Forbidden_City_and_the_hutongs.2When were the most of Beijings hutongs built?The_majority_of_Beijings_hutongs_were_built_between_the_13th_and_19th_centuries_during_th

9、e_Yuan,_Ming_and_Qing_Dynasties.3Whats the function of the hutongs?Thehutongsconnectpeopleshomesandpeopleslives,aswellasBeijingspastandpresent.4What did the government do with the hutongs after 1949?The_government_undertook_the_preservation_of_many_of_the_oldest_hutongs.5How about the longest and na

10、rrowest hutongs?Thelongesthutong,Rongxian,is2kmlong;thenarrowest,Qianshi,isonly40cmwide.CarefulreadingRead the text again and fill in the chart with the information in the text.ParagraphsMain ideasDetailsParagraph 1Definition of the hutongOriginally, the hutong refers to the (1)many_little_alleys co

11、nnecting the courtyards of traditional houses. Now “hutong” also refers to the (2)courtyards_themselves and even to the communities that live there.Paragraph 2 History of hutongsMost hutongs in Beijing were built between(3)the_13th_and_19th_centuries. Hutongs made it easier for the rulers to(4)keep_

12、control_ over_the_city.Paragraph 3Life connectionHutongs connect peoples homes as well as(5)peoples_lives. People living in hutongs share their (6)joy_and_sadness.Paragraph 4Bad times for hutongsTowards (7)the_end_of_the_Qing_Dynasty,_the conditions in Beijings hutongs went down. (8)The_turning_poin

13、t came when the Peoples Republic of China was founded.Paragraph 5Hutongs todayHutongs are still an(9)important_partof Beijing life. The hutongs not only connect Beijings streets and communities, but also its (10)past_and_present.考点1show off 炫耀;夸耀教材原句Nobody has any desire to show off and gold and sil

14、ver have no value .没人有炫耀的愿望,而且黄金和白银都没有价值Hes showing off his new car.他在炫耀自己的新车。This is your chance to_show_off_your_talents to the people interviewing you.这可是向面试考官展现你才能的好时机。on show公开展出show sb. in/out 带某人进来/出去show sb. around 带某人参观某个地方show up 到达;显现出来;使别人难堪It was getting late when she finally showed up.

15、天色已晚,她终于赶到了。We were shown around the school by one of the students.我们由一名学生领着参观了学校。1介、副词填空Its bad manners to show off your wealth before others.Show the visitor in as soon as he arrives.Dont make him wait around in the corridor.Before I started to work, the secretary showed me around the company.He w

16、ent to meet his epal, but she never showed up.2根据汉语提示完成小片段虽然屠呦呦获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,但她并不愿意在公众面前炫耀自己。所以她很少出现在电视屏幕上。Though Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, she doesnt like to show_herself_off in public. Therefore she seldom shows_up on the TV screen.考点2elect v推举,推选教材原句There

17、is a leader in each area of the town and each town has an elected leader.城镇里的每个地区都有一个领导人,每个城镇都有一个选出来的领导人。elect sb. (as) president/mayor/leader推选/选举某人为总统/市长/领导elect to do sth. 选定/决定做某事They elected Tom (as) their representative.他们选举汤姆作为他们的代表。Mr. Zhang was elected headmaster last month.张老师上个月被选为校长。Many

18、 people elect to_work (work) at home nowadays. 现在许多人选择在家工作。1单句语法填空She became the first black woman elected (elect) to the senate (参议院)Increasing numbers of people elect to_work (work) at home nowadays.2单句改错At last Mr Brown was elected (as) the chairman of the committee.去掉第一个the3完成句子We elected_her_as

19、_chairman (选举她担任主席) of the board of education.He elected_to_become (决定成为) a doctor after graduation. 考点3merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的教材原句The government is merciful but if someone behaves really badly they can be made into slaves .政府是很仁慈的,但如果有人行为非常恶劣,他们将会成为奴隶He is considered as a merciful man by his neighbour

20、s.他的邻居们认为他是一个宽厚的人。(1)be merciful to对宽厚/仁慈(2)mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;幸运;恩惠without mercy 残忍地at the mercy of 任由摆布show mercy to have mercy on对仁慈/宽恕Please show mercy to the child.请对这孩子仁慈一点吧。They killed the injured animals without mercy.他们残忍地杀死了受伤的动物。They were lost, at the mercy of the wind and waves.他们迷了路,任凭风和海浪的

21、摆布。1单句语法填空The town lay at the mercy of the invaders.He had little mercy on the slaves.The headmaster is merciful to his employees.She was merciful (mercy) to the old.2句型转换He showed his enemies no mercy.He showed_ no_ mercy_ to_ his enemies.She asked them to show mercy to the prisoners.She asked them

22、 to be_ merciful_ to the prisoners.She asked them to have_ mercy_ on the prisoners.考点4knock into sb. 撞上某人;偶然遇上教材原句There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly knocked into somebody crossing the road!那里每周至少有一次车祸,我今天差点儿撞上一个正在过马路的人!If you knock into someone, youd better say “Im

23、 sorry”如果你撞到某人身上,你最好说句“对不起”。I knocked_into_an_old_friend while I was having a trip in Beijing last week.上星期我在北京旅游时碰见一位老朋友。knock at/on敲knock down/over 打倒,撞倒knock off 停止,中断;下班,收工knock out 使失去知觉;击败,使淘汰(出局)The child knocked down/over the glass.那孩子打翻了杯子。France knocked Belgium out in the football match.在这

24、次足球赛中,法国队击败了比利时队。What time do you knock off this afternoon?你今天下午什么时候下班?联想发散想一想,我们学过的表示“偶然遇到”的短语,除knock into外还有哪些?请完成下列短语。run intorun acrosscome acrossmeet withmeet . by chance1介、副词填空It is a good manner to say “sorry” when you knock into someone. It is impolite to enter a room without knocking at the

25、 door.The boy was too careless to knock a glass over.The workers are allowed to knock off the work early to watch the football match.2句型转换Tom came across one of his old classmates while travelling in Shanghai.Tom knocked_ into one of his old classmates while travelling in Shanghai.The scientist was

26、thinking a problem when he ran into a tree.The scientist was thinking a problem when he knocked_into a tree.考点5pick up 拾起;用车去接;收听,接收;继续;好转;学会(语言);偶然结识;(便宜地)买到教材原句Though sometimes my neighbour picks me up in the morning and takes me there in her car.有时我邻居在早晨用车去接我并用车送我到那里。He picked the book up for me

27、and left.他为我拾起了那本书然后走了。The bus picks up passengers outside the airport.公共汽车在机场外接乘客。You will soon pick up health after taking some medicine.吃些药很快你就会恢复健康。语境串记The driver wanted to pick up the man picking up an English programme now but he picked up the book on the floor and went home on foot.这位司机想让那个正在

28、收听英语节目的人上车但是那个人拾起地上的一本书,步行回家了。1写出下列句子中pick up的汉语意思We were able to pick up the BBC world service.接收Heres a tip I picked up from my mother.学会We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction.(便宜地)买到Will you pick up all your toys?拾起2完成句子今年销售额增长了14%。Sales have_picked_up 14% this year.她居住在墨西哥时学会了一些西班牙语

29、。She picked_up_some_Spanish when she was living in Mexico.考点6keep an eye on 监视;注意;留心;照料教材原句They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.然后他们就可以在各个胡同口设置哨兵这样更便于监督人们的活动。We have asked the neighbours to keep an eye o

30、n the house for us while we are away.我们已经请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看房子。keep ones word/promise信守诺言keep in touch with 与保持联系keep up with 赶上,不落在后面keep . out of/in 不使入内/出去keep . in mind learn . by heart把某事记在心里keep away from keep off 不(使)接近She kept her promise to visit them.她遵守诺言去看望他们了。Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks.她病得好几周都上不了班。1用keep短语的适当形式填空Youd better keep_an_eye_on your wallet when getting on a bus.Would you slow down a bit, please? I cant keep_

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