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第一部分 必修四 Module 1doc.docx

1、第一部分 必修四 Module 1doc必修四Module 1Life in the Future.情景默写1He hated being in the army because he had to obey commands(命令) here.2The person charged(指控) with murder proved to be innocent at last.3Faced with so heavy snow,I had no alternative(选择) but to stay at home watching TV programs.4I have this image

2、of you as always being cheerful and optimistic(乐观的)5Eventually(最终) your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.6You can definitely(无疑地) save a lot of money by buying a cheaper one instead.7Childhood experience often plays a big part in shaping(塑造) ones character.8A s

3、mall boat loaded(装载) with laughter slowly drew near,and stopped beside the bridge.9It is advisable that you should attach(附上) a recent photo of yours to your application form.10It is predicted(预测) that robots will do most of the housework in about 50 years.11It is reported that several people in con

4、nection with a robbery have been arrested(逮捕)12One thing is for_sure,Johnson wont give up his dream no matter how difficult it is on the way to success.13The young man made up his mind to get_rid_of(戒除) his bad habits.14Wed almost finished solving the problem when our time ran_out/was_used_up(用光)15J

5、ack is the right person you can rely_on(依靠) to carry on the research when you are on vacation for the next two weeks.词性转换1They predicted that there would be an earthquake,but their prediction didnt come true.(predict)2The little boy tried to save his sister from the river at the risk(risky) of his o

6、wn life,which is quite risky.3Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help so your software must be reliable(rely)4It is bad manners to laugh at disabled people.Most of us may end up in disability one day.(disable)5As a criminal,_the boy who was charged with the crime had shown criminal tende

7、ncies since early adolescence.(crime)6Mary is an optimistic girl and she believes optimism(optimistic) can create miracles(奇迹)7I definitely(definite) remember sending the letter and Im definite about this.1句型公式:动名词作主语踢足球是他的业余爱好之一。Playing_football is one of his hobbies.2句型公式:no matterwh引导让步状语从句无论明天发生

8、什么,只要紧紧抓住今天,你就不会后悔。 No_matter_what_happens tomorrow,hold on to today and you wont regret.3句型公式太而不能当她听到这个消息时激动得说不出话来。She was too_excited_to_say a word when she heard the news.4句型公式:部分否定Not all.All.not.虽然我俩并非都乐意,但最终还是同意了。We agreed,although not_both of us were glad about it.第一板块 核心词汇1command n命

9、令;指令;(常用于军队) 指挥;控制 v命令;指挥;掌握;支配高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/一句多译The president commanded that all the information (should)_be_sent(send) to him right away.The boss commanded his workers not to_leave(leave) their office before six oclock because he had an important thing to announce.I have such good command of

10、English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(陕西卷书面表达)在good前加a自从史密斯先生退休以后,怀特先生掌管那所学校。Mr.White was in_command_of the school,after Mr.Smith retired.The school was in_the_command_of Mr.White,after Mr.Smith retired.状元笔记全记牢(1)command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事command that.(should) do. 命令做某事 (2)

11、have a good command of 掌握,精通(3) in command of 掌握;控制in the command of 由指挥;由控制【点津】command后接宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时,从句的谓语动词用“(should) do”。有此用法的单词有:一坚持(insist);二命令(order,command);三建议(advise,suggest,recommend);四要求(require,request,demand,desire)。2charge n费用;价钱 v装满;控诉;收费高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/句型转换I wonder how much yo

12、u charge for your services.The first two are free while the third costs $30.(安徽卷)The man who was in charge of the shop was charged with taking drugs.Your order will be delivered free for charge within a tenmile limit.forofThe shop was in his charge while the manager was away.The shop was in the char

13、ge of him while the manager was away.He took charge of the shop while the manager was away.状元笔记全记牢(1)in charge (of)主管;负责;照顾in the charge of (in ones charge) 由某人负责,由某人管理take charge of 掌管;负责,看管free of chargefor free 免费(2)charge sb with sthaccuse sb of sth 因某事控告某人charge sb (money) for sth 向某人索取的费用【点津】表

14、示“控告某人某事”还可以用accuse sb of sth结构。注意介词搭配的不同。3attach vt.系;贴;连接;把固定;使附属;重视高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/完成句子I have attached my application and resume to the letter.(2016全国卷书面表达)The middle school attached(attach) to Beijing Normal University is wellknown across the country.It is high time that the country attached/shoul

15、d_attach_importance_to(重视) energy saving and environment protection.状元笔记全记牢(1)attach sth to sth把附在上,把固定到attach importance/significance to 认为重要/有意义(2)attached adj. (作表语)依恋的;附属于be attached to 附属于;依恋4shape n形状,体形 vt.& vi.造成形状;塑造高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错Its not what we do once in a while that shapes(shape) our

16、 lives,but what we do consistently.(湖南卷)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does pushups too to stay in shape.(江苏卷)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of the shape.(广东卷)去掉the状元笔记全记牢(1)shape.into.把加工/塑造成(2)be in good/bad shape情况良好/不佳out of shape变/走样;不成样子;身体不舒服,生病

17、in the shape of某种形状的,呈的形状5run out(供应品) 用完,耗尽;使(人) 跑得筋疲力尽高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/一句多译So many places of interest does Beijing offer that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.(上海卷)The driver of a large truck,unable to stop in time,ran into our car.I was walking along the beach when I ran int

18、o/across John.我的钱已花完了,因而我买不起这本书。My money has_run_out/has_been_run_out_of/has_given_out,so I cant afford to buy this book.I have_run_out_of/used_up my money,so I cant afford to buy this book.状元笔记全记牢run across偶然遇到run into 撞上,偶遇run away 逃跑run after 追逐;追求【点津】run out of是及物动词短语,通常以人作主语,相当于use up,表示“用完;用尽”

19、;run out是不及物动词短语,通常以物作主语,相当于give out; give out可表示物“用完”或人“筋疲力尽”;还表示“发出;分发;宣布”等; use up是及物动词短语,表示“用完;用尽”,相当于run out of。6rely on/upon依赖;依靠;信任;信赖高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/句式升级Nowadays parents do everything for their single children,which makes the children rely on/upon their parents badly.(福建卷)Nowadays the children

20、 rely more on their parents to_do/doing(do)everything for them.You can rely on my helping you when you are in trouble.You_can_rely_on_it_that_I_will_help_you_when_you_are_in_trouble.(含有it作形式宾语的复合句)状元笔记全记牢rely on sb to do sthrely on sbs doing sth指望/相信某人会做某事rely on (doing) sth 依赖/信任/指望rely on it that.

21、 相信,指望【点津】在“rely on itthat从句”中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的that从句。与此类似的有depend on/see to itthat从句;appreciate itif从句;like/hate itwhen从句。第二板块 经典句式 do sth太而不能做某事高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/一句多译I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to_carry(carry) on a conversation with her.They seemed to be too nerv

22、ous and were too anxious to_leave(leave)He taught us that it is never very late to start something new.verytoo玛丽学习太专注了,以至于没有听到外面的嘈杂声。Mary was too_absorbed_in_her_study_to_hear the noise outside.( was so_absorbed_in_her_study_that_she_couldnt_hear the noise outside.(so.that.)状元笔记全记牢

23、 do sth “太而不能做某事”,是一个表示否定意义的句型。(1)某些形容词与“”句型连用时,too(very) 表示肯定的意义。这些形容词多为表示情感的词,如glad,pleased,surprised,delighted,happy,easy,willing,ready,eager,anxious等。(2)结构和never或not连用时,表示肯定意义。意为“无论也不过分;越越好”。8部分否定高考必刷题练透单句语法填空/单句改错/句型转换He says that once again not all new locks have proved reliable.

24、The meeting will be held in September,but nobody knows the date for sure.Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs,because not all of them are fit for them.Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs,because all of them arent fit for them.Both of the two math problems are not v

25、ery difficult.Not both of the two math problems are very difficult.状元笔记全记牢(1)英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,always,whole,entirely 等具有总括意义的代词和副词与否定词not连用,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。(2)英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one,nowhere等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。.课文语法填空What will

26、 the city of the future look like?1.Making(make) predictions is a risky business.One thing is 2.that care for the environment will become very important as earths 3.natural(nature) resources run out.However,there are plenty of things about city life in the future 4.which/that are not certain.Here ar

27、e some ideas that young people create:Everyone 5.will_be_given(give) a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.Everyone will do and place orders online.Doctors will carry out 7.operations(operate) from thousands of miles away and distance surgery 8

28、.will_become(become) common.Senior citizens and people 9.with disabilities will be able to go anywhere using hightech cameras 10.attached(attach) to their head.课文短文改错Not all predictions are come true.Here are just some of the bad prediction people made in the twentieth century about the twentyfirst

29、century,that turned out to be wrong.“Not flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris,” said Orville Wright in 1908.“Thirty years from now people will be worn clothes made of paper.The clothes will be easy thrown away after wearing it two or three times.” This is the prediction make by Changi

30、ng Times Magazine in 1957.“With the first moon colonies predicting for the 1970s,work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay when theyre on the moon,” predicted by Arnold B,Barach in 1962.答案Not all predictions come true.Here are just some of the bad people made in the twentieth century about the twentyfirst century, turned out to be wrong.“ flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris,” said Orville Wright in 1908.“Thirty years from now people will be clothes made of paper.The clothes will be thrown away after wearing two or three times.” This is th

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