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1、北邮大学英语3第三次阶段作业北邮大学英语3第三次阶段作业一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. Lesson Three is the most difficult lesson, but it isnt the most difficult lesson in Book Four.A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:A;标准答案:A得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:A.改为a。先要看懂本句大意才可以做出正确选择。本句大意是“第三课非常难,但是并不是第四册书中最难的一课。”据此可知前面要用“amost difficult

2、”,意思是“非常难的”。“the most difficult”表示最高级,意思是“最难的”。2. If you had been there, Im sure you would have enjoyed to see the Chinese Team A B C win.DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:C.改为seeing。enjoy后面习惯搭配doing,组成enjoy doing,意思是“乐意做某事”。本句大意是“如果你到过那里的话,我敢肯定你一定会乐意看到中国队获胜。”3. D

3、ear Helen, please forgive him for his rudeness, can you ?A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:D。解题步骤:第一步:本句是一个祈使句,无需主语,谓语是forgive,宾语是him。句子大意是“亲爱的Helen,请原谅他的无理,可以吗?”第二步:1A是个动词原形,用作祈使句的谓语,无错。2B是个介词,源自短语“forgive sb.for sth.”(原谅某人做了某事)。此处无错。3C是个名词,无错。4D是个反意疑问结构,祈使

4、句的反意疑问句一般用“willyou”,所以此处错误。第三步:答案是D。4. Look at the beautiful flowers here! How wonderful they are smelling!A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:D。解题步骤:第一步:这里是两个句子。第一个句子是个祈使句,此句不需要主语,Look at是谓语,flowers是宾语。第二个句子是个感叹句,they是主语,aresmelling是谓语。第二步:过滤错误1A是祈使句的动词谓语,无错。

5、2B作宾语,无错。3C是感叹句的引导词,后面跟上形容词wonderful,此处无错。4D作感叹句的谓语,smell是个系动词,后面可以直接加上形容词(例如:the dish smells good.这个菜闻起来很棒。),但是这个用法规定smell不能用进行时态。据此,可知此处错。第三步:答案是D。5. He invited me to go to a party and I did not want to join him that evening.A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:

6、答案:C。解题步骤:第一步:本句有两个分句组成,中间用and连接。第一个分句的主语是he,谓语动词是invited,宾语是me。第二个分句的主语是I,谓语是did not want。本句大意是“他邀请我去参加一个宴会,但是那天晚上我不想和他在一起”。第二步:过滤错误1A是动词谓语,和主语搭配没有错误,时态用过去式也没有错误。2B是不定式作宾语补足语,符合invite的习惯搭配“invite sb. to do sth.”(邀请某人做某事)。3C这个连词的意思是“并且”, 用来连接两个句子。根据第一步的分析,我们知道句中的两个分句是转折的关系,所以此处用“and”不对,应该改用“but”。4D源

7、自“want to do”(想要做某事),所以无错。第三步:答案是C二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. There are two factors which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an

8、individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individualthe sort of environment in which he is reared. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will ne

9、ver attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes we

10、re the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to colleg

11、e. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. Marks I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher t

12、han the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.1. This selection can best be titled_.A. Measuring Your IntelligenceB. Intelligence and EnvironmentC. The Case of Peter

13、 and MarkD. How the brain Influences Intelligence2. The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that _.A. human brains differ considerablyB. the brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligenceC. environment is crucial in determining a persons intelligenceD. person

14、s having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence3. According to the passage, the average I.Q. is _.A. 85B. 100C. 110D. 1254. The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that _.A. twins with identical brains seldom test at the same levelB. an individuals intellige

15、nce is determined only by his environmentC. lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligenceD. changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain5. This passage suggests that an individuals I.Q._.A. can be predicted at birthB. stays the same throughout his lifeC. can be increa

16、sed by educationD. is determined by his childhood1. 1. This selection can best be titled_. A. Measuring Your Intelligence B. Intelligence and Environment C. The Case of Peter and Mark D. How the brain Influences Intelligence 2. 2. The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that _. A. hum

17、an brains differ considerably B. the brain a person is born with is important in determining his intelligence C. environment is crucial in determining a persons intelligence D. persons having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence 3. 3. According to the passage, the average I.Q. is

18、 _. A. 85 B. 100 C. 110 D. 125 4. 4. The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that _. A. twins with identical brains seldom test at the same level B. an individuals intelligence is determined only by his environment C. lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence D. c

19、hanges of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain 5. 5. This passage suggests that an individuals I.Q._. A. can be predicted at birth B. stays the same throughout his life C. can be increased by education D. is determined by his childhood 试题分值:50.0得分:10, 10, 10, 10, 10提示:1. 本题让我们给文


21、是如何影响智力的”。2. 本题问“下面哪个说法可以表达文章的中心思想?”这个和第一题是一样的思路,答案也是一样的意思,即C(环境在决定我们智力水平方面有重要作用)。A的意思是“人类的大脑有极大的区别”,B的意思是“一个人天生的大脑对决定他的智力水平有重要作用”,D的意思是“具有相同大脑的人基本上有相同的智力水平”。3. 本题问“根据文章,人类平均的智力水平是多少?”这是细节题,中心词就是“I.Q.”。经过定位,答案在第二段的倒数第二句,该句大意是“Mark的智力是125,比人类的平均水平高出25个点,比他的双胞胎兄弟整整高出了40点”。可见,人的平均智力水平是100。4. 本题问“双胞胎的例子

22、似乎支持的结论是_。”这个算是个细节题,解题一般来说是找中心词“thecase history of the twins”,不过为了加快判断的速度,我们可以先浏览四个选项。A的意思是“有着相同大脑的人很少可以测出具有同样的智力水平”,B的意思是“一个人的智力水平只由环境所决定”,C的意思是“缺少机会会阻碍智力的发展”,D的意思是“环境的变化会给大脑的结构带来改变”。根据第二段的最后一句话,我们知道,如果机会相同,那么具有相同大脑的双胞胎在测试中基本会有相同的智力水平,据此可知A是错误的。而且根据最后一段的最后一句,我们也可以推知C是正确的,缺少机会将会阻碍一个人的智力发展。根据第一段的第一句话

23、,我们知道人的智力有两个决定因素(一个是天生的大脑,一个是后天的环境),所以B是错误的。通篇我们都没有找到环境变化会导致大结构脑改变的内容,所以D是要被我们排除的。5. 本题问“文章暗示一个人的智力水平_。”这是推测题,我们先要浏览四个选项。A的意思是“在出生时就可以被测算到”,这个肯定不对,因为有两个因素都会影响我们的智力,一个是天生的大脑,还有一个是后天的环境,所以仅看出生时的情况并不能判断一个人的智力水平。B的意思是“一生都会保持不变”,这个无需看原文都知道是错误的,人的智力肯定有个发展的过程,不会一生不变的。C的意思是“可以通过教育来提高”,这个是对的,因为教育就是一种后天的环境,它可

24、以影响一个人的智力水平,而且第二段的那个双胞胎的例子就表明好的教育会提高一个人的智力。D的意思是“是被他的童年所决定的”,这个也是错误的,童年时光只是一段时间内的环境,随着环境的改变人的智力也可能还会发生改变。三、单项选择题(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. Guesswork is no _ for investigation.A. goal B. project C. achievement D. substitute 知识点:Choice5学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选D,题目大意是“猜测绝不可以替代调查研究”。substitute n. 代替的人,

25、代替物,代用品(常与for连用) v. 代替 substitute A for B:用甲代替乙1. There is nosubstitute for peace.平安是没有替身的。2. Water is nota proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。3. We sometimessubstitute plastics for rubber.我们有时以塑料来代替橡胶。4. We mustsubstitute a new chair for the broken one.我们得用新椅子代替这把破椅子。5. Never refuseto substitute

26、 one vegetable for another.不要拒绝用一种蔬菜代替另一种蔬菜。2. 3. Unfortunately, he died before his wish to be an astronaut could _.A. come to B. come out C. come up D. come true 知识点:Choice5学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选D,题目大意是“不幸的是,他想成为宇航员的愿望尚未实现,便去世了”。come true:happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt (愿

27、望,设计)实现,成为现实1. Mary hopesher dreams come true.玛丽希望她梦想成真。2.His childhoodwish to become a scientist has come true.他童年时梦想成为科学家的愿望实现了。3. For thesenotable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true. 对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的白日梦统统变成了现实。4. 5. I wrote to ask him how he was getting along _ his colleagues.A

28、. with B. in C. to D. on 知识点:Choice5学生答案:A;标准答案:A得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我写信问他和同事相处得怎么样”。get along with:have a friendly relationship with 与友好,与和睦相处1. The girl wasvery easy to get along with.这女孩很容易相处。2. How do youget along with your co-workers?您与同事的关系如何?3. He gets alongwith his colleagues.他与同事关系

29、相处的非常融洽。4. The projectteam member responsible for this part of the project does not get along withthe subcontractor.负责项目这部分的项目团队成员与这个分包商的关系也不好。6. 7. I hope you will not _ his work.A. communicate with B. compare with C. interfere with D. live with 知识点:Choice5学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选C,题目大意是“

30、我希望你不要妨碍他的工作”。interfere with:hinder, affect, interrupt (指事件,环境等)妨害;妨碍; 干扰1. interferewith childrens education妨碍孩子们的学业2. My headachedoesnt interfere with my work.我的头痛不会妨碍我工作。3. I kept thedoor and the window shut lest the noise outside should interfere with mysons sleep.我关上了门窗,以免外面的噪音影响我儿子的睡眠。8. 9. The Americans spend Christmas Day _ that the Europeans do.A. in much the way same B. in much the same way C. in more the sa

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