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Canada 一课的教学设计与教学反思.docx

1、Canada 一课的教学设计与教学反思Canada 一课的教学设计与教学反思职教中心 王彬摘要:本文是作者联系高教版中职教材英语第二册Canada一课的教学设计,探讨如何将新课程标准的理念融入中职英语课堂教学之中。关键词: 新课标 新理念 教学设计 中职英语教学随着我国中学英语教学改革的不断深入,普通中学英语教学正处在向新课程标准转型的大好时期,英语教学力求体现素质教育的内涵,课堂教学正经历着从传统型向交际型教学的大转变的过程中。面对这场英语教学改革,我们中职英语教学何去何从,是原地踏步,守住传统的教学模式,还是积极探索,把新课标,新理论渗透中职英语课堂之中,值得我们中职英语教师积极思考,大胆


3、,学习策略和文化意识的发展更多的融入其中。面对教育改革和新课程标准的实施,我们中职英语教师首先要转变观念,在课堂教学中,建立一种互动,和谐,教学相长的新型师生关系,面对我们这一块较特殊的教学对象,更要正确处理好课程标准,教材和学生之间的关系。下面笔者联系Canada一课的教学设计,探讨如何将新课程标准的理念融入中职英语课堂教学之中。教学设计与教学反思教学目标:1 阅读课文,了解加拿大的地理概况和自然资源。2 理解课文内容,能够回答有关课文内容的问题。3 在理解课文的基础上,鼓励学生通过相互交流,讨论对比中加两国某些方面的异同。教学重难点:了解加拿大的自然资源。 掌握语言点的学习。教学设备:多媒

4、体课件 三面小红旗 两个旅游帽 风景图片 一面自制加拿大小国旗、录有英文歌曲的磁带教学课时: 一课时教学过程:一引入 (Lead- in )1.说一说:结合本单元 speaking 部分的教学要求,学生扮演导游带游客游览长城,大运河。鼓励学生用英语说出他们所了解的有关长城,大运河的情况,历史作用,向游客作介绍。教学反思:教师要努力营造有利于学生积极参与,主动求知的宽松的学习环境,为学生提供表现自我的空间,且从中职学生所学的专业知识和生活经验出发,给他们提供充分的活动和交流的机会。同时加强学生对祖国大好河山的热爱的教育。2听一听:结合图片,多媒体课件,听老师用浅显的英语介绍加拿大的基本情况,犹如

5、把学生带到美丽入画的加拿大去旅游,让其有身临其境的感觉,在活的语境中去学习语言;同时在老师的引导下,学生对“旅游”这个话题产生了阅读兴趣,在这样的情景中与学生进行平等交流,体现了和谐的师生关系,并将学生的思维活动引导到即将开展的阅读主题上。教学反思:导入是英语课堂教学的重要环节,高效的导入能营造浓厚的英语学习气氛,提高学生参与语言学习的活动的热情,并能化解学习内容的难度。教师扮演导游的角色,让学生听老师讲解,会有一种新鲜感,这样既训练了学生听力又实现了由旧内容向新内容的自然过渡。通过精彩的引入,使学生对将要学习的内容产生强烈的求知欲,并激发学生与课题相关的知识网络。二理解 (Comprehen

6、sion)由浅入深层层递进注意各步骤之间的连贯性和梯度,引入学生感知课文整体,并能从整体出发,分析理解局部具体内容,并从局部入手加深对整体的理解。方法要求所提出的问题第一次理解大声朗读Extensive reading捕捉信息抓住中心Where is Canada?What is the national government called?第二次理解分段齐读课文Intensive reading归纳和总结How large is Canada ?What does the Federal government do ?Who is the head of the Federal Govern

7、ment?What is Canada rich in ?Main ideas:第三次理解学习课文语言点,结合在文中找原句理解口头表达自如(Pair work)Where are the sentences with the expressions? 1. It has an area of 2. be divided into 3. be rich in 4. a large number of 教学反思:让学生带着两个涉及整体 理解的问题去做第一次阅读课文,感知课文大意,接受新语言材料的整体语言意义,整体呈现之后,再让学生带着一些重要细节问题或其他规定任务细读课文,进一步感知语言材料。最后

8、通过语言点的学习并通过pair wok 从文中找有语言点的原句,使学生熟练而准确地记住新的语言形式(词汇,句型,结构),为在实际交际中自如运用做好充分准备。在以上两个教学步骤和五个教学任务中,教师从学生认知水平出发,紧紧抓住学生的兴趣,是他们置身于教师创设的情景中,引导他们先听说后阅读,初步体验学习成功的喜悦。新课标倡导在英语教学中采用任务型教学途径,即根据学习内容设计各种各样交际任务,让学生通过完成这些任务进行学习,学会用英语做事,以培养学生综合运用语言的能力。在其过程中,教师是任务的设计者和排列者,根据学生的学习兴趣和语言水平,恰当地确定任务的内容和形式,同时要向学生明确任务内容,并组织学


10、节课教案的设计符合新课程标准的要求,较好的体现了新课程改革的精神。努力做到了从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,创设生动和逼真的情景,在轻松,民主的教学气氛中,鼓励和倡导学生积极参与,主动思维,大胆实践。的确,教师的引导是前提,学生的有效参与是关键。只有在师生高效合作下,课堂教学才真正做到教学效果最大化。要让新课标,新理念真正渗透中职英语课堂教学,还要求我们全体职教教师努力学习全新的教学理念和全面的知识,需要我们认真思考如何在教学中增强学生主动探求的兴趣和能力。我们只有在教学实践中不断探索和实践,才会使我们中职学生进入多方位,多学科,多技能融为一体的崭新的英语课堂。Teaching Pl

11、anTeaching Aims: 1. Do some reading to train the students reading ability.2. Let the students learn something about Canada .3. Learn the phrases and sentence pattern.Teaching Important Points:1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.2. Learn and master the following :be rich in

12、 , a large number of , be divided into ,Teaching difficult points :1. How to improve the students reading ability .2. Learn and master the following sentence pattern. It has an area of .Teaching Methods:1. Discussion to let the students know something about Canada .2. Fast reading to get the general

13、 idea .3. Careful reading to help the students understand some detailed information .4. Individual , pair and group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids :1. a computer2. some cards and some objects3. a VCD discTeaching Procedures :Step. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual .Ste

14、p. Lead in and revision .T: Today , first of all, well do some oral practice . Wholl try ?S1: Ill have a try . Hello , ladies and gentlemen . Today Ill be your tourist guide.Ill take you to the Great Wall. Here we are ,ladies and gentlemen. This is the Great Wall.S2: Oh , it looks beautiful!S1: Yes

15、it is .It was first built about 2600 years ago .S3: How long is it ?S1: It is 6700 kilometres long and 8.5 meters high. And Badaling is the most famous of all.S4: Really? S1: Yes. You know there is a famous saying in China” If you havent been to the Great Wall, you are not a real man . Here we are ,

16、 so we are all real men.S2: Yes . you are right . Im a real man . S1: Ok, you may go here and there. Have a good time, everyone!T: Ok, now Ill be the tourist guide . Ill take all of you to a very beautiful country-Canada. Here we are , ladies and gentlemen. Canada is a country of maples. You can see

17、 maples here and there , very beautiful .Here is the Canadas National Flag with a maple on it . The maple symbolizes Canadians . Also Canada is a very large country .It is the second largest country in the world but with a smaller population. Here is America , North America and South America . So we

18、 may say Canada is in North America . To the west of it is the Pacific Ocean . To the east is the Atlantic Ocean . The arctic Ocean is to the north . The United States of America is to its south. Canada is very rich in forests , fish ,minerals and water. There are many lakes in Canada such as the Yi

19、ly Lake , Superia Lake , Andalio Lake and so on .There is a world-known waterfall called the Niagara Falls and a very high tower -Toranto TV Tower , very famous in the world. Indeed Canada is a very beautiful country . Its worth traveling . I hope everyone will have a good time here .( Monologue : T

20、oday I am myself. I worked as a tourist guide . It s wonderful . Really ! ) What about you two ? What do you think of being a tourist guide ? You did a very good job .Thank you very much . But now Im afraid its time for us to come back to our books. So lets come to the revision of the new words .Ste

21、p. Fast reading Ok, now lets come to the study of the passage -Canada . Open your books and turn to page 98. Youll be given 3 minutes to read it quickly and loudly with the two questions 1. Where is Canada ?2. What is the national government called ?Step. Further reading T: Now we know a little abou

22、t Canada . Lets go on with it . I think the passage is divided into two parts -para. 1, 2 as the first part , para. 3 as the second part . Do you agree with me ? Youd better read it again . This time , read it carefully and try to get some more detailed information and the main idea of each part .Le

23、ts read it paragraph by paragraph together. Now read the first paragraph with 2 questions . 1. How large is Canada ? 2. Where are many islands ?T: Read the second paragraph also with 4 questions . 1. 1.How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? 2. What does the Federal Government do ? 3

24、. Who is the head of the Federal Government ? 4.Who runs the education and hospitals in Canada? The main idea :T: Now read the second part with 2 questions .1.What is Canada rich in ? What are they?2.What is the name of a world famous waterfall in Canada?3. Main idea :Step. Relaxation -Sing a song:

25、If you were happy .T: Maybe you are a little tired . Now lets relax ourselves ,ok? Enjoy a beautiful song sung by Twins. The student in charge of music study comes here . Well follow you and Twins . T: Did you have a good time ? Now you should be more energetic and active with your studies. Lets com

26、e to the study for the language points.Step. Study for language points1. It has an area of : It covers an area of “ 它占地。“e.g. China has an area of 9.6 million with a population of 1.3 billion.2 be rich in :have much in “ 富产。丰富“ e.g. Wanzhou is rich in natural gas3. be divided into : 被分成e.g. O

27、ur school is divided into two parts : junior middle school and vocational high school.4 a large ( great ) number of : manye.g. There are a large number of teachers and students in the room. Step. Post- readingT: Please turn to Page 99. Lets do Exercise One . Decide whether thefollowing statements ar

28、e true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. And explain why . Step. Discussion Do discussion in groups of four . Compare the two countries China and Canada in some ways and then fill in the form countryChinaCanadaarea capitalpopulation languagegovernmentmineral resourcesStep. Summary and homew

29、ork.T: In this period weve learned the passage “Canada “ and know something about Canada. After class you need to read it again and again . Besides , weve learnt some sentence patterns and phrases. They are . After class, you need to use them to make sentences . Are you clear about it Ss: Yes. T: Ok. Thats all for today. See you next time .Step. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 9 Foreign Countries The third periodSentence pattern: It has an area of.Phrases: be divided into , be rich in , a large number of

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