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1、九上英语第三单元预习版doc孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价课题:Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes【单元学习目标】1.掌握木单元所列的四会词汇、重点短语及句型.2.掌握 should be allowed to do 这一语言结构.3.让学生学会谈论在生活中应当遵守的规矩和学生自己的意见.4.学会表达被或不被允许做某事.【单元课时安排】Period 1 SectionA(la2c)Period 4SectionB (3a4)Period 2 Section

2、A(3a4)Period 5Self checkPeriod 3 SectionB(la2c)Period 6Reading【使用说明】1.提前发放导学案,请同学们在家预习并完成导学案。2.通过预习交流,组内展示,小组合作,教师点拨,解决疑难问题。3.随堂练习,巩固并检测所学内容。Period 1 SectionA (la一2c)【预习目标】1.熟读并熟记P|8P19的单词。2.试着读熟P18-P19的课文或对话,找出新的词组,读熟积累词汇。3.了解情态动词should的被动语态的用法,即:should+be+过去分词的用法。【预习指导】1.预习内容%1试着读会P18和P19的单词及句了%1体

3、会should be allowed to do这一语言结构2.预习检测你能写出以下中文对应的词组或词组的中文含义吗?允许某人做某事 go out with sb. 在那个年龄 get ones ears pierced 停止做某事 spend time with friends 【课堂基本流程】St叩1:预习交流汇报组内每个同学把顶习案交给组长检查,并由组长向全班汇报预习情况并给小组 成员作出量化评价,检查中要求力求公正,严格要求,实事求是。St叩2:讨论预习检测并总结Step3: Leading-in(1)Free talk%1首先谈论在家在学校被允许及不被允许的事情,理解运用should

4、 be allowed to do / should be not allowed to do 的句型%1Finish la%1Pairwork(2)Listening%1运用所学的目标语言完成lb、2a、2b听力练习%1再听一遍并让学生跟读(3)结对活动Step4:读Grammar Focus并通过比较帮助学生巩固should be allowed to do这一句 型的语言知识.Step5: Summary (总结)【知识链接】(1)be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事eg: Sixteen-year-olds are allowed to get their ears

5、pierced.(2)Should be allowed to do sth是含有情态动词的被动语态结构,其中的allowed 是过去分词.eg: Our classroom should be kept clean and tidy.【随堂练习】一、根据句意及要求完成下列句子。1.Tom is not a to do out on school night.2.He told me to stop (sing) .Its time to have classes.3.I (not think) he is a clever boy is he?4.More trees should (pla

6、nt) to make our hometown beautiful.5.The doctors dont allow (smoke) here.编号:3一2孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价Period 2 SectionA (3a一4 )【预习目标】1.预习P20的单词及词组,并试读熟记。2.试着读熟P20中的乂寸话。3.完成P20对话中的表格任务。【预习指导】1.预习内容%1读快弄清 so, either, by, stay up, on school nights.%1弄憧下列句子的意思(1)一We have a lot of rules

7、at my house.一So do we.(2)Im allowed to do to the movies with friends on Friday nights.(3)Im not allowed to go out on school nights either.2.预习检测英汉互译:熬夜 我们也是在朋友家学习 打耳洞【课堂基本流程】St叩1:预习交流汇报组内每个同学把预习案交给组长检查,并由组长向全班汇报预习情况并给小组 成员作出量化评价,检查中要求公正,严格要求,实事求是。Step2:讨论预习检查Step3: Leanding-in and Review玩游戏复习结构be or

8、 be not allowed toStep4: Presentation (新课呈现)%1请一对学生大声朗读3a的对话。%1请组内Bi同学汇报表格完成情况,其他同学检查。%1分角色朗读对话。%1通过投影,展示3b对话,请一组同学朗读。Step5: Gro叩work小组活动组员在小蛆长的蛆织下完成P20 4表格的信息与要求完成表格,并汇报Step6: Summary【知识链接】1.So do we意为“我们也如此”这是一个倒装句,其结构为:助动词So+ be +主语 某人/某物也一样情态动词这是助动词/be/情态动词应与前面的句子谓语形成保持互应,并与其后的主 语要保持人称的一致性。eg: L

9、ily works hard. So do I.Lily worked hard. So did I.Lily is working hard. So am I.2.stay up 意为熬夜,不睡觉” =not go to bed.stay up doing sth意为熬夜做某事【随堂练习】1.Li Ming had a good holiday, L2.He can swim, I.3.Im a teacher, he.编号:33孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价Period 3 SectionB (la一2c)【预习目标】1.会读P2I的单词,

10、并熟记2.读熟P2I的句子,并尽可能弄懂每一个句子.3.想想你自己在家或在学校经常做的事情是什么?【预习指导】1 .预习内容%1读熟P21的单词%1读熟P? la、lb的句子,并能和同组的同伴交流%12b中的句子也须熟知2.预习检测英汉互译:上课迟到 提前完成测试担心考试不及格 take a testpass a test take the test laterstrict rules fail a math test【课堂基本流程】Stepl :预习汇报组长检查组内同学完成P2i la及导学案情况,并向全班具体点评,尤其是突出表现进步的同学。Step2:预习展示%1每组派进步最大的同学展示预

11、习成果。%1全班齐读词组部分。Step3: Class survey“How often do you do these things.”Then talk about the answers.%1先读一读2a中的部分句子%1听录音完成2a,并核对你的答案。%1再听一遍,完成2b。Step4: Reading practice%1大声朗读P|29的听力材料%1请同学分角色领读听力材料Step5: Summary【随堂练习】一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1 . We all think he will f a test because he never works hard.2.Im gl

12、ad that I have p the exam.3.As a student, we must be s in our study.二、 用所给的短语的适当形式填空。instead of, be strict with, stay up, be interested in1.Linda doesnt have any time. We have to ask Tom her.2.Please hurry up, or well be late. Our teacher us.3.You look tired. What happened?I too late last night.4.Hi

13、s father used to fishing.孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价Period 4 SectionB ( 3a一4 )【预习目标】1.读会P22的单词,并熟记2.读会P22 3a并弄憧全文意思3 .试着回答文中相关的问题【预习指导】1.预习内容%1读、记P22的单词%1读熟3a2.预习检测%1英汉互译前几天 专注于R前 _个好的经历变得嘈杂 对有益have an opportunity to do sth feel more comfortable 从彼此身上学到很多 %1根据课文内容回答以下几个问题:(1)What do the

14、y talk about?(2)What things do they mention?【课堂基本流程】Step 1:预习交流分享本次预习内容有点多,为提高效率,重点交流并分亨预习检测部分,Selfcheck 3b、4a部分偏重是否按要求完成。Step2:展示预习检测并核对。Step3: Lead in the new lesson (导入新课)%1Listen to the tape and answer some questions.%1展示并核对预习部分2%1再自由读找出3a中不懂的单词用法及词,自己板书到黑板上,并厄I答3a中 的5个问题。Step4: Pair work大声朗读3b对

15、话,用3a的信息进行模仿对话。St叩5:制定规则完成第4部分展示你的规则Step6: Summary【知识链接】1.bothand和两个都,既又”连接两个并列成分, 做主语时,谓语动词用复数,反义词组neithernor 既不也不”eg: Both my teachers and my parents are strict with me.She is both kind and clever.2.have an opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事”相当于 have an opportunity of doing That poor girl had an

16、 opportunity to go to the university.=That poor girl had an opportunity to of going to the university.opportunity 与 chance 的区另Uhave an opportunity to do sth / of doing sth.=have a chance to do sth. / of doing sth. 但chance之后可接从句,opportunity不能eg: My best friend had the opportunity / chance of going ab

17、rood.The chance chat he will succeed has come.【随堂练习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1.When the movie actors came out, the audience got(noise).2.Eating vegetables is a good way (keep) healthy.3.Peter has an opportunity (work) in Beijing.4.I dont think this kind of book should (buy).二、 选择题( )1. 一I hear your father your

18、 mother are teachers.一Right, I also want to be a teacher when I grow up.A. both, and B. either, or( )2. He has been looking for a that he can have a word with her.A. opportunity B. chance C. idea D. experience 编号:35孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价Period 5 Self check【预习目标】1.会读P23的单词,并尽可能的熟记2.

19、完成P?3的第一部分3.读熟P23第二部分的课文并弄懂全文【预习指导】1.预习内容%1读背P23的单词及课文中的词组%1完成P23第一部分%1读熟P23第二部分2.预习检查英汉互译:eight hours,sleep a night take time to do things 养老院 _次很好的经验 have Friday afternoons off 【课堂基本流程】Step 1:预刃交流汇报组内每个同学把预习案交给组长检查,并由组长向全班汇报预习情况并给小组成员作出量化评价,检查中要求公正,严格要求,实事求是。Step2:展示预习检测并核对。Step3:完成part 1,并请学生展示日己

20、的答案核对Step4:大声朗读part 2,并弄懂全文Step5:让学生提出第二部分较不懂的词组及句子,讲解Step6: WritingStep7: Summary【随堂练习】一、根据句意和提示完成句子1.What a m! You must clean it up at once.2.Last year they went to an old p home and made the old happy.3.At p, teenagers are very busy with their study.4.I cant choose which book (buy).5.Everyone nee

21、ds to have at least eight (hour) sleep at night.二、选择题( )1.1 wouldnt like this letter.A answer B . reply C. to answer to D. to reply to( )2. This dress looks good you.A. for B. with C. of D. on( )3. My father is very busy. He hasnt had a day for two months.A. on B. off C. in D. at( )4. When I entered

22、 the room,my surprise, all the students stood upquickly.A. for B. to C. in D. with( )5. My aunt loves kids, and she is very with young children.A. patient B. angry C. afraid D. terrified三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Thats (exact) what I want.2.The doctor told my father to give up (smoke).3- Its hard to make the f

23、inal (decide).4.The boy is too young to dress (he).5 (catch) the first bus, she had to get up early.编号:36孝南区实验中学九年级上学期英语学科导学案(预习版)班级 姓名 小组评价 教师评价Period 6 Reading【预习目标】1.读,背 P24-25 的单词2.了解本单元阅读策略3.浏览全文并试读全文,能够了解全文大意【预习指导】1.预习内容%1读会 P14-25 的新单词%1了解全文大意及阅读策略2.预习检测%1英汉互译:跑步明星 最终在乎我 的机会妨碍学业 对是认真的a fiftee

24、n-year-old boy make decision for myself achieve ones dreams have nothing against running 在他.的每i场L:匕赛中 %1本单元的阅读策略是 【课堂基本流程】St叩1:预习交流汇报预习内容1和2部分,并在书上相应位置标记以保证阅读顺畅;预习结果展示核对。Step2:阅读全文并找出自己认为值得积累的语旬Step3:根据你对全文的理解和阅读策略的掌握,完成3aStep4:再次朗读全文完成3bStep5:把重点词句做上标记,全班分小组进行讲解Step6: Summary【知识链接】1.But they are al

25、ways talking about what will happen if 1 dont always doing现在进行时可与always连用,表达说话人的赞扬、讨厌等情况。eg: He is always borrowing money from me他总是从我这借钱(表达一种讨厌的情绪)He is always getting叩early他总是早起(表达一种赞扬)2.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.只有那样,我才有机会实现自己的梦想。本旬是only引导的倒装句结构,当only修饰状语,并被置

26、于旬首时,句子应用部分倒装,即“only+状语+助动词/承动词/情态动词+主+谓”但如果only后跟的是主语,则不用倒装。eg: Only yesterday did I meet him in his this street.Only my father was hurt in the traffic accident.【随堂练习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Wang Baoqiang tried his best to perform and he(success) in the end.2.Everyone wants (achieve) his or her dream.3 .

27、Most teenagers have a lot of different (hobby).4.What are the rules that should (obey) by a teenager?5 . Liu Xiang is a (run) star.二、 根据汉语完成句子。1.只有那时他才意识到他错了。Only he that he was wrong.2.孩子们每天晚上需要至少八个小时的睡眠。Children need to have sleep a night.3.我们互相学习了许多。We a lot 4.一些父母从来不在乎孩子们的想法。Some parents never their childrens idea.

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