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1、四年级上册英语教学内容Moudle 6 Unit1What do you do on Sundays年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具PPT, cardstape-recorder,教学目标1、能听懂、会说:go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoon.2、能听懂、会说句子:What do you do .? 及回答I play football/sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/i

2、n the morning/ in the afternoon.教学重、难点能运用What do you do.?询问对方做了什么,并回答。课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Step 1. Warm-up1、Greetings用Good morning/Good afternoon等问候语跟学生打招呼。2、ReviewA、利用课件复习词组:play football , play basketball, play table tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, watch TVB、Play a game:火眼金睛复习句型:I go swimming on Satur

3、days.并引出Sunday,in the morning,in the afternoon.调整、修改Step 2. Lead-in老师出示“幸运52”的图标。问学生由这两个数字能想到什么(提示学生一周游7天)。问学生把一周分为5天和2天,5天代表(从星期一到星期五),这五天你在哪里?引出短语“at school”。另外2天代表(星期六和星期天)。我们还把这两天称作周末,教授单词“weekend”。Step 3 learning1、播放录音,让学生熟悉对话内容,并跟读几遍。听录音,跟读课文。2、问学生Which do you like at school or the weekend?根据学

4、生的回答分两种情况。大部分学生会回答the weekend。If you like the weekend, what do you do at the weekend?(先鼓励学生自己说,再出示图片练习)I watch TV/ go swimming /do the morning exercise /skip/play basketball/football/table tennis /run/ride a bike.利用Sunday引出新句型What do you do on Sundays?及回答I .on Sundays. 用in the morning/in the afterno

5、on练习新句型。3、同桌之间相互练习。4、抽学生进行分角色朗读并表演课文。5、Play a game:听短文,做动作Step5 summary单词的学习、句子的学习其他(学生总结之后老师在根据板书进行总结)Step6 Homework让学生用所学短语、句型,写写自己周末的活动安排。板书设计授后小结教学内容Moudle 6 Unit1What do you do on Sundays年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具PPT, cardstape-recorder,教学目标1、复习:go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch

6、 TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoon.2、复习:What do you do .? 及回答I play football/sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/in the morning/ in the afternoon.教学重、难点能运用What do you do.?询问对方做了什么,并回答。课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Step 1. Warm-up1、Greetings2、Read a chant.3、Reviewplay football , play basketball, pl

7、ay table tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, watch TV调整、修改Step 2. Lead-in教师告诉学生:“上一模块中,我们学习了如何介绍家庭成员的日常活动。在本模块中,我们讲继续学习如何介绍自己在星期日的活动安排并询问他人的活动安排,学完后,我们就可以调查小组成员的周末活动了。现在,让我们先来一起听听Sam和Dalin之间的对话吧。”Step 3 learning1、教师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放SB Unit 1活动2的录音,请学生边看图边仔细听课文对话。听过第一遍录音后,教师可以提出一些问题,请学生带着问题听第二遍录音,如“What

8、does Sam do on Sundays? What does Sam do in the morning? What does Dalin do on Sundays?”等。听过第二遍录音后,请学生尝试回答上述问题。听第三遍录音时,请学生跟读,注意模仿录音的语音语调。最后,请学生以小组为单位分角色朗读并表演课文。2、复习”in the morning, in the afternoon”时,教师可以列举属于”morning”和 “afternoon”这两个时间段的时间,向学生说明时间段的概念。3、复习”sleep, watch TV”时,展示相关的图片,帮助学生理解。Step5 prac

9、tise1、教师告诉学生:“今天我们学习了Sam和Dalin在星期日的活动安排。下面我们就以小组为单位调查小组成员在周末通常都干些什么。”2、教师制作一张关于周末活动的调查表挂在黑板上,请学生以小组为单位调查小组成员在星期六和星期日(包括上午和下午)通常都干些什么。请每组选派一个代表采访小组内的其他成员:“What do you do on Saturdays? What do you do on Sundays? What do you do in the morning/ afternoon?”其他学生回答 “I What do you do on Saturdays / Sundays.

10、 I in the morning/ afternoon.”然后请每组的代表向教师汇报本组的调查结果,由教师统计出全班学生周末最经常开展的活动。Step6 Homework向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。向家人说一说自己好朋友的周末(包括上午和下午)活动安排板书设计授后小结教学内容Moudle 6 Unit1What do you do on Sundays年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具教学目标1、继续复习巩固句子:What do you do .?1、 学习课文内容教学重、难点能运用What do you do.?询问对方做了什么,并回答。课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Ste

11、p 1. Warm-upGreetings:Chant.:I like coffee. I like tea.I like cats and they like me.I like coffee. I like tea.I dont like lions and they dont like me.(热身,活跃气氛,复习旧知识同时为导入铺垫。)调整、修改Step4 Practice1.出示词卡结合PPT: .listen do and football/basketball/table tennis.2.PPT出示图片,复习旧知,导入新授。What do you do.? w

12、atch TV. . . . .3.Goup work两个同学一个组进行问答A:What do you doon Sundays ?B:I watch TV、4、抽学生进行分角色朗读并表演课文。5、Play a game:听短文,做动作 Step5 Homework询问周末的活动 板书设计授后小结教学内容Moudle 6 Unit2What does Lingling have at school?年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具Tape-recorder, pictures, cards教学目标1. 单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,scie

13、nce, PE, has 2. 句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 3学习歌曲We like school教学重、难点1单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has2句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 3学习字母Ll, Mm, Nn课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Step 1. Warm -up1. Greeting 2. Talk about the activities on Mondays.3. Review the

14、 words and the story of unit 1. Read the text again调整、修改Step2.Presentation.1. Talk about the days today, learn the word: today.2. Use the structure to talk about the activities at school, learn the phrase: have class, have classes,3. Learn the words of subjects. Have children try to say: I have at s

15、chool today.4. Ask and answer in pairs and then show.5. Listen to activity 1 and answer : what does the cat have at school today? Learn the word: has and practice: she has music.6. Activity 2.1) Listen and say, play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences .2) List

16、en and answer the questions: What does Lingling have at school today?3) Practice the dialogue.Step3.Practice1) Do activity 3 “Ask and answer.”2) Listen and learn the song: we like school.Step4.Homework 1. Listen and read the text.2. Copy the letters: Ll, Mm and Nn.板书设计Unit 2 What does Lingling have

17、at school?What do you do at school? I have classes.授后小结教学内容Moudle 6 Unit2What does Lingling have at school?年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具Tape-recorder, pictures, cards教学目标1. 单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has 2. 句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 3学习歌曲We like school教学重、难点1单词:to

18、day, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has2句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 3学习字母Ll, Mm, Nn课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Step 1. Warm -up1. Greeting 2. Review : Its Sunday. I like Sunday very much. I play basketball on Sunday. What do you do on Sunday?”调整、修改Step2.Presentation.(1)通过实物与图片的结合来学习有关科

19、目的单词。老师边出示图片边说:“Whats this? ”学生回答:“Its a book.”师补充:“Yes. Its an English book.”以此来学习其他科目的单词(English, music, Chinese, maths , art, science, PE)等。 (2)出示重点词组进行操练。特别标注动词第三人称单数的单词。在小组内操练,老师要给出适当的评价。What does she do on Sunday? She plays table tennis.Plays table tennis plays basketballwatches TV goes swimmi

20、ng rides a bike(3)运用chant进行巩固练习What does she have at school? She has Maths. She has Music.What does he do on Sundays?He plays football. He plays basketbal(4)听课文录音。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,例如:“What does Lingling have in the morning ? What does Lingling do in the afternoon ?”再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。 (5)学习歌曲We like s

21、chool.老师把全班学生分成六人一小组,学生每人在纸上写下school中的一个字母。播放第一遍录音,让学生熟悉歌词和旋律。第二遍录音,老师单句停顿,学生跟着音乐唱。第三遍录音,学生在唱到S-C-H-O-O-L时,按字母顺序依次举起手中的纸。(6)学习字母Ll, Mm, Nn。师出示字母卡片,让学生认读,随时注意纠正学生的发音。师在板书这些字母时,要在字母旁标明笔顺,并提醒学生注意正确的占格和书写笔顺。Step4.Homework朗读课文板书设计Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?What do you do at school? I have c

22、lasses.授后小结教学内容Moudle 6 Unit2What does Lingling have at school?年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具Tape-recorder, pictures, cards教学目标1. 复习单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has 2. 复习句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 教学重、难点运用句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法St

23、ep 1. Warm -up1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls .How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you .And you? T: Im fine too. And how are you feeling today? Ss: Not bad. 2. Singing a chant Listen to the clockTick tock, tick tock. Listen to the clockTick tock. Whats the time? Its two Oclock. Listen to the clock.

24、Tick tock. 3. Singing “We like school”调整、修改Step2.Presentation.1. Talk about the days today, learn the word: today.2. Use the structure to talk about the activities at school, learn the phrase: have class, have classes,3.请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文。最后请几组学生到教室前面展示。4.复习歌曲We like school.播放第一遍录音,让学生熟悉歌词和旋律。第二遍录音,老师

25、单句停顿,学生跟着音乐唱。第三遍录音,学生在唱到S-C-H-O-O-L时,按字母顺序依次举起手中的纸。5.巩固练习请选出下列不属于同一类的词。( )1.A.Music B. fat C. tall D. short ( )2.A. lions B. pandas C. tiger D. monkeys( )3.A.rice B. meat C. fish D. small( )4.A. English B. Art C. Chinese D. colour( ) 5.A.pear B. orange C. apple D. desk Step4.Homework 请学生收集有关中西方学校开设学

26、习课程的资料板书设计What does Lingling have at school?:What does she do at the weekend?B:She has Music, Art, and PE today.授后小结教学内容Moudle 7 Unit1We fly kites in spring.年月日第周星期第单元节第课时总第节教、学具Tape-recorder, pictures, cards教学目标(1)能够听说认读下列单词:we, fly ,spring ,summer, warm ,hot ,autumn, cool, winter, cold, go skating

27、 (2) 掌握Its warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.这类句子。(3) 能运用本课句型谈论四季特征及不同季节做的各种活动教学重、难点能运用本课句型谈论四季特征及不同季节做的各种活动。课堂结构主要教学过程教学方法Step1. Warm -up1. Greeting2.播放英语四季儿歌,板书四季词汇。调整、修改Step2.Presentation.1、首先再播放一遍四季歌,让学生在歌谣初步学习四季的单词spring, summer, autumn, winter2、教师再提出问题:大家知道每个季节的天气特点吗?带着这个问题,播放活动2动画,请学生看大屏

28、幕,使学生整体感知文本。3、接下来开展四个季节场景的学习:(春)教师出示春天的图片。首先巩固单词spring,通过开火车的方式练习。接下来出示图片让学生猜测春天的天气特点,板书 warm.让学生跟读几遍练习。 然后问学生:引导学生回答。然后板书句子We fly kites in spring.老师领读,小组读加以练习。(夏)教师出示夏天的图片。练习summer的读音。接着出示炎炎夏日的图片并作出大汗淋漓的动作,引导学生感知夏日的天气特点并板书hot.全班齐读的方式练习。然后老师问What do you do in hot summer?接着出示。尝试着让学生说句子,并板书We go swimming in summer.趁热打铁,小组读的方式练习。(秋)教师出示秋天的图片。读音。接着出示秋风送爽的图片并做动作引导学生感知秋天的天气特点,板书cool. 采用男女生读的方式练习。然后老师问What do you do in cool autumn?接着出示Play football已学过,学生能很容易的说出句子,老师板书We play footb

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