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1、全球葡萄酒战争新世界与旧Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old 全球葡萄酒战争2009:新世界与旧 “We have the people, expertise, technology and commitment to gain global preeminence for Australian 说:“我们的人,专业知识,技术和澳大利亚获得全球卓越的承诺 wine by 2025. 酒到2025年。 It will come by anticipating the market, influencing consumer demand, and

2、building on our 它会通过预测市场,影响消费者的需求,我们的建设 strategy of sustainable growth.” 可持续发展战略。“ Sam Toley, CEO of Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation. 山姆Toley,澳大利亚葡萄酒和白兰地公司的首席执行官 。 “By phasing out the buyback of excess wine and increasing incentives for farmers to uproot their vines, “通过淘汰过剩的葡萄酒回购和增加对农民的激励机制,

3、以铲除他们的藤 , the EC reforms will only bring in the New Worlds agro-industry model. 教统会的改革只会带来新世界的农业产业模式 。 We need to protect the age-old 我们需要保护的古老 European model built on traditional vineyards.” 欧洲模式建立在传统的葡萄园。“ Jean-Louis Piton, Copa-Cogeca Farmers Association. 让-路易冰锥,COPA - Cogeca农民协会。 In 2009, these

4、two views reflected some of the very different sentiments unleashed by the fierce 2009年,这两种观点反映了一些非常不同的情绪激烈的发动 competitive battle raging between traditional wine makers and some new industry players as they 传统的葡萄酒生产商和一些新的行业参与者之间的竞争战肆虐,因为他们 fought for a share of the $230 billion global wine market. 争

5、取的2300亿美元的全球葡萄酒市场的份额。 Many Old World wine producersFrance, 许多旧世界葡萄酒生产商-法国, Italy, and Spain, for examplefound themselves constrained by embedded wine-making traditions, 意大利,西班牙,例如发现自己嵌入式酿酒传统的约束 , restrictive industry regulations, and complex national and European Community legislation. 严格的行业法规,以及复杂的

6、国家和欧洲共同体立法。 This 这 provided an opportunity for New World wine companiesfrom Australia, the United States, and 提供新世界葡萄酒的机会,公司从澳大利亚,美国 , Chile, for instanceto challenge the more established Old World producers by introducing 智利,比如挑战通过引进更成熟的旧世界生产商 innovations at every stage of the value chain. 创新价值链的每一

7、个阶段。 In the Beginning 在开始 1 1 Grape growing and wine making have been human preoccupations at least since the times when 葡萄种植和酿酒已至少从人类的当务之急的时候 ancient Egyptians and Greeks offered wine as tributes to dead pharaohs and tempestuous gods. 古埃及人和希腊人提供悼念死去的法老和暴风雨神酒 。 It 它 was under the Roman Empire that v

8、iticulture spread throughout the Mediterranean region, and 罗马帝国下,葡萄种植在整个地中海地区蔓延, almost every town had its local vineyards and wine was a peasants beverage to accompany 几乎每一个城市都有其当地的葡萄园和葡萄酒是一个农民的饮料陪 everyday meals. 日常膳食。 By the Christian era, wine became part of liturgical services, and monasteries

9、基督教时代,葡萄酒成为礼仪服务的一部分,和寺院 planted vines and built wineries. 种植葡萄树,并建酒厂。 By the Middle Ages, the European nobility began planting 到了中世纪,欧洲贵族开始种植 vineyards as a mark of prestige, competing with one another in the quality of wine served at their 在其担任威信的标志葡萄园,葡萄酒的质量竞争 tables the first niche market for pre

10、mium wine. 表-第一个利基市场的高档葡萄酒 。 For the exclusive use of J. BARDWELL This document is authorized for use only by Justin Bardwell in Agribusiness Capstone taught by Hinson from 2 2 Wine Production 葡萄酒生产 Tending and harvesting grapes has always been labor intensive, and one worker could typically 抚育和收获葡萄

11、一直是劳动密集型的,和一个工人通常可 look after only a three hectare lot. 只有3公顷的很多照顾。 (1 hectare. = 2.47 acres) The introduction of vineyard horses in the (1公顷= 2.47英亩)的葡萄园马在引进 early 19 早19 th 日 century led to vines being planted in rows and to more efficient tending and allowed one 世纪行种植的葡萄树和更有效的抚育,并允许一个 person to w

12、ork a plot of 7 hectares. 人工作了7公顷的地积。 Yet despite these efficiencies, vineyards became smaller, not larger. 然而,尽管这些效率,葡萄园逐渐变小,不大于。 Over many centuries, small 许多世纪以来,小 agricultural holdings were continually fragmented as land was parceled out by kings, taken in wars, 农业财产不断分散的土地被瓜分由国王在战争中所采取的, or bro

13、ken up through inheritance. 或通过继承。 During the French Revolution, many large estates were seized, 在法国大革命期间,共检获了许多大型屋苑 , divided, and sold at auction. 划分,并在拍卖会上售出。 And after 1815, the Napoleonic inheritance code prescribed how land 后1815年,拿破仑继承代码规定如何土地 had to be passed on to all rightful heirs. 要传递到所有

14、合法继承人。 By the mid-19 中期- 19 th 日 century, the average holding in France was 世纪,在法国的平均持股 5.5 ha. 5.5公顷。 and was still being subdivided. 仍在细分。 (In Italy, similar events left the average vineyard at 0.8 ha.) (在意大利,类似的事件左侧平均为0.8公顷的葡萄园。) While the largest estates made their own wine, most small farmers s

15、old their grapes to the local 而最大的屋作出自己的葡萄酒,大多数小农户出售他们向当地的葡萄 wine maker or vintner . 葡萄酒生产商或 酿酒 。 With payment based on weight, there was little incentive to pursue quality by重量为基础的支付,有什么动力去追求质量 reducing yield. 减少产量。 Some small growers formed cooperatives, hoping to participate in wine makings 一些小种植

16、者成立合作社,希望参与葡萄酒酿造的 downstream profit, but grape growing and wine making remained highly fragmented. 下游的利润,但葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造仍然高度分散。 Distribution and Marketing 分销和营销 Traditionally, wine was sold in bulk to merchant traders ngociants in Francewho often 传统上,酒是散装出售商人商人 酒商在法国他们往往 blended and bottled the product

17、before distributing it. 混纺和瓶装产品之前发布。 But poor roads and complex toll and tax 但是,贫困的道路和复杂的收费和税收 systems made cross-border shipping extremely expensive. 系统跨境运输极其昂贵。 In the early 19 早在19 th 日 century, for example, a 世纪,例如, shipment of wine from Strasbourg to the Dutch border had to pass through 31 toll

18、 stations. 从斯特拉斯堡酒装运到荷兰边界,通过31个收费站 。 2 2 And 而 since wine did not travel well, much of it spoiled on the long journeys. 因为酒没有旅游,它过分溺爱的长途跋涉。 As a result, only the most 因此,只有最 sophisticated ngociants could handle exports, and only the rich could afford the imported luxury.能够处理复杂的 酒商出口,只有富人能买得起进口豪华。 La

19、te 18 晚18 th 日 century innovations such as mass production of glass bottles, the use of cork stoppers, 世纪的创新技术,如大规模生产的玻璃瓶,软木塞的使用, and the development of pasteurization revolutionized the industry. 巴氏杀菌的发展彻底改变了行业 。 With greater wine stability and 以更大的葡萄酒的稳定性和 longevity, distribution to distant market

20、s and bottle aging of good vintages became the norm. 长寿,分配到遥远的市场和一瓶好年份老化成了常态。 Increased vine plantings and expanded production followed, and a global market for wine was born. 藤播种面积的增加和扩大生产,全球市场对葡萄酒诞生 。 Regulation and Classification 规例“及”分类 As the industry developed, it became increasingly important

21、 to the cultural and economic life of 随着行业的发展,它变得越来越重要的文化和经济生活的 the producing countries. 生产国。 By the mid-18th century in France, grape growing supported 1.5 million 法国在18世纪中叶,葡萄种植支持150万 families and an equal number in wine-related businesses. 家庭和同等数量葡萄酒相关业务。 Eventually, it accounted for one-sixth of

22、 最后,它占了六分之一 Frances total trading revenue, and was the countrys second-largest export. 法国的总交易收入,是该国第二大出口。 The industrys growing cultural and economic importance attracted political attention, and with 业界日益增长的文化和经济上的重要性,吸引政治关注,并与 it, laws and regulations to control almost every aspect of wine making.

23、 ,法律和法规来控制几乎所有的葡萄酒酿造的每一个环节 。 For example, Germanys 1644 例如,德国的1644 wine classification scheme prescribed 65 classes of quality, with rules for everything from ripeness 葡萄酒分级计划规定的65类质量,从成熟的一切规则 required for harvesting to minimum sugar content. 需要采伐糖含量最低。 (Even in 1971, a law was passed in Germany (即使

24、在1971年通过一项法律,在德国 requiring a government panel to taste each vineyards annual vintage and assign it a quality level. 要求政府面 板品尝每年每个葡萄园的葡萄酒,并分配给它一个质量水平 。 3 3 ) ) Similar regulations prescribing wine-making practices also existed in France and Italy. 在法国和意大利也存在类似法规处方葡萄酒酿造惯例。 Rather than resisting such g

25、overnment classifications and controls, producers often supported and 抵制这种政府的分类和控制,而不是生产者往往支持和 even augmented them as a way of differentiating their products and raising entry barriers. 甚至增强他们作为区分自己的产品和提高进入壁垒方式。 For 对于 example, the current French classification system was created by a Bordeaux commi

26、ttee prior to the 例如,目前法国的分级制度是由波尔多委员会前 1855 Exposition in Paris. 1855世界博览会在巴黎举行。 To help consumers identify their finest wines, they classified about 500 为了帮助消费者识别他们的最好的葡萄酒,他们分类约 500 vineyards into five levels of quality, from premier cru (first growth) to cinquime cru (fifth growth). 葡萄园到五个级别的质量,从

27、 总理CRU(首次增长)到cinquime CRU(五分增长)。 For the exclusive use of J. BARDWELL This document is authorized for use only by Justin Bardwell in Agribusiness Capstone taught by Hinson from January 2010 to May 2010. 2010年1月至2010年5月。 Page 3 第3页 Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old 全球葡萄酒战争2009:新世界与旧 910-405

28、3 3 Because it helped consumers sort through the complexity of a highly fragmented market, this 通过一个高度分散的市场的复杂性,因为它帮助消费者进行排序,这 marketing tool soon gained wide recognition, leading the government to codify and expand it in the 营销工具,很快就获得了广泛认可,政府领导编纂和扩大 Appellation dOrigin Controlle (AOC) laws of 1935

29、. 科特迪瓦原产Controlle产区 (AOC)的1935年的法律。 These laws also defined regional boundaries and这些法律还明确的区域界限和 set detailed and quite rigid standards for vineyards and wine makers. 设置葡萄园和葡萄酒生产商的详细和相当刚性标准 。 4 4 Eventually, more than 300 最终,300多 AOC designations were authorized, from the well known (Saint Emilion o

30、r Beaujolais) to the obscure 冠捷指定的授权,从著名的(圣爱美浓或薄酒)晦涩 (Fitou or St. Pray). (Fitou或圣Pray)。 (A similar classification scheme was later introduced in Italy defining 213 (类似的分类方案后来被引入意大利定义213 Denominazione di Origne Controllate (or DOC) regions, each with regulations prescribing area, allowed Denominazio

31、ne DI Origne Controllate(或DOC)的地区,规定每个处方面积,允许 grape varieties, yields, required growing practices, acceptable alcohol content, label design etc. 葡萄品种,产量,所需的种植实践,可以接受的酒精含量,标签设计等。 5 5 ) ) Later, other wine regions of France were given official recognition with the classification of Vins 后来,法国其他葡萄酒产区,分

32、别给予正式承认与 VINS 分类 Delimits de Qualite Superieure (VDQS), but these were usually regarded as of lower rank than AOC Delimits DE QUALITE高等 (VDQS),但这些通常被视为较低级的,比AOC的 wines. 葡萄酒。 Below VDQS were Vins de Pays, or country wine - inexpensive but very drinkable wines for 下面VDQS VINS DE自付,或国酒-便宜,但非常饮用葡萄酒 French tables, and increasingly, for export. 法国表,并越来越多,用于出口 。 These categories were quite rigid with almost no 这些类别是相当僵化的,几乎没有 movement across them. 在它们

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