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1、高二英语翻译专题训练答案高二英语翻译专题训练答案一、高中英语翻译1高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy)2舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate)3经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar)5她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner)【答案

2、】1We enjoyed ourselves this New Years Day this year.2My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday.3After years of / years construction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it used to be before the earthquake.4The performance

3、 began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties.5No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization. 【解析】1根据“今年元旦”可知,该句用一般过去时,玩得很开心用词组enjoy oneself2根据“昨天”可知,该句用一般过去时,congratulate

4、的用法是congratulate sth或者congratulate sb on sth3根据“经过多年的建设”可知,后面描述的是建设后的情形,即现在的情形,因此用一般现在时,的用法是形容词或者副词放在中间。4根据句意可知,演出已经开始了,事情发生在过去,因此用一般过去时,familiar的用法是sb be familiar with sth 或者sth be familiar to sb5no sooner的句型为no sooner .than,因为no sooner是否定词,因此no sooner后面要用部分倒装的句式。2高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate

5、 the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or)2事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It)3乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create)4追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。(when)【答案】1 Dont drink too much coffee at night, or you wont be able to sleep. 2 It is prov

6、ed that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 3 Optimistic people dont miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories. 4 The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, chal

7、lenge difficulties, and climb peaks. 【解析】【分析】本题考查翻译,用括号所给的词将中文翻译成英文。翻译要注意句子的时态和语法的运用。1考查祈使句。祈使句 + and/or,前面的祈使句表示条件,or或and引导的分句表示结果这里表示转折关系,故用or。故答案为Dont drink too much coffee at night, or you wont be able to sleep.2考查名词性从句。翻译时句中用it作形式主语,真正的主语为从句thatkeeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart dis

8、eases.,从句翻译时要注意动名词作主语。故答案为It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.3考查动词。翻译时注意短语be busy doing忙于做,时态用一般现在时。故答案为Optimistic people dont miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories.4考查定语从句。先行词为times,在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导。故答案为The pursui

9、t of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks.3高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1他曾在当地一所学校工作。(used to)2一位旧时同窗写信告诉我他重返祖国的想法。(thoug

10、ht)3当被问及为何投入这个研究时,他保持沉默。(involve)4他若是想在下一届奥运会夺金的话,就要提高他的技术水平。(be to do)5她注视着市长消失的那个出口,然后环顾四周看看其他人对市长的缺席有何反应。(through)【答案】1 He used to work at a local school.2A former classmate of mine wrote me a letter, telling me his thought of returning to the native land/motherland.3 When (he was) asked why he w

11、as involved in the study, he kept silence (silent).4If he is to win the gold medal at the next Olympics, he needs to improve his technique.5She stared at the exit through which Mayor had disappeared and then looked around to see how others reacted to his absence.【解析】试题分析:1He used to work at a local

12、school.本句重点在于used to do sth过去常常做某事;2 A former classmate of mine wrote me a letter, telling me his thought of returning to the native land/motherland.名词thought表示想法,后面的不定式短语of是对thought进行的解释说明。3 When (he was) asked why he was involved in the study, he kept silence (silent).本句考查的是状语从句的省略的话题,当状语从句的主语和主句的

13、主语一致的时候,可以把状语从句的主语和be一起省略。4 If he is to win the gold medal at the next Olympics, he needs to improve his technique.本题考查的be to do sth表示将来时的用法。相当于should, must。5She stared at the exit through which Mayor had disappeared and then looked around to see how others reacted to his absence.本句考查了动词短语stare at盯着

14、看的用法。考点:考查了考生对词汇,语法和具体句式的掌握情况考点:本题重在考查基础知识、基本词汇量的积累,对于这类题只有平时勤积累、多进行记忆背诵。4高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1这位妈妈鼓励孩子分担家务,她这么做是很明智的。(It.)220世纪60年代的那场饥荒使他不得不离开家乡到别的城市另谋出路。(force)3如您购买的产品有任何质量问题,请与公司售后部门联系。(contact)4在中国机长( the Captain)这部影片中,机

15、长和机组人员的临危不惧,沉着冷静,最终把机上所有乘客安全送到机场。(face)【答案】1It is sensible /wise of the mother to encourage her kid(s) to share the housework.2Famine in the 1960s forced him to leave his hometown in search of better chances /to seek (for)better chances in other cities.3If the product you purchase is faulty, please

16、contact/ make contact with theafter-sales department of/ in our company. (也可以表达为if there is something wrong with the product you purchase,)4In the film the Captain, the captain (pilot) and the crew stayed calm (fearless/ brave可以不写) in face of danger/ when faced with danger/when facing danger and fin

17、ally brought/took all the passengers (on board/aboard the plane) to the airport safe and sound.【解析】1考查it作形式主语。分析句意可知,句子应该用一般现在时;此句用“it作形式主语”句型表达;“明智的(sensible / wise)”是表示人物性格/品德的形容词,应用句型“It is + adj. +of sb. to do”;短语“鼓励某人做” encourage sb. to do 。再根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为It is sensible/wise of the mother to enc

18、ourage her kid(s) to share the housework。2考查时态和固定短语。根据时间状语“20世纪60年代”,句子应该用一般过去时;短语“20世纪60年代”in the 1960s; “强迫/迫使某人做”force sb. to do ;“另谋出路”in search of better chances 或用动词seek(追求)表达为to seek (for)better chances;再根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为Famine in the 1960s forced him to leave his hometown in search of better cha

19、nces /to seek (for)better chances in other cities。3考查动词和条件状语从句。在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句如果是祈使句,从句用一般现在时;contact 作动词时,“与某人联系”contact sb.;contact 作名词时,“与某人联系”make contact with sb.;表达“有问题”,也可用句型 There is something wrong with;再根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为If the product you purchase is faulty, please contact/ make contact with

20、the after-sales department of/ in our company (也可以表达为If there is something wrong with the product you purchase, )。4考查动词和固定短语。分析句意可知,整个句子应该用一般过去时;短语“沉着冷静” stay calm;短语“(当他们)面临危险时” 有三种表达形式用短语in face of 表达为in face of danger ; 用短语 (sb.)be faced with 表达为 when (they were)faced with danger; 用动词face表达为 when

21、 (they were) facing danger;短语“安全地”safe and sound,也可用safely。再根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为In the film the Captain, the captain (pilot) and the crew stayed calm (and fearless/ brave可以不写) in face of danger/ when faced with danger/when facing danger and finally brought/took all the passengers (on board/aboard the plane

22、) to the airport safe and sound。【点睛】face的用法 face作名词,意为“脸”;作动词,意为“面对”。face既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后面可接人或表示困难、形势、问题等的抽象名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,多用来指房屋的朝向。表达“(某人)面对/面临”的短语:in (the)face ofbe faced with face sth.例句:The cold air felt wonderful on his face. 凉凉的空气吹在他脸上感觉很舒爽。 They kept optimistic in the face of fr

23、ustration. 面对挫折,他们还是保持乐观。The window faces the street.那扇窗子面临街道。They are faced with the same problem. 他们面临同样的问题。He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。Faced with so much trouble ,we failed to complete the task on time 面临这么多困难,我们没能按时完成任务。Facing a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask for he

24、lp. 面对艰难的处境,Arnold决定求助。 如本题第4小题,“(当他们)面临危险时”可表达为(when they were)in face of danger 或when (they were )faced with danger 或when they faced danger/ when facing danger。5高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1即使天气再热,也不要整天待在空调房间里。(stay)2一旦一个人学会了换位思考,就表

25、明他正在走向成熟。(indicate)3直到他听了那个讲座才意识到自己对于该领域的知识是如此的匮乏。(It)4他们从没想到年底大桥就要建成通车了,这将使他们的出行更为便利。(occur, make)【答案】1Dont stay in the air-conditioned room all day even if its extremely hot.2Once a person has learned how to think in other peoples position, it indicates that he is getting mature.3It was not until

26、he attended the lecture that he realized how little he knew about the field.4It never occurred to them that the bridge would be open to traffic/the public by the end of the year, which will make it easier for them to go out/and it will make it easier for them to go out.【解析】1考查祈使句和让步状语从句。根据句意可知本句为祈使句

27、,同时用even if/even though引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,故翻译为:Dont stay in the air-conditioned room all day even if its extremely hot.2考查条件状语从句和宾语从句。根据句意可知本句使用once引导条件状语从句,表示“一旦”,而且learn how to think in other peoples position发生在indicate之前,要用现在完成时,indicate用一般现在时,其后为宾语从句,从句成分完整,用that引导,故翻译为:Once a person has learned ho

28、w to think in other peoples position, it indicates that he is getting mature.3考查not until的强调句型。根据句意可知本句使用not until的强调句型,其基本结构为:It is not until+被强调部分+that+其余部分,事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为:It was not until he attended the lecture that he realized how little he knew about the field.4考查固定句式和非限定性定语从句。It occurs

29、 to sb. that表示“某人突然想到”,同时可以使用非限定性定语从句,用which指代整个主句内容并在从句中做主语,故翻译为:It never occurred to them that the bridge would be open to traffic/the public by the end of the year, which will make it easier for them to go out/and it will make it easier for them to go out.。6高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentenc

30、es into English, using the words given in the brackets.1他排了好几个小时才买到这个新出的iPhone。(release)2一件雕塑赠予了城市博物馆,以纪念两个城市间的珍贵友谊。(present)3他一进饭店,就被告知这家饭店可以手机扫二维码点餐。(Hardly)4虽说忠言逆耳利于行,这个年纪的孩子很叛逆,你越劝,他可能越不会听。(advice)【答案】1He waited for (several) hours in line/ queued for several hours before he bought/ got the newl

31、y-released iPhone./ Having waited/ after waiting for hours in line, he finally bought the newly-released iPhone.2A statue/ sculpture was presented to City Musuem/ the museum in this city in honour of/ in memory of/ in remembrance of / to commemorate / to honour the valuable/ precious friendship betw

32、een the two cities.3Hardly had he entered the restaurant when he was informed/ told that he could order the food by scanning the code/ QR code with his mobile phone./use his mobile phone to scan the QR code to order the food.4Although faithful/ frank/ honest advice is unpleasant to ear but beneficial to ones behaviour, children of

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