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1、中级口译第二阶段(200809)口语题Topic: Our students should have a better command of ChineseQuestions for Reference:1. Have you noticed that some college students Chinese proficiency is not as good as required? Why is it so?2. What are some of the factors that may lead to the poor command of Chinese by our colleg

2、e students?3. What measures should be taken to help university students further improve their Chinese?口译题Part APassage 1Im a research psychologist and Ive been doing researches on the problems of marriage and family. Today I feel greatly honored to be invited to give a talk on this subject. Being a

3、good parent is harder now than it has ever been before./In pressurized modern lives, it is hard to be a good worker and a good parent at the same time. We havent left space for the care and nurturing that parents expect to provide for their children./Traditional family imposes too many roles on fema

4、les. Therefore, today many highly educated and economically privileged women are opting to take career breaks so as to be at home with their children for longer than the 18 weeks./I think the whole point of marriage is that it imposes clear obligation, not just the right to pursue your own happiness

5、. Children demand sacrifice and altruism, which means a long-term investment of parental time and money.我是个心理研究工作者,从事一些婚姻家庭问题的研究。今天我很荣幸受邀谈一谈这个话题。现在做个好父母比以往任何时候都要难。在压力重重的现在生活中,要做个好雇员就无法同时做称职的家长。父母应给予孩子们悉心照料,我们却无暇顾及。传统家庭有很多强加给妇女的责任。因此,现在许多受过高等教育以及经济地位优越的妇女都情愿有一段职业间歇,这样和孩子一起在家里的时间就长一些,而不仅是那18周。我认为,婚姻的关

6、键一点就是它给夫妻双方以种种义务,而不只是赋予他们追求自身幸福的权力。孩子需要家长的自我牺牲和无私奉献,也就是说需要父母长期地投入时间和财力。Passage 2If you take a trip to Venice, Italy, you will take a romantic ride along narrow canals and under bridges. You will also take pictures of the beautiful old buildings and famous works of art that have made the city one of

7、Europes leading tourist spots./Venice is a city built on water and it has about 150 canals. The best time to visit Venice is during the clear spring days of March and April./From June to August, the city is hot and crowded with tourists. Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. Floods are com

8、mon in November and December./It is well-known that Venice faces an uncertain future. The city is sinking into the sea. Unless solutions are found soon for the problem, Venice will no longer exit.假如你去意大利的威尼斯旅游,你会沿着狭长的运河经过许多小桥来一个浪漫之游。你也会拍一拍那些使之成为欧洲主要旅游景点的美丽古老建筑以及著名的艺术珍品。威尼斯是个水上城市,大约有150条运河。游览威尼斯的最佳季节

9、是春天的3、4月。从6月到8月,威尼斯很热,游客很多。秋天很宜人,冬天很冷。在11月和12月经常会有水灾。众所周知,威尼斯的未来还不可知,它正在向海底下沉。除非很快找到解决的方法,不然它将会消失。Part BPassage 1如今,人们必须终身学习才能适应社会的变革,这就是终身教育思想在许多国家受到重视的原因。/现代工业使得许多传统职业在社会上消失。一个人如果不继续学习,他很快就会被时代所抛弃。/科学技术的进步还使得人类深刻地认识到人与自然、人与社会的关系,认识到人类自身的发展和责任。/今天许多人不光是为谋生而学习。因此,终身教育要为人们不断提高自身的素质提供学习机会。Today, peopl

10、e must pursue lifelong learning to adapt themselves to the transformation of the society. Thats why great importance has been attached to the idea of lifelong education in many countries.Modern industry has removed many traditional occupations from the society. If one does not continue to learn, he

11、will soon be abandoned by the times.The advancement of science and technology also enables mankind to fully understand the relation between man and nature, the relation between man and society, and the development and responsibilities of his own.Today, many people take up learning not only for makin

12、g a living. Therefore, lifelong education should provide learning opportunities for people to constantly improve themselves.Passage 2徐家汇商业区形成于2000年初,目前已成为上海市内最大的商业中心之一。/新的徐家汇商业区已经由当初的4.5平方公里的面积扩大到7平方公里。新的商业区东临枫林路、往南延伸到中山环路;西至凯旋路,北到淮海路。/为了更好地发挥徐家汇区域金融贸易中心的主体作用,新区将在现有购物中心的基础上增加100万平方米的办公面积。/为迎接2010年的上

13、海世博会,徐家汇商业区正在加快建设步伐,以期成为上海经济贸易和现代服务业的中心。Xujiahui Commercial Center, which came into being in 2000, is now one of the biggest commercial centers in Shanghai city proper.The new Xujiahui commercial area has been expanded to 7 square kilometers from 4.5 square kilometers. The new area stretches to Feng

14、lin Road in the east, Zhongshan Ring Road in the south, Kaixuan Road in the west, and Huaihai Road in the north.To enhance its function as a trade and business center, the revamped Xujiahui will add to it one million square meters of office space apart from the current shopping center.Xujiahui Comme

15、rcial Center is accelerating its development to function as a center for business, trade and modern service, so as to prepare for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.(200803)口语题Topic: Should college entrance examination results be made public or kept private?Questions for Reference:1. Shall we continue or

16、abandon the college entrance examination? Give your reasons.2. Do you agree with the view that the score of college entrance examination is private information? Why or why not?3. How can we achieve the fairness of the whole education system? Are there any better ways to evaluate the students compete

17、nce?口译题Part APassage 1Toronto is famous for its damp weather and its own rainforest. People in Toronto like rain because it keeps the city green and the air clean. During the sunny day, they like to go hiking, biking, canoeing./People in Toronto like to host barbecues and picnics and water-skiing pa

18、rties. Its a shame sround here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day./You will have a good and memorable time here as a touring. You will find a very magnificent canyon. The canyon walls are caved with tales about the native inhabitants./The magnificent view is completed with larg

19、e stretches of forest that boast nearly every species of North American tree. The scenery of Toronto is indeed beautiful. It is no exaggeration to stay that Toronto is a paradise on earth.多伦多以湿润的气候和雨林而闻名。多伦多人喜欢雨,因为雨使这座城市常绿,雨使空气清新。晴天时,多伦多人喜欢外出远足、骑自行车、划独木舟。多伦多人喜欢举办户外烧烤、野餐、划水聚会等活动。不好好享受黄金日的每一时刻在这儿被视为是一

20、种罪孽。作为游客,你在这里能度过一段难忘的好时光。这里有一个非常壮观的峡谷,峡谷的两壁上记载着当地土著人的传说。这里还有大片的森林,北美洲的树种应有尽有。多伦多的风景真的美极了,可以毫不夸张地说,多伦多是人间天堂。Passage 2Within a single generation, the relationship between the United States and China has been transformed. As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our governments

21、work together on problems affecting every corner of the world./We have seen closer and closer ties not only between government and government, but also business and business and more importantly people and people. We Americans have long cherished and respected our Chinese friends for their wisdom an

22、d hardworking./Today, more and more American tourists travel to China and we are happy to receive an increasing number of overseas students from China. They are the “cultural-ambassadors” bridging our two nations./I believe that with more people exchanging visit to the other country and rediscoverin

23、g our ling-standing friendship, our relationship will become more and more prosperous.在短短现代人的时间里,中美两国的关系发生了彻底的改变。作为联合国安理会常任理事五位成员中的两位,我们双方政府一起努力,处理影响世界各地的问题。我们看到不仅政府间的关系越来越紧密,商界之间,更重要的是民众之间的关系也日益紧密。美国人民长久以来都十分珍视和尊重中国朋友的智慧和勤劳。现在越来越多的美国游客前往中国,我们也非常高兴看到越来越多的来着中国的留学生。他们是我们两国间“文化大使”。我坚信随着两国人民之间互访的增多,以及两国

24、之间久经考验的友谊的重新发现,我们两国间的关系将更加繁荣。Part BPassage 1中国对外开放是长期的。中国实行对外开放,是十几亿人民得到了实惠,我们的路子走对了。中国的对外开放是全方面的。我们不仅对发达国家开放,也对发展中国家开放。我们既有经济领域的开放,又有科技、教育、文化等领域的开放。/中国的对外开放是互利的,所以理所当然要向世界开放,与其他国家经济相互依存。/我们认为,只有双赢互利的开放才能持久,才能有利于各国人民的根本利益,促进世界和平与繁荣。Chinas opening up policy is a long-term one. Opening up has brought

25、great benefits to more than one billion Chinese people. It is the right path for Chinas development.Chinas opening up policy is comprehensive in nature. We are open not only to developed countries, but also to developing countries. We are open not only in the economic field, but also in the scientif

26、ic, technological, educational, cultural and other fields.Chinas opening up policy is based on mutual benefit, which naturally means we should open ourselves to the world, building inter-dependent economic ties with other countries.We are convinced that only on the basis of mutual benefit and win-wi

27、n situation can opening up endure, thus being conductive to the fundamental interests of all the people and promoting world peace and prosperity.Passage 2“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,集中体现了奥林匹克精神的实质和普遍价值观团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与和梦想。/尽管人类肤色不同、语言不通、种族不同,但我们共同分享奥林匹克的魅力与欢乐,共同追求这人类和平的理想。/“同一个世界,同一个梦想”是2008年北京奥运会的主题,表达了全世界在奥林匹克精神的

28、感召下,追求人类美好未来的共同愿望。/“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,文简意深,既是中国的,也是世界的,表达了13亿中国人民建立一个和谐、美好的世界而做出贡献的心声。“One World, One Dream” fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spiritUnity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation, and Dream.In spite of the differences in colors, languages, races, we

29、share the charm and joy of the Games, and together we seek for the idea of Mankind for peace. “One World, One Dream” is a profound manifestation of the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games. It expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bri

30、ght future of Mankind. “One World, One Dream” is simple in expressions, but profound in meaning. It is of China, and also of the world. It voices the aspirations of 1.3 billion Chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and bright world.(200709)口语题Topic: Should government relief

31、 recipients be kept from owning “luxuries”?Questions for Reference:1. What kind of products will you define as “luxuries”?2. Should people who receive subsistence allowance from the government be allowed to own luxuries? Why or why not?3. What do you suggest will be the more “humane” restrictions on

32、 those who apply for subsistence allowance?口译题Part APassage 1By going online, companies can communicate instantly and directly with prospective customers. Promotion on the World Wide Web includes advertising, sponsorships, and sales promotion like contests, coupons, and rebates./Successful websites combine promotional and non-promotional information indirectly when delivering the advertising messages. To encourage visits to their sites and to create

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