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Unit 2.docx

1、Unit 2Unit 2 Text The Virtues of Growing Older一、文化链接1. Oil of Olay 玉兰油Oil of Olay, a global business now, began in the home laboratory of chemist Graham Wulff in the early 1950s. He dreamt of creating a new beauty product for women that not only made them look and feel beautiful but that also embodi

2、ed the essence of beauty itself. This would be a far cry from the thick, greasy facial creams packaged in shoe polish-style tins of the day. Using his wife Dinah as his muse and research respondent, he began to truly understand what women really wanted. They wanted the same thing women still seek to

3、day, younger-looking, beautiful skin. It was with this understanding that he was able to perfect his formula. Finally Oil of Olay came out. 玉兰油,如今已是全球产业,最早起源于20世纪50年代化学家葛拉汉伍尔夫的家庭实验室。他梦想研制的一种女性美容产品不但可以使她们看起来美丽,感觉良好,而且能体现美的本质。这种产品将远远超过那些浓厚油腻的面霜,当时这些面霜装在像鞋油罐一样的东西里面。妻子黛娜一直帮助葛拉汉进行试验,葛拉汉开始真正明白女性的需要了。她们同今天

4、的女性一样需要美丽年轻的肌肤。抱着这样的看法,他不断改进配方。最终,玉兰油问世了。2. Grecian Formula 希腊乌发液Grecian Formula, first introduced in 1961, is a popular mens hair coloring product in the United States. It is available as a clear liquid, cream and foam. One of the products main features is that it works gradually, so the color chan

5、ge is not as noticeable as with dye products. Some of the drawbacks are that it doesnt work well with facial hair, and it must be used daily for the first week or two, which some people find inconvenient.希腊乌发液,最早生产于1961年,是美国生产的一种流行的男士染发品。呈液体状,膏状或泡沫状。产品的主要特征之一是其乌发效果是渐进的,不同于一般染发剂立竿见影。由于对面部毛发无效,且要连续使用一

6、到两周,一些人认为其不够方便。3. Middle age 中年Middle age is usually considered to be from around 40 to 60. Many people in their 30s do not want to become middle-aged, because when you are 40, your are no longer considered to be young, and middle-aged people are often thought of by younger people as boring and old-

7、fashioned in their attitudes and way of life.40岁左右至60岁左右这一年龄段通常被认为是中年期。许多30出头的人都不愿进入中年,因为一旦进入中年,别人就不会把你当作年轻人看了。而且年轻人又往往觉得你处世态度和生活方式缺乏情趣,跟不上时代。二、课文篇章分析1篇章结构The whole text can be divided into three parts: Part 1(Paras.1-2): The write airs her view about growing older.Part 2(Paras.3-5): The write menti

8、ons three distinct advantages of growing older being less obsessed with ones appearance, being less uncertain than adolescents, and being sure of ones identity.Part 3(Para. 6): The writer cites her parents example to back her view, this echoing the theme distinct advantages of growing older makes a

9、better phase of life.2课文赏析: 本文论点明确,结构清晰,每段都有主题句,可以当作学习英文写作的范文。文章第一段交代美国人对年轻的普遍崇拜,作为论述的起点。第二段里作者明确表明自己的观点:“年轻总是令人高兴,但年老也有明显的优势”。接下来的三段是文章的主体部分,每段论述变老的一个优势。第三段提出随着年龄的增长,人们变得不再为外貌而过分担忧;第四段指出因为年事渐长,阅历渐增对未来也少了很多迷惘;第四段提出最大的好处,即“四十而不惑”,对自我认识得更清楚。最后一段,总结全文,利用自己父母的例子支持自己论点,使文章平添几分说服力。 文章中使用了对比的写作手段,加上排比的修辞手法

10、使全文层次分明,结构合理,严谨有序。另外,文章通过论述让读者明白:人的一生有不同的阶段就像一年有不同的季节一样:春天自然美丽,夏天热烈浪漫,秋天成熟稳重,冬天含蓄内敛。不同的季节,不同的灿烂,却同样美丽。三、语法要点1. countable & uncountable nouns可数名词与不可数名词英语中名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词主要指人名、地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称,如Diana, Beijing,Christianity等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分

11、为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:desk, man。2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air, salad。4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work, loneliness。个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Noun

12、s)。 本单元的重点是抽象名词的可数与不可数问题。抽象名词大多是不可数的,不能计数,因而没有单、复数之分。例如: By way of contrast, forty is sanity. (Para. 5, Lines 7-8) 相反,四十意味着理性。 Their contentment holds out great promise for me (Para. 6, Lines 5-6)他们的满足给我的生活展示了无限期望There is a great deal of happiness to be found as we grow older. (Para. 6, Lines 2-3)随着

13、我们年龄的增长,能找到的乐趣也有很多。 Honesty is the best policy.诚实是最好的品德。 Knowledge is strength. 知识就是力量。但也有一些抽象名词是可数的,如victory,a victory,two victories;conference,a conference,several conferences。 还有一些抽象名词有复数与非复数两种形式,但表示不同的意义。以experience一词为例:当experience作“经验”解时,没有复数,但作“经历”解时,两种形式均可。例如:The teachers met once a year to e

14、xchange experience.教师们每年见面一次交流经验。 Have you had much experience(经验)in teaching English?你有英语教学的经验吗?Isnt aging an experience to be dreaded? (Para. 2, Line 2)难道日渐衰老不是一段可怕的经历吗? My life in China was an unforgettable experience.我在中国的生活是难忘的经历。 有些抽象名词表示抽象概念是不可数名词,而表示具体事物则是可数名词(相当于个体名词)。例如relation作“关系”解是不可数名词


16、“使人感到愉快的事”解则是可数名词; beauty 作“美”解是不可数名词,而作“美人,美的东西”解则是可数名词。2. the use of every, each, everyone, every one, all every, each, everyone, every one, all的用法1). every, all, each的区别和用法 三者都可用来概括全体,但强调重点不同:all(全部)是整体性地考虑总体(具有概括性),every (每个)是考虑总体中的所有成员(与 all 很接近),each (每个)是逐个逐个地考虑总体(具有个别性)。比较: All men die. 所有的人

17、都是要死的。Every man dies. 每一个人都要死的。Each man must die alone. 人都必然会一个个地死去。all 和 each 既可作形容词(其后接名词),也可用作代词( 单独使用或后接 of 短语);而 every 却只能用作形容词(其后接名词),不能用作代词(即不能单独使用或后接 of 短语)。如:正:All books / Each is good. 所有的书 / 每个都很好。误:Every of the books / Every is good.each 和 every 之后通常接单数可数名词,用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数。如:Each (man) do

18、es his own work. 各人做自己的工作。Every student in the school passed the swimming test. 这个学校的每个学生都通过了游泳测试。若后接两个用 and 连接的名词,其谓语依然用单数。如:Every Each man and woman knows it. 每个男人和女人都知道此事。但是,each 用于复数主语后作同位语,后面的谓语用复数。如:The students each have a dictionary. 学生每人有一本字典。each 指两者或两者以上的“每个”,every 指三者或三者以上“每个”,因此指两者时只能用

19、each。如:There are trees on each side of the road. 路两边都有树。every 可受 almost, nearly 等副词的修饰,但 each 却不能。如:差不多每个学生都读过这本书。正:Almost every student has read the book.误:Almost each student has read the book.2). everyone和every oneeveryone与every one的区别:. everyone是一个词,只用来指人,等于everybody,在它后面不能跟介词of;every one是两个词,既可

20、用来指人,也可用来指物,等于each one,后面可跟介词ofeveryone:everybody是代词,是“每个人;人人;大家”的意思,不指具体哪一个人,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。如:Everyone can do it. 谁都可以做此事。Everyone is here except Tom. 除汤姆外大家都到了。everyone只能指人,不能指物;every one既可指人,也可指物。如:Every oneEveryone in our class likes playing football. 我们班人人喜欢踢足球。There is something wrong with e

21、very one of the bikes. 每辆自行车都有毛病。every one可以和of连用构成短语,而everyone则不能。如:Every one of us is getting ready for the exam. 我们每个人都在为考试做准备。3. the use of as/so long as as/so long as的用法as long as和so long as引导状语从句时,多数情况下可以互换,但要注意如下几点: 1). 在表示during the whole time that (长达之久) 或while (只要) 的含义时,往往用as long as。如: As

22、 long as we feel good about how we look, we are happy. (Para. 3, Lines 18-19)只要自己满意自己的样子,我们就很开心。 They all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我。For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as n

23、atural. 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了。 As long as there is life, there is hope. 留得生命在,不怕没希望。 2). 在表示on condition that, provided that或if (只要,如果) 的含义时,用as long as或so long as的情况均很常见。如: You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来。Ill accept any job a

24、s / so long as I dont have to get up early. 只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受。 These stories reinforced the idea that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy so / as long as they were hardworking. 这些故事强化了一种思想,那就是,所有人,不管有多穷,只要勤劳,都能变富有。 3). 在表示since,considering that (既然,因为) 的含义时多用as long

25、 as。如: As long as weve driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进。As long as you are here, go on. 你既然已经来到这里了,就干吧。 As long as you are going, Ill go too. 既然你要去,那么我也去。4). 有时,as / so long as与if only同义,由它引导的状语分句可不依附主句而单独使用,表示说话人的希望、愿望或遗憾心情等。如: -Its said its going to turn colder and fre

26、eze later on. 听说过些时候天气要变冷,有冰冻。 -As long as it doesnt spoil the weekend. (=I hope that it doesnt spoil the weekend.) 只要不把周末弄糟了就没事。 5). 在用as / so long as连接的从句中,当其谓语为be而主语和主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和be可以省略。如:Im sure we are safe as long as (we are) in his care. 我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事。四、生词双解worship / / v. to show gre

27、at admiration 崇拜,敬慕,景仰work out to exercise to improve physical fitness 锻炼,运动gym / / n. a hall with equipment for physical exercise 健身房jog / / v. to run slowly for exercise (为了锻炼身体而)慢跑delay / / v. to move to a later time; to make late 推迟,延迟,耽搁aging / ageing / / n. the process of growing old 老化,变老的过程a

28、pt / / a. having a natural or habitual tendency to do sth.; likely 有倾向的,易于的obsess / / v. to completely fill the mind of (sb.) so that no attention is given to other matters; preoccupy to an extreme degree 使着迷,使缠绕,使全神贯注teens / / n. the period of ones life between and including the ages of 13 and 19 十

29、多岁feverishly / / ad. excitedly 急匆匆地,心急如焚地perfect / / v. to make sth. as good as you are able to 使完美,完善,使熟练,使精通megadose / / n. an exceptionally large dose, as of a drug or vitamin(维生素等的不正常)大剂量turn (sth./sb.) into to (cause to) change completely and become sth. else(使)变成wiry / / a. rather thin, but wi

30、th strong muscles 瘦而结实的muscular / / a. of muscles; having big muscles; strong-looking 肌肉发达的,强健的diet / / v. to limit the amount and type of food that you eat, in order to become thinner 实行节食,忌口,按规定进食beg / / v. to ask for with great eagerness or anxiety 请求,恳求 plead / / v. to ask very strongly and seri

31、ously and in a begging way 恳求,祈求,央求 fall apart break up; fall to pieces; disintegrate 破碎,散架,破裂 loose-fitting / / a. loose, esp. in order to be comfortable (衣服)宽松的 (school) blazer / / n. a jacket with the special sign of a school on it 印有校名的运动外衣tailor / / v. to make by cutting and sewing clothing, esp. to fit a particular person (为专人)剪裁并缝制freak / / n. a person with strange ideas, habits or appearance 有怪癖的人,有怪想法的人,奇形怪状的人in general as a whole; in most cases

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