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1、新高考英语语法填空专题解析及方法指导2做谓语On my Way to school, A boy On a bike SUght (CatCh) my attention.It WaS (be) UnimaginabIe that it COUld ever be CIeaned up.If the new StUdentS are QCCePted (accept) ,many UfIiVerSitieS WiII Offer an InStrUCtiOn PrOgram for them to get to know the PrOCedUres.b做非谓语It took years Of

2、 WOrk to reduce (reduce) the industrial POlIUtiOn and Clean the water.WhiIe there are amazing (amaze) StOrieS Of instant transformation, for most Of US the ChangeS are gradual.One morning, I WaS Waiting at the bus stop, Worried about being (be) Iate for SChOOLThere Were many PeOPIe Waitillg at the b

3、us stop, and SOme Of them IoOked Very anxious and disappointed (disappoint).When She got home With her SmaIl but WeII ChOSea (ChOOSe) PreSent in her bag, her ParentS Were akeady at table having dinnerThe bell rang again, and then She heard her Ietter-box being PUShed (PUSh) open.GeneraIiy SPeaking (

4、speak), they Can meet PeOPIe,S needs Very WeiIeC考查词性转换*动词变成形容词I WaS SO excited that I COUldn t SleeP IaSt nigt. I fell asleep (SleeP) at about two o ClOCk in the morning.SUddenlyall fear WaS gone (go) and I backed UP and UnlOCked my Car door.SOUndS good. BUt it IS full Of traps on the Internet, and

5、SOme PeOPIe have really UnPleaSant (PIeaSe) experience about OnIine dating.Whiie there are amazing (amaze) StOrieS Of instant transformation, for most Of US the ChangeS are gradual.Beginning a new Iife in a new PIaCe Can be Very puzzling (puzzle).SmOking makes me feel relaxed. I am USed to having a

6、Cigarette every now and then especially When I am bored (bore)O表示情绪的使动词surprise, amaze, satisfy, frigjten, tire, bore, annoy, terrify, move, inspire, en courage, excite, disappoint, worry, move, touch, astonish, ShOCk*动词变成名词In the final year Ofhigh school, they COmPIete applications (apply and Send

7、them to the universities.There is a famous Saying (Say) “Good habits Iead to good endings , WhiCh ShOWS the importance Of habits.*动词变成动名词(动+v-ing介词 v-ing)“Your father has at IaSt decided to StOP Smoking (smoke)/ She informed her dauter.We Can Start the habit by Writing (Write) a Iearning SUmmary and

8、 remember to record SOmething impressive and meaningful.次动词变成介词Many AnleriCanS Write IetterS to newspapers that give advice On many different SUbjeCtS InClUding (include) family problems, the USe Of IangUage,etc.d考查 gethave keep / see/ CatCh/nOtiee 复合宾语结构AlWayS give StrangerS the feeling that you ar

9、e at home. HaVe the SnOW Cleaned (CIean) Off your StairS Or OUt Of your driveway during the Winter season.A:I must Warn you that IiVing With a family in LOndOn is Very expensive.B:ThatZ S not a big PrObIem for I have SOme money SaVed (save).I had noticed three hens running (run) free in my hostess c

10、ourtyard.e用于固定短语中考查What S more, I am SUPPOSed (SUPPOSe) to go rock Climbing With my COiIeagUe DOrOthy tomorrow moming2.名词的考点分布研究厶名词变成复数While there are amazing StOrieS Of instant transformation, for most Of US the ChangeS (Change) are gradual.b名词词性转换*变成形容词WhiIe there are amazing StOrieS Of instant tr

11、ansformation, for most Of US the ChangeS are gradual and require a IOt Of effort and work, Iike CIeaning UP a POIlUted riven JUSt be PatieIlt (patience).I had t heard from him for nearly two days, and I became Very anxious (anxiety).变成副词At a young age, he moved to SPain and now PIayS PtOfeSSiOIIaiIy

12、 (profession) for the FC Barcelona.C 加前缀变成反义词/加后缀变成形容词甚至副词UnfOrtUnately (fortune),disaster CaIne in 1995 When he fell from his horse and broke his back.By this time,the father had OPened another COld beer and another match WaS begmning. ImPatieQt (PatienCe) With the boy,S interruption, the dad broug

13、ht a magazine to his son.One rainy (rain) nigjt I WaS driving along a IOneIy highway When I SaW a man WaIking rapidly ahead Of meI CaIl not COntrOl my body well. My IegS become PainfhI (Pain)DUSt is really harmful (harm) to OUr lungs.TraditioiIalIy (tradition), it WaS the woman,S JOb to COok food an

14、d Set the table.3形容词、副词的考点分布研究久词性转换*形容词变成副词The river WaS So POIlUted that it actually (actual) CaUgt fire and burned.次形容词变成名词YOU might not feel the difftence (different) now, but after 10 years Of smoking, you mitt feel it, and then it WOUId be too late.On the Other hand, ChOPStiCkS reflect gentlene

15、ss (gende) and kindness.MOSt AmeriCanS don,t Iike to get advice from members Of their family.They get advice from StrangetS (strange).加前缀,变成其反义词COmPared With the CiaSSeS On the Internet, traditional ClaSSeS are inconvenient (COnVenient) for US adults to attend.UnfOrtunately (fortunate),disaster Came

16、 in 1995 When he fell from his horse and broke his back.Impatient (Patient) With the boy S interruption, the dad brought a magazine to his son.b.变成比较级、最高级Finally, that hard WOrk Paid Off and now the Water in the river is Cleaner (Clean) than ever.The harder (hard) you try to beat him, the more Iikei

17、y you WilI get hurtI IaUgJled as I WatChed my Chiidren Piay With their toys for hours, and I thanked GOd for the greatest (great) gift I had ever been given-If you are travelling (travel abroad, here are the tips you need to make your trip much easier (easy).纯空格类(专填小词)1填冠词久用于固定表达中Nowadays, the Intem

18、et PiayS an important role in learning.NOW , years later, this IiVer is One Of die most OUtStanding examples Of environmental clean-up.b考查冠词本身的词性功能SOme higj SChOOI StUdentS may be required to have an interview With PeOPIe from the university.Besides, I Can always get a Part-time job.Pretty SOOn ever

19、70ne WaS SUrPriSed as the donkey StePPed UP OVer the edge Of die WeIl and ran 0任 happily !2填介词Q 用于固定短语中Nowadays, With the development Of technology, Online ShOPPing is becoming more and more COnVenientOK. DOn t IaUgh at me. I may IOOk funny.ThiS ShOUId SerVe as a Waming that PeOPIe ShOUId be aware O

20、f their surroundings.PeOPIe regard receiving hongbao as a IUCk beginning to the new year.I have to IeaVe at about a quarter to ten,When the bus finally came, We all hurried On board. I got a PlaCe next to the window.Taiji asks you to act Iike water: to be flexible as WeIl as strong.m going to the Ci

21、nema. HOW about COmillg With me?She found SOme good quality PiPeS(烟 斗)On sale.b考查介词本身的表意功能EaCh Of your troubles is a StePPing stone. YOU Can get OUt Of the deepest Weli just by never giving up!With the Internet, We Can SearCh for any InfbnnatiOn We need in the COmfbrtS Of OUr homes and I Can realize

22、 my dream WithoUt StePPing OUt Of my house.I IaUgJIed as I WatChed my Children Play With their toys for hours.3.填代词么代指上文可数名词单数、不可数名词或者某一件事,用it.It helps develop your Strength and flexibility. RaiSe your Ieg and Iet It Stay in the air for SeCOndSeb填it做形式主语/宾语.It WaSn t a good idea to CIinIb UP there a

23、lone and that I ShOUId have got help firstThe more knowledge StUdentS have about the schoo the easier it WilI be for them to adapt to the IIeW environmentC固定表达中的itIt SeemS that She can t COntrOl herself well.It WaS ObViOUS that he is keen On EngIiSh songs.I know I SIeeP a lot, but I Can t help ItIt

24、doesn t Inatter When you Coma back.d强调句型中的itIt WaS my father that helped him go through the CanCer-匕填its的情况WOdd Read AlOUd Day is CeIebrated each year On the first WedneSday Of March. Ito aim is to encourage PeOPIe WOfIdWide to enjoy a book.填与人有关的代词Then he invited SOme Of his neighbors to COme OVer

25、and help him It takes about ten minutes to Walk from her house to mine .Greek PeOPle Often Wear a blue necklace hoping to PrOteCt themselves against evils(灾祸)g填不定代词A: DOeS every StUdent Stay With a host family?B: Yes, We try OUr best to match each Of the ViSitiilg StUdenS With a family. SOme Of IheS

26、e WriterS are doctors, OtherS are IaWyerS Or educators.Sometimes, I feel Very tired, both PhySiCaIIy and mentally.When She Came home She SenSed Something unusual.He IOOked as thou曲 he WOUId fall at any momentI d Iike to buy a COmPUter CoUId you PieaSe give me SOme advice?4.填连词There Were many PeoPIe

27、Waiting at the bus stop, and SOme Of them IOOked Very anxious and disappointing.BUt the river WaSn t Changed in a few days Or even a few months.They always promise, but they never actPariS FaShiOn Week for SPring Started On 26 JUne WhiIe the AUtUmn event WaS On 2 OCtObere5 填引导词久填状语从句的引导词One rainy ni

28、ght, I WaS driving alone a IOneiy hi或Way When I SaW a man Walking rapidly ahead Of meUnbeIieVable! Oh If you don t mind, I,11 StOP and take a deep breath When in Rome, do as the ROmanS doShe WiShed that her father WaS as easy to PIeaSe as her mother-It,S Said that the machine Can CIean the dust OUt

29、Of the SmOke before it goes into the air.YOU are falling SO fast that just turning your head Can Send you Off in a different direction.b填定语从句的引导词And here With me in the StUdiO I,Ve got TeSSa COIbeCl WhO WriteS for FlaSh Magazine.Maybe you are facing an impossible SitUation. Maybe you have a habit wh

30、ich/that is driving your family CraZyeThe man WaS a PlUmber(水 暖 工),WhoSe truck had got StUCk in the mud.C填名词性语从句的引导词What is acceptable in One COUntry may be COnSidered extremely rude in another.The StUdentS may take One Or more examinations that test how WeII PrePared they are for the university.Wha

31、t kids ShOUld keep in mind is that in most cases, your ParentS Can relate to What you are going through because they Were teens once.FrOm What I Ve heard, PerhaPS he WOrked too hard.6填时间副词/衔接性副词A: I hope you haven t been Waiting too IOng On SUCh a hot day.B: No. I just got here a few minutes .AboUt

32、five minutes Iater there appeared a helicopter overhead.After 10 years Of smoking, you might feel it, and then it WoUId be too Iate Then I reached the boy. HOWeVer, I COUldn t get him down.When they need advice, they don t USUaIly go to PeOPIe they know. InSteaei, many Of them Write IetterS to newspapers and magazines.A: HO

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