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1、Unit6Whenwasitinvented导学案教育英语Unit 6When was it invented?(Section A 1a2d) (听说课)编写: 杨 莉 审核 : i 挂科领导: i 使用者: i学习目标1.熟练掌握本课的重点单词和短语。2.利用身边的发明,说出它们的用途和功能。学习过程: Step1 ,感知(一)、了解话题 1. 填一填1.在1876年 2.带特殊鞋跟的鞋子 3.被用于 4.鞋子的形状 5.带灯的鞋子 6.加热冰激凌的勺子 7.我们的日常生活 8.不同的发明 9.有道理 10.在那个时候 2.完成练习册p76 1 ,2 3题(二) 初听材料 听录音,完成1b

2、相应练习(三) 发现疑难 利用1b信息与同伴练习对话完成1c,找出疑难。Step2 , 内化(一) 祥听材料 听录音, 完成2a和2b(二)、互动释疑 【疯狂背诵】1. I think the TV was invented before the car.我认为电视机先于汽车被发明。被动语态一般的构成形式为:be+动词过去分词(+by+动作的发出者)。其中助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。一般现在时:am/is/are+done(过去分词)一般过去时:was/were+done(过去分词)一般将来时:will+be+done(过去分词)含有情态动词的:情态动词+be+done(过去分词)即学即

3、用:1),The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it . A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 2). Who designed this game? It by Tom in 1999.A. is designed B. designs C. was designed D.designed2.What are they used for?They are used for seeing in the dark.它们是用来做什么的?它们是被用来在黑暗

4、中照明的。1).be used for意为“(某物)被用做”,其后接名词、代词或动名词 。 即学即用:This kind of knife is often used for (cut) apples.这种刀经常被用来切苹果。2)be.“used to+动词原形”表示“过去常常干某事(现在不再干了)”。如:即学即用:I used to ( go) to work by bus.Now I take a taxi.3).be used to doing表示 “习惯于干某事”。 to 是介词,后面跟名词或动名词形式。即学即用:如:His mother is used to ( get) up ea

5、rly.他的妈妈习惯于早起。3.For example it mentioned that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. 例如,他提到拉链是惠特科姆贾德森于1893年发明的。By作介词,表示被动意义意为“被”。被动语态中动作的发出者或执行者作介词by的宾语,放在句末,强调动作的执行者。1) The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是由老师布置的2) The window was broken by the naughty boy. 窗户被那个淘气的男孩打破了。By的

6、其他含义表示“乘,用”常与交通工具连用 Eg; They went to Shanghai by air . 他们乘飞机去上海了。意为“通过手段或方式”,后接动词,名词或代词,接动词时,要用动名词形式。1) I prepare for the English test by doing a lot of exercises. 我通过做很多的练习来准备英语考试。意为“不迟于”,常表示时间的名词连用。 She was asked to be back by 8 oclock. 她被要求八点以前回来。 (三) 归 纳总结 Step3,拓展(一) 汇报点拨 1. 利用2a,2b信息与同伴练习对话完成2

7、c.2. .读课本2d的对话,回答下面几个问题。What are Paul and Roy talking about? What did Roy see last week? When was the zipper invented? . (二) 内化训练按要求完成各题。A. 单选( )1.She used towith her parents, but now she is used to with her classmates at;;;; live ( )2、Chinese m

8、ay the most widely with the development of China. A. be spoken B. be speaking C .spoke( )3.I to sing a song last night. A. am asked B.was asked C . asked ( )4.It was used giving people more time to work or study. B.for C .in ( )5.Cars were invented 1885. A.on B. at C. for D. in ( )6.Who th

9、e washing machine invented ? It was invented by Fisher. A .is;by B. was;by C. was;as B. 用所给词的适当形式填空7.My cousin is used to (study) with his new friends in Australia.8.I used to (go) swimming on Saturdays.9.The teachers office (clean) by us yesterday.10.The (invent)has a lot of (invent).11.MP3 is used

10、 for (play)music. (三) 反馈拓展 我的收获: 我的疑惑: Unit6 When was it invented?Unit6 When was it invented?Lesson three Section A 3a-3c一、学习目标1.熟练掌握本课时的重点单词和短语。2.会运用一般过去时的被动语态结构,讨论茶叶的发明人、时间、地点等。二、教学重难点:会运用一般过去时的被动语态结构,讨论茶叶的发明人、时间、地点等。三、教学过程 【温故知新】检测预习情况1).一个偶然的发明 2).偶然;意外地 3).据说 4).落入;跌入 5)几千年 6).国际饮料 7).发生;出现 8).

11、毫无疑问;的确 9).的本质 【导学释疑】1. 3a Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea.2. 3b Read the passage again and answer the questions.1). When was tea first drunk? 2).How was tea invented? 3).Who is called”the saint of tea”? 4).What is Cha Jing about? 5).When was tea brought to other

12、 countries? 3. 3c Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.【合作探究】1.Many people believe that tea was first drunk nearly 5,000 years ago.许多人相信,茶第一次被饮用是在差不多5,000年前。1). 句子中believe后面是that引导的宾语从句。宾语从句“tea was first drunk nearly 5,000 years ago”运用了一般过去时态的被动语态形式。由“主语+was/were+及物

13、动词的过去分词+by+动作执行者”构成,无需说明动作执行者时可省去“by+动作执行者”。句中主语就是原主动语态的宾语。 ( )1.Mr. Smith􀆳s walletoutside the gate by Mary.A.was founded B.was foundC.was founded out found2)nearly 副词,意为 “几乎,差不多”2. In England, tea didn􀆳t appear until around 1660,but in less than 100 years, it had become the n

14、ational drink.在英国,茶直到1660年才出现,但是在不到100年的时间里,它就成为国际饮料。1). until 用在否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。一般译为“直到才”或“直到之前(还不)” 。例如:I won􀆳t leave until you promise to help me.你不答应帮助我,我不会离开。直到你完成你的作业,你才能和朋友们出去。You go out with your friends you finish your homework.2).Less than 少于,不超过。其反意词组是mo

15、re than 多于,超过。3.Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. 茶树的一些叶子掉进了水里,并在那儿停留了一会儿。1).fall into掉进; 落入 含有fall的短语:fall over跌倒 fall asleep睡着 fall in love爱上;喜爱 fall behind落后2).remain保持不变;剩余。作动词,强调保持某种状态,后接形容词、名词、介词短语或分词。Eg:This room remains cool all summer.这个房间整个夏

16、天都很凉爽。(形容词) A few pears remain on the trees.树上还留有几个梨。(介词短语)4. he tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century.茶贸易从中国传到西方国家发生在19世纪。.take place“发生;出现”。Take place与happen的区别词条词性含义用法Take place不及物动词短语发生;出现(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生happen不及物动词发生常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”Eg:The meeting wi

17、ll take place next Friday.会议将在下周五举行。The accident happened at 3:00.事故是3点发生的。 【检测案】一、选择题( )1.A nice gifther daughter on her last given given to C.was given D.was given to( )2.The boys copy the new words ten times before they went home.A.were make B.were made to C.make D.made3.The ma

18、n the river because his boat broke against the bridge.A.knocked into B.looked into C.fell into D.broke into4. Its a mile to the station, so I get there on foot .A.less than B.less much C.many less D.much more5.Speak aloud,please! I can hear you.A. usually B.almost C.hardly D.nearly6.The price of the

19、 sweater is very .I cant afford it.A. expensive C.high D.low7. is waiting for you at the gate.He wants to say thanks to you, A. Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody8.One of the popular expressions in 2012 “positive energy”A. is B.are C. was D. were9.The Olympic Games of 2016 will in Brazi

20、l.A. take after B.take off C.take place D.take away10.Shall we spend in practicing table tennis on Saturday?A. sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times【教学反思】Unit 6When was it invented?(Section B 1a 1e)(听说课)编写: 杨 莉 审核 : i 挂科领导: i 使用者: i学习目标1.熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。2.熟练掌握以下单词和短语:crispy, salty, sour, by m

21、istake, customer, thin enough, salty enough, make the customer happy, in the end。3.了解薯片的发明过程。教学过程Step1, 感知(一)、了解话题 1.完成练习册p82_ 83重点单词和重点短语。2.小组内 完成1a, 1b.(二),初听材料 听录音,完成1c ,1d.(三),发现疑难 阅读课本 1d的短文,思考下列问题。1.What was George Crum? 2.When were potato chips invented? 3.How were potato chips invented? Step

22、 2,内化(一)祥听材料 再听录音并填空。Hey,did you know that potato chips were invented by ? Really? What do you mean? Well,here on the bag it says that they were by a cook called George Crum.When was that? Oh, it was back in 1853. So,why was it an ? Well, one day, a came into the where George worked. He a plate of f

23、ried potatoes. When the potatoes came, he said they were cut too and sent them back to the kitchen. So what happened? Well, George was , so he cut the really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were . And he put lots of on them so they were really salty. He thought the custom

24、er would hate them. And? And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly cut, crispy, salty chips. And were still eating them today. What a cool story!(二)互动释疑 【疯狂背诵】1.The customer thought the potatoes weren􀆳t thin enough.顾客

25、认为土豆不够薄。enough为副词,thin为形容词,enough修饰形容词的时候必须后置。例如:important enough, tall enough, old enough, strong enough.作形容词:充当定语时,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如:Are there enough seats for ten people? 有没有足够十人的座位?即学即练: 根据汉语提示完成句子。我们有足够维持一周的食物。 We have for a week.2.他说话慢得每个人都能听懂。He spoke for everyone to understand.2.George wa

26、nted to make the customer happy.乔治想让顾客高兴。“make+宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)”意为“使成为”“使作为”“使变成”。即学即练:.电脑使英语学习更加容易。 Computers make it to learn English.3.Potato chips were invented by a cook called George.薯片是由一个叫乔治的厨师发明的。a cook called George 中过去分词短语作定语修饰名词a cook, 其中called可以用named替换。例如:I have a pet cat called/named Mi

27、mi.我有一个叫做咪咪的小宠物猫。即学即练: ( )1.Somebody Jack phoned while you were callB.calling C.being calledD.called4.The customer was happy in the end. (译) in the end意为最后,最终,相当于at last,finally,其后不接of短语。可以放在句首,也可以放句末,时常用逗号与句子隔开。最后王萍到了那个村庄。_ . Wang Ping got to the village. .At the end of .后接地点名词,表示在、终点,后接表示

28、时间的名词时,表示在、结束时。Walk along the street and you will find the hospital _ of the street. 沿着这条街往前走,在街的尽头你会找到那家医院。We will have an English test _ this week.这个周末我们要举行一次英语测试。.by the end of .意为“在以前”常与将来时态和过去完成时态连用。Well finish the work _ the year。我们在年底以前就会完成这项工作。(三) 归 纳总结 Step3,拓展(一) 汇报点拨 在小组里结对进行对话练习,完成1e并讨论薯

29、片的发明过程。 .(二) 内化训练 A. 单选 ( )1、This heated ice cream scoop was invented by a man _Lanmon. A.was called B.called call called( )2.-The soup tastes . -Maybe I added too much _ just now. A.salt; salt B.salty; salty C.salt; salty D.salty; salt( )3.The students at the back cant see_ . A. enough cl

30、early B.clearly enough C.enough clear ( )4.The chef wanted to make the customers _,so he sprinkled lots of salt _ the potato chips. A.happy; in B.happily; on C. happy;on D happily;in ( )5.The young man was made _ the _ chips . A.cut; potatoes B.cuts; potato cut; potato D cutting; potatoesB、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(被动语态)1. The TV _ (invent) around 1927.2. They are used for _ (see) in the park.3. This kite _ (make) by Uncle Wang

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