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1、最新全国新高考英语短文改错易错点归纳解读2021全国新高考英语短文改错易错点归纳解读1.wh-词之间在做从句引导词时容易混淆。即what,which.where,why,how,when等词之间的混淆。例1.One of the biggest cultural differences I noticed while I was in London waswhythe people of London conducted themselves.解析:该题第二个was后面跟的表语从句中不缺核心成分(即主语/宾语/表语/补语)故不用what或which;从句意角度来看,用why句意不通顺,故而替换

2、成how,译作“如何为人处世”比较通顺。因此该题引导词why改为how。例2.I was in the kitchen with my wife and childrenwhilewe heard a loud noise.解析:该题考查关于when(译作此时)的固定句式:sb. was doing sth. .when./sb.was in sp.when./sb.was about to do sth.when./sb. was on the point of doing sth.when./sb.had just done sth. .when.2.在表示如下表示时间的词汇前情况下多用了

3、介词:如this/last/next/every +时间词汇。例1 The show will start form June 15 in next month and last three weeks.解析:该题中next month前面的介词in属于多余。是固定用法。例2 It was my grandfathers birthday on last Friday.解析:该题中last Friday前面的介词on属于多余。是固定用法。3.have done与had done 的混淆。记住:have done 称为现在完成时,属于现在时态家族,其上下文应该是现在时态;had done称为过去

4、完成时,属于过去时态家族,其上下文应该是过去时态。例1 Whats more , wed better review what we had learned in the school.解析:该题中wed better 属于建议句型,是一般现在时,把had learned改为have learned.4.It is +形容词adj.+for sb. to do sth.与 It is +形容词adj.+of sb. to do sth.的混淆。例1 It is necessary of us to do some homework.解析:该题句型中的形容词为中性词汇,后接for sb.例2 I

5、t is generous for my uncle to give away so much money.解析:该题句型中的形容词为修饰人品/性格的词汇,后接of sb.5.比较级结构中as +形容词/副词原级+as 或 not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as 的词性混乱或级别混乱。例1 You have to realise that food is not always ashealthas what is said in the advertisements.解析:该题中health部分作 is 的表语,故用healthy.例2 You have to realise that

6、food is not always ashealthieras what is said in the advertisements.解析:该题中health部分作 is 的表语又放在as.as之间,故用原级healthy.6.词义反向性词汇之间的混淆,如here/there, this/that, these/thosebefore/after,if(如果)/unless(如果不),because/so等。例1 Im now in the United States. I have made some friendsthereand they are very kind.解析:该题前面说到

7、我现在人在美国,所以是我在这儿交了几个好朋友,正确说法是here。所以把there改成here。例2 I believe the vacation must be fascinatingbeforeI finish the exam.解析:我相信这次考试之后的假期一定会非常棒,所以把before改成after。结论:对于before/after等的时间状语从句引导词的选定,技巧在于从后往前翻译。例3 He promised to offer them moreunlessmore people bought his shoes.解析:把unless改为if.例4 Two books of mi

8、ne matched the list,becauseI was able to give them away.解析:把because改为so.7.表示情绪的使动词的特例scare(使.害怕)。一般表示情绪的使动词如surprise,thrill.astonish,inspire,delight.的两种形容词形式都是-ing,译作“令人.的”,以及-ed,译作“感到.的”。然而,scare的两个形容词分别为scary和scared.例1 Six-year-old Ismail was born without arms and used to bescaryof going into wate

9、r.解析:scary译作“令人恐惧的”,本题应把scary改为scared.8.动词主动语态与被动语态之间的混乱使用。例1 One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and hewas foundthat he was not.解析:本句中是面包师发现他没有获得足量的黄油,而非被发现。因此,把被动态的was found改为主动态的found.例2 By June the students usuallyhave been foundtheir jobs and then they

10、 begin preparing to enter the world of work.解析:把been 去掉。9.忽略名词所有格。例1 In the beginning, I wasnt used to talking to strangers. But with myteammates encouragement, I was able to communicate smoothly with them.解析:本句中划线部分应该是我的队友的鼓励,故而改为teammates encouragement.10.动词短语后接宾语从句时,介词忘记省略。例1 Motherworried aboutt

11、hat her daughter might lose her way.解析:worry about sth./sb.是正确的,但是接从句就把about省略。例2 She was notsure aboutwhether she could afford the cost.解析:去掉about.11. There be.与It is.两种句型中There与It之间的混淆。例1It is no doubt thatfuture belongs to the diligent people.解析:应该是There is no doubt that.例2There has been a year s

12、inceI graduated from high shool.解析:应该是It has been a year since.结论:关于There is./It is.句型梳理。There is no point (in)doing sth.做.无意义There is no sense (in)doing sth.做.不明智There is no need to do.做.没有必要There is a possibility that.有可能.There is no hurry to do sth.不着急做.It is no wonder that.难怪.It is no use/good d

13、oing sth.做.没有用/没有好处It is fun doing sth.做.有趣It is possible that.有可能.It is nonsense that.是胡扯/谬论It is no surprise/not surprising/comes as no surprise that.并不令人奇怪12.动词加/减介词的意义不同。1) answera question 回答answer foryout behaviour 对.承担责任2)approvea bill 批准 approve ofa plan 赞成3)askTom 问/请ask formoney 索要4)attend

14、a meeting 参加attendschool/church 上/参加attend tohis work 专心于 attend toa patient 照顾/护理5)benefit sb. 对.有益 benefit fromsports 得益于.6)buildfriendship/a house 建立/建设 build upconfidence/my body/hope增强自信/体质/希望7)consista team 组成/构成 consist of4 doctors and 3 nurses 由.组成/构成8)contributemoney 贡献/捐赠contribute toour f

15、ailure/health 导致/有助于9)decidethe outcome 决定了结果decide ona date/item 选定10)do harm toour health 对.有害 be harmful toour health 对.有害 harmour health 对.有害11)feedTom/a pet 喂食 feed onrice 以.为主食12)finda pen 找到 find outthe schedule 搞清楚,弄明白13)a stonehitme击中 a good ideahitme 使(某人)想起 Ihit on/upona good idea 突然想起14)

16、hearTom/an English song 听见,听到 hear ofTom/the news 听说 hear fromsb.收到某人来信/得知某人音信15)holda party 举行 hold outhis hand 伸出 hold upthe roof 支撑(重量)16)joinus/a club 加入(人/组织) join ina basketball match 加入(活动)17)leadsb./the way 带领 lead toan accident 导致18)learnEnglish 学习 learn about/ofher arrival 获悉,得知 learn from

17、sb.向.学习 learn fromthe mistake 从.中吸取教训19)leaveHefei 离开 leave forHefei 离开某地赴.20)livea rich life 过着.生活 live onfishing 以.为生 live inHefei 在(某地)居住21)operatea machine 操作 operate ona patient 给.动手术22)paymoney/200 yuan 付(钱) pay fora meal 为某物/事付钱23)pickan apple 采摘 pick up捡起,顺道购买/染上/偶学/有起色/接收信号24)reachHefei 到达

18、reach tothe foot of the hill 延伸到 reach forhis gun 伸手去拿25)reada story 阅读 read about/ofsb./sth. 阅读关于26)returnmoney 归还(某物) return toHefei回到(某地)27)searcha box 搜(某处) search fora gun 搜寻(某目标物)28)show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb. 给某人看 show up 出席,出现,出场29)speakEnglish 说 speak toMary 与(某人)说话 speak about/ofthe matter/sb.谈及,提到30)seesb./sth. 看见 see tosth. 打理/注意某事31)sufferloss/pain 遭遇(结果) suffer fromearthquake/cancer遭受(源头)32)take携带,拿,服(药),(吸)热 take over接管33)visitNanjing 参观/拜访 pay a visit toNanjing 参观/拜访34)watcha film 观看 watch overthe house 看护,监督

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