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学年高中英语 Module 4 Great Scientists模块综合测评 外研版必修4.docx

1、学年高中英语 Module 4 Great Scientists模块综合测评 外研版必修4模块综合测评(时间:100分钟,满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ADo you suppose Darwin,one of the greatest scientists of all times,really did fools experiments? Or did he do experiments that were so simple and basic that other people just thought they were foolish?Someti

2、mes,people think they already know the answer to a question or the solution to a problem.Sometimes,they really do know an answer or a solution,but without thinking they are important.Charles Darwin didnt settle for(满足于)just thinking he knew something.And,he believed all things could be important how

3、ever simple they seemed to be.Suppose you drop sheets of paper that are of exactly the same size and shape.If you drop them at the same time in the same place,they will fall in the same way.Now make one of the sheets of paper into a tight little ball and let it drop along with the other sheets.What

4、happens? You have done an experiment that is so simple that you might think it couldnt be worth anything.But this simple experiment is important.It explains part of our present day understandings of physics,ideas that were worked out long ago by Galileo and Newton.And these understandings set_aside

5、some of ancient Greek physics.Scientists sometime stop to look at very simple things and to think very hard about them.Even the simplest idea,which we might think is foolish,can shake the foundations of science.【语篇解读】有些问题的答案人们已经知晓,但人们没有想过这个问题是多么重要。伟大的科学家Charles Darwin常通过做实验来弄懂事情的来龙去脉。1The passage te

6、lls us that Charles Darwin_.Awas a great English scientistBalways liked doing the experiments that others thought difficultCthought even the simplest thing was importantDdidnt get well with others【解析】短文并没有说Charles Darwin是哪个国家的科学家,可排除A;由文章可知别人认为Darwin的许多实验不值得做,可把B排除;文中没有论述Darwin与别人相处的事情,可排除D。由第三段第二句中

7、“he believed all things could be important however simple they seemed to be”可推出答案C。【答案】C2The underlined phrase “set aside” most probably means“_”Athrow away Bstore upCput to use Drealize【解析】由上文可知作者认为做这个简单实验是重要的,它解释了目前人们对于物理方面的理解。因此这些理解当然是推翻了一些希腊古典物理学的观点。由此可推知set aside与throw away同义。【答案】A3The author o

8、f the passage tries to_.Aconvince us that Charles Darwin,Galileo and Newton are the greatest scientists in the worldBdraw the conclusion that basic sciences are simple thingsCprove that two sheets of paper,with the same size and shape,will fall at the same speedDdraw our attention to everyday happen

9、ings around us【解析】短文的最后一段点明最简单的事情都可能动摇科学的根基,意在告诉读者要留意身边的每一件事,哪怕它非常简单。【答案】DBThe Nobel Prize was founded by Alfred Nobel.Since 1901,it has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics,chemistry,medicine,literature,and for work in peace.Alfred Nobel

10、was born in Stockholm,Sweden,on October 21,1833.He was very interested in social and peacerelated issues.After inventing dynamite (炸药),Swedishborn Alfred Nobel became a very rich man.However,he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late.Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor o

11、f dynamite,so in 1895,just two weeks before his death,he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind.Originally there were five awards: literature,physics,chemistry,medicine,and peace.Economics was added in 1968,just sixtyseven years after

12、 the first award ceremony.Nobels original legacy (遗产)of nine million dollars was invested,and the interest on this sum is used for the awards,which vary from D|S30,000 to D|S125,000.Every year on December 10,the anniversary of Nobels death,the awards (gold medal,illuminated diploma,and money)are pre

13、sented to the winners.Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges decision.Americans have won numerous science awards,but relatively few literature (文学)prizes.No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War .Some people have won two prizes,but this is rare;other

14、s have shared prizes.【语篇解读】诺贝尔奖创立于1901年,它是根据瑞典著名化学家、甘油炸药的发明人阿尔弗雷德贝恩哈德诺贝尔的遗嘱以其部分遗产作为基金创立的。本文介绍了诺贝尔奖的创立、发展及其奖项设立的一些情况。4When did the first award ceremony take place?A1895. B1901.C1962. D1968.【解析】从第二段最后一句“Economics was added in 1968,just sixtyseven years after the first award ceremony.”可计算出,第一次颁发诺贝尔奖是在1

15、901年。【答案】B5Why was the Nobel Prize established?ATo recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity.BTo resolve political differences.CTo honor the inventor of dynamite.DTo spend money.【解析】从第二段倒数第三句“.he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to ma

16、nkind.”可知设奖的初衷。【答案】A6In which area have Americans received the most awards?ALiterature. BPeace.CEconomics. DScience.【解析】从第四段最后一句“Americans have won numerous science awards,but relatively few literature(文学)prizes.”可知,美国在科学领域获诺贝尔奖最多。【答案】D7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?AAwards vary in

17、 monetary value.BCeremonies are held one December 10 to commemorate Nobels invention.CPolitics can play an important role in selecting the winners.DA few individuals have won two awards.【解析】从第二段可知,颁发诺贝尔奖是为了奖励人类做出的贡献的人,不是为了纪念诺贝尔本人的发明。【答案】BC 【导学号:98180053】When I saw a big handmade signboard“Welcome Yu

18、 Xin”at the airport,I knew I had found a caring family at the other side of the worldthe United States.My host mom had already decorated(装饰)my room for me.There was a doll on one side of the room,and a bookcase full of books on the otherthey had heard I loved reading.Mom had also prepared a keyboard

19、 for me,since she knew that I played the piano.My life in the family did not go so well at first.Because I am the only child in my family in China,I was not used to having two younger kidsZachary and Gracerunning around me yelling(大喊大叫)all the time.Mom had a serious talk with me about this problem o

20、n a Sunday afternoon.She told me,“You cant just come home from school everyday,go to your room and do your homework.You need to be a part of this family.You need to play with my kids for at least an hour.”This rule was very annoying at first.I did not have much experience playing with children.Howev

21、er,the more time I spent with the kids,the more I grew to love them.We played games and read books together.I even taught them Chinese.Thanks to moms rule,I began to feel like I was really part of the family.Mom also inspired me to live a healthier life.She got up early every morning to go running.O

22、n weekends,she took the whole family to visit parks or go camping.I did not like sports much when I was back home,but now I love to join all kinds of sports.I am healthier and more confident too.With my American family,I found joy and laughter.I learned to live with energy and optimism(乐观),thanks to

23、 the care and responsibility of my loving American parents.【语篇解读】本文介绍了作者在美国寄宿家庭的生活,由于他们的关心和照顾,作者的思想也发生了变化。8The passage is mainly about_.Athe cultural differences Yu Xin experienced in AmericaBhow Yu Xin learned to get along with younger kids in AmericaChow much Yu Xins caring host family in America

24、changed herDvarious difficulties Yu Xin met in America【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了作者在美国寄宿家庭的生活,由于他们的关心和照顾,作者的思想也发生了变化。【答案】C9From Paragraph 2,we can see that_.Athe host mom tried hard to make Yu Xin feel at homeBthe host mom was good at decorating roomsCYu Xin was fond of American dollsDYu Xin kept busy with a l

25、ot of hobbies【解析】根据文章第二段可知寄宿家庭的母亲为作者装饰了房间,准备了装满书的书柜,还为作者准备了键盘乐器,可推断A为正确选项。【答案】A10What led Yu Xin to feel like she was really part of the family?AYu Xins talks with her host parents.BHaving to join in sports with the family.CThe host moms rule about playing with the kids.DEnjoying weekends with the h

26、ost family.【解析】根据文章第四段“You need to be a part of this family.You need to play with my kids for at least an hour.”可知C为正确选项。【答案】C11Which of the following words can best describe the host mom?ACaring and responsible.BStrict and patient.CRude and demanding.DSelfish but healthy.【解析】根据文章最后一句话可知A为正确选项。【答案】A

27、DScientists at Royal Holloway,University of London and Queen Mary,University of London have discovered that bees learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers even if they discover the flowers in a different order.Bees are effectively solving the “traveling salesman problem”,and they are

28、the first creatures found to do this.The traveling salesman must find the shortest route that allows him to visit all locations on his route.Computers solve it by comparing the length of all possible routes and choosing the shortest,and it can keep computers busy for days.However,bees solve it witho

29、ut computer assistance using a brain the size of grass seed.Dr.Nigel Raine,from the School of Biological Sciences at Royal Holloway explains,“Bees solve traveling salesman problems every day.They visit flowers at multiple locations and because bees use lots of energy to fly,they find a route which k

30、eeps flying to a minimum.” The team used the computer to control artificial flowers to test whether bees would follow a route defined by the order in which they discovered the flowers or if they would find the shortest route.After exploring the location of the flowers,bees quickly learned to fly the

31、 shortest route.As well as improving our understanding of how bees move around the landscape pollinating (授粉)crops and wild flowers,this research,which is due to be published in The American Naturalist,has other applications.Our lifestyle relies on networks such as traffic on the roads,information f

32、low on the Web and business supply chains.By understanding how bees can solve their problems with such a tiny brain,we can improve our management of these everyday networks without needing lots of computer time.Dr.Raine adds,“Despite their tiny brains,bees are capable of extraordinary feats of behavior.We need to understand how they can

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