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1、新东方SAT填空讲义资料2009年SAT填空讲义SAT sentence completion1、概要 课程安排 课程分为4部分 考试基本要求 解题方法原则 题目分类讲解 备考注意事项 1-1考试基本要求 Having a broad vocabulary always comes in handy, especially when youre doing parts of the SAT such as the sentence completion questions. Having the ability to understanding the logic of complex sen

2、tences is also helpful in this section of the SAT. In addition, several approaches can help you work through even the toughest questions. 简化为 Having a broad vocabulary always comes in handy, . Having the ability to understanding the logic of complex sentences is also helpful . In addition, several a

3、pproaches can help . 简化为 vocabulary logic approach Type of Questions vocabulary-in-context logic-based Type of Questions vocabulary-in-context How the words are used in the context of the sentence The definitions of the words involved logic-based The meaning of the words How the words are used in co

4、ntext Understand the logic of a rather complicated sentence Type of Questions vocabulary-in-context How the words are used in the context of the sentence The definitions of the words involved logic-based The meaning of the words How the words are used in context Understand the logic of a rather comp

5、licated sentence 考试基本要求 官方要求: 词汇 逻辑 速度 考试能力是:有效得分能力 1-2 SAT填空的特点 什么是SAT填空? 它和我们以往的填空有什么不同? 中华人民共和国首都是:_ 围城的作者是:_ 1.Brachiopods, clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most - forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been - from fossil records. (A) plentiful .subtract

6、ed (B) ornate .retrieved (C) multifarious .catalogued (D) scarce .extracted (E) anachronistic .extrapolated (OG P524. 4) SAT 填空和其它填空比较其它填空SAT 填空考试目的知 识逻 辑备考方式记 忆分 析题 干信息限制信息重复 SAT填空特点 一个有空格的完整句 完整:逻辑完整、句意完整 填空实质 已知信息未知信息 为什么采取这种形式 ? general test公平原则 学术公平 背景公平 填空逻辑重复方式分类 同义重复(A = B) 反义重复 (A B) 同义重复 标

7、志类别标志词汇因果because, so, for, thus, therefore ,目的手段结果 in order to, for, to do,解释“:”,“;”,“-”, such as,指代such, this, that, which, these, those,并列/递进and, or, not only.but also, even 特殊动词continue, remain, require, represent, 反义重复 标志 类别标志词汇转折关系although, though, but, despite 对比关系a) 直接对比 rather than, instead

8、of .b) 特殊对比 paradox, irony, surprise, shockc) 变化 turn into, change 时间对比 recent, previous, later, earlier *1 两类key words KW1 逻辑关系词汇 because, in that, for, and, not only but also, but, KW2 核心评价词汇 mixture, heterogeneity, *2 简化处理几类词汇 学科专业术语 人名、地名、书名 取首字母,知道为何物即可 Some scientists speculate that a small pt

9、erosaur of the Jurassic period known as Sordes pilosus had - wings that were thin, pliable, and somewhat transparent. (A) callous (B) arable (C) inflexible (D) membranous (E) viscous (OG P401. 3)1-3 SAT填空解题的一般步骤 1 抓主干(句子宏观结构) 2 找重复 (空格逻辑层面的对应) 3 推断空格 (逻辑操作:取同取反) 4 确认选项 (排除干扰项) 5 句子理解 (检查) Notes:抓主干不

10、等于划句子成分 A judicious biography must be - representation that depicts both the strengths and the weaknesses of the subject, avoiding the two extremes of - and indictment. A a polarized vindication B an imaginative discernment C a holistic censure D a complimentary animosity E an equitable eulogy2、分类题目

11、讲解2-1因果 标志词(key words 1) 因为:because, in that, sothat, result from, since, drive from, given, due to, for the reason that, spring from, for Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter would have had - consequences for them. (A) preventive (B) regressive (C) cat

12、astrophic (D) unforeseen (E) moderate Johnsons writing is considered - and - because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions. (A) deceiving .ingenuous (B) arcane .abstruse (C) spare .didactic (D) lucid .definitive (E) concise .esoteric 模糊 abstruse ambiguous arcane daze dense di

13、m dusky enigmatic equivocal esoteric impenetrable inscrutable murky mysterious nubilous obfuscate obscure opacity opaque puzzling sibylline slur tenebrous turbid unfathomable unintelligible vague 清晰 clarity enunciate explicit limpid lucent lucid luculent luminous manifest patent pellucid straitghfor

14、wardly transparent transpicuous unburid unequivocal well-defined Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this - with her private -. (A) selfishness .inattention (B) insolence .virtue (C) magnanimity .pettiness (D) opportunism .ambi

15、tion (E) solicitousness .generosity His peers respected him because he was both - and -:steadfast in his beliefs and tactful in his negotiations. (A) resourceful .courteous (B) tenacious .manipulative (C) determined .demonstrative (D) resolute .diplomatic (E) outspoken .indiscriminate犹豫 vs 果断 果断 vol

16、ition tenacity resolve settle decide tenacious steadfast stubborn persisting obstinate 犹豫 vacillation dither hesitate falter stagger waver capricious shift vacillate Cathedrals usually take decades , even centuries, to complete; thus no one expected the National Cathedral to be built with -. (A) dis

17、patch (B) presumption (C) durability (D) deliberation (E) reverence Although Eduora Welty and William Faulkner wrote in distinctively different styles, - between the two is - because they both lived in and wrote about Mississippi. (A) comparison .inevitable (B) cooperation .destructive (C) discord .

18、legendary (D) similarity .unlikely (E) rivalry .redundantly Rodolfo Gonzales was once describes as - in body and mind because of the flexibility and grace apparent in both his boxing and his writing of poetry and plays. (A) unyielding (B) tremulous (C) emphatic (D) lithe (E) fickle 因为爱 所以爱 因为喜欢 所以喜欢

19、2-2目的、手段和结果 目的:行为预期效果 结果:行为现实影响 听力2个月考试 目标结果听写 1528分以上25分泛听 1528分18分睡眠听力 1528分10分 To reflect the - of that nations spoken languages, its writers often make us of a mixture of dialects. (A) articulation (B) intonation (C) spontaneity (D) profundity (E) heterogeneity heterogeneity The quality or state

20、 of being heterogeneous. heterogeneous: consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents : MIXED Merriam - Webster To avoid being -, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs. A erratic B informal C elaborate D predictable E idiosyncratic By portraying

21、a wide spectrum of characters in his one-man show, John Leguizamo provides a - to the theaters tendency to offer a limited range of roles to Latino actors. (A) corrective (B) tribute (C) corollary (D) stimulus (E) precursor In order to - the loss of natural wetlands used by migrating snow geese, con

22、servationists in the 1960s and 1970s - wetland refuges in the northern prairies. (A) standardize .ignored (B) offset .surrendered (C) explain .dismantled (D) compensate for .established (E) account for .administered Conservationists 7kEnsE5veiFEnist n.(天然资源的)保护管理论者3 人物及相关 人与其观点(言论)、作品、动作、心理、职业、爱好 op

23、inion / work / action / mind / profession / love人物与相关举例 医生:治疗 教师:教书 官员:4 特征主体及其行为特殊修饰语或者本身有特殊倾向 conservationist cynic detractor adversary 5AdvEsErin.反对者, 对手, 仇敌 advocate 5AdvEkitn.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹 artisan B:tI5zAn; (?) B:rtIznn.工匠, 技工 ascetic E5setikn.禁欲者, 苦行修道者adj.修道的, 苦行的 charlatan 5FB:lEtEnn.骗子;

24、 假内行;庸医 hedonist n.快乐主义者, 享乐主义者 orator 5CrEtEn.演说者, 演讲者, 雄辩家, 律原告, 请愿人 pariah 5pArIEn.贱民(印度的最下阶级),流浪者,无赖汉 raconteur rAkCn5tE:n.健谈者, 善谈者 skeptic 5skeptikn.怀疑论者, 无神论者, 怀疑宗教的人 virtuoso vE:tju5EuzEu, -sEun.艺术品鉴赏家 partisan pB:tI5zAnn. 强硬支持者,党羽 recluse ri5klu:sadj.隐遁的, 寂寞的n.隐遁者, 寂寞者 hermit 5hE:mitn.隐士, 隐居

25、者 总结: 手段实现目标 方法决定结果 几滴汗水,几分收成 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才2-3并列 递进并列 A=B递进 AB Castillos poetry has generated only enthusiastic response: praise from the general public and - from the major critics. (A) condemnation (B) sarcasm (C) plaudits (D) irony (E) pathos The residents of the town lived - lives; no one indu

26、lged in wild or - behavior. (A) rambunctious .indecent (B) extravagant .excessive (C) secluded .scrupulous (D) circumscribed .impulsive (E) irreverent .animated The editorial claimed that the gubernatorial candidate lacked worldly wisdom and that this - would likely be his undoing. (A) naivete (B) f

27、urtiveness (C) venality (D) indecisiveness (E) sarcasm A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not a license for -, nor do they - prejudice or bias. (A) experimentation .eliminate (B) arrogance .pursue (C) hu

28、mility .advocate (D) smugness .legitimate (E) rigidity .console Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such - strategies that only the most - player can mater them. (A) byzantine .adroit (B) nefarious .conscientious (C) devious .lackadaisical (D) onerous .slipshod (E) predictable .compulsive The existence of environmental contamination is no long

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