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1、国际贸易实务第一章1.What is International Trade? (p.1) International trade refers to the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across the national boundaries.2.What are visible trade (有形贸易)and invisible trade(无形贸易)? Visible trade / tangible goods trade refer to trade of goods. Invisible trade /

2、intangible goods refer to trade of services .For example: investment, transportation, insurance, financing, tourism, labor service, education service, etc. 3.What is difference between international trade and world trade? International trade equals to world trade. (没有不同)4.What is Foreign Trade? Fore

3、ign trade is the trading of goods and services destined for a foreign country. 5.What are Differences between International Trade and Foreign Trade? 1) Different Position and Perspective 2) Differences in Statistics Foreign Trade: Total Value of Export (FOB) Total Value of Import (CIF) Total Value o

4、f Import & Export International Trade: Total Value of International Trade6.What is Counter-Trade? (p.10) Counter-Trade is the trade method in which the seller (exporter) is required to accept the purchase of goods or services in equivalent or nearly equivalent value from the buyer (the importer).对销贸

5、易不同于单方面的进口或出口,实质上是将进口和出口结合起来的贸易方式。体现了互惠的特点。7.What Included in the Forms of International Trade? Dealing(经销)、Agency(代理)、Consignment(寄售)、Auction(拍卖)、Trade Fair(商品交易会)、Invitation to Tender & Submission of Tender (招标与投标)、Counter-Trade(对销贸易)、Futures(期货贸易)8.What Included in the Barriers to International T

6、rade? Natural Barrier(自然壁垒)、Tariff Barrier(关税壁垒)、Non-Tariff Barrier(非关税壁垒)9.What is The Theory of Absolute Advantage? P.4 Absolute Advantage theory says that if a country has an absolute advantage in producing a commodity(with lower cost of production or exclusive in production),another country has

7、an absolute in producing another commodity.10.What is the Theory of Comparative Advantage? P.5 Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities , there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade11.Exercise True or False on p.25第二章1.Preparation for Export Mar

8、ket Research, Export Promotion, Credit Standing Investigation;2.Preparation for Import1)Familiarizing the import policies, and select the market of purchase, or the country of supplier;2)Investigating possible suppliers and lock the preferred one;3)Working out an imported goods operating program to

9、guide and fulfill the future business. 3.What is Business Negotiation? International business negotiation is an important part of conducting a foreign trade. It is the dealings between supplier and customers in order to reach agreement on the price,quantity,quality,payment and other terms and condit

10、ions of a sale. 4.What are Five Links of Business Negotiation? P.33 Enquiry (Inquiry)(询盘) Offer(发盘) Offer with Engagement (Firm Offer)实盘 Offer without Engagement (Non-Firm Offer)虚盘 Counter-Offer(还盘) Acceptance(接受) Conclusion of a Contract(缔结合同)5) What is Contract? P.37 A contract is an agreement tha

11、t creates an obligation, that is a binding, legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties.6) What Parts Included in a Sales Contract? Preamble(约首)、Body(正文)、Witness Clause(约尾)7)Exercise True or False on p.51第三章1.What is the Name of Commodity? P.53 Name of commodity refers to a t

12、itle or concept of a certain commodity that makes this commodity differ from another one.商品的品名是指使某种商品区别于其他商品的一种称呼或概念。2.What is the Quality of Commodity? P.54Quality of commodity is the combination of inherent quality and outside form or shape of the commodity.商品的品质是指商品的内在质量和外观形态的综合。3.Methods of Expr

13、essing the Quality of Commodity p.55 Sale by Description (凭文字说明买卖) 1)Sales by Specification (凭规格买卖) 2)Sale by Grade (凭等级买卖) 3)Sale by Standard (凭标准买卖) 4)Sale by Brand Name or Trade Mark (凭品牌或商标买卖) 5)Sale by Name of Origin or Geographical Indication(凭产地名称或地理标志买卖) 6)Sale by Description and Illustratio

14、n(凭说明书和图样买卖) Sale by Actual Quality (看货买卖) Sale by Samples (凭样品买卖) 1)Sale by the Sellers Sample (凭卖方样品买卖)2)Sale by the Buyers Sample (凭买方样品买卖) 3) Sale by Counter Sample(凭对等样品买卖) Fair average quality (F.A.Q.) 良好平均品质 Good merchantable quality (G.M.Q.) 上好可销品质4.What are Stipulations of Quality Clauses?

15、P.59 The Clause of Quality Tolerance 品质公差条款 The Clause of Quality Latitude 品质机动幅度条款5.Examples of Quality Clauses p.60 C708 Chinese Grey Duck Down with 90% down content, 1% more or less allowed 货号C708 中国灰鸭绒 含绒量90%, 允许1%浮动。6.Exercise True or False on p.67第四章1.What is the quantity of commodity? P.69 Th

16、e quantity of commodity refers to the weight, number, length, volume, area, capacity, etc. which are indicated by different measuring units.2.Measuring Units p.70-71Metric ton (2,204 Ibs); 公吨Long ton (2,240 Ibs); 英国吨Short ton (2,000 Ibs) 美国吨3.How to calculate the weight of goods? P.71net weight = gr

17、oss weight tare weight4.What is “Gross for Net”? 以毛作净 P.72 如果合同未声明商品按毛重或净重计算,一般是按净重计算。但是,某些货物的包装不便按净重计算(tobacco flake, news reels),或者其包装材料的价值几乎与货物自身的价值相等(grain, fodder),于是常按毛重计算,在国际贸易中称作“Gross for Net 以毛作净”。5.More or Less Clause 溢短装条款 p.73It means over-load and under-load are permitted but should no

18、t surpass a certain percentage of the stipulated quantity. 允许多装或少装,但以不超过合同规定数量的百分之几为限。6.Examples of Quality Clauses p.74(例子有删减) 1) China Rice, 1,000 M/T, 5% more or less at sellers option. 中国大米,1000公吨,卖方可溢装或短装5%。 2) Chinese northeast soybean: 6,000M/T gross for net, 3%more or less at sellers option.

19、 中国东北大豆:6, 000公吨,以毛作净,卖方可溢装或短装3%。 3) The seller is allowed to deliver 5% more or less, the price will be calculated as per the unit price stipulated in the sales contract. 允许卖方在装货时溢装或短装5%,价格按照本合同所列的单价计算。 7.Exercise Multiple Choices on p.78True or False on p.79第五章1.What is the Packing of Commodity? P

20、ackaging is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. 2.Types of Packing p.821)Nude Cargo, Bulk Cargo/Cargo in Bulk and Packed Cargo2)Transport Packing3)Sales Packing4)Neutral Packing 5)Factors Influencing Choice of Packing3.Transp

21、ort Packing and Sales Packing p.83-85 Transport packing is also called big packing, shipping packing or outer/outside packing. Sales packing is the inner packing, directly contacts with the commodities, mainly used for the purpose of promoting sales. TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit, 标准箱 4.Shipping M

22、arks 唛头 p.88 The purpose of shipping mark is to identify cargo and help in moving smoothly and safely without delay or confusion to its final destination and to enable the checking of cargo against documents. 运输标志俗称唛头或“唛”,是一种识别标志或标准标志。通常由一个简单的几何图形和一些字母、数字及简单的文字组成。它的主要作用是容易辨认货物,方便运输,易于点数、查箱,使单货相符,防止错

23、发错运等。5.Exercise Multiple Choices on p.96True or False on p.97 第六章1.What is Price Terms? What is Incoterms? Price Terms, also called Trade Terms, is a short phrase to specify the price structure and the division of risks, expenses, and responsibilities. Incoterms is short for International Rules for

24、the Interpretation of Trade Terms, and most frequently used in international sales transactions. 2.Basic Components of Price (4 parts) p.100 Type of currency, price per unit or total price, measurement unit, price terms3.“Shipment Contract” 装运合同and “Symbolic Delivery”象征性的交货“Arrival Contract”到达合同 and

25、 “Physical Delivery”实际交货 p.1004.FOB(船上交货(指定装运港)), CFR(成本加运费(指定目的港), CIF(成本、保险费加运费(指定目的港) 三者关系:CIF = CFR + I (保险费) = FOB + F(运费) + IFCA(货交承运人(指定交货地点), CPT(运费付至(指定目的地), CIP(运费、保险费付至(指定目的地))5. How to Choose Price Terms? When export, we had better to choose CIF. When import, we had better to choose FOB.

26、 6. Examples of Price Terms p.1171) USD200 per dozen CFRC3% New York 每打200美元,CFR 纽约,佣金3%2) CAD15 per case CIPC2% Montreal 每箱15加元,CIP 蒙特利尔,佣金2%3) 600 per set FOB Shanghai less 3% discount 每套600欧元,FOB上海,折扣不超过3%4) USD20 per M/T for discount 每公吨折扣20美元5) The purchase price shall be USD300 per unit FAS Ve

27、ssel, Qingdao. The price is changed alongside the vessel designated by the buyer in Qingdao, the port of shipment. 购买价每单位300美元,FAS 青岛港船边交货,价格变动由买方在装运港青岛的船边决定。7. Exercise Multiple Choices on p.132 True or False on p.132-1338.Incoterms2010 中文一览(一) 适用于任何单一或多种运输方式的术语EXW 工厂交货 FCA 货交承运人CPT 运费付至 CIP 运费、保险费

28、付至DAT 运输终点交货 DAP 目的地交货DDP 交税后交货(二)适用于海上和内陆水上运输的术语FAS 船边交货 FOB 船上交货CFR 成本加运费 CIF 成本、保险费加运费第七章1.The Instruments of Payment Bill of Exchange (abbr. B/E or Draft) 汇票 Promissory Note本票 Check (or Cheque) 支票2.How many basic parties in B/E payment? P.136 更正书上错误 the drawer 出票人(i.e. the person who makes, sign

29、s and gives it) the drawee 付款人(the person on whom a draft is drawn) the payer 付款人(usually the drawee and the payer are the same person) the Payee 受款人(the person to whom the money is to be paid)3.The Modes of payment Remittance (M/T, T/T, D/D), (汇付) Collection (D/P, D/A) (托收) Letter of Credit (L/C) (

30、信用证)4.Whats Difference between the Instruments of Payment and the Modes of Payment? 5.Remittance & Collection belongs to Commercial Credit Letter of Credit belongs to Bankers Credit6.Remittance 称为顺汇(Favorable Exchange) Collection and Letter of Credit 称为逆汇(Adverse Exchange) 买方直接付款称为顺汇(Favorable Excha

31、nge), 其他的则称为逆汇(Adverse Exchange)7.如果信用证的开证申请人破产倒闭,开证行是否要付款?为什么? 要付款。因为开证行开出信用证的时候实际上就是担保付款。如果申请人破产不能付款,开证行仍然有义务付款给议付行,开证行对开证人有追索权。8.什么叫“单证一致,单单一致”? 单证一致,单单一致是指,出口方所提供的所有单据要符合进口方开证银行所开信用证的要求,且出口方的所有单据之间要一致并且相符。出口方所提供的单据主要是指:提单、产地证、汇票、发票、保险单、商检证书、检疫证明等。9.How to chose the modes of payment? When we as exporter: L/C T/T (Down payment T/T + Pay the balance after your goods Arrived T/T 预付定金电汇加货到付余款电汇 ) 10. Examples of payment clauses p.153 1) The Buyers shall pay the total value to the Sellers in advance by T/T not later than 买方应当不迟于用电汇预付全部货款给卖方。2) Upon first presenta

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