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疯狂英语文章 中英文对照.docx

1、疯狂英语文章 中英文对照 Jack Bauer虽然是个超级英雄,但是他的信仰跟我们中的大多数没什么两样,他关注的是人性,他拥有的是博爱。前总统Palmer始终相信Jack,即使其他人都担心万一Jack被他国政府逮捕后会泄露国家机密而决定“牺牲”Jack;Palmer和Jack两人之间的交流似乎只有电话,他们的交谈也从不寒暄。他们互相之间的理解是一切的基础,令人回味无穷。 (On the phone)Jack: This is Bauer.Mr. Palmer: Jack, are you still at CTU Jack: Yes, sir. Tony Almeidas just about

2、 to debrief me.Mr. Palmer: Listen to me very carefully. Do not turn yourself in. The man they sent to take you into custody has orders to kill you.Jack: Orders from whoMr. Palmer: Someone in Logans camp. They think the Chinese will break you.Jack: Logan authorize thisMr. Palmer: Not directly, but he

3、 wont do anything to stop it. Now, listen to me. Get out of there now.Jack: Thank you, sir.(Tony and Dale are commanded to arrest Jack who is on the run.)Tony: You killed him.Dale: He was shooting at us.Tony: He was aiming wide. He was laying down cover fire. If he wanted to hit us, hed have hit us.

4、Chloe: Oh, my god, Jack.Tony: You killed him, you son of a bitch! You killed him!Bill: Get him out of here! Take him to the situation room.(Others leave)Chloe: Oh, God, Jack.Tony: Give me the epinephrine.Chloe: I hope its not too late. He really looks dead.Michelle: That was the idea, Chloe. Chloe:

5、How fast is it supposed to take effectTony: Come on, Jack! Damn!Chloe: Tony. Tony: Come on, Jack! Damn it! (Tony is doing external chest compressions on Jack.) Can you hear me You know where you areJack: Yeah.Tony: All right, Chloe, I need you to run interference with the local coroner until we can

6、switch bodies. Make sure their database synchs up with Jacks information.Chloe: That wont cover the autopsy.Tony: Theres not going to be an autopsy. They wanted Jack dead. Now hes dead.(Slipping away from CTU)Tony: All right, were clear.Michelle: Are you sure youre OK, Jack Jack: Yeah, Im fine. Tony

7、, you can drop me off anywhere up there.Tony: All right. Weve secured your new identity. It should help you get across the border.Jack: OK. Did you get me a clean phoneMichelle: Yeah. It has a scramble filter. You can talk up to one minute undetected.Mr. Palmer: Palmer. Jack: Mr. President, its Jack

8、 Bauer.Mr. Palmer: You threaded the eye of the needle.Jack: I had some help, sir. I wanted to thank you for advising me of this situation. Mr. President, you saved my life.Mr. Palmer: Im only sorry it came to this.Jack: Me, too, sir. I just wanted to let you know that I was out.Mr. Palmer: Im glad.

9、This is probably the last time well ever speak. Jack, you do understand, when you hang up, for all intents and purposes, Jack Bauers dead.Jack: I understand that, sir. Mr. President, its been an honor.Mr. Palmer: Same for me, my friend.(电话通话中)杰克:我是鲍尔。帕默先生:杰克,你还在反恐局吗 杰克:是的,先生。托尼阿尔梅达正准备来询问我。帕默先生:仔细听我说

10、,不要跟那些人走,那个来逮捕你的人接到了杀死你的命令。杰克:是谁的命令帕默先生:洛根(新总统)阵营的一个人。他们认为中国那边会逼你招供。杰克:洛根同意了 帕默先生:没有直接下令,但他也没阻止。现在听我说,赶快离开那里。杰克:谢谢你,先生。(托尼和戴尔受命逮捕逃跑的杰克。)托尼:你杀了他.。戴尔:他朝我们开枪了。 托尼:他并没有对准我们,他只是趴下在给自己做掩护。如果他想杀我们,早就杀了。克洛伊:噢,天啊!杰克! 托尼:你杀了他!你这个混蛋!你杀了他!比尔:把他从这里带走!把他带到情报室去。 (其他人离开后)克洛伊:天啊!杰克!托尼:给我肾上腺素。克洛伊:我希望还不算太迟。他看起来真像死了一样。

11、米歇尔:这就是我们的计划,克洛伊。克洛伊:该多长时间才能生效托尼:醒醒!杰克!见鬼!克洛伊:托尼托尼:醒醒!杰克!见鬼!(托尼在为杰克做胸外心脏按压。)能听见我说话吗你知道自己在哪儿吗杰克:是的。 托尼:好的。克洛伊,我需要你在我们把尸体调换之前,拖住这里的验尸官。确保他们所获得的数据与杰克的特征信息一致。克洛伊:但逃不过剖尸检验的。托尼:不会进行验尸的。他们想让杰克死,现在他死了。(逃离反恐局)托尼:好了,我们安全了。米歇尔:你确定自己没事吗杰克杰克:是的,我没事。托尼,你可以在前面任意地方把我放下了。托尼:好的。我们帮你弄到了新的身份,可以帮你通过边境。 杰克:好的。有给我准备一个安全的手

12、机吗米歇尔:有。装了干扰器,一分钟之内的谈话都不会被追踪到。 帕默先生:我是帕默。杰克:总统先生,我是杰克鲍尔。帕默先生:你真是死里逃生啊。杰克:我得到了别人的帮助,先生。我要谢谢您及时通知我。总统先生,您救了我的命。帕默先生:很抱歉事情发展到这一步。杰克:我也是,先生。我只是想告诉您我已经逃出来了。帕默先生:我很高兴。这恐怕是我们最后一次谈话了杰克,你是否明白当你挂断这个电话以后,实际上杰克鲍尔已经死了。 杰克:先生,我明白。总统先生,这是我的荣幸。帕默先生:也是我的荣幸,我的朋友。Around the World on 1)Shoestring “穷”游世界By Rolf Potts 左边

13、 译 Whenever anyone asks me why I still travel on a shoestring at the 2)ripe old age of 38, I usually tell them about the time I learned how to play the 3)bagpipes in 4)Havana. My encounter with Cuban bagpipers wasnt memorable for its mere quirkinessit was memorable because it illustrates how travell

14、ing on the cheap can offer you windows into a culture that go beyond the 5)caricatured stereotype of what a place is supposed to be like. 每当有人问我为什么在38岁这样的成熟年龄还是喜欢背包俭游,我总会告诉他们我在哈瓦那学吹风笛的时光。我和古巴风笛手相遇的经历之所以如此难忘,不只是因为过程的离奇古怪,而是因为它能让我们看到“穷”游是如何打开一扇扇窗,让你真实了解一个地方的文化,而非歪曲死板地看待,人云亦云。 The travel caricature of

15、Havana, of course, is an elegantly aged vision of cigars and classic cars, 6)son and 7)salsa, and 8)caf con leche. To 9)actualise this vision, many 10)upscale tourists head for the $120-a-night 11)Hotel Nacional, which features $8 12)mojitos and a lovely terrace looking out over the 13)Malecn and 14

16、)the Straits of Florida. Unfortunately, most Cubans dont have access to the Hotel Nacional, andas is the case with luxury hotels in many parts of the worldit tends to create a travel experience based more on the idea of how the city should be than how the city is. 一说到哈瓦那旅行,大家脑海里自然浮现出一幅优雅而古老的画面:雪茄、老爷

17、车、古巴颂乐和萨尔萨舞曲以及古巴奶咖啡等。为了亲身体验这想象中的情景,许多高消费层次的游客住进了每晚120美元的古巴国宾馆,其特色为8美元一杯的莫吉托鸡尾酒和一个令人赏心悦目的大露台,从那里可以俯瞰哈瓦那滨海大道和弗罗里达海峡。不幸的是,大多数古巴人是进不了古巴国宾馆的,而且像世界上许多地方的豪华酒店一样,其为游客创造的旅游体验更多的是基于对城市设想的样子,并不是城市真实的样子。 I spent my nights in Cuba just up the street from the Hotel Nacional, 15)shelling out just $15 a night to sl

18、eep at a 16)casa particulare homestay in Havanas leafy Vedado district. I couldnt see the Malecn from my bedroom, nor could I order room-service rum cocktails, but I did get to take part in the day-to-day home routine of my Cuban hosts. In the mornings I would have coffee with them and practise my S

19、panish; in the evenings wed watch the state-run TV station, trying to spot bits of real news through the haze of official propaganda. My host family cheerfully introduced me to various friends and neighbours, and within a few days my little social network had offered me access to underground poetry

20、readings, 17)pickup baseball games, andon one fateful afternoona bagpipe performance at the 18)Asturian Federation in central Havana.我在古巴的住宿处离古巴国宾馆不远,在哈瓦那市中心郁郁葱葱的瓦达度区的一家家庭旅馆,每晚只需15美元。从我的卧室看不见滨海大道,也没有客房服务可以叫人把朗姆鸡尾酒送到房间,但我却实实在在地走进了我那古巴房东的日常家庭生活。上午我会和他们一起喝咖啡,趁机操练我的西班牙语;晚上我们会一起观看国营电视台的节目,试图从官方宣传的迷雾中找出一丁

21、点真正的新闻来。房东一家人热情地把我介绍给各种各样的朋友和邻居,不过几天功夫,我那小小的社交网络就给了我机会去参加地下诗歌朗诵会,还有大家即兴举行的棒球比赛。有一天下午,像命中注定似的,我去了哈瓦那市中心的阿斯图里亚斯人联合会,并在那里欣赏了风笛表演。Childhood Summer Memories童年初夏的回忆Someone from the group stated that Mrs. Kay was very ill, probably even dying. I 4)commented that she had no family to check on her nor anyone

22、 to even let her know that someone did care about her. Furthermore, I commented, that it is nice to know that someone still cares no matter how sick you are. I informed the group that we would only stay for a few minutes but first we had to get ready. “Ready for what” They all seemed to 5)squawk at

23、me. I informed the girls that we could not just simply go over as we were; we needed to get dressed up! They all stared at me! I continued to tell them my plan and they finally agreed that it would be fun. All four of us marched over to my grandmas house and I asked grandma if we could borrow four d

24、resses and some 6)accessories so that we could visit a sick friend. Grandma asked no questions and supplied us with some real 7)gems. I even got a hat with a feather in it! We were ready and 8)paraded down to the end of the street to where Mrs. Kay lived. Some of the girls repeatedly stated that we

25、were making a mistake, that Mrs. Kay would not be happy about us just coming over unannounced. I informed them that the element of surprise was good for the soul, and the gesture we were making would mean more. We approached Mrs. Kays door and I knocked confidently. It was a few minutes until the do

26、or opened a 9)peek. Mrs. Kay wanted to know who was there of course and I informed her that she was being honored by the four little old ladies who wanted to wish her a happy day. Mrs. Kay opened the door the entire way to get a good look at us. At first she just stared, but I saw the 10)twinkle in

27、her eyes and I smiled brightly for her. Mrs. Kay then began to laugh. As she hung on the door for support I noticed that her pale color was beginning to pink up. Behind me I could hear the other girls sigh in relief. Each of us said something nice to her and wished her a happy day. Then I stated tha

28、t our few minutes was 11)overdue and that we must let her rest. Mrs. Kay thanked us for coming, that it was truly a surprise and that our visit was the best medicine that she has had in a long time. She commented on our lovely 12)attire and told me that my grandma had good taste. The door closed and

29、 the girls were smiling. 其中一个女孩说,凯伊太太得了重病,甚至可能快要死了。而我则认为,她既没有家人前往探望,甚至没有什么人可以让她知道确实有人在关心她。而且我还说,无论病得多重,只要知道有人仍然关心你,你就会觉得开心。我告诉小伙伴们,我们只会在那里待上几分钟,不过我们要先做好准备。“准备什么”他们似乎都对我抱怨连连。我告诉女孩们,我们不能就现在这个模样过去,要好好打扮一番!她们全都瞅着我看!我继续给她们讲解我的计划,最后大伙都同意那应该会很好玩。于是我们四个人向我祖母家出发。我问祖母能否借四套衣服和一些配饰给我们,好让我们穿上去看望生病的朋友。祖母二话没说就借了一些

30、真正的珠宝给我们。我甚至拿到了一顶饰有羽毛的帽子! 一切准备就绪,我们一行人浩浩荡荡地向街道的尽头行进,凯伊太太就住在那里。有几个女孩喋喋不休地说我们这样做很不妥当,我们这样不请自来,凯伊太太不会高兴的。我对她们说,偶尔来点惊喜有益身心,而我们的行动重于一切。我们来到凯伊太太家门前,我满怀信心地敲了敲门。过了好几分钟,大门才打开了一条小缝。当然了,凯伊太太想知道门外的是谁,于是我告诉她,有四位小老太太想要对她表示敬意,并祝愿她过得愉快。凯伊太太把门完全打开,好将我们看个仔细。一开始她只是注视着我们,但我看到了她眼里的光芒,于是给了她一个大大的微笑。接着凯伊太太开始放声大笑起来。当她笑弯了腰靠在

31、门上支撑身体时,我发现她苍白的皮肤泛起了丝丝红晕。我能听到身后其他几个女孩如释重负地松了口气。我们每个人都向她说了一些祝福的话,并祝她过得开心。然后我宣布我们的短时探望已经超时,必须让她好好休息。凯伊太太感谢我们的到来,说这是个很大的惊喜,我们的拜访是这么长一段时间以来她得到的最佳药方。她夸奖了我们动人的装扮,还说我祖母很有品位。大门关上了,所有的女孩都笑了起来。Cyprus: Following in the Footsteps of Aphrodite 在塞浦路斯追寻爱神的足迹By Sarah Shuckburgh This is the Cyprus that the local peo

32、ple know and lovesmall, family-run hotels with home-cooked food, forest trails, empty beaches, spectacular sunsets, and cool, quiet nights with pitch-black skies. From Larnaca airport, we whizzed westwards on a dual carriageway, to the quiet village of Lysos, on the edge of the Pafos Forest. Andreas Demetriou discovered

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